Il-GRTU tifrah bil-mahfra tal-penali tal-VAT u titlob riforma fis-sistemi kollha tal-penalitajiet

Il-GRTU – Malta Chamber of SME’s tesprimi sodisfazzjon shih wara li l-gvern avza li qed jimplimenta d-decizjoni li l-penalitajiet marbuta ma hlas ta’ VAT ser ikunu mwarrba ghall-perjodu limitat ghal dawk li jhallsu l-ammonti dovuti.

Il-GRTU – Malta Chamber of SME’s tesprimi sodisfazzjon shih wara li l-gvern avza li qed jimplimenta d-decizjoni li l-penalitajiet marbuta ma hlas ta’ VAT ser ikunu mwarrba ghall-perjodu limitat ghal dawk li jhallsu l-ammonti dovuti.

Il-GRTU issostni li l-penalitajiet skond il-Ligi tal-VAT huma esagerati u li jikkawzaw tbaghtijiet zejda f’kazi fejn aktar milli abbuz ikun hemm zbalji. Is-sistema tal-VAT ghandha tkun aggornata regolarment biex min regolarment jimxi mall-Ligi ma jsibx ruhu vittma ta’ penalitajiet esagerati hekk kif ghal cirkustanzi diversi u mhux abbuzivi jsib ruhu f’diffikultajiet dwar hlas fil-pront ta’ taxxa dovuta.

Il-GRTU ilha titlob li din l-kwistjoni ghandha tkun irrangata biex tinholoq sitwazzjoni pozittiva fejn sid l-intrapriza ma jsibx ruhu f’diffikultajiet bla bzonn. Il-GRTU qed issa tistenna li wara t-twettieq ta’ din s-soluzzjoni temporanja issir riforma aktar fit-tul biex is-sistema ta’ penali tkun aktar gusta u konformi ma l-andament tan-negozji partikulari u tal-ekonomija ngenerali u ma tkunx wahda li tghin biss lil burokratiku li facli ghalih li jimponi meta il-Ligi ittieh s-sahha.

Il-GRTU fuq kollox tistenna li b’rizultat ta’ riforma gusta jitnehhew il-multi kriminali u s-sistema tkun ibbazata fuq penalitajiet f’forma ta’ dejn civili. Il-principji ta’ gustizzja ekwa jkunu moqdija ahjar jekk il-gvern jirrevedi l-Ligi u s-sistema goffa ta’ penalitajiet biex b’hekk ma tinholoqx ingustizzja bejn min inqabad u min ikun helisha


LN 5282004

B 8949
A.L. 528 ta’ l-2004
(KAP. 423)
Regolamenti ta’ l-2004 dwar l-U]u ta’ Bio Fuels jew Fuels O[ra
Li Ji;;eddu G[at-Trasport, 2004

BIS-SA{{A tas-setg[at mog[tija lilu permezz ta’ l-artikolu 28
ta’ l-Att dwar l-Awtorità ta’ Malta dwar ir-Ri]orsi, il-Ministru tar-Ri]orsi
u l-Infrastruttura, wara konsultazzjoni ma’ l-Awtorità ta’ Malta dwar
ir-Ri]orsi, g[amel dawn ir-regolamenti li ;ejjin>-
1. (1) It-titolu ta’ dawn ir-regolamenti huwa r-Regolamenti ta’
l-2004 dwar l-U]u ta’ Biofuels jew fuels o[ra li ji;;eddu g[at-Trasport.
(2) Dawn ir-regolamenti g[andhom jid[lu fis-se[[ fil-31
ta’ Diçembru, 2004
(3) Dawn ir-regolamenti jag[tu effett lid-Direttiva
2003#30#KE tal-Parlament u tal-Kunsill Ewropew tat-8 ta’ Mejju 2003
dwar il-promozzjoni ta’ l-u]u tal-biofuels jew fuels o[ra li ji;;eddu
2. (1) G[all-iskopijiet ta’ dawn ir-regolamenti, u kemm il-darba
r-rabta tal-kliem ma titlobx xort’ o[ra-
“l-Att” tfisser l-Att dwar l-Awtorità ta’ Malta dwar ir-Rizorsi<
“l-Awtorità” tfisser l-Awtorità ta’ Malta dwar ir-Ri]orsi<
“Biofuels” tfisser il-fuel likwidu jew f’forma gassuza g[attrasport,
mag[mul minn massa biologika<
“massa biologika” tfisser dik il-frazzjoni biodegradabbli ta’
prodotti, skart jew fdalijiet mill-agrikoltura (nklu]i sustanzi vegetali
u ta’ l-annimali), si;ar fil-foresti u l-industriji relatati, kif ukoll ilfrazzjoni
bijodegradabbli ta’ l-iskart industrijali u muniçipali<
“Fuels” o[ra li ji;;eddu tfisser fuels li ji;;eddu, minbarra
biofuels, li jori;inaw minn sorsi ta’ l-ener;ija li ji;;eddu kif imfissra
Titolu, d[ul fisse[[
u skop.
Suppliment tal-Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta’ Malta, Nru. 17,699, 28 ta’ Diçembru, 2004
Taqsima B
B 8950
fir-Regolamenti ta’ l-2004 dwar il-Promozzjoni ta’ l-Elettriku
;enerat minn G[ejun ta’ Ener;ija li ji;;eddu, u u]ati g[all-iskopijiet
“konsumatur a[[ari” tfisser kull persuna fizika jew ;uridika
li tixtri biofuel g[all-u]u personali tag[ha<
“kontenut ta’ ener;ija” tfisser il-valur kalorifiku l-aktar baxx
“il-Ministru” tfisser il-Ministru responsabbli g[ar-ri]orsi<
(2) Mill-inqas, il-prodotti mni]]la hawn iktar ’l isfel
g[andhom jitqiesu b[ala biofuels>
(a) “biodiesel” > methyl-ester mag[mul minn ]ejt ve;etali
jew ta’ l-annimali, ta’ kwalita ta’ diesel, li g[andu jintu]a b[ala
(b) “biodimethylether” > dimethylether mag[mul minn
massa biologika, li g[andu jintu]a b[ala biofuel<
(ç) “bioethanol” > ethanol mag[mul minn massa biologika
u, jew il-frazzjoni bijodegradabbli ta’ l-iskart, li g[andu jintu]a
b[ala BioFuel<
(d) “biogass” > gass tal-fuel mag[mul minn massa biologika
u, jew mill-frazzjoni biodegradabbli ta’ l-iskart, li jista’ jkun
ippurifikat fi kwalità ta’ gass naturali, li g[andu jintu]a b[ala
biofuel, jew woodgas<
(e) “biohydrogen” > idro;enu mag[mul minn massa
biologika, u, jew mill-iskart biodegradabbli, li g[andu jintu]a b[ala
(f) “biomethanol” > methanol mag[mul minn massa
biologika, li g[andu jintu]a b[ala biofuel<
(;) “bio-ETBE (ethyl-tertio-butyl-ether)” > ETBE mag[mul
fuq ba]i ta’ bioethanol. Il-persenta;; ta’ volum ta’ bio-ETBE li
hu kalkulat b[ala Biofuel huwa ta’ 47%<
([) “bio-MTBE (methyl-tertio-butyl-ether)” > fuel mag[mul
fuq il-ba]i ta’ biomethanol. Il-perçenta;; bil-volum ta’ bio-MTBE
li hu kalkulat b[ala Biofuel huwa ta’ 36%<
B 8951
(i) “]ejt ve;etali pur” > ]ejt mag[mul minn impjanti ta]-
]ejt bl-ippressar, estrazzjoni jew proçeduri simili, la ma[dum lanqas
irraffinat i]da kimikament mhux immoddifikat, meta jkun
kompatibbli mat-tip ta’ magni involuti u r-rekwiziti ta’ emmissjoni
(j) “BioFuels sintetiçi> idrokarburi sintetiçi jew ta[litiet ta’
idrokarburi sintetiçi, li jkunu saru minn massa biologika<
(3) Il-biofuels jistg[u jintg[amlu disponibbli f’xi wa[da
minn dawn il-forom li ;ejjin>
(a) b[ala biofuels puri jew f’konçentrazzjonijiet g[olja
f’derivattivi ta’ ]ejt minerali, skond standards ta’ kwalità speçifiçi
g[al applikazzjonijiet g[at-trasport<
(b) b[ala biofuels im[allta f’derivattivi ta’ ]ejt minerali,
skond in-normi standard nazzjonali adatti li jiddeskrivi lispeçifikazzjonijiet
tekniçi g[al-fuels g[at-trasport (MSA EN 228
u MSA EN 590)<
(ç) b[ala likwidi li jkunu ;ejjin minn biofuels, b[al ETBE
(ethyly-tertio-butyl-ether), fejn il-persenta;; tal-biofuel huwa kif
speçifikat fis-subregolament (2)(2).
3. (1) Sa mhux aktar tard mill-1 ta’ April ta’ kull sena, l-
Awtorità g[andha tag[ti lill-Ministru, rapport dwar>
(a) il-mi]uri li jkunu ttie[du biex isir il-promozzjoni ta’ lu]
u ta’ biofuels jew ta’ fuels o[ra li ji;;eddu biex jie[du post iddiesel
u l-petrol g[al skopijiet ta’ trasport<
(b) ir-ri]orsi nazzjonali allokati g[all-produzzjoni tal-massa
biolo;ika g[al kull u]u ta’ ener;ija minbarra fit-trasport, u
(ç) il-bejg[ totali ta’ fuel tat-trasport u s-sehem ta’ biofuels,
fi stat pur jew im[allat, u Fuels o[ra li ji;;eddu li jitqieg[du fissuq
fis-sena preçedenti. Meta ikun adatt, l-Awtorità g[andha
tirrapporta dwar kull kundizzjoni eççezzjonali ta’ prodotti ta]-]ejt
li jkunu influwenzaw it-tqeg[id fis-suq ta’ biofuels u l-fuels o[ra
li ji;;eddu.
(2) Il-mira indikattiva nazzjonali tal-proporzjoni ta’ Biofuels
li jitqieg[du fis-suq u li hi kalkolata abba]i tal-kontenut ta’ ener;ija,
tal-petrol u diesel kollu g[all-iskopijiet tat-trasport sal-31 ta’ Diçembru
2005 hu kif stabbilit fl-Iskeda li tinsab ma’ dawn ir-regolamenti.
Miri indikattivi
nazzjonali u
B 8952
(3) Fir-rapport imsemmi fis-subregolament (1) u li jkopri
s-sena 2006, l-Awtorità g[andha tibg[at lill-Ministru rrakkmandazzjonijiet
tag[ha g[at-twaqqif tal-miri indikattivi nazzjonali
tal-proporzjon ta’ biofuels imqieg[da fis-suq u kalkolati abba]i talkontenut
ta’ ener;ija, tal-petrol u diesel kollu g[al skopijiet tat-trasport
sal-31 ta’ Diçembru, 2010.
(4) (a) Il-valur ta’ referenza g[al dawn il-miri g[andu jkun
ta’ 2%, kalkulat abba]i tal-kontenut ta’ ener;ija, tal-petrol u d-diesel
kollu li jitqieg[ed fis-suq nazzjonali g[al skopijiet ta’ trasport sal-31
ta’ Diçembru, 2005.
(b) Il-valur ta’ referenza g[al dawn il-miri g[andu jkun
ta’ 5.75%, kalkulat abba]i tal-kontenut ta’ ener;ija tal-petrol u d-diesel
kollu li jitqieg[ed fis-suq nazzjonali g[al skopijiet ta’ trasport sal-31
ta’ Diçembru, 2010.
(5) Fir-rapporti msemmija fis-subregolament (1), iddifferenzi
fil-miri nazzjonali, kif imqabbla mal-valuri ta’ referenza
msemmija fis-subregolament (4) g[andhom ikunu motivati u jistg[u
jkunu ba]ati fuq dawn l-elementi li ;ejjin>
(a) il-fatturi o;;ettivi b[all-pottenzjal nazzjonali limitat
g[all-produzzjoni tal-BioFuels minn massa biologika<
(b) l-ammont ta’ ri]orsi allokati g[all-produzzjoni ta’ massa
biologika g[all-u]u ta’ ener;ija minbarra fit-trasport u lkaratterisitiçi
tekniçi jew klimatiçi tas-suq nazzjonali g[all-fuels
(ç) il-politika nazzjonali li talloka ri]orsi komparabbli g[allproduzzjoni
ta’ fuels o[ra g[at-trasport ba]ati fuq sorsi ta’ l-ener;ija
li ji;;eddu konsistenti ma’ l-objettivi ta’ dawn ir-regolamenti.
(6) L-Awtorità g[andha tippre]enta rapport lill-Ministru,
ta’ l-inqas kull sentejn kemm-il darba ma tqis li jkun spedjenti li ji;u
pre]entati rapporti b[al dawn fuq ba]i aktar frekwenti dwar ir-ri]ultati
tal-monitora;; li jkun sar konformament mar-regolament 4.
(7) Fir-rapporti msemmija f’subregolament 1, l-Awtorità
g[andha tikkonsoluta ma’ dawk l-g[aqdiet regolatorji l-o[ra kif ikun
hemm b]onn u g[andha tippre]enta r-rakmandazzjonijiet tag[ha talmi]
uri li jistg[u jittie[du biex ti;i ]gurata konformità mal-le;islazzjoni
rilevanti dwar standards ta’ emissjoni.
B 8953
(8) Meta tkun qieg[da tabbozza r-rapport tag[ha u l-mi]uri
rakkomandati l-awtorità g[andha tqis il-bilanç tal-klima u l-ambjent
totali tat-tipi diversi ta’ biofuels u fuels o[ra li ji;;eddu u tista’ tag[ti
prijorità lill-promozzjoni ta’ dawk il-fuels li juru bilanç tajjeb [afna
favur l-ambjent filwaqt li jittie[ed kont ukoll tal-kompetittività u ssigurtà
tal-provvista u ta’ objettivi o[ra nazzjonali dwar il-politika ta’
(9) Il-Ministru jista’ japprova rapport imsemmi f’dan irregolament,
kollu kemm hu jew biss parti minnu, bi jew ming[ajr
modifiki jew kondizzjonijiet, jew jista’ jibg[at lura rapport lill-Awtorità.
Meta r-rapporti jkunu ;ew approvati, l-Awtorità g[andha tippubblika
r-rapporti flimkien ma’ ;abra tal-kummenti li tkun irçeviet ming[and
il-Ministru u r-risposti li hija tkun g[amlet g[al dawk il-kummenti.
4. L-Awtorità g[andha tag[mel monitora;; ta’ l-effett ta’ l-u]u
ta’ biofuels f’ta[litiet tad-diesel il fuq minn 5% minn vetturi li mhux
adattati billi jsiru sonda;;i u, jew b’ kull mezz ie[or li jitqies bhala
adatt mill-Awtorità.
5. (1) Kull min jimporta jew jipproduçi petroleum jew biofuels
g[andu jag[mel monitora;;, jirre;istra u jippre]enta lill-Awtorità bilmod
u manjiera li l-Awtorità tista’ te[tie; l-informazzjoni dwar il-bejg[
ta’ prodotti tal-petroleum u l-biofuels.
(2) Kull min jonqos milli j[ares xi disposizzjoni ta’ dan irregolament
ikun [ati ta’ reat.
6. (1) {add ma g[andu jbieg[ jew joffri g[all-bejg[ lillkonsumatur
a[[ari xi ta[lita ta’ biofuels kemm il-darba ma jipprovdix
tikkettjar speçifiku fil-post tal-bejg[.
(2) L-ittikettjar ta’ biofuels imsemmi fis-subregolament (1)
g[andu jkun me[tie; g[al persenta;;i ta’ biofuels, im[allta f’derivattivi
ta’ ]ejt minerali, illi jaqb]u l-limitu tal-valur ta’ 5% ta’ fatty acid methyl
ester (FAME) jew ta’ bioethanol.
(3) Kull min jonqos milli j[ares xi disposizzjoni ta’ dan irregolament
ikun [ati ta’ reat.
7. L-Awtorità tista tippromwovi l-u]u tal-biofuels blimplimentazzjoni
ta’ dawk il-mi]uri li hija tqis spedjenti u li ma jmorrux
kontra d-disposizzjonijiet ta’ l-Att jew ta’ dawn ir-regolamenti.
8. (1) Meta l-Awtorità issir taf, kemm jekk billi tag[mel
investigazzjoni jew b’xi mod ie[or, li xi persuna li taqa’ ta[t dawn ir-
Rappurtar lill-
Mi]uri g[allpromozzjoni
ta’ lu]
u tal-biofuel.
Tikkettjar u bejg[
ta’ Biofuels.
Ordnijiet ta’
B 8954
regolamenti tkun kisret xi wa[da mid-disposizzjonijiet li hemm fihom,
hija g[andha to[ro; ordni ta’ konformità lill-persuna konçernata, u
tordnalha li tikkonforma ru[ha minnufih mad-disposizzjonijiet ta’ dawn
(2) Kull min jonqos milli j[ares id-disposizzjonijiet ta’ ordni
ta’ konformità ma[ru;a mill-Awtorità g[andu, ming[ajr pre;udizzju
g[al kull responsabbilta o[ra ta[t dawn ir-regolamenti, ta[t l-Att jew
kwalunkwe li;i o[ra, ikun [ati ta’ reat.
9. (1) Kull min jikser xi wa[da mid-disposizzjonijiet ta’ dawn
ir-regolamenti jew ta’ liçenza jew ta’ approvazzjoni ma[ru;a ta[thom,
ikun [ati ta’ reat, u jista’ meta jinstab [ati, je[el multa ta’ mhux aktar
minn g[axart elef lira (Lm10,000).
(2) Kull persuna li tintalab informazzjoni mill-Awtorità firrigward
ta’ dawn ir-regolamenti, kemm jekk xjentement jew bi
(a) tipprovdi informazzjoni falza, mhux e]atta jew li tqarraq<
(b) tipprovdi informazzjoni mhux kompleta< jew
(ç) tonqos, ming[ajr kaw]a ra;onevoli, li tag[ti linformazzjoni
mitluba fi]-]mien mog[ti lilha< jew
(d) tipprevjeni milli ssir jew tfixxkel xi investigazzjoni< jew
(e) tipproduçi jew tag[ti, jew tikkaw]a jew xjentament
tippermetti li ji;u prodotti jew mog[tijin, xi dokument jew
informazzjoni li tkun taf li hi falza f’xi aspett materjali tag[hom,
tkun [atja ta’ reat u tista’, meta tinstab [atja, te[el multa ta’ mhux inqas
minn mitt lira (Lm100) u mhux i]jed minn elf lira (Lm1,000).
Reati u pieni.
B 8955
Regolament 3(2)
Il-mira indikattiva nazzjonali tal-proporzjoni ta’ biofuels li jitqieg[du
fis-suq u kalkulati abba]i tal-kontenut ta’ ener;ija, tal-petrol u d-diesel kollu
g[al skopijiet tat-trasport fit-triq sal-31 ta’ Diçembru 2005 ……………… 0.3%
B 8956
L.N. 528 of 2004
(CAP. 423)
Use of Biofuels or Other Renewable Fuels
for Transport Regulations, 2004
BY virtue of the powers conferred by article 28 of the Malta
Resources Authority Act, the Minister for Resources and Infrastructure,
after consultation with the Malta Resources Authority, has made the
following regulations>-
1. (1) The title of these regulations is the Use of Biofuels or
Other Renewable Fuels for Transport Regulations, 2004.
(2) These regulations shall come into force on the 31st
December, 2004.
(3) These regulations give effect to Directive 2003#30#EC
of the European Parliament and of the Council of 8 May 2003 on the
promotion of the use of biofuels or other renewable fuels for transport.
2. (1) For the purposes of these regulations, and unless the
context otherwise requires>
“the Act” means the Malta Resources Authority Act<
“the Authority” means the Malta Resources Authority<
“biofuels” means liquid or gaseous fuel for transport produced
from biomass<
“biomass” means the biodegradable fraction of products,
waste and residues from agriculture (including vegetal and animal
substances), forestry and related industries, and also the
biodegradable fraction of industrial and municipal waste<
“energy content” means the lower calorific value of fuel<
“final customer” means any natural or legal person purchasing
biofuel for his own use<
and scope.
B 8957
“the Minister” means the Minister responsible for resources<
“other renewable fuels” means renewable fuels, other than
biofuels, which originate from renewable energy sources as defined
in the Promotion of Electricity produced from Renewable Energy
Sources Regulations, 2004 and used for transport purposes<
(2) At least the products listed below shall be considered
“biodiesel”> a methyl-ester produced from vegetable or animal
oil, of diesel quality, to be used as biofuel<
“biodimethylether”> dimethylether produced from biomass,
to be used as biofuel<
“bioethanol”> ethanol produced from biomass and, or the
biodegradable fraction of waste, to be used as biofuel<
“biogas”> a fuel gas produced from biomass and, or from the
biodegradable fraction of waste, that can be purified to natural gas
quality, to be used as biofuel, or woodgas<
“biohydrogen”> hydrogen produced from biomass, and, or
from the biodegradable waste, to be used as biofuel<
“biomethanol”> methanol produced from biomass, to be used
as biofuel<
“bio-ETBE (ethyl-tertio-butyl-ether)”> ETBE produced on the
basis of bioethanol. The percentage volume of bio-ETBE that is
calculated as biofuel is 47%<
“bio-MTBE (methyl-tertio-butyl-ether)”> a fuel produced on
the basis of biomethanol. The percentage by volume of bio-MTBE
that is calculated as biofuel is 36%<
“pure vegetable oil”> oil produced from oil plants through
pressing, extraction or comparable procedures, crude or refined
but chemically unmodified, when compatible with the type of
engines involved and the corresponding emission requirements<
“synthetic biofuels”> synthetic hydrocarbons or mixtures of
synthetic hydrocarbons, which have been produced from biomass.
B 8958
(3) Biofuels may be made available in any of the following
(a) as pure biofuels or at high concentrations in mineral oil
derivatives, in accordance with specific quality standards for
transport applications<
(b) as biofuels blended in mineral oil derivatives, in
accordance with the appropriate national standard norms describing
the technical specifications for transport fuels (MSA EN 228 and
MSA EN 590)<
(c) as liquids derived from biofuels, such as ETBE (ethylytertio-
butyl-ether), where the percentage of biofuel is as specified
in sub-regulation (2) (2).
3. (1) By not later than 1 April of each year, the Authority shall
submit to the Minister, a report, on>
(a) the measures taken to promote the use of biofuels or
other renewable fuels to replace diesel and petrol for transport
(b) the national resources allocated to the production of
biomass for energy uses other than transport, and
(c) the total sales of transport fuel and the share of biofuels,
pure or blended, and other renewable fuels placed on the market
for the preceding year. Where appropriate, the Authority shall report
on any exceptional conditions of oil products that have affected
the marketing of biofuels and other renewable fuels.
(2) The national indicative target of the proportion of
biofuels placed on the market and calculated on the basis of energy
content, of all petrol and diesel for transport purposes by 31 December,
2005 is as established in the Schedule to these regulations.
(3) In the report referred to in sub-regulation (1) and
covering the year 2006, the Authority shall submit to the Minister its
recommendations for the establishment of national indicative targets of
the proportion of biofuels placed on the market and calculated on the
basis of energy content, of all petrol and diesel for transport purposes
by 31 December, 2010.
National Indicative
targets and
B 8959
(4) (a) A reference value for these targets shall be 2%,
calculated on the basis of energy content, of all petrol and diesel placed
on the national market for transport purposes by 31 December, 2005.
(b) A reference value for these targets shall be 5.75%,
calculated on the basis of energy content, of all petrol and diesel placed
on the national market for transport purposes by 31 December, 2010.
(5) In the reports referred to in sub-regulation 1,
differentiation of the national targets, as compared to the reference values
referred to in sub-regulation (4) shall be motivated and could be based
on the following elements>
(a) objective factors, such as the limited national potential
for production of biofuels from biomass<
(b) the amount of resources allocated to the production of
biomass for energy uses other than transport and the technical or
climatic characteristics of the national market for transport fuels<
(c) national policies allocating comparable resources to the
production of other transport fuels based on renewable energy
sources and consistent with the objectives of these regulations.
(6) The Authority shall submit to the Minister a report at
least every two years unless it considers it expedient to submit such
reports on a more frequent basis on the results of monitoring carried
out pursuant to regulation 4.
(7) In the reports referred to in sub-regulation 1 the Authority
shall consult with such other regulatory bodies as necessary and shall
submit its recommendations of measures that may be taken to ensure
compliance with the relevant legislation on emission standards.
(8) In drawing its reports and recommended measures, the
Authority shall consider the overall climate and environmental balance
of the various types of biofuels and other renewable fuels and may give
priority to the promotion of those fuels showing a very good costeffective
environmental balance while also taking into account
competitiveness and security of supply and other national energy policy
(9) The Minister may approve any of the reports referred to
in this regulation, in whole or in part, with or without modifications or
conditions, or may refer any of the reports back to the Authority. When
the reports have been approved, the Authority shall publish the reports
B 8960
together with a statement of the comments it has received from the
Minister and the responses it has made to those comments.
4. The Authority shall monitor the effect of the use of biofuels
in diesel blends above 5% by non-adapted vehicles through the use of
surveys and, or any other means considered appropriate by the Authority.
5. (1) Any person who imports or produces petroleum or
biofuels shall monitor, record and submit to the Authority in the manner
and form that the Authority may request such information on the retail
of petroleum products and biofuels.
(2) Any person who fails to comply with any provision of
this regulation shall be guilty of an offence.
6. (1) No person shall sell or offer for sale to the ultimate
consumer any blend of biofuels unless he provides specific labelling at
the points of sale.
(2) The labelling of biofuels referred to in sub-regulation
(1) shall be required for percentages of biofuels, blended in mineral oil
derivatives, exceeding the limit value of 5% fatty acid methyl ester
(FAME) or of bioethanol.
(3) Any person who fails to comply with any provision of
this regulation shall be guilty of an offence.
7. The Authority may promote the use of biofuels through
implementation of those measures that it considers expedient and that
are not contrary to the provisions of the Act or of these regulations.
8. (1) When the Authority becomes aware, whether through
carrying out an investigation or otherwise, that any person subject to
these regulations has contravened any of the provisions contained
therein, it shall issue a compliance order to the person concerned,
ordering him to comply immediately with the provisions of these
(2) Any person who fails to abide by the provisions of a
compliance order issued by the Authority shall, without prejudice to
any other liability under these regulations, the Act or any other law, be
guilty of an offence.
9. (1) Any person who contravenes any of the provisions of
these regulations or of a licence or approval issued thereunder, shall be
Reporting to the
Labelling and sale
of Biofuels.
Measures to
promote the use of
Offences and
B 8961
guilty of an offence and shall, on conviction, be liable to a fine (multa)
of not more than ten thousand liri (Lm 10,000).
(2) Any person who, when information with respect to these
regulations is requested by the Authority, knowingly or recklessly>
(a) gives false, inaccurate or misleading information< or
(b) supplies incomplete information< or
(c) fails, without reasonable cause, to supply the requested
information within the time given< or
(d) prevents or hinders any investigation< or
(e) produces or furnishes, or causes or knowingly allows to
be produced or furnished, any document or information which he
knows to be false in any material respect,
shall be guilty of an offence and shall, on conviction, be liable to a fine
(multa) of not less than one hundred liri (Lm100) and not more than
one thousand liri (Lm1,000).
B 8962
Regulation 3(2)
National indicative target of the proportion of biofuels placed on the
market and calculated on the basis of energy content, of all petrol and diesel
for road transport purposes by 31 December 2005 ………………………… 0.3 %

Il-GRTU issellem lil Alfred Buhagiar

Il-Kunsill Ezekuttiv tal-GRTU – Malta Chamber of Small and Medium Enterprises f’isem il-membri taghha jesprimu s-soghba taghhom ghat-telfa tat-trade unjonista Alfred Buhagiar – President tas-CMTU. Alfred Buhagiar kien membru effettiv u b’esperjenza kbira tal-MCESD – Kunsill Malti ghall-Izvilupp Socjali u Ekonomiku. Huwa kien kontributur ewlieni fl-izvilupp tal-process ta’ konsultazzjoni bejn l-imsiehba socjali u l-gvern.

It-telfa tieghu waslet fi zmien krucjali meta l-pajjiz qed ifittex soluzzjoni ghall-problemi ekonomici u socjali bi ftehim bejn l-imsiehba socjali u t-telfa ta’ persuna ta’ hila u esperjenza bhal ma kien Alfred Buhagiar ser tinhass mill-korpi kollha nvoluti f’dan il-process delikat.

Il-GRTU twassal il-kondoljanzi lis-CMTU u lil-MUT u lil familjari kollha tal-mibki Alfred Buhagiar.

Subject: LN28/20

—–Original Message—–
From: Vince Farrugia [mailto:]
Sent: 31 January 2005 20:14
To: ‘
Subject: LN28/20
George Pullicino
Minister for Rural Affairs and the Environment
January 29, 2005
L.N. 28 of 2005

Please be informed that in a meeting for Traders and Retailers from the Draperies and Beddings Trade Sector, the traders present noticed that in spite of the changes brought forward by LN 28 on the conditions imposed by LN529/05, the items listed under ¡¥other articles of bedding and similar furnishing¡¦ remained subject to ecotaxation.
The listed items are the following:.
Other articles of bedding and similar furnishing
The HS Code includes;
„h quilts and bedspreads
„h duvets (whether of down or any other filling),
„h quilts for babies and baby carriages,
„h chair covers,
„h mattress protectors,
„h cushions
Physical Properties:
These items are made of a mix of polyester and cotton also known as polycotton. This material has identical properties with the material used in a vast and long list of draperies and items of clothing including curtains, clothing and upholstery.
Polycotton does not pose any additional hazard to the environment. Indeed the fact that this material is being classified by the Ministry as a potential waste hazard is raising the fear that the next list of items for ecotaxation would include personal clothing. The inclusion of items of bedding other than mattresses is extremely unjust and is causing unnecessary pain as consumers are learning that after the steep increase in the price of kerosene for heating and the surcharge on electricity which effectively precludes the use of electric heating, now even items of bedding are being taxed and that clothing may be next on line.
GRTU strongly urges you to reconsider your decision. The amount of money collected will not make a difference on government financing if it is declined, but the taxation of these items will surely create a highly negative reaction as these items are already subject to a stiff 18% VAT.


Kunsill Ezekuttiv GRTU 2005

Wara l-Elezzjoni ghall-Kunsill Ezekuttiv ghas-sena 2005 li saru fis-16 u 17 ta’ Jannar 2005 fost il-membri tal-GRTU – Malta Chamber of SME’s, l-Ufficcjali tal-GRTU ghas-sena 2005 huma kif gej:

Wara l-Elezzjoni ghall-Kunsill Ezekuttiv ghas-sena 2005 li saru fis-16 u 17 ta’ Jannar 2005 fost il-membri tal-GRTU – Malta Chamber of SME’s, l-Ufficcjali tal-GRTU ghas-sena 2005 huma kif gej:

President Paul Abela
First Vice-President Charles J Busuttil
Second Vice President Marcel Mizzi
Honorary Secretary General Philip Fenech
Honorary Ass. Secretary Sylvia Sciberras
Honorary Treasurer Hubert Agius
Assistant Honorary Treasurer Sergio Camilleri
Director General Vincent Farrugia

Abela Peter
Aquilina Manuel
Barthet Alfred
Borg Charles
Borg Maurice
Buttigieg Reuben
Debono Mario
Micallef Effie
Vella Saviour

Profil tal-President il-gdid: Is-Sur Paul Abela

Is-Sur Paul Abela gej minn tradizzjoni twila ta’ negozji tal-familja, bhala mportaturi tac-cereali u wara bhala operatur ta’ servizzi portwali.

Is-Sur Abela llum huwa wkoll attiv bhala entrepreneur fil-qasam tal- akkomodazzjoni ghat-turisti. Hu ilu sa mill-1987 President tal-Ko-operattiva tal-Burdnara u bejn l-1997 u l-2004 huwa kien Sindku elett tas-Swieqi. Bejn l-1993 u l-1997 kien Vici – Sindku tal-istess local. Fl-1991 u fl-1992 kien President tal-Lions Club Malta. F’isem il-GRTU huwa membru tal-Bord Ezekuttiv tal-CONFIAD Pan European Network.

Huwa mizzewweg lil Marianne nee Chricop u hu missier ta’ hamest itfal.


A.L. 28 ta’ l-2005
(ATT NRU. XII TA’ L-2004)
Regolamenti ta’ l-2005 li jemendaw l-Ewwel Skeda li tinsab ma’
l-Att dwar l-Eko-Kontribuzzjoni

B 225
A.L. 28 ta’ l-2005
(ATT NRU. XII TA’ L-2004)
Regolamenti ta’ l-2005 li jemendaw l-Ewwel Skeda li tinsab ma’
l-Att dwar l-Eko-Kontribuzzjoni
BIS-SA{{A tas-setg[at mog[tija bl-artikolu 13(1)(/) ta’ l-Att
dwar l-Eko-Kontribuzzjoni, hawnhekk i]jed ’il quddiem imsejja[ “l-
Att”, il-Ministru ta’ l-Affarijiet Rurali u l-Ambjent, bi ftehim mal-Prim
Ministru u Ministru tal-Finanzi, g[amel dawn ir-regolamenti li ;ejjin>–
1. (1) It-titolu ta’ dawn ir-regolamenti hu Regolamenti ta’ l-
2005 li jemendaw l-Ewwel Skeda li tinsab ma’ l-Att dwar l-Eko-
Kontribuzzjoni, u dawn g[andhom jinqraw u jiftiehmu [a;a wa[da ma’
l-Ewwel Skeda li tinsab ma’ l-Att dwar l-Eko-Kontribuzzjoni, liema l-
Ewwel Skeda qeg[da hawnhekk f’dawn ir-regolamenti tissejja[ “l-
(2) Dawn ir-regolamenti g[andhom jitqiesu li da[lu fis-se[[
fl-1 ta’ Jannar, 2005.
2. Minflok il-lista fl-Iskeda, g[andu jid[ol dan li ;ej>
Titolu u bidu fisse[[.
Jemenda l-Iskeda.
Suppliment tal-Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta’ Malta, Nru. 17,712, 25 ta’ Jannar, 2005
Taqsima B
B 226
B 227
B 228
B 229
B 230
B 231
L.N. 28 of 2005
(ACT NO XII OF 2004)
Eco-Contribution Act (Amendment of First Schedule)
Regulations, 2005
IN exercise of the powers conferred by article 13(1)(c) of the Eco-
Contribution Act, hereinafter referred to as “the Act”, the Minister for
Rural Affairs and the Environment, with the concurrence of the Prime
Minister and Minister of Finance, has made the following regulations>–
1. (1) The title of these regulations is the Eco-Contribution Act
(Amendment of First Schedule) Regulations, 2005, and they shall be
read and construed as one with the First Schedule to the Eco-Contribution
Act, which First Schedule is hereinafter referred to in these regulations
as “the Schedule”.
(2) These regulations shall be deemed to have come into
force on the 1st January, 2005.
2. For the list in the Schedule, there shall be substituted the
Title and
Amends list in the
B 232
B 233
B 234
B 235
B 236
Ippubblikat mid-Dipartiment ta’ l-Informazzjoni ( — Valletta — Published by the Department of Information ( — Valletta
Mitbug[ fl-Istamperija tal-Gvern — Printed at the Government Printing Press
Prezz 24ç – Price 24c

Eco Tax din tkun l-ahhar darba li nimponu l-ewwel u nikkunsultaw wara

“Grazzi tal-bidla fl-Eco Tax u nisperaw li din tkun l-ahhar darba li nimponu l-ewwel u nikkunsultaw wara”

“Grazzi tal-bidla fl-Eco Tax u nisperaw li din tkun l-ahhar darba li nimponu l-ewwel u nikkunsultaw wara”

Il-GRTU – Malta Chamber of SME’s taccetta b’sodisfazzjoni l-bidliet li l-Ministru ghall-Ambjent l-Onorevoli. George Pullicino, habbar permezz tal-Avviz Legali 28/05 li jimplimenta Eco Tax fuq lista ta’ prodotti. Il-bidliet li l-GRTU kienet irrakkomandat wara l-harga tal-ewwel Avviz Legali 529/05 gew kollha nkorporati. Dawn il-bidliet jinkorporaw it-talbiet li ghamlet l-GRTU direttament lill-Ministru George Pullicino kif ukoll l-bidliet kollha proposti f’dokument li l-Onorevoli Edwin Vassallo, Segretarju Parlamentari ghan-Negozji z-Zghar, ipprezenta lil Ministru Pullicino wara konsultazzjoni mall-GRTU. Il-bidliet huma ntizi biex tkun anqas iebsa ghan-negozji z-zghar li jhaddmu dawn l-imposizzjonijiet godda u ma jkunx hemm tbaghtija zejda u bla bzonn fuq l-konsumaturi.

Il-GRTU qed tappella lill-Prim Ministru biex jara li din tkun l-ahhar darba li jinhareg Avviz Legali li jolqot lis-sidien tan-negozji bla ma tithaddem l-procedura li huwa stess qed jitlob lill-Ministri kollha jsegwu. Skond din l-procedura l-Ministri u l-Awtoritajiet huma obligati li jiddiskutu mall-imsiehba socjali qabel ma jinhareg Avviz Legali. Il-Ministri ghandhom ukoll jaraw kif jaqblu mall-imsiehba socjali fuq mizuri li jpacu l-impatt negattiv tal-azzjonijiet ippjanati minnhom. Il-proceduri wkoll jesigu li qabel kull mizura gdida ghandu jkun mkejjel sewwa l-impatt ekonomiku fuq is-settur privat.

Il-GRTU m’ghandiex dubji li kieku l-Ministru Pullicino kejjel b’mod professjonali l-impatt ekonomiku tal-Eco Taxation, ma kien qatt jimponi s-sistema kif imposta bl-Eco Contribution Act. Din il-Ligi llum qed tkompli tghabbi zzejjed fuq numru kbir ta’ negozji zghar.

Il-GRTU issostni wkoll li l-impatt kumulattiv taz-zieda fil-VAT u l-imposizzjoni tal-Eco Tax kellha effett negattiv qawwi fuq l-purchasing power tal-konsumaturi u l-consumer confidence b’mod generali, bir-rizultat li l-bejgh kompla naqas u llum hafna mpjiegi fis-settur kummercjali huma mhedda.

L-Inflazzjoni terga tghola waqt li l-ispejjez ghall-intraprizi jkomplu jizdiedu

Il-GRTU – Malta Chamber of SME’s ghal darb’ohra tinnota li l-inflazzjoni f’pajjizna baqghet tiela. Dan hu kontra l-kurrent fil-kumplament tal-Unjoni Ewropea.

L-Inflazzjoni terga tghola waqt li l-ispejjez ghall-intraprizi jkomplu jizdiedu

Il-GRTU – Malta Chamber of SME’s ghal darb’ohra tinnota li l-inflazzjoni f’pajjizna baqghet tiela. Dan hu kontra l-kurrent fil-kumplament tal-Unjoni Ewropea.

Ir-ragunjiet ghal din iz-zieda fl-inflazzjoni, xahar wara xahar, m’humiex ekonomici. M’hemmx pressjoni min naha tal-produtturi u bejjiegha mill-ebda settur tal-ekonomija biex ikun hemm zieda fil-prezzijiet minhabba pressjoni ta’ domanda. Anzi d-domanda kemm ghall-oggetti ghall-bejgh f’Malta u ghall-esportazzjoni u kif ukoll id-domanda ghas-servizzi kemm lit-turisti u wkoll lill Maltin ghada baxxa hafna kif wera bic-car il-bejgh matul l-festi tal-Milied u anke l-bejgh fis-sales tal-bidu tas-sena l-gdida.

Ir-raguni vera taz-zieda fl-inflazzjoni gejja min fatturi li ghalihom ghandu responsabbilta kbira l-gvern. L-ewwelnet hemm iz-zieda kontinwa fil-prezzijiet tal-energija l-aktar id-diesel u issa tal-pitrolju u tal-elettriku. Izda b’mod partikulari t-taxxi li gew imposti din is-sena bla ebda ppjanar ekonomiku serju. Iz-zieda fil-VAT kellha mpatt qawwi hafna aktar milli bassar l-gvern. Imbaghad l-introduzzjoni tal-Eco Tax b’mod mghaggel u ghal kollox hazin flimkien maz-zidiet fil-pagi u f’hafna tariffi amministrattivi u talbiet ghall-hlasijiet b’lura min hafna entitajiet pubblici, ghollew bil-kbir l-ispejjez tal-produzzjoni ta’ kull servizz u prodott offrut mill-intraprizi Maltin. Din il-cost push inflation setghet giet evitata bi pjanar ekonomiku ahjar.

Waqt li l-indici ekonomici mportanti bhal ma hi dik tar-rata tal-inflazzjoni qed jibqghu jindikaw li l-problemi li qed tiffacja l-ekonomija Maltija qed ikomplu jikbru u mhux jonqsu, jidher li ghad baqa min ghadu jemmen u jirsisti biex flok nghinu l-investituri u l-intraprizi, l-awtoritajiet ikomplu jghabbu aktar spejjez fuq min irid johloq ix-xoghol u jahdem biex ikabbar l-ekonomija.

Il-GRTU ghal darb’ohra terga twiddeb li hi responsabbilta l-aktar kbira tal-gvern li jisgura li hadd fis-sistema kollha governattiva ma jibqa jimponi u jgholli bla kas ta’ xejn tal-impatt ta’ eghmilu fuq l-intraprizi Maltin. L-indikazzjonijiet ekonomici bhaz-zieda fl-inflazzjoni, zieda fil-qaghad nuqqas ta’ esportazzjoni u nuqqas ta’ bejgh, jindikaw bic-car li hafna ntraprizi qeghdin fl-inkwiet u li hafna mpjiegi huma mhedda.

Complained filed with Office for Fair Competition


The Director of the Office for Fair Competition
"Office for Fair Trading"
Cannon Road,
Sta Venera,


The Director of the Office for Fair Competition
"Office for Fair Trading"
Cannon Road,
Sta Venera,


The President of the Commission for Fair Trading,
Magistrate Dr. Silvio Meli,
the Law Courts,

Date: 22nd January 2005

Further to the complaint filed on 14th January by Tabone Computer Centre
Limited, copy of which is attached below, the GRTU has been following
this case and we are informed that the company who launched the complain
only received an acknowledgment.

The GRTU is informed that next Tuesday (or before) the government is
going to announce a scheme whereby students will be able to order and
purchase HP desktop computer systems and notebooks at low prices. These
are going to be available in very large numbers. We are aware that
‘student’ schemes are not controllable.

This will distort the computer market locally for a long time while the
computer dealers will have only one choice, that of becoming an HP
dealer. Once competition and all other brands are destroyed, dealers
cannot regain market share after they loose their supply chain, their
technical people, their support people.

This is going to be of a great service to HP in order to gain a near
100% market share.

This is a Predatory Market Practice and creates Unfair Competition while
moving HP computers to a Dominant Market Position.

These 3 practices are ALL against EU Directives where actually the EU
PROHIBITS this from being done by anybody.

The Hon. Minister for IT, Dr. Austin Gatt has been reported to have
stated that this scheme will proceed.

The GRTU is hereby reporting this complaint and at the same time is
asking that your office issues an Interim Measure to suspend this
agreement between the Government and HP with immediate effect while
taking all the necessary legal actions to ensure compliance to the EU

Your office should ensure that the consumer is offered the best choice
in a free market and that there is no return to the time when all
Maltese children were forced to eat Deserta Chocolate.

It is the obligation of the government to ensure that everybody can
purchase the computer he likes, by removing all VAT and other Taxes on
these products and if necessary refunds the costs to those who do not
afford a computer. Free market forces will ensure that the prices
offered will be the lowest on the market.

Best regards,
Joe Tabone
GRTU – Senior Vice President

———— COPY OF complaint dated 14th January 2005. ———–

We would like to draw your attention that a news report carried out on
todays’s newspapers indicate that the Government will be distributing
operating systems and Hewlet Packard (HP) computers at low cost.

We hereby file a complaint to investigate if these computers will breach
any fair trading practices:
– form of subsidy
– form of exclusive marketing of a brand by the governement
– Selling below cost or dumping. Cost means purchasing price plus the
cover of the local costs, distribution expenses and warranty.

In the meantime we ask that as an interim measure, the computers will
not be distributed in any form till this case is cleared from your
department and possibly any EU DG Competition.

We hope to receive an urgent reply.

Best regards,
Joe Tabone
Managing Director