The SME Chamber presents its official feedback on the proposed Malta Labour Migration Policy
05 February 2025
The Malta Chamber of SMEs presented its official feedback on the proposed Malta Labour Migration...
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Nhar il-Ġimgħa, Black Friday, uħud mill-ħwienet se jiftħu mis-6 ta’ filgħodu. Mal-awtoritajiet qed nipprovaw innaqqsu l-problema tat-traffiku.”
“Nhar il-Ġimgħa, Black Friday, se tkun kullimkien. Ċerti ħwienet se jiftħu minn meta jisbaħ u oħrajn se jestendu l-ħin tal-għeluq tagħhom saħansitra sa nofsillejl biex jilqgħu l-klijenti għall-offerti. Mill-informazzjoni li għandna mill-membri tagħna, il-konsumatur nhar il-Ġimgħa se jkollu festa ta’ xiri bi prezzijiet eċċellenti,” tgħid is-CEO tal-GRTU, Abigail Mamo.
Din il-ġurnata toffri sfidi fosthom it-trasport. Għadaqstant il-GRTU sejħet laqgħa flimkien ma’ uffiċjali ta’ Transport Malta, il-Pulizija, kif ukoll rappreżentanti taċ-ċentri ta’ xiri ewlenin sabiex speċifikament niddiskutu t-traffiku u t-trasport dakinhar ta’ Black Friday.
Hemm qbil fejn il-Pulizija u Transport Malta se jkunu qed imexxu l-massimu ta’ riżorsi possibbli f’areas identifikati bħala l-iktar importanti u potenzjalment problematiċi għal din il-ġurnata biex it-traffiku jibqa’ miexi u jinħelsu l-bottlenecks. Il-GRTU għamlet ukoll kuntatt ma’ diversi kunsilli lokali ewlenin u appellajnielhom biex jiġu evitati inkonvenjenti u permessi li mhux ta’ urġenza estrema f’din il-ġurnata partikolari għal pajjiżna.
Għal dan il-għan:
“Nhar il-Ġimgħa l-GRTU se tkun qed tħares lejn l-andament tal-ġurnata u tgħaddilive updates matul il-ġurnata kollha permezz ta’ informazzjoni li se tkun ġejja miċ-ċentri kummerċjali u negozji individwali. Mezzi tax-xandir li huma interessati li jirċievu dawn l-updates għandhom jgħaddu l-isem,mobile u imejl tal-persuna inkarigata fuq .
“Aktar tard il-GRTU se tippubblika stħarriġ xjentifiku dwar x’fissret għan-negozju nhar il-Ġimgħa, il-Black Friday. “
“Aħna nemmnu li l-GRTU hija għodda eċċellenti li fiha r-relazzjoni bejn il-konsumatur u n-negozjant se tkompli titjieb.”
“Nhar il-Ġimgħa l-konsumaturi se jkollhom opportunitajiet li ma jistgħux jitilfu. Kważi kummkien. B’ħafna iżjed ħwienet u b’ħafna iżjed offerti mis-sena l-oħra,” ittemm tgħid Abigail Mamo.
English Version
“This Friday, Black Friday, some shops will be opening as early as 06:00 AM. GRTU in efforts to ease the traffic flows on the day”
“Black Friday is a phenomenon happening across all of Malta. In preparation, many retail ourself have already advised that they will be extending their opening hours, with some starting from six and others closing after midnight. Our members inform us that this year Black Friday will bring a shopping feast for consumers with the exceptional discounts available.” Notes GRTU CEO Ms. Abigail Mamo.
This day also offers challenges particularly regarding transport. For this reason, GRTU, accompanied by representatives’ of popular retail centers, met with Transport Malta and the Police Traffic Division specifically to discuss measures to ease traffic flow during Black Friday.
GRTU positively notes that both Transport Malta and the Police will be deploying all possible resources to identified problem areas and bottlenecks. GRTU has also communicated and appealed with local councils to limit inconveniences on the day to only that which is urgent.
Towards this aim;
‘This Friday GRTU will be closely monitoring the going of sales during the day and will be sending live updates from centers, retails shops and outlets. Members of the media interested to receive these updates are required to send an email to listing their contact details including name, phone and contact number.’
Subsequently, GRTU will be publishing results of its usual study of how business has fared during Black Friday.
Abigail Mamo concluded that “We believe that GRTU is an instrument that will help the continued improvement of the consumer-business relations. This year Maltese consumers have offers they cannot miss and these will be available across sectors and all over Malta. We expect many more businesses participating and offers that are greater than ever.”
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