SME Chamber President meets MDB Officials

Malta Chamber of SMEs President Mr Paul Abela met MDB Chairman Leo Brincat and CEO Paul V. Azzopardi.

During this meeting Mr Abela reaffirmed the SME Chamber’s commitment to strengthening ties with the Malta Development Bank.

Both sides discussed the current available schemes and ideas on new practical initiatives tailored to members’ needs.

The SME Chamber organises an informative webinar on the new Skills Pass system

This morning the Malta Chamber of SMEs organised a webinar for its members in collaboration with Institute Of Tourism Studies – ITS focusing on the new Skills Pass system.

Members had the opportunity to ask questions and understand the new system and prepare themselves adequately.

Members that did not manage to follow the webinar may get in touch to request the recording by sending an email on .

Paul Abela reconfirmed as Malta Chamber of SMEs President

Following the 75th Annual General Meeting of the SME Chamber which was held on the 28th of March, the SME Chamber council has met today in order to elect the President and its officials. Mr Paul Abela has once again been elected as President of the Malta Chamber of SMEs.

Paul Abela thanked the Council Members for their trust in electing him to serve as President. He also thanked Ms Abigail Mamo as CEO and her team for their dedication to the work of the Chamber. He said, he looks forward to another year at the service of members.

Mr Philip Fenech was confirmed as Deputy President and Mr Marcel Mizzi was confirmed as Officer – Finance and Administration.

The members holding a seat on Council are:

Paul Abela President
Philip Fenech Deputy President
Marcel Mizzi Officer – Finance and Administration
Beppe Muscat Council Member
Claire Shoemake Council Member
Chris Vassallo Council Member
Carmel Zammit Council Member
Dino Fino Council Member
Joan Haber Council Member
Joseph Zerafa Council Member
Mario Ciantar Council Member
Mario DeBono Council Member
Marthese Micallef Council Member
Michael Galea Council Member
Noel Gauci Council Member
Patrick Cutajar Council Member
Robert Micallef Council Member
Sergio Camilleri Council Member

6 Council members elected during the 2024 Council Election

Following the Annual General Meeting of the Mata Chamber of SMEs, elections for 6 seats on the SME Chamber’s Council took place on the 28th of March and 1st of April in Malta & Gozo.

8 candidates participated during this election and 6 candidates which received the highest votes, were elected.

The elected council members for the next 3 years are:

  1. Mr Mario Ciantar
  2. Mr Beppe Muscat
  3. Mr Joseph Zerafa
  4. Mr Carmel Zammit
  5. Mr Noel Gauci
  6. Ms Joan Haber

The Malta Chamber of SMEs congratulates all candidates who participated during these elections and wishes a successful term to the elected council members.

Malta Chamber of SMEs holds its 75th Annual General Meeting

The Malta Chamber of SMEs held its 75th Annual General Meeting.

The AGM was held at Trident Park, Central Business District and all members of the SME Chamber were invited.

During the opening address at the 75th Annual General Meeting, SME Chamber President Mr Paul Abela marked the achievements by the SME Chamber throughout 2023, such as events, lobbying abd high-level meetings.

Following Mr Abela’s address, Mr Marcel Mizzi read and approved the minutes for the 2022 Annual General Meeting.

Malta Chamber of SMEs CEO Ms Abigail Agius Mamo presented the annual report and highlighted the main points.

During the AGM amendments to the SME Chamber statutes were approved, followed by the auditors’ report and appointment of auditors.

Following the Annual General Meeting, an election was held to elect 6 members to the council. During this election Mario Ciantar, Beppe Muscat, Joseph Zerafa, Carmel Zammit, Joan Haber and Noel Gauci were elected.

European Parliament President Roberta Metsola participates during an SME Chamber event

On Thursday, March 28th, European Parliament President Roberta Metsola participated in the MEP Business Dialogue organised by the Malta Chamber of SMEs in collaboration with the European Parliament in Malta.

During his opening speech, SME Chamber President Mr. Paul Abela highlighted the importance of the European Parliament elections and how EU legislation impacts Maltese businesses, especially SMEs. Mr. Abela thanked President Metsola for her open dialogue throughout this term and encouraged Malta’s MEPs, who will be elected in June’s election, to support small businesses within European fora.

MEP Josianne Cutajar also participated virtually during a panel discussion with business people. The panelists, Mr. Marcel Mizzi, Dr. Claire Shoemake, and Mr. Michael Galea, along with MEP Josianne Cutajar, discussed the impact of EU legislation on businesses in Malta, the effect of Brexit, and other issues such as EU Funds.

During the second part of the event, European Parliament President Roberta Metsola participated in a Fireside chat with the Malta Chamber of SME CEO Ms. Abigail Agius Mamo.

Among other topics, European Parliament President Roberta Metsola responded to questions related to businesses, Brexit, shipping, EU environmental tax on shipping, and the EU market and SMEs.

Roberta Metsola also addressed questions from business owners who attended the event.

Micro Invest scheme – Deadline extended to 10th April 2024

Did you know that you may be entitled to claim between €50,000 and €70,000 or 45% of costs incurred during 2023, in Tax Credits?
The upcoming deadline (PRIMARY DEADLINE) for Self-Employed (submitting tax return in June) to submit your application by Noon, 27th March 2024.
Eligible costs include, amongst others:
* Increase in Wage Costs (Year on Year)
* Furbishing and refurbishing of Business Premises
* Investment Costs (such as Computer hardware, equipment or development costs)
* Motor Vehicle Costs (commercial type vehicles)
* Security Systems
* Shop Signage
* Point of Sale Upgrades
* Websites
How can we help?
The Malta Chamber of SMEs can take care of all the paperwork for you and make sure your application is submitted correctly.
Should you wish further information, please do not hesitate to get in touch by email on or call 21232881

SME Chamber organises 2 information sessions in collaboration with EWA on how to reduce water and electricity bills

The Malta Chamber of SMEs in collaboration with the Energy & Water Agency organised 2 information sessions, one for Pharmacies and one for Childcare Centres with the aim to provide specific recommendations on how Pharmacies and Childcare Centres can reduce their water and electricity bills and what schemes they can benefit from in order to achieve even larger savings.

Should you need any further information or a copy of the recommendations, contact us on .