Meeting between MFHEA and Licensed Education Service Providers

Members believe that the license associated should be further promoted and the value added associated with being a licensed service provider

The Malta Chamber of SMEs together with the committee representing licensed education service providers held an introductory meeting with the Malta Further and Higher Education Authority.

The meeting aimed to raise a number of issues encountered by members. During the meeting both parties acknowledged the difficulties and issues in place especially the lack of resources available to process accreditation applications. Members also acknowledged improvements especially on the fact that the authority seems to be moving towards becoming more open for discussion and consultation especially through the advisory committee and an open working relationship with the SME Chamber.

Members believe that the license associated should be further promoted and the value added associated with being a licensed service provider. This should include tax incentives and other benefits which would add value to the license acquired, which normally involves a number of license and audit fees.

During the meeting it was also noted that both parties should also work together and address issues in the educational institutions e.g. present issues related to TCN VISAs jointly and to ensure that stipends for students taking up a full-time course with a private institution should also be offered and guaranteed.

Members also presented a number of issues related with time-frames, accountability, the proportionality of fines and penalties imposed, the need for a more transparent process with the processing of applications and the need for an adequate client support structure.

Finally, it was agreed that the both the SME Chamber, through its dedicated sub-committee and MFHEA, should continue to keep a close contact in order to ensure that issues encountered are dealt with as early as possible and also to ensure that this important sector continues to grow, while ensuring that quality across the sector is maintained.

Consultation Meeting on next round of EU Funds

During October the Malta Chamber of SMEs held an informative consultation meeting with members on the new round of ERDF funds being proposed for the period 2021 – 2027.
The consultation meeting was held in collaboration with the Parliamentary Secretary for EU Funds Hon. Dr. Stefan Zrinzo Azzopardi, who was also present for this meeting. The meeting was very well attended with over 100 members participating in this online consultation session.
During the meeting Hon. Zrinzo Azzopardi gave a brief explanation on the main thematic objectives being put forward by the Maltese government. The objectives of the funds highlighted mainly revolve around the transition of towards sustainable and greener models. Additionally these funds aim to increase the connectivity of the Maltese Islands with the rest of the EU. Other objectives include the fostering of competitiveness and an innovative and smart economic transformation and a more social and inclusive society. The consultation document includes also a focus on the Cohesion funds and Just Transition Funds.
During the meeting members had the possibility of addressing issues and concerns directly with Hon. Azzopardi. Of the feedback gathered during the meeting, members noted that in instances funds dedicated for each thematic objectives focused on national priorities to be implemented by the government, whereas funds allocated for businesses were not always mentioned. During the meeting members also emphasised on the need of simplifying the application process. This can easily be done through the introduction of a pre-application stage, which can give applicants a clear idea of the feasibility of the project. This would heavily reduce the administrative burden off businesses.
Following this meeting and in addition to the feedback received by other members, the SME Chamber submitted a detailed position paper giving feedback on each thematic objectives. Through this document the SME Chamber amongst others recommended:
  • Dedicated funding for the Implementation of digitisation plans for businesses which includes the optimisation of client experience and Linking the site to stock levels.
  • Funds for Charging Service Providers to cover ancillary infrastructure required such as sub-stations and direct cable requirements, this is to assist members in transitioning towards the electrification to EVs.
  • The allocation of Grants for Businesses to conduct audits on water management solutions and also the inclusion of grants for the implementation of recommended solutions
  • The Creation of a National Last Mile Delivery Hub which would include the support of;  General Infrastructure for the physical logistical hub / drop-off point, Purchase of Electric Vans / Trucks, Human Resources,  Investment in IT infrastructure for those making use of it and Investment in advanced logistics software solutions.
  • Measures directed at public education should also be open for private education providers. The workings of this can be done in consultation with the Chamber of SMEs which represents licensed private education providers.
  • Generate a quality mark and what is necessary to have this function property. This includes designs, testing labs, a regulatory framework and an award system.
  • Allocate grants for supply chain operators to retrofit engines (HDDF systems) of heavy vehicles and for the purchase of 21 energy efficient vehicles and equipment related with road transport.
The detailed position paper can be viewed here.

The Malta Chamber of SMEs will continue monitoring the implementation of the programming period in order to ensure that adequate funding is allocated for businesses across the board.

SMEs embracing Sustainability and Digitalisation 


In a recent survey conducted by members, the Malta Chamber of SMEs sought to understand what the investment priorities of businesses are and how far does sustainability and digitalisation feature in these plans. 

66% of respondents confirm that they look at their business differently since Covid started. Building business resilience and protecting businesses against shocks is now something these businesses are actively considering in their business planning. 23% have however answered that Covid did not change their approach to their business and the remaining respondents are still unsure about this. 

Delving a little bit deeper, the SME Chamber sought to understand how these business have a different outlook. 72% of respondents identified their main interest in reducing running costs through lower use of resources and operating in a more sustainable manner. The second highest selection with 53% was for their business to be more digital.   

Most businesses, 41%, are currently implementing investments, while 24% have no investments planned at the moment. The relevance of sustainability and digitalisation ranks high for business investment priorities. In terms of how capable do businesses feel in implementing such investments, which one may term as sophisticated and non-standard for many businesses, most businesses do feel that they are quite capable. They do however acknowledge that they might need external assistance to help them implement such projects successfully.  

The term ‘sustainability’ is somewhat non-standard because it is applied to different approaches. In terms of understanding this term and appreciating it, most businesses acknowledge that sustainability is good for business and good for the environment at 57%. 45% chose that sustainability leads to cost reduction and greater profits, followed by an understanding that all businesses can operate sustainably with 40%, 27% believe that it is all about research, sound advice and planning. 17% of respondents associate grants and funding opportunities with sustainability.   

The replies show a very positive trend in business which will certainly boost recovery. 

Click here to view full results.

BREXIT – ISSUES with Imports 

The issues mainly relate with the proof of the country of origin and the documentation being requested

The Malta Chamber of SMEs has held a meeting with the Commissioner for Economic, Financial and Trade Relations with the United Kingdom, Dr. Mario Vella and Customs officials over a number of issues being encountered as a result of BREXIT.

The issues mainly relate with the proof of the country of origin and the documentation being requested. Members across the board have reached out to the SME Chamber, on the lengthy bureaucratic process to declare items imported from the UK and the costs involved in the process.

Members also mentioned that, the process involves dealing with a number of different entities that in most instances request different forms and documentation which is not always possible to source from the manufacturer / exporter in the UK. This is leading to a lengthier process which in instances is not possible given the short shelf life with the case of food items, which normally can only be sourced from the UK.

Members have lambasted on the fact that this is leading towards higher costs and in most instances a clear discrimination with goods originating in the EU but imported from the UK, since in failure to prove the country of origin normally leads towards businesses having to pay both VAT and Duty on goods originating from the EU.  Additionally, the process normally involves the engagement of additional customs officials which leads to bigger costs.

The Malta Chamber of SMEs, will continue to engage in discussions with different entities, including customs and the port health directorate in order to ensure that issues encountered, leading to lengthier processes are reduced as much as possible.

Members, encountering issues, are encouraged to get in touch with the Malta Chamber of SMEs via email on or phone on 21232881.

Black Friday 2021

We’ve put together together a guide with Malta’s Black Friday offers

November has become a month for celebration thanks to Black Friday, for businesses and consumers alike.

Black Friday was this year launched with the support of Hon Silvio Schembri, Minister for the Economy and Industry. The Ministry and the Chamber of SMEs came together to highlight the opportunities at local level, where the offers available from all the different sectors, the service, the shopping experience and the convenience of proximity makes shopping local very attractive.

This was the first step of the Chamber of SMEs’ Black Friday campaign to boost shopping local. Once again a guide was put together in order to give consumers the chance to plan ahead and make the most out of this special period of sales.

The guide is accessible here.

The campaign continues with a number of TV appearances and media coverage in relation to the campaign.

“Fostering improved working relations” – A one day conference for businesses on employment

This conference was organised by funds from the EEA Grants and Norway Grants

The Malta Chamber of SMEs organised a conference entitled “The new world of Work and Employment – Fostering improved working relations for micro and Small businesses”.

The conference had close to 100 registrants for this conference and commenced by a brief introduction from the Malta Chamber of SMEs CEO Ms Abigail Agius Mamo.

this was followed by a presentation from Fenech and Fenech Advocates, the oldest law firm in Malta. The presentation was conducted by Dr. Paul Gonzi partner at Fenech & Fenech Advocates specialising in Employment Law, Data Protection and TMT Law, Dr. Rebecca Diacono Senior Associate working within the Tax & Immigration Law Department of Fenech & Fenech Advocates, Dr. Mattea Pullicino, Associate at Fenech & Fenech Advocates working with the firm’s International Practice department & Dr. Thomas Bugeja, Senior Associate within the International Practice department at Fenech & Fenech Advocates.

After a short coffee break, the conference resumed by a panel discussion with the main speakers being Mr. Felix Borg, Head of Division at JobsPlus, Mr. Anton Sevasta, CEO at Identity Malta, Mr. Marcel Cassar, CEO APS Bank PLC, Dr. Paul Gonzi – Partner at Fenech and Fenech and Moderated by Mr. Lawrence Zammit – MISCO Consulting.

SME Chamber organises employment conference for businesses

A conference funded by the EEA Grants and Norway Grants

The Malta Chamber of SMEs organised a conference entitled “The new world of Work and Employment – Fostering improved working relations for micro and Small businesses” aimed at giving participant a legal overview of how employers should position themselves in the light of how the place of work has changed since the start of Covid.

The conference which had an attendance of close to 100 participants, tackled issues related to employee shortages and sourcing of TCNs.

This conference was organised by funds from the EEA Grants and Norway Grants.

Processing of the T2L documents moves to Luqa Airfreight Section

The Customs Department announced that as of Monday, 8 th November 2021, T2L documentation processing will no longer be provided by the Customer Services Unit in Valletta.

Instead, the service will be available from the Manifest Monitoring Office stationed at Luqa Airfreight Section, at the Old Luqa Airport Terminal.

The Customs Department said that this is another trade facilitation measure and is part of the Department’s ongoing efforts to relocate most of its services from less problematic parking locations.

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