07 Oct
SME Chamber

Online Consultation Meeting – EU Funding 2022-2027 – What’s in it for businesses?

The Chamber of SMEs would like to invite you to an online consultation meeting on this important topic.

The government is currently closing on its plans of how the next set of funds that will take us beyond the coming 5 years will be allocated. Government officials will explain the plans currently in place in full.

How can you benefit from this meeting?

  • Ensure that EU funds allocated for Businesses are sufficient, adequate and reflect the actual needs of businesses.
  • Understand and be able to prepare for the funding opportunities that will become available for the private sector
  • Highlight your funding needs for projects you are foreseeing or general support

It is important to take full-advantage of this window of opportunity that we have.

Registration is required to be sent the meeting link.

This meeting is only open for SME Chamber paid-up members, those not currently members will still be allowed to join the meeting once their membership position is updated.

Click here to register: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZMkceGsqjojGNWSOmMSxGNQy3yf02mO1DN-