Taxation: Countdown to simpler and fairer VAT system

The six month
countdown has begun to a major change in the EU VAT system, which will ease
life for many businesses and ensure fairer revenue distribution between Member
States. From 1 January 2015, VAT on all telecommunications, broadcasting and
electronic services will be due where the customer is based, rather than where
the supplier is located.

This changeover will ensure a more level playing field
for businesses, and fairer taxation rights amongst Member States. In parallel,
a mini One Stop Shop will be launched, greatly reducing costs and
administrative burdens for businesses concerned. With the mini One Stop Shop,
businesses supplying e-services to customers in more than one EU country will
be able to declare and pay all their VAT in their own Member State. This is
consistent with the Commission's goal of reducing tax obstacles and burdens for
cross-border companies in the Single Market. The Commission has invested
greatly over the past few years to ensure that national tax authorities and
businesses are well-prepared and equipped to ensure a smooth transition to the
new system next year. This work continues, along with an intensive information
campaign, to ensure that both Member States and companies can reap the full
benefits of these important changes.



‘Music in Malta’ – July’s theme for the DOI Photo Competition

The sixth theme
for the monthly DOI photo competition is "Music in Malta".  Participants
are encouraged to submit photos which portray the wide spectrum of music in
Malta.  Photographs of the village banda performing in light festooned streets,
world famous opera singers entertaining the crowds and small bands practising
in their underground garage can
all be submitted for a chance to win €1000.

aged 14 and over are invited to participate by uploading photos on Facebook or Twitter or Instagram using the hashtags
#malta, #doicompetition and #maltesemusic. Photos submitted through Facebook
need to be posted on the Department of Information (Malta) Facebook page.
 All submitted photos will be judged by a professional panel and one
winner will receive a €1000 prize.

Photos are to
be uploaded between 1 and 31 July, both days included.

During the
month of June, the Department of Information received around 300 entries
through the various social media channels.

information can be found on

Health and safety at work: EU objectives for 2014-2020

The Commission
has published a new Strategic Framework on Health and Safety at Work 2014-2020,
which identifies key challenges and strategic objectives for health and safety
at work, with related actions and instruments to address them.

The three major
challenges identified include improving the implementation of existing health
and safety rules (in particular enhancing the capacity of micro + small
enterprises), improving the prevention of work-related diseases by tacking new
and emerging risks, and taking into account the ageing of the EU's workforce.
Health, safety and well-being at the workplace are core issues in the programme
of sectoral social dialogue for commerce. EuroCommerce and UNI Europa commerce will
continue their cooperation in this issue and prepare a new project to be
implemented with the financial support from the Commission with special focus
on ergonomics, psychosocial risks and stress at work.

Market conditions for consumers continue to improve

There is an
improved performance across all consumer markets finds the 10th Consumer
Markets Scoreboard published. This improvement is particularly marked for goods
markets, while services continue to be the main sources of dissatisfaction.

should be the master not the servant of the market," said Commissioner for Consumer Policy
Neven Mimica, "The
Consumer Markets Scoreboard we published shows that, overall, market conditions
are getting better for consumers. However much more needs to be done, especially
on services and energy. I am working hard with my colleagues in the Commission
to address these issues, be it through the Payment Accounts Directive, the
Connected Continent package or through facilitating the switching of


The 2014
Consumer Markets Scoreboard:

The Consumer
Markets Scoreboard tracks the performance of 52 consumer markets from second
hand cars to holiday accommodation. The markets are ranked by consumers, in an
EU-wide survey In addition to survey data, the Scoreboard analyses price
dispersion across EU countries, complaints collected by national complaint
handling bodies and available safety data, based on 4 components: comparability
of offers, trust in businesses, problems & complaints and satisfaction with
businesses. The key findings are:

performance is improving: The overall assessment of market performance The
Market Performance Index (MPI) has a scale from 0 to 100, across all markets
and all countries improved slightly between 2012 and 2013. This continues the
trend observed since 2010 although there are differences from market to market
and from country to country.

Goods markets
are working considerably better than services markets, although the gap has
been slowly narrowing. Compared with 2012, some of the worst performing
markets, such as vehicle fuels and train services, have improved the most.

services remain the most problematic sector, with the markets for investment
products and mortgages at the bottom of the ranking and well below the average
for the service sector. Ensuring that financial services are working to the
benefit of consumers in the current economic climate is an essential component
of EU consumer policy.

Telecom markets
score below average with scores well below the average for trust, choice of
providers and overall consumer satisfaction, and have the highest incidence of
problems and complaints of all market clusters. On the plus side the scores for
comparability and ease of switching are above average and the switching rates
are the highest for all the market clusters. In September 2013, the Commission
adopted the 'Connected Continent' package aimed at eliminating roaming charges by 2016 and
improving consumers' choice of telecom providers.

utilities, in particular electricity and gas, are also rated as below average
by consumers. Despite recent improvements, utilities markets continue to score
poorly in comparability of offers, choice of providers, ease of switching and
actual switching. The Commission is working with key stakeholders to increase
the transparency of energy offers and bills, ensure customers' access to their
consumption data and facilitate switching.

Poor results
for markets for second-hand cars and vehicle fuels continue to be marked with
both well below average. An EU in-depth study into the market for vehicle fuels
has just been finalised.


Next Steps

Based on the findings of this
Scoreboard, the Commission services will launch two in-depth market studies: a
market study on retail electricity and a behavioural study to enhance the
reading and understanding, by consumers, of terms and conditions. The study on
retail electricity will draw comparisons with the findings of an earlier study (2010) into the market and examine the impact of the implementation of
the Third Energy Package legislation. The second study will investigate
(through behavioural testing) various conditions that could increase consumers'
willingness to read, and their capacity to understand, contracts' terms and

Horizon 2020 & Enterprise Europe Network for SMEs

Information Session & Networking Event Malta
Enterprise and The Malta Council for Science & Technology would like to
invite business and enterprise representatives to a "Horizon 2020 &
Enterprise Europe Network for SMEs" Information Session & Networking Event

This is
an opportunity for you to know more about EU funds for Research and Innovation
and become more familiar with the support structures available for your
business, as well as to network with other entities and exchange ideas.

10th July, 2014

            18:00 –
20:30 hrs

          The Waterfront Hotel,


Registration and welcome coffee

Horizon 2020 for SMEs: "Where are the funding opportunities?"

Enterprise Europe Network and international cooperation

Networking Drinks

End of Event


note that participation is free of charge but registration is a must. In this
context, kindly register by sending an email to:

Unleashing Europe’s potential through mobilising up to €25 billion of finance for SMEs

European Commission Vice President Antonio Tajani has
announced that SMEs in Europe will soon have the opportunity to access up to
€25 billion of additional finance supported by the COSME programme (the EU
Programme for the Competitiveness of Enterprises and Small and Medium-sized
Enterprises). The programme will allow financial institutions throughout Europe
to provide enhanced access to finance to up to 330 000 SMEs.

European Commission Vice
President Antonio Tajani, Commissioner for Industry and Entrepreneurship, said:
"It is evident that public support continues to
play a crucial role in enhancing access to finance for SMEs. Indeed, the
existing EU support measures have facilitated SME survival, development and
success across the EU. Even more importantly, the new EU financing initiatives
for SMEs will continue in the future. We expect that the new COSME financial
instruments will be finalised before the summer break. This agreement is an
excellent example of how the EU can support small companies to finance their
investments in order to grow and create jobs."


For the full
article please visit:

Renewable Energy Section meeting

GRTU this week organized an ad hoc  section meeting for
its members in the Renewable Energy Sector due a number of problems the section
was going through. The meeting was addressed by GRTU President Paul Abela, RES
Section President Noel Gauci and GRTU CEO Abigail Psaila Mamo.

Once again the issue of slow down when no Government
schemes are open was raised. Due to poor planning of when the schemes are
opened this sector experiences sudden increase and decrease in work. When
schemes stop no sales are made till another scheme opens which from a consumer
point of view is very reasonable but they have a large number of employees,
needed for the sudden surge in business created by the scheme, which would be
idle for months on end. The sector is currently in this situation. They know
that by August all the installations would have been completed and there is no
scheme on the horizon. GRTU has made the Government aware of this and is
currently in discussions to ensure that the panning of the schemes takes this
issue into consideration.

Another issue in relation to the Malta Industrial
Parks Expression of Interest was also discussed. The EOI has a number of
important elements that remain unclear and GRTU is seeking to clarify these in
order to give the local operators an opportunity to participate in this EOI.

Il-Kunsill Lokali tas-Siggiewi jgedded ftehim ma’ Green MT

Minn nhar
it-Tnejn li ġej jerġa' jibda l-ġbir tal-ħġieġ bieb bieb fis-Siġġiewi – Il-Kunsill
Lokali tas-Siġġiewi għadu kemm ġedded ftehim mal-iskema Green MT biex
jitkomplew is-servizzi ta' ġbir ta' skart riċiklabbli mir-residenzi
fis-Siġġiewi filwaqt li jerġa' jibda jsir il-ġbir tal-ħġieġ bieb bieb

Dan il-ftehim ġie ffirmat aktar kmieni din il-ġimgħa mis-Sindku
tas-Siggiewi, Dr Karol Aquilina u mis-Sur Paul Abela, Chairman ta' Green MT.

ta' dan il-ftehim ir-residenti tas-Siġġiewi ser ikomplu jgawdu minn servizz ta'
ġbir ta' skart riċiklabbli darbtejn fil-ġimgħa (kull nhar ta' Tlieta u nhar ta'
Ġimgħa) kif ukoll ġiet introdotta mill-ġdid ġabra ta' ħgieg kull l-ewwel Tnejn
ta' kull xahar. L-ewwel ġabra ser issir nhar it-Tnejn li ġej 7 ta' Lulju 2014
mit-8.00am 'il quddiem.

waqt l-iffirmar tal-ftehim il-ġdid, is-Sindku tas-Siġġiewi Dr Karol Aquilina,
qal li dan il-ftehim għandu jwassal biex is-Siġġiewi jkompli joffri kwalità ta'
ħajja aktar lir-residenti tiegħu. Huwa rringrazzja lir-residenti kollha
tas-Siġġiewi tal-kooperazzjoni tagħhom u ħeġġiġhom jagħmlu użu mis-servizzi li
joffri l-Kunsill Lokali għall-ġbir ta' skart riċiklabbli. Huwa rringrazzja
lill-iskema Green MT tas-sehem tagħha u enfasizza li l-iskema dejjem ħadmet id
f'id mal-Kunsill Lokali fl-interess tal-lokalità tas-Siġġiewi u tar-residenti

Paul Abela, Chairman ta' Green MT irringrazzja lill-Kunsill Lokali tas-Siġġiewi
tal-fiduċja fl-iskema Green MT u għall-ħidma kontinwa favur ambjent aktar
b'saħħtu fil-lokalità. Is-Sur Abela spjega li l-għan tal-Kamra Maltija
tan-Negoziji Żgħar u Medji (GRTU), hu li tkompli turi impenn biex tara li
l-membri tagħha, in-negozji żgħar u medji, jkunu minn ta'quddiem biex jilħqu
l-obbligi tagħhom. Fl-istess waqt il-GRTU temmen li kulħadd għandu jkun parti
mill-istess obbligu biex b'hekk l-ispiża tkun ugwali u sostennibli fit-tul.

jinġabar 5,330 kilo fil-ġimgħa ta' skart riċiklabbli mis-Siġġiewi. Bis-saħħa
ta' dan il-ftehim il-mira ser tkun dik li jinġabar kważi 7,000 kilo ta' skart
riċiklabbli fil-ġimgħa mis-Siġġiewi.

Green MT ser tkun qegħda tagħmel ukoll kampanja edukattiva u tgħin lill-Kunsill
Lokali tas-Siġġiewi biex isir studju ħolistiku dwar l-immaniġġjar tal-iskart
fis-Siġġiewi. L-iskema Green MT ser tipprovdi ukoll rigali spontanji fost dawk
ir-residenti tas-Siġġiewi li jkunu qegħdin joħorġu l-borża l-griża taghhom biex
tinġabar nhar ta' Tlieta u nhar ta' Ġimgħa u anke fejn jidħol il-ġbir ta' ħġieġ
kull l-ewwel Tnejn ta' kull xahar. Dan kollu qed iseħħ biex jintlaħqu l-miri
stabbiliti fil-pjan nazzjonali għall-immaniġġjar tal-iskart. Fl-okkażjoni
tal-iffirmar ta' dan il-ftehim il-ġdid il-Kunsill Lokali tas-Siġġiewi ppubblika
fuljett b'informazzjoni dwar is-servizzi li joffri għall-ġbir tal-iskart
fis-Siġġiewi. Kopja tal-fuljett tista' titniżżel permezz ta' din il-link:

Preżenti għall-iffirmar tal-ftehim il-ġdid kien hemm ukoll is-Segretarju
Eżekuttiv tal-Kunsill Liokali tas-Siġġiewi, is-Sur Nikol Baldacchino u l-Kap
Eżekuttiv tal-iskema Green MT, is-Sur Joe Attard. Green MT hi skema awtorizzata
mill-Awtorità ta' Malta dwar l-Ambjent u l-Ippjanar biex tiġbor u tirkupra
skart tal-ippakkeġġjar. L-iskema tista' tiġi kkuntatjata waqt il-ħinijiet
tal-uffiċċju fuq in-numru 2149 6965.

Less food waste – better Environment – more money in your pocket

22% cent of the food purchased weekly ends up in the solid waste
stream. – GRTU, Green MT
Ltd and other interested parties, including supermarkets, hotels and restaurants,
local councils, waste disposal companies, the government and the Church's
environment commission is a working group nominated by Environment Minister,
Hon Leo Brincat with the aim to present 
recommendations to reduce food waste.

During a
launch held earlier on this week, Hon Leo Brincat, expressed his satisfaction
over the fact that the working group consists of representatives coming from
various sectors and that every person forming part of the group has accepted to
work together with the aim of reducing food waste.

transpires that the biggest source of food waste is households, and the best
solution for  waste to be reduced is that
people will have to plan their purchases according to their meals so that they
use only the portions required. It was also suggested that products will be
checked prior to their expiry date so that they will not be thrown away.

Committee will be Chaired by Ms  Lisa
Cassar Shaw, and it is expected to issue 
a report within two months.