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Beyond the Norm: Unlocking the Power of Neurodiversity in Your SME

In today’s rapidly evolving business landscape, innovation and adaptability are key to survival. One often-overlooked strategy for achieving this is embracing neurodiversity — the natural variation in human brains and thinking styles. Beyond being a matter of social responsibility, harnessing neurodiversity can be a game-changer for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).

The Neurodiversity Advantage

Neurodiversity encompasses a wide range of conditions, including ADHD, autism, dyslexia, and others. While these conditions are often viewed through a deficit lens, they also bring unique strengths to the workplace. Individuals with ADHD, for example, may possess exceptional creativity and hyperfocus, while those with autism often have remarkable attention to detail and pattern recognition skills.

By welcoming neurodivergent individuals into their teams, SMEs gain access to a wider range of perspectives, problem-solving approaches, and innovative ideas. This diversity of thought can lead to breakthroughs that might not be possible in a more homogeneous environment. Think of it as a symphony orchestra: each instrument plays a different role, but together, they create a harmonious and powerful sound.

 Fostering an Inclusive Workplace

Embracing neurodiversity isn’t just about hiring neurodivergent individuals; it’s about creating a workplace culture where everyone feels valued and supported. This might involve making simple adjustments like providing quiet workspaces, offering flexible work arrangements, or using clear and concise communication.

Moreover, educating employees about neurodiversity can help break down stereotypes and create a more inclusive environment. When everyone understands the value that different neurotypes bring to the table, collaboration and innovation flourish.

 The Business Case for Neurodiversity

Beyond the ethical and social benefits, embracing neurodiversity makes good business sense. Research has shown that companies with neurodivergent teams tend to be more innovative, adaptable, and profitable. They also tend to have lower turnover rates, as employees who feel valued and included are more likely to stay with the company long-term.

Furthermore, as the concept of neurodiversity gains more recognition, consumers are increasingly drawn to brands that demonstrate a commitment to inclusivity. By embracing neurodiversity, SMEs can enhance their brand reputation and attract a wider range of customers.

 Taking the First Step

Embarking on the journey toward neurodiversity might seem daunting, but it doesn’t have to be. Start by educating yourself and your team about neurodiversity. Review your recruitment and onboarding processes to ensure they are inclusive of neurodivergent individuals. Consider partnering with organisations that specialise in neurodiversity hiring and training.

Remember, embracing neurodiversity is not just a trend; it’s a long-term investment in the future of your business. By recognising and valuing the unique strengths of all individuals, you can create a more innovative, adaptable, and successful company.

Article by Andrew Zammit Manduca – Neurodiversity Consultant and Inclusion Specialist – misco


*Sponsored article by Misco Malta

Student Survey: Entrepreneurship project

A group of MCAST students are currently conducting research as part of their Entrepreneurship project through which we will be generating a business idea.

You are being invited to take part in this research. This survey is anonymous; therefore, please do not insert your name, e-mail address, or any other personal information that could reveal your identity. We are not requesting any personal data that could identify you. Any information submitted will be used only for the scope of this study and will not be passed on to third parties. The survey instrument will not collect IP addresses.

Click here to participate in this survey


SME Chamber participates during a conference organised by the National Skills Council

During Day 2 of the CareerScape Emerging Careers Business Brunch organised by the National Skills Council, Malta Chamber of SMEs, officer Mr. Marcel Mizzi, chaired the Retail roundtable discussion and also participated in a panel discussion titled ‘Emerging Careers and Twin Transition.

The SME Chamber congratulates the National Skills Council Team for this productive and well organised event.

SME Barometer ® (Q1 2024) Report published – Employee shortage and increase in inflation remain the two most important issues for businesses

The Malta Chamber of SMEs, in collaboration with MISCO, published the latest edition of the SME Barometer® report, offering invaluable insights into the economic pulse, business sentiment, and challenges confronting small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in Malta.

The quarterly report has identified key findings from the Q1 2024 period:

  1. Top Concerns: Employee shortage and inflation persist as the primary concerns for businesses, underscoring the challenges in staffing and managing operational costs.
  2. Government Priorities: Lack of good governance and overpopulation have emerged as paramount issues surpassing inflation, signaling businesses’ urgent call for government intervention in addressing systemic challenges.
  3. Investment Uncertainty: A prevailing sense of uncertainty looms over businesses’ investment plans for the upcoming year, reflecting cautious optimism amidst economic fluctuations.
  4. Common Challenges: Regardless of size, businesses echo concerns over employee shortage, inflation, and unfair competition, indicating widespread challenges cutting across different sectors.

Additionally, with regards to their views when it comes to EU representation on their need, EU level, the SME Barometer reveals:

Representation Concerns: A majority of businesses express dissatisfaction with their representation at the EU level, emphasizing the need for more effective advocacy and engagement.

EU Election Priorities: Rising prices, inflation, and the cost of living emerge as the pivotal topics for discussion in the upcoming European Parliament elections, reflecting shared concerns over economic stability and affordability.

In light of these findings, the barometer offers strategic recommendations to address pressing issues:

Population Management: Urgent strategies to tackle overpopulation and attract foreign talent are recommended to alleviate demographic pressures and bolster workforce diversity.

Financial Relief Measures: Proposals to reduce taxes and Value Added Tax (VAT) aim to inject liquidity into SMEs, facilitating cash flow and enabling sustainable growth.

Procurement Reforms: Advocacy for public procurement reforms seeks to streamline processes, enhance transparency, and create a level playing field for businesses.

Overall, the SME Barometer® Q1 2024 Report presents a comprehensive snapshot of Malta’s SME landscape, outlining areas necessitating governmental and EU-level action to fortify business resilience and foster sustainable growth.

Click here to downlaod presentation

Click here to download the full report

About MISCO:

MISCO, a renowned research and consultancy firm, specializes in providing actionable insights and strategic solutions to empower organizations across various industries.


Employer Bodies Call for an Urgent MCESD Meeting

Serious concerns about Prime Minister statements and their potential repercussions on the country’s stability

The Malta Chamber of SMEs, The Malta Chamber of Commerce, Enterprise and Industry, as well as the The Malta Employers’ Association stated that the current situation regarding the magisterial enquiry on the Vitals Hospitals deal poses a serious risk to economic stability and Malta’s international reputation.

The attacks on the judiciary strike at the heart of Malta’s democratic credentials and challenge basic principles of governance. Malta, having already suffered through being grey-listed, cannot afford further reputational damage. Branding individuals, organizations, and institutions as ‘the establishment’ or enemies of the state does not contribute to the cause of justice.

The perilous nature of the situation is underscored by the potential for destructive alienation and tension within society, posing significant threats to social and economic well-being, and weakening the rule of law. In light of these challenges, there is an urgent need to promote public trust in the justice system and apply all legal remedies to ensure that the innocent are acquitted and the guilty are held accountable.

The employer bodies stress the importance of transparency and accountability in upholding the integrity of our institutions and the rule of law. It is imperative that the findings of the inquiry are not subject to speculative conjectures that undermine trust in judicial institutions. Any criminal proceedings warranted, should happen without any political interference or threats to the judiciary. The judicial process must be allowed to take its course. Any attempts to undermine the integrity of the inquiry only serve to erode public trust in the institutions and compromise Government’s future standing.

In light of these pressing concerns, the employer bodies call for prompt and responsible action to safeguard democracy and stability in Malta. An urgent meeting of the Malta Council for Economic and Social Development (MCESD) is imperative to address these critical issues and provide the required reassurance that the national interest will not be undermined by partisan agendas.

SME Chamber officials meets MEP candidate Steve Ellul

Ahead of the MEP elections in Juner, Malta Chamber of SMEs Deputy President Mr Philip Fenech, CEO Ms Abigail Agius Mamo and council members Mr Noel Gauci and Mr Mario Ciantar  met MEP candidate Steve Ellul and discussed several issues impacting SMEs and how the European Parliament and Malta’s MEP may communicate on issues related to SMEs.

SME Chamber officials meets leader of Opposition Leader Dr Bernard Grech

The Malta Chamber of SMEs welcomed Opposition Leader Dr. Bernard Grech, Members of Parliament Jerome Caruana Cilia and Robert Cutajar and MEP candidate Peter Agius to its offices in Floriana to discuss current issues affecting members of the Malta Chamber of SMEs.

Deputy President Mr. Philip Fenech, CEO Ms. Abigail Agius Mamo and Council Members Mr. Joseph Zerafa and Joan Haber participated on behalf of the SME Chamber.