GRTU meets MEP Dr Alfred Sant

GRTU President, Deputy President and CEO have this week met
Dr Alfred Sant, who was recently elected as a Maltese MEP. Dr Sant gave an
overview of what Committees and working groups he is involved in and stated
that he wants to represent Malta's interest on the EP.

He in fact specified
that the most important item he is seeing on the Agenda is the Banking Union
where he expressed his concern on the very bureaucratic procedures the banks
will be required to go through in line with the EU planned intensive
surveillance. Dr Sant said that this would result in a significant cost for the
banks which they will pass on to their clients. GRTU President Paul Abela also
expressed his concerns in this regard saying that SMEs cannot sustain any more
costs from the banks and that acquiring funds is already amongst the costliest
in the EU.

GRTU also argued that the Maltese banks say that
Malta's banking system is very particular and therefore the banks should have
carried out an independent assessment of how it will affect their model.

Rights of businesses in case of Electricity Outage

 GRTU has today
met Mr Ronald Mizzi, Energy Permanent Secretary and Enemalta CEO, Ing Fredrick
Azzopardi and discussed the way forward following GRTU's call for compensation
to business for the electricity outage. Following the last week's meeting with
the Minister is was evident that compensation for business was off the table
but more discussions to make up for the issue would be held. 

GRTU requested that a Charter would be introduced, similar to the situation in
the UK whereby the Energy supplier would be automatically required to pay an
established compensation and or take other measures to compensate for the power
outage specifically for businesses and consumers. GRTU argued that the time has
passed where businesses where no longer able to seek redress for lost business.
If through its action an Authority/Agency causes loss in businesses that
Authority/Agency should be liable for damages. The Ministry has committed
itself publicly that it will be working on these lines.

Ministry and Enemalta also confirmed that they are handling customers that have
dues better and GRTU's request of having a section at arms dealing solely with
business clients was not ruled out. Both the Ministry and Enemalta said they
would welcome an opportunity to deal directly with enterprises experiencing
problems related to water and electricity. GRTU will be calling a meeting for
members who have such concern and open discussions with the Authorities. 

Tourism Zone Management

In the upcoming days GRTU
Deputy Vice President Philip Fenech will be attending numerous tourism zone

For this reason any member that would like to bring to our attention
any problems that are being faced in their tourism zones should contact us to
express their feedback. Therefore kindly contact GRTU on 99493534 or

Amending L.N. 28 of 2003 – Two or Three-Wheel Motor Vehicle

The Technical
Regulations Division at the Malta Competition and Consumer Affairs Authority
(MCCAA)  would like to inform you that it
is now in the phase of amending L.N. 28 of 2003:

Two or Three-Wheel Motor
Vehicle (EC Type-Approval) (Amendment) Regulations, 2003 by transposing
Directive 2013/60/EU of 27 November 2013 amending for the purposes of adapting
to technical progress, Directive 97/24/EC of the European Parliament and
of  the Council on  certain components  and characteristics of  two  or
three-wheel motor vehicles, Directive 2002/24/EC of the European Parliament and
of the Council relating to the type-approval of 
two  or three-wheel  motor 
vehicles  and Directive  2009/67/EC of 
the European Parliament and of the Council on the installation of
lighting and light-signalling devices on two- or three-wheel motor vehicles.

You are
encouraged to send your comments/feedback/queries to by the 28th August 2014

Adult learning courses 2014/2015 launched

 Last week the
Ministry for Education and Employment has launched the 2014/15 schedule of the
adult learning courses. Last year, over 13,000 individuals attended a huge
variety of classes ranging from learning a language to piano lessons.

Ministry would like to encourage those who never attended these courses to take
up a class, and for those who have attended one in the past to take up the
subject at a higher level.

continuous development of the individual on a personal basis is of huge
importance for society, and that education and the skills-building are indeed a
lifelong ambition and not just for the young.

this scholastic year, around 110 subjects are available at different levels
across seven Adult Learning Centres, 40 Local Council  and 17 NGO and
Community Centres.

courses include subjects in the following course areas:

Cultural Awareness

Digital Competence

Family Learning


Maths, Science & Technology

Sense of Initiative & Entrepreneurship

Social, Health & Civic Competence

Vocational Education & Training



For full list of courses please

Business opportunities in Israel

 Description of Offer: Alona Shechter Ltd. is an established company with vast experience,
extensive expertise and a fine reputation in the field of beauty products and
healthcare treatment. The company manufactures and sells natural beauty
products that combine medicinal herbs and minerals from the Dead Sea.


Company Name:

Person:       Ms. Alona Shechter, General

P.0.B 10410, Ramat Poleg, Netanya, Israel

No: 972-9-8656765 / Mobile: 972-50-5210559



Year of
Establishment: 1994

No. of
Employees: 10

of offer: Looking to
export Care Products based on herbs and minerals from the Dead Sea

These products
are unique in their particularly-high concentration of active ingredients and
are made especially for men and women with extremely delicate and sensitive


Company Name:
Bidudim Vetzipuim Letasiot ltd.

Person:       Ms. Debby Vazana

37 Haashlagan St., Kiryat Gat, Israel

No:        972-8-6810027 /


Fax No:         972-8-6811487



Year of
Establishment:      1998


Summary of offer: Looking for projects and tenders in thermal system insulation, floor and
walls coverings, shading, metal and fire proofing



Company name:

Contact Person: Ms. Moran Werner, NPD Coordinator

Address: Moshe Aviv 2. Or
Yehuda 60254, Israel

Telephone No: 972-74-7130634 /



Year of Establishment: 1986

No. of Employees: 170

Summary of offer: Looking to Import Dietary Supplements


Description of

TTA is Israel's leading dietary
supplements company and part of the Ma'abarot group – a group of seven
companies all of which deal with different aspects of nutrition and lifestyle.

TTA imports, markets and distributes
innovative health a range of some 1,500 products (food supplements, vitamins
and minerals, homeopathy, medical cosmetics, natural and organic foods).

The products marketed and promoted
directly to the consumer as well as through the dissemination of medical
information among physicians, dieticians, chemists and other retailers.

Distribution channels include
pharmacies, drugstore chains and private chemists, HMOs and nature stores.

Ta'am Teva Altman markets its products
under two umbrella brands, Altman and Nutrelife.

The major segments dealt in are
Pro-biotics and digestive aids, joint health, immune enhancement, Omega 3 and
Cardio-vascular health.

TTA hold 25% share of the dietary
supplement market.

The company has medical representatives
to promote the products through doctors and it has strong connection with
gastroenterologists, gynecologists, family physicians, orthopedist,
rheumatologist and other therapists.


Description  of offer: Our
company was established in 1998 and employs about 30 people and 10
subcontractors. Recently we have moved to a new factory established especially
for our needs, housing offices and a work hall to contain all machinery
necessary for works.

The company
specializes in thermal system insulation, floor and walls coverings, shading
and metal and fire proofing.

Hereunder are
our specializations:

1. Insulation

2. Covering and

3. General
Metal Works

4. Fire Sealing
and Proofing

The company is
known for working under pressure, meeting deadlines, for its quality and
reliability and its customers' satisfaction.



For further information on

opportunities in Israel
kindly contact GRTU at

A more comprehensive e-commerce strategy is what Maltese Businesses need

 GRTU has welcomed Government's intention to re-introduce
incentives that will encourage local businesses to set up an online selling
platform. GRTU has been calling for another scheme since the closure of the
previous, successful scheme.

Experience with the previous scheme will ensure
that the new scheme functions better and that the funds will reach the sectors
where they are most needed in line with Government's mandate. Following
thorough consultation with its members, GRTU has presented a comprehensive set
of proposals in line with the eCommerce strategy consultation launched by the
Government late last month.

Online selling still presents a significant challenge for the
majority of Maltese enterprises especially the smaller ones and we estimate
that around 30% of business in retail is being lost to online sales from other
countries it is therefore no longer an option to opt out. Figures show that the
online sales market has been progressing at a fast pace and businesses need to
adapt to this new reality as otherwise they will eventually be forced out of

Many Maltese businesses seem to wish to invest in this medium
and we have identified a number of issues that are holding them back. GRTU has
put forward proposals that build and improve on the previous scheme and
mitigate issues that had arisen.

Government should move from a higher tax incentive to a lower
capped grant that covers all or a large percentage of the whole investment.
Together with this, Government would abolish the three quotes requirement as
going for the cheapest option is not always in the interest of quality and

Clear and transparent criteria for the adjudication and a
point system to prioritize which enterprises need most help according to size
and sector amongst others. These criteria should be designed with the input of
the stakeholders and should be made public.

The assistance would ideally be segmented to cater for the
needs of the enterprise and not just limited to the setup of the eCommerce
site. Upgrading of already existing websites, initial setting up costs such as
consultancy, data inputting and translation services, online marketing strategy
costs, search engine optimization, eCommerce enabled mobile apps, upgrading of
Points of Sale and Stock Control Systems to link to eCommerce sites, should all
be considered for possible assistance.

Reimbursements to the enterprise would be made within strict

MCA would manage a
list of approved service providers that would simplify and fast track the application

A directory of
enterprises having an eCommerce site should be created which would include the
possibility for customers to comment and leave reviews thus promoting a Peer
review mechanism similar to what is being used by major players in the

The scheme should
consider that Web Development companies might be inundated with orders and
should therefore stagger the assistance over an applicable period of time.

The inclusion of
all business sectors even if purchases cannot be effected online as is the case
with real estate and restaurants. These sectors were excluded under the
previous scheme but still have a lot to gain from a website even if online
purchases are not possible for these kinds of businesses.

There are other factors that are penalizing Maltese
enterprises and holding them back from investing in this medium. The archaic
Eco Tax regime is one of them. This tax is imposed only on Maltese originating
sales and therefore local businesses are at a significant disadvantage. A
Maltese entrepreneur would have to add €35 plus VAT on a tablet that costs €50.
This means that on some items the tax component amounts to half the value of
the items. GRTU has spent a number of years pointing this out. Unless this is
tackled with urgency, it is useless advertising assistance because effected
sectors simply cannot compete. GRTU members have also expressed their concern
on courier costs which tend to be much higher for Maltese businesses.

GRTU augurs that these proposals are taken up and that the
plan is put in action in the very near future as Maltese enterprises have a lot
to catch up on. GRTU will continue supporting its members in their adaptation
to help them increase their competitivity.

Junk Mail consultation to be launched

 A public
consultation to address the issue of junk mail is in the pipeline, Environment
Minister Leo Brincat has announced.

issue of an excessive amount of unwanted mail could not be tackled overnight as
it impacted on various stakeholders.

previous government had proposed a 1 cent tax on every 80g of paper delivered
for free on a door-to-door basis. However this was only to apply if more than
half of the publication's contents consisted of adverts. Magazines handed out
for free in newspapers were also be subject to this tax.)

Brincat made this announcement during the launch of a lottery aimed to raise
awareness on hazardous waste by encouraging people to take spent light bulbs to
civic amenity sites. According to a recent study carried out by WasteServ only
17 per cent of Maltese are aware that that bulbs are considered as hazardous
rubbish. 43 per cent dispose of them in black garbage bags used for mixed
domestic waste.

this initiative people disposing of light bulbs at civic amenity sites will be
given lottery tickets.

similar initiative has already been launched for plastic bottles, resulting in
the collection of some a million bottles.

The New Food Labelling Regulation

 GRTU met with
the Malta Competition and Consumer Affairs Authority (MCCAA) to discuss the
EU's new Food Labelling Regulation that will generally have to be complied with
as of 13 December 2014.

During the meeting it was stated by both parties that
food and beverage manufacturers need to be made more aware of the changes that
should take place under this Regulation, and must be informed well in advance
so as to give them ample time for preparation.

Both parties highlighted the
fact that smaller companies may find more difficulties in complying with the
new Regulation due to a possible lack of resources. Therefore it was agreed
that organising information seminars will take place in due course, for both
smaller and larger companies, that shall provide an explanation of the
amendments that must be implemented.