SME Chamber and HSBC Malta Foundation organises a webinar on sustainable practices with particular focus on the transport and maritime sectors

The Malta Chamber of SMEs and HSBC Malta Foundation organised the 2nd out of a series of 6 webinars entitled Sustainability for Small Businesses.

Today’s webinar focused on the transport and maritime sectors and was delivered by Dr Roberta Lepre from WEAVE CONSULTING with the participation of Ms Jeannette Axisa, Director General at the Transport Foundation. The session was moderated by Mr Glenn Bugeja.
This webinar highlighted the opportunities for SMEs in the transport and maritime sectors pertaining to sustainability with a particular focus on climate change.
This was the second session out of a series of 6 which we will be organising throughout 2022.

Should you wish to join our next session please contact us on .


SME Chamber officials meets new Parliamentary Secretary for Social Dialogue

Malta Chamber of SMEs CEO Ms Abigail Agius Mamo and Head of EU Affairs and Communications Mr Fabian Demicoli met Parliamentary Secretary for Social Dialogue within the Office of the Prime Minister Dr Andy Ellul for an introductory meeting.

During this introductory meeting Ms Agius Mamo mentioned the importance of Social Dialogue and highlighted the key issues for SMEs. Amongst the topics discussed was the role of MCESD, the changing dynamic of the workplace and the impact of EU Directives.

Ministry for Tourism presents the Digital Tourism Roadmap 2030

 Malta Chamber of SMEs Deputy President Mr Philip Fenech and SME Chamber Head of Policy Mr Andrew Aquilina participated in a meeting organised by the Ministry for Tourism Turiżmu during which they were presented the  Digital Tourism Roadmap 2030.
The proposed areas of focus are:
  • Assisting the Tourism industry to invest in the digital product
  • Use of technology to enable further skilling, reskilling, and upskilling of the Human Resource
  • Enhancing the Digital experience towards personalise itineraries
  • Cross collaboration with stakeholders
  • Developing Research and Innovation in the sector

SME Chamber officials meets new Parliamentary Secretary for EU Funds

Malta Chamber of SMEs officials led by SME Chamber President Mr Paul Abela earlier today met Parliamentary Secretary for EU Fund Dr Chris Bonett.

Mr Abela was accompanied by SME Chamber CEO Ms Abigail Agius Mamo, Head of Policy Mr Andrew Aquilina and Head of EU Affairs and Communications Mr Fabian Demicoli.

During this introductory meeting, the SME Chamber flagged the necessity of EU Funds for SMEs and the importance to simplify access to EU funds.

European Cyber resilience act – Share your views!

The European Commission has initiated an online consultation to assess the state of cyber security in digital products and ancillary services available across the EU, in preparation for a proposal for a Cyber Resilience Act.
The proposal aims introduce common cybersecurity rules for manufacturers and vendors of tangible and intangible digital products and ancillary services.
Through the online public consultation, the Commission is seeking to gather the views and experience from a variety of stakeholders with respect to cyber security and resilience.
For more information on the consultation please go directly to the online consultation.
We encourage you to provide your feedback based on your experience working in Malta’s Tech sector.

SME Chamber participates in a webinar on the Impact of Digitalisation on Modalities of Connecting & Disconnecting

 Malta Chamber of SMEs Vice-President Mr Marcel Mizzi earlier today participated in a business webinar organised by the Malta Business Bureau on the Impact of #Digitalisation on Modalities of Connecting & Disconnecting.
The speakers discussed issues related to surveillance at the workplace.
Mr Mizzi stated that “achievement of a business’s objectives should not depend or require an out of working hours connection”.

Malta Chamber of SMEs congratulates Dr Robert Abela on being elected Prime Minister of Malta


Following last Saturday’s election and today’s swearing-in of Dr Robert Abela as Prime Minister of Malta, the Malta Chamber of SMEs extends its congratulations and looks forward to continue working closely for this coming legislature.

Throughout the past 2 years Prime Minister Robert Abela always had an open channel of communication with the SME Chamber. The SME Chamber and Prime Minister have been working side by side during some of the hardest times our country has ever experienced for the benefit of the economy at large. We now look forward to continue building on this positive experience during the next five years.

The Malta Chamber of SMEs also congratulates all candidates on being elected as Members of Parliament.

Tunisian Ambassador to Malta and SME Chamber discuss potential opportunities

Tunisian Ambassador to Malta H.E. Yassine El Oued accompanies by his First Secretary Mr Mohamed Wael Khammassi visited the SME Chamber office in Floriana and met President Mr Paul Abela and Council Member Mr Mario DeBono.

Both sides discussed the success following the recent online business forum organised between the Malta Chamber of SMEs and the Tunisian Chamber with the collaboration of the Tunisian Embassy in Malta.

Mr Paul Abela mentioned that further collaborations will be organised between the Tunisian Embassy in Malta and the Malta Chamber of SMEs with the ultimate aim being that of creating business for both countries.

SME Chamber holds an information session on New Schemes for Electric Vehicles with Transport Malta officials

The Malta Chamber of SMEs earlier this week organised online information session on the new schemes for the purchase of Electric Vehicles announced last week by Transport Malta.

The information session was aimed for businesses intending to purchase new vehicles in the years to come. The new schemes caters for different requirements and subsidise cost for the purchase of EVs. This time round the grants available also cover investment costs for standard M1 vehicles up to the purchase of large passenger vehicles (coaches).

The amount in grant also ranges from Eur 13,000 per M1 vehicles (up to 10 vehicles) up to Eur 250,000 for large passenger vehicles.

Following feedback submitted by the SME Chamber, grants available for the purchase of large fleets, fall under the General Block Exemption Regulation, meaning that businesses who already exhausted their allocated amounts under the de-minimis regulation (Euro 200K). In this case grants cover the investment cost of the vehicle (the difference in price between an ICE vehicle and an Electric Vehicle) rather than a specified lump sump.

The session was delivered by 2 of Transport Malta top officials, Mr Gilbert Agius, Deputy Chief Officer at Transport Malta and Ing. Ronald Attard Pullicino, Manager, Transport Services at Transport Malta.

Members present were able to direct questions to Transport Malta. A detailed report, together with the session recording will also be sent to members for their perusal.

Members may watch the recorded webinar by requesting the link by email to