Visa Waiver for EU citizens travelling to Brazil

 Last week the Commission adopted draft decisions for the signature and conclusion of an agreement with Brazil for the waiver of a visa requirement for EU citizens. The waiver only applies for short-stay travel of up to 3 months. Once the agreements are concluded, all EU citizens will be able to travel to Brazil without a visa.













This is positive news for Malta since at the moment Maltese citizens need a visa in order to travel to Brazil. The draft decisions have to be approved by the Council of the EU which will enable the signature and conclusion of the agreement.   Information: MEUSACNews

Electronic one-stop-shop for access to justice throughout the EU

In line with the EU's efforts to inform its 500 million citizens, help them better understand the objectives of its institutions and encourage citizens to become more pro-active in EU affairs and to come to terms with the EU's presence in their daily routine., a new portal has just been launched to provide an electronic one-stop-shop for access to justice throughout the EU.


The portal provides information and links on laws and practices in all the Member States. Citizens, businesses, lawyers, notaries and judges should find this new portal very useful. Information on legislative instruments to facilitate cross-border proceedings, including judicial cooperation and video conferencing, is also given. Other sections deal with particular topics including going to court, legal aid, mediation, family law and finding a lawyer in the EU. The site can be accessed in all the official EU languages.

New information, tools and functions will be added in the coming years. The portal facilitates access to justice for EU citizens involved in cross-border cases and will make judiciary proceedings in Europe faster and more user-friendly for the citizens.

Exports/Transit through Customs Union of Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan

 Below is information GRTU received from the Ministry for Finance: The Customs Union (CU) of Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan (CU) seems, as from 1 July 2010, to have introduced in the 3 countries, common SPS requirements.


On veterinary and sanitary issues, the CU published requirements for imported and transit consignments of live animals, animal products and feed (Decision No 318 of 18 June 2010 of the Customs Union Commission, document available in Russian on DG SANCO web page, hyperlink attached). According to this CU Decision, Common forms of veterinary certificates entered into force on 1 July 2010. The transitional period is applied for the veterinary certificates agreed between the Russian Federation and the EU (till 1 January 2011). Belarus seems to apply the CU veterinary requirements.

On plant health issues the CU has informed that its Regulations in the field of plant protection entered into force on 1st July 2010. Phytosanitary requirements are laid down in Decision No 30 of 11 December 2009 and its annex. Furthermore, a list of regulated products has been published (documents are available on DG SANCO web page, hyperlink attached).

On food safety issues e.g. Maximum Residues Levels allowed in food products (MRLs), clarification is still needed. It seems, also in this area, that CU legislation is based on the Russian requirements ("Hygienic regulations of content of pesticides in environmental objects. GN 1.2.1323-03 of 6 May 2003 with amendments – 13 annex), which are in several cases stricter that those of the EU.

The CU requirements for animal products (meat and dairy products) were drafted taking as a model the Russian sanitary requirements, which are stricter than that of the EU, for example, for antibiotics.

The European Commission is aware of trade restrictions already imposed to consignments originating in EU Member States and destined to Belarus or Russia, due to immediate application of the new common requirements. The European Commission will investigate with the members of CU, how to avoid disruption of trade, during the implementation of the common SPS requirements.

you are kindly requested to provide information on:

Any SPS related problems or potential barriers, concerning export to Russia, Belarus or Kazakhstan;

Animals and animal products currently exported to Belarus and Kazakhstan and details on the conditions agreed to export to those countries, including health certificate models, in particular, if conditions are different from the new common requirements.

Further information: 

DG SANCO web page on the Customs Union:

Hyperlink to Decision No 318 of 18 June 2010 of the Customs Union Commission, on DG SANCO web page:

Motor Vehicles

 GRTU received the following communication from the MSA: The Regulatory affairs Directorate, Motor vehicles section is in the phase of amending L.N. 148 of 2009 EC Type-Approval of Motor Vehicles and their Trailers Regulations.


Council Directive 2007/46/EC establishing a framework for the approval of motor vehicles and their trailers, and of systems, components and separate technical units intended for such vehicles, has been substantially amended several times, in the interest of clarity Schedules IV, V, VI, X, XI, XV, XVI, XXI, XXII of L.N.148 of 2009 are being amended to reflect the amendments brought by the following acts;

Regulation No.661/2009 concerning type-approval requirements for the general safety of motor vehicles, their trailers and systems. This Regulation amends Schedule IV, VI, XI, XXI, XXII of L.N. 148 of 2009.

Commission Directive 2010/19/EU amending, for the purpose of adaptation to technical progress in the field of spray-suppression systems of certain categories of motor vehicles and their trailers, Council Directive 91/226/EEC and Directive 2007/46/EC. This Directive amends Schedule IV, XI, XXI, XXII of L.N. 148 of 2009.

Commission Regulation (EU) No 371/2010 replacing Annexes V, X, XV, and XVI to Directive 2007/46/EC establishing a framework for the approval of motor vehicles and their trailers, and of systems. This Regulation amends Schedule V, X, XV, XVI, XXII of L.N. 148 of 2009.

Commission Regulation (EU) No. 406/2010 implementing Regulation (EC) No. 79/2009 on type-approval of hydrogen-powered motor vehicles. This Regulation amends Schedule XXI of L.N. 148 of 2009.

Commission Regulation (EU) No 672/2010 concerning type-approval requirements for windscreen defrosting systems of certain motor vehicles and implementing Regulation (EC) No 661/2009 concerning type-approval requirements for the general safety of motor vehicles, their trailers an systems. This Regulation amends Schedule XXI of L.N. 148 of 2009.

Should more information be required kindly contact the Regulatory Affairs Directorate, on: , or . Closing date for comments is 17the September 2010.

Partner Search

Intel-ActivPack – A smart packaging system for ‘ready' foods combining
existing active film technology (to extend shelf life) and the novel, low cost
smart label that indicates through electronic time-temperature integration,
when a food has reached its safe life limit.


A novel treatment system that eliminates icing on the
insides of freezers & fridges for long periods, improving efficiency,
saving energy, saving money & CO2, while reducing overall treatment cost.


A water treatment system that produces Biopolymer from
high organic content of food process & brewery waste water while reducing
the overall treatment cost.


Development of a fully Bio-degradeable Packaging Film
with Bio-polymer substrate, biodegradeable ink and a bio-degradeable, Oxygen
Barrier Varnish


weight composite sandwich panels for aircraft interiors.

If interested in any contact Abigail at GRTU


European Commission Green Paper on Pension Reform

 Employability and increasing people's chances to be employed have been deemed as the most important factors for pension sustainability and security as the developed world is moving towards the reality of 1.5 workers sustaining each pensioner, compared to the current 4.


Introducing the meeting of MEUSAC's Core Group held on July 30, to which GRTU President Paul Abela attended, that discussed the Green Paper on Pension reform recently issued by the European Commission, Minister for Education, Employment and the Family, Dolores Cristina, said that Malta positively welcomed the Green Paper which sets out guidelines for pension reform without proposing a ‘one size fits all' scenario. Therefore, Member States are free to take the needed decisions relevant to their society.

The Green Paper entitled ‘Towards adequate, sustainable and safe European pension systems' reviews the European pension framework in a holistic and integrated manner, benefiting from synergies across economic and social policy and financial market regulation. As a result, various topics are mentioned in the Green Paper such as longer working lives, the internal market for pensions, mobility of pensions across the EU, gaps in EU regulation, the future solvency regime for pension funds, the risk of employer insolvency, informed decision making and governance at EU level.

Minister Cristina emphasised that Malta has already commenced its own pension reform, which, after an adequate consultation period with all interested parties, came up with a reform plan which is being implemented gradually after having taken into account sustainability and pension security.

The Minister said that Malta is therefore in sync with the Commission's Green Paper which seeks to reform pensions systems for them to be adequate, sustainable and safe.

The Director General of the Department for Social Policy, Mr. Joe Camilleri and Mr. Godwin Mifsud from the Ministry for the Economy, Finance and Investment delivered a presentation on the current situation of pensions in Europe and the principal themes found in the proposed Green Paper.

This was followed by a discussion with members making a number of points such as how one can measure an adequate pension as well as various comments on what should be done to remove barriers to employment for various sectors of society.

Mr. David Spiteri Gingell, Chairperson of the national Pensions Woking Group said that according to the World Bank, an adequate pension is that of 40% of the average salary within a country. He also emphasised that the key to sustainability is to increase the participation rate in the employment market, thus removing barriers to employment that certain groups such as women, immigrants and minorities face.

The European Commission's consultation period on the Green Paper will end on November 15, 2010. Information: MEUSACNews

Il-GRTU dwar il-Programm ta` Xogholijiet ta` tisbieh u zvilupp fil-Belt Valletta

 F'Laqgha msejha mill-GRTU mall-oghla Ufficjali tal-Ministeru tal-Infrastruttura, Trasport u Komunikazzjoni (MITC) nhar it-Tnejn 6 ta' Settembru,  il-Gvern u l-GRTU iddiskutew il-program estensiv tal-Gvern biex jizviluppa u jmexxi l-quddiem il-progett ta' restawr, zvilupp u embellishment li l-Gvern ntrabat li jwettaq.


Id-Direttur General tal-GRTU, Vince Farrugia ghamilha cara li dan hu progett kbir li ghalih il-GRTU, f'isem dawk kollha li nvestew fi stabilimenti fil-Belt Valletta u li l-ghixien taghhom jiddependi mill-kwalita u l-livell ta' dak kollu li kapaci toffri il-Belt Valletta, ilha ghexiren ta' snin tinsisti li jsir program estensiv bhal dan u ghalhekk zgur mhux se tkun il-GRTU li ttellef biex il-progetti l-godda jitwettqu bl-aktar mod efikaci u fl-iqsar zmien possibli.

Il-GRTU ma qaditx lura li tikkumenta b'mod iebes meta l-konsultazzjonijiet bejn l-awtoritajiet u l-GRTU f'isem in-negozji tal-Belt ma sarux kif kellhom isiru. "Ma jistax il-Gvern waqt li jkunu ghaddejin x-xoghlijiet ma jahsibx fl-impatt li l-gheluq ta' toroq u problemi ohra li tohloq il-kostruzzjoni ma jaffetwawx drastikament id-dhul tal-hwienet li minnu jridu jithallsu l-pagi tal-haddiema u spejjez ohra tan-negozju. Il-Gvern ma jistax jippretendi li l-GRTU tiddedika lin-nies taghha, ghas spejjez tal-membri tal-GRTU, biex jispjegaw lin-nies tan-negozji xi jrid isir u nikkordinaw l-programmi individwali tan-negozji ma' dawk tal-Gvern jekk ahna l-ewwel nett lanqas biss inkunu aggornati u infurmati b'mod strutturat. Ma jistax ikun li l-entitajiet tal-Gvern jibqghu jikkomunikaw b'mod sparodiku, fuq sistema ta' ghidli u nghidlek. Il-GRTU ma tridx li  x-xogholijiet jitkaxkru fuq perjodu twil ta' snin ghax jkun ahjar li dak li ghandu jsir jsir fi zmien kemm jista` jkun qasir basta ippjanat sew. Imma l-Gvern ma jistax ikun li ma jsahhahx il-process ta' konsultazzjoni strutturata mal-GRTU u mhux ma individwi li jirraprezentaw biss l-interessi taghhom personali ghaliex illum huma hafna n-negozji li qed ibatu" enfasizza Vince Farrugia.

Fil-laqgha gew diskussi l-progetti ewlenin li ghandhom x'jaqsmu mall-progetti tal-arkitett  Renzo Piano ghal Pjazza Helsien u Bieb il-Belt, id-ditch, kif wkoll dawk marbuta mar-riforma tat-trasport pubbliku u l-pavimentar, u kif dawn ser jolqtu t-traffic management u l-problema akuta tal-parking. Il-GRTU izzomm wkoll laqgha simili ta' livell gholi mal-Ministeru tar-Rizorsi u l-Affarijiet Rurali li huma responsabbli mill-Progett estenziv tar-restawr tal-bini u swar tal-Belt Valletta

Gie miftiehem mal-oghla ufficjali tal-Ministeru tal-Infrastuttura, Trasport u Komunikazzjoni li ghandhom jibdew jsiru b'mod immedjat laqghat strutturati b'mod regolari bejn l-Ufficjali tal-Gvern inkarigati mill-Progetti fil-Belt u Kumitat elett mil-Laqgha Generali tas-sidien tan-negozji tal-Belt imsejha mill-GRTU u li jibda jinhareg Bulletin bid-dettalji tax-xogholijiet kif ippjanati sabiex l-GRTU tkun tista` tinforma u tiftiehem mas-sidien tan-negozji fiz-zoni milquta. Dan biex ikun assigurat l-ghola livell ta' kooperazzjoni u l-inqas impatt negattiv fuq in-negozji. Il-GRTU hi impenjata li twassal l-ilmenti u s-suggerimenti kollha dwar kif l-ahjar jitwettqu ix-xogholijiet u dwar l-arrangamenti temporanji li jkunu jridu jsiru biex tittaffa l-problema tat-traffiku u tal-parking waqt ix-xogholijiet.

Il-GRTU ser ukoll tikkonsulta mas-sidien tan-negozji tal-Belt biex twassal suggerimenti tan-nies tan-negozji dwar parking. Gie diga miftiehem mal-GRTU fejn il-Gvern behsiebu johloq postijiet godda ta' parking, biex jaghmel tajjeb ghal dak li se jintilef bil-progetti l-godda. Il-Gvern marbut li jibqa' jfittex alternattivi ohra li jistghu jintuzaw bla htiega ta' investimenti kbar u li jiehdu iz-zmien.

Il-President, Paul Abela flimkien mad-Direttur Generali, Vince Farrugia ftit wara din il-laqgha ndirizzaw laqgha gewwa il-Kwartieri Generali tal-GRTU, organizzata ghas-sidien tan-negozji tal-Belt, herqana li jkunu infurmati dwar x'hemm ippjanat. L-impatt ta' dak li qed isir fil-Belt fuq in-negozji tal-Belt hu hazin hafna. Dan hareg min studju li l-GRTU ghada kemm wetqet ma negozji ewlenin fil-Belt min kull settur u ghalhekk il-GRTU hi taht pressjoni mis-sidien tal-Belt biex l-affarijiet jsiru ahjar.

Wara li l-mexxejja tal-GRTU taw rapport ta dak li intqal fil-laqgha u tal-arrangamenti godda li dwarhom sar qbiel, gie elett Kumitat gdid tas-sidien tan-negozji tal-Belt biex jkun responsabbli mit-tahdidiet mal-Gvern. Gie decis wkoll li is-sidien jibqghu jitlaqqghu fuq bazi regolari mill-GRTU halli s-sidien mhux biss jkunu nfurmati izda wkoll ikunu f'posizzjoni li jwettqu dak li hu mehtieg biex hadd ma jbati.

Il-qofol se jkun li kulhadd jkun infurmat permezz ta` Bulletin li johrog b'mod regoli u jinghata lil kulhadd u b'laqghat regolari biex jinstema kulhadd. M'hiex se tithaddem sistema fejn wiehed u tnejn ikunu jafu kollox bil-biza li dawn jdabbru rashom izda li kulhadd jkun infurmat b'mod professjonali. Il-GRTU se tizgura wkoll li dak li kkometta li jaghmel il-Ministeru jaghmlu. La hemm qbiel fuq il-progetti m'ghandux ghalfejn ikun hemm tfixkiel fuq id-dettalji.

"Li jrid isir wkoll izda hu li kull negozju jfassal l-istrategija tieghu ghal quddiem ghalhiex dak li ser isir fil-Belt se jibdel bis-shih il-perception li in-nies Maltin u turisti ghandhom tal-Belt u filwaqt li se jkun hemm opportunitajiet godda ghal certi oqsma ta negozju se jkun hemm ohrajn li jista` jkun li ser ikollhom jibdlu radikalment il-mod kif tradizzjonalment iggestixxu n-negozji taghhom u wkol in-natura tan-negozju taghhom" spjega Vince Farrugia lis-sidien li attendew ghal-laqgha fil-GRTU.

"Dwar dan il-GRTU wkoll qed tohloq servizz gdid ta' assistenza ghal negozji li jsibu ruhhom f'diffikulta minhabba t-tibdil strutturali li qed isir fil-Belt u ser jintlaqat hazin in-negozju taghhom. Il-GRTU qeghda titkellem mal- Ministeru tal-Finanzi biex fejn hu possibbli jinholqu skemi godda ta' assistenza. Il-Gvern diga accetta l-principji li fejn ikun hemm telfien ta' negozju fit-tul ghandu jitfassal l-mekkanizmu ta' kumpens bhal ma gara diga u ghalhekk wiehed jistenna li b'kooperazzjoni shiha l-affarijiet jitmexxew sewwa biex fl-ahhar nilhqu l-ghan li l-Belt Valletta terga verament issir Belt ta' kwalita". ikkonkluda d-Direttur General tal-GRTU Vince Farrugia.

Il-Kumitat ser jibda jiltaqa` mill-Gimgha d-diehla.

A success story that worries the idiots

 There is no other stronger word than idiots. What has been written or stated by a section of the media about Green MT recently is nothing but dirty lies and insinuations aimed at the gullible. Green MT has for this section of the media become "Vince Farrugia's company". Vince Farrugia in his capacity as Director General of GRTU is ex-officio Chairman of the Board of Directors of Green MT.

He gives Green MT a lot of his time and energy as he has even before Green MT was set-up and was still only a concept and a commitment, to Malta's largest packaging waste producers and to Government, that he will leave no stone unturned to ensure that Green MT is established and managed professionally.

Vince Farrugia does not receive one single euro as remuneration for his dedicated service to Green MT and he owns one share simply because that is what the law implies, but again in his capacity as Director General of GRTU. But to say that Green MT is "Vince Farrugia's" company is sheer fabrication. Green MT is a professional organisation managed efficiently by an experienced manager, expert in the waste management field, Joe Attard, ably assisted by a team of professional full time executives and a team of well trained Eco-consultants and supervisors. Green MT competes only with the other registered scheme and does not compete with any service provider, as all services given by Green MT are sub-contracted to independent micro-and small private suppliers. Any one who has dealt with Green MT knows that if it weren't for the absolute dedication of CEO Joe Attard and Chairman Vince Farrugia, the concept of a not-for-profit national waste management and compliance scheme to relieve the businesses of the excessive costs and burdens of administrating the worst management and compliance responsibilities imposed upon them at law would have never seen the light of day.

The Directors of Green MT, besides Vince Farrugia and Joe Attard, are the President of GRTU Paul Abela and Vice president for Administration Marcel Mizzi. None of the Directors receive any remuneration. Vince Farrugia and all other Directors do not own Green MT. The company is owned by GRTU on behalf of the business community members of Green MT, but GRTU does not receive any dividends or any profits from Green MT as all positive balances are fed-back as reduced charges to Green MT members and additional services to the Local Councils participating in the Green Mt Scheme.

"Why the section of the media, known for its political bias has decided on a campaign to damage Green MT is honestly beyond comprehension. Green MT operates in 41 Localities managed by elected local councils, both nationalists and labour. All mayors that deal with Green MT can confirm that Green MT never brings in any minutest shade of partisan politics in its operations. Further more, Green MT is responsible for the success Malta is achieving in its battle to substantially improve its performance in waste separation in relationship with other EU Member States. An increase of 200% on previous separated waste collection is no mere feat". Comments Vince Farrugia.   

Insinuations have also been made on the accounts of Green Mt. Green Mt is the only national waste compliance scheme that supplies MEPA as the Public Regulator, with all details of its operations. Unlike Green MT, the competitor has still failed to submit recovery and recycling figures for the first quarter of 2010 to MEPA. But of course for the detractors Green MT is the target so others may fail and remain unnoticed. Green MT's annual and quarterly audit reports of performance submitted to MEPA are prepared by an independent firm of Auditors who provide audit trails of all operations under the supervision of a professional independent Environment Assessment firm registered and recommended by MEPA. The accounts of Green Mt are not held by GRTU staff but by an independent firm of accountants.

It is therefore absolutely outrageous that a company which is not-for-profit, that does not pass on any profits to any share holder and one that genuinely acts on behalf of its clients and the communities it serves and who is managed by persons of great integrity to ensure that no conflict of interest whatsoever exists between any personal interest of the Scheme Managers of Green Mt and any interests of anyone of Green MT's clients and suppliers, is so abusively vilified. "GRTU is proud of Green Mt and so are all Green Mt's members and the same applies to the public regulators responsible for accrediting and approving Green MT's performance records. We have enough written testimonials to prove this." Says Vince Farrugia Chairman of Green MT. "The promotion and effective execution of not for profit schemes on behalf of participating members is the way forward for Business Chambers like GRTU. The age when organizations like GRTU simply grumbled and protested are long over. The future needs of independent private businesses need a Chamber that is capable of providing services that individual firms cannot provide on their own except at an exorbitant price. These services are best provided on a not-for-profit basis by a collective business community effort". Emphasises Vince Farrugia.

Green Mt is only one service collectively offered by GRTU to assist its members. Other services are planned. The idiots may scream. The wets may have to change their pants more often. But GRTU is not for turning Vince Farrugia is big enough to withstand the unjustified and invented attacks. Honesty always prevails.

Jkompli x-Xoghol ta` Tisbieh gewwa M’Xlokk

 L-ahhar fazi tax-xoghol ta' tisbieh gewwa M'Xlokk ser jkompli f'Settembru u jekk kollox jmur sew jispicca fl-ahhar gimgha ta' Novembru. Il-GRTU qeghda kontinwament f'komunikazzjoni mall-membri taghha u konvinta li wara d-diversi laqghat li gew organizzati u x-xhur ta' konsultazzjoni, l-proposti li tresqu mill-Komunita' Kummerċjali, Kunsill Lokali, bejjiegħa tal-monti kif ukoll tas-Sajjieda, kienu l-aħjar soluzzjoni sabiex dan il-progett  isir fl-inqas żmien possibbli.










Il-GRTU tixtieq tinfoma li s-servizzi u l-access ghal hwienet qieghed jigi provdut skond it-talba ta' l-istess sidien bil-koperazzjoni shiha tal-kuntrattur li qieghed jaghmel ix-xoghol.