Eco design and energy labelling of Water Heaters

 MSA has informed the GRTU that discussions on Eco design requirements (minimum energy requirements) and a mandatory Energy label are in advanced stage.  These shall apply to most water heaters and storage water heaters including:


Oil or Gas or Electric Instantaneous;

Oil or Gas or Electric or  Solar Storage or combinations there of;

Heat pump systems;

Storage tanks for hot water;

Solar preheat systems.

The following are exempt:

Water heaters specifically design for bio fuels;

Water heaters using sold fuels;

Large Combustion Plants;

Components and sub-assemblies;

Room heating equipment.

The draft regulation on Eco design equipments may be found at

The draft regulation on energy labeling (including the future energy label) may be found at:

Information on the tests required may be found at:

These requirements are mandatory for newly manufactured and imported water heaters. 

Your attention is drawn to the following points:

Heaters which use electrical energy are discriminated against since the energy efficiency calculations are based on primary energy not site energy.  A European harmonized conversion factor of 2.5 shall be assumed to take into account the conversion of fuel oil or gas to electricity.

The energy efficiency classification (denoted by a letter between A+++ and G) is assigned on the primary energy use (i.e. energy contained in the raw fuel – with out any transformation) and not site energy (i.e. energy consumed at the building).   

Water heaters that use smart control (i.e. adapt water heater performance automatically to user patterns) will be favoured by a factor of about 7%.

Energy efficiency is determined by tests based on performance oriented load profiles which are based on tapping cycles.  The load profile that the product is to follow is the maximum load profile possible for that product.

The tests assume a thermostat setting of 55C.

The energy classification as denoted by letters A+++ to G is applicable to the load profile that the manufacturer has chosen and it is up to the consumer to determine the size of the heater and the load profile that best suits his/her needs.

Hence it is expected that:

A very efficient electric heater that use the Joules effect to heat water should not have an energy label higher than A or C depending on the load profile;

A very efficient gas heater energy would have a  label that varies from A++ to A+ depending on the load profile;

A heat pump water heater with a COP of around 3 could have an energy label of A++ or A+++ depending on the load profile;

A solar heater with a very effective solar collector and a very well insulated storage tank could have an energy label of A+++.

For more information kindly contact Ing. Joseph Micallef- Engineer, Regulatory Affairs Directorate at Malta Standards Authority. T: 23952221 E: ">blocked::mailto:


Possible measures on the installation of lighting systems

The commission is considering establishing a new level of measures following minimum energy efficiency requirements introduced on domestic and tertiary lighting products


In this context it is seeking views of the stakeholders and member states on different options.  In particular it is considering introducing legislation on lighting systems under the following legal instruments:

Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (2010/31/EC) – for indoor lighting systems;

Energy Services Directive (2006/32/EC) – for outdoor lighting systems.

Possible new measures on tertiary lighting

As an alternative to above the Commission is considering setting minimum optical efficiency requirements and possibly setting up an Energy label for tertiary lighting.

Eco design and labeling of directional lighting

A draft report has been forwarded on the future of directional lamps with a focus on the future LED technology in this regard and possible minimum energy efficiency legislation on directional lamps. –

GRTU meets candidate for Hon Consul for Malta in Nicaragua

GRTU has this week met Mr Walter Buhler Molina, Candidate for Hon Consul in Nicaragua. Mr Buhler was Born in Managua in 1965 and has lived 26 years in Nicaragua, including the last 12 years. Between the ages of 14 and 32 he has also lived in Switzerland. He has a Economics and speaks Spanish, English, French, German and Italian. He started his career in the banking sector as a trainee with Swiss Banking Corporation, moving up to Emerging Markets Loans and Fiduciary Administrator with Socimer Finance and finally as Commercial  Manager in Private Banking with Banco Santander.

Today he owns and manages two boutique hotels (30 rooms in all) one in Managua, the other in Las Rivas. In addition Mr Buhler is Director of the National Chamber of Tourism, the Nicaraguan Hotel Association and President of the Association of Boutique Hotels. His family is involved in many businesses. His father is the President of the Grupo Buhler which includes pharmaceuticals, security systems, automobile. His father is also a Director in the Nicaraguan Superior Council of Private Enterprise. Buhler's brother-in-law is Director of the Nicaraguan Chamber of Industry.

Mr Buhler explained to the GRTU that the main economic activity in Nicaragua stand on the Pacific coast not the Atlantic coast, this due to history & positive aspects of the land. He informed that on the pacific side they do have some good developments as they get cruise liners.

Their main economic activity is agriculture and they produce coffee, cacao, organic & gourmet. Textile manufacturing has also started and the main export partner is the US and collaboration with Europe is on the increase. Economically, tourism & financial services present a challenge they want to overcome. They do not have a Foreign Trade Agreement with the EU but on separate products. An agreement is foreseen but this will be signed for central America not for individual countries.

Politics have been stable for the last 20 and that the cost of labor is very low, amongst lowest in Latin America – 2nd poorest country before the Haiti. They are under developed but rich in natural resources  They have no oil but they are buying oil from Venezuela and reselling it. They have some gold mines for which production is not on a large scale. Fishing is artisan, they have fish farming in shrimp.

There are still plans for a canal for Nicaragua through the river which connects the 2 seas but it is not very deep so they have to make it deeper. Water is however one of their great resources and they are afraid they would loose too much water if this had to be done.

GRTU in the stage of finalising its work on the Rent Reform

GRTU has once again called a meeting for businesses operating from rented properties under old agreements/contracts (pre 1995), who are effected by the now in force rent reform.


A good number of businesses were present with those that could not attend being informed of the outcome by email/phone. GRTU reminded those present that all those who did not have an end date for their contact would have their contact ended by the new law within 18 years. In addition those who did not have a mechanism where rent increased would see their rent increased, independent of how much rent they already paid and if they paid a premium to make up for not having the rent increase.

GRTU also informed those present that in line with the agreement reached in the last meeting GRTU would take court action against certain aspects of the law and the deadline for enrolling in the court case was end September. After the closing date GRTU will be calling for a final meeting for those who entered the case.

How to enter the case:

Be a GRTU paid up member

Provide the GRTU with a copy of the contract/in absence of contract proof of payment of rent

Copy of ID card of person appearing in the rent

€50 covering legal fees

GRTU reminded those present that they had a lot to lose when it came to their business and by entering the court case they would spend much less than if they took it up in court themselves and they will be avoiding a lot of court hassle which the GRTU will be taking care of on his behalf.

Jigu imnedija il-Malta-Wipo Awards ghall-Kreattivita u Innovazzjoni

 Dawn l-awards qed jiġu organizzati b'kollaborazzjoni bejn id-Dipartiment tal-Kummerċ, u l-World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO) li hija aġenzija tan-Nazzjonijiet Uniti b'riżultat ta' taħdidiet bejn iż-żewġ naħat fl-aħħar xhur. Dawn l-awards huma maħsuba li jiċċelebraw il-kisbiet tal-imħuħ kreattivi tagħna, fil-waqt li joħolqu soċjeta fejn il-kreattivita' u l-innovazzjoni huma inkoraġġuti f'kull livell. 


Eluf ta' xogħolijiet kreattivi madwar id-dinja, u mhux inqas f'Malta, f'dan il-mument jinsabu fi stadji differenti tal-iżvilupp tagħhom. Uħud għadhom żerriegħa fil-moħħ tal-kreattiv, uħud wasslu fl-aħħar, lesti biex jagħtu l-frott.  Il-fattur komuni bejniethom kollha, huwa li dawn kollha joriġinaw mill-istess ‘post' – il-moħħ uman.  F'Malta, li ir-riżorsa ewlenija tagħna hija ir-riżorsa umana, dan il-proċess nafuh sewwa, u il-Gvern kontinwament ipoġġi dal-qasam fuq nett tal-prijoritajiet tiegħu, u jagħmel investimenti qawwija biex insaħħu u nsostnu din ir-riżorsa, permezz ta' investimenti kontinwi fl-Edukazzjoni.

Dawk il-pajjiżi l-iktar li huma kapaċi li jinkoraġġixxu it-talent kreattiv tagħhom, huma il-pajjiżi l-iktar kapaċi isostnu żvilupp soċjali u ekonomiku.

Il-Malta-WIPO Awards għall-Kreattivita u l-Innovazzjoni li ġew imnedija illum, huma biss waħda minn sensiela ta' dawn l-inizzjattivi. Fil-Budget ta' din is-sena, il-Gvern ħabbar fond ta' €100,000 bħala investiment fil-kreattivita', u l-innovazzjoni fl-edukazzjoni, arti, teknologija u s-settur tal-manufattura.  Dan ukoll biex jingħata rikonoxximent lill-intraprendituri kreattivi żgħażagħ.   

Ir-rebbieħa tal-ewwel post ta' kull kategorija jieħdu €10,000, midalja u ċertifikat maħruġ mill-WIPO, tieni post jieħu €6,000 u t-tielet €4,000. Il-kategoriji tal-Awards huma fl-oqsma tal-Arti, Xjenza, Teknoloġija u Innovazzjoni, u huma kif ġej:

Malta/WIPO Award għall-Kreattivita' Individwi li taw kontribut għax-xena tal-arti, u kreattivita f'Malta.  Litteratura, Mużika, kif ukoll Computer Programming.  Irid jingħata valur tal-potenzjal ekonomiku tax-xogħol.

Malta/WIPO Award għall-Innovazzjoni Intrapriżi li jużaw sistemi ta' Proprjeta Intelletwali għax-xogħol tagħhom fir-Riċerka u l-iżvilupp tal-prodotti tagħhom.

Malta/WIPO Award għall-Aqwa invenzjoni  Individwi li l-invenzjonijiet tagħhom kisbu suċċessi kbar u fit-tul.  Dawn iridu ikunu taw kontribut lid-dinja tax-Xjenza u l-iżvilupp teknoloġiku.

Malta/WIPO Award għall-Aqwa inventur żagħżugħ Individwi bejn l-eta ta' 15 u 25 sena, li żviluppaw invenzjonijiet jew prodott innovattivi li jistgħu jiġi żviluppat kommerċjalment. 

Ir-rebbieħa jitħabbru lejn l-aħħar ta' Novembru 2010. Iżjed informazzjoni fuq is-suġġett kif ukoll linji gwida, u formuli tal-applikazzjoni jistgħu jinsabu fuq il-website  Jista jsir ukoll kuntatt telefoniku mad-Dipartiment tal-Kummerċ fuq 25690223.

Is-Sitwazzjoni prezenti tan-Negozji fil-Belt

Il-GRTU ser tlaqqa s-sidien tan-negozzji fil-Belt nhar it-Tnejn sabiex tigi diskussa s-sitwazzjoni prezenti u jigi mahtur kumitat ta` azzjoni sabiex jitkellem ghan nom tas-sidien.


Sadanittant il-GRTU qeghda tinsisti mall-awtoritajiet kkoncernati sabiex issir aktar konsultazzjoni dwar progetti fejn qed jintilef ammont sostanzjali ta' parkegg li ma jigiex mibdul f'alternattivi ohra. Ezempju car huwa l-progett ta' Pjazza San Gorg, Papa Piu, St John Cavalier, Freedom Square u prezentament l-progett tad-Ditch li bihsiebu jiehu bejn 16 – 18 il-xhar.    

Din il-problema issa giet aggravata bin-nuqqas ta` pjanar fix-xoghol li qed tirrizulta f'nuqqas ta accessibilita' tan-nies li jridu jaghmlu uzu mill-facilitajiet vasti li toffri il-Belt Valletta. Is-sidien tal-istabbilimenti tal-Belt ghandhom spejjez enormi u ghandhom kompetizzjoni qawwija minn centri kummercjali ohra mifruxa ma Malta. Il-konsumatur jekk ma jkollux accessibilita' facli, jevita li jidhol il-Belt ghax ghandu postijiet ohra minn fejn jinqeda.

Il-GRTU resqet diversi proposti f'isem is-sidien tal-istabbilimenti ta' kif is-sitwazzjoni tista` tirrisolva ruhha. Il-problema izda ser tibqa dejjem jekk l-awtoritajiet ma jaghtux widen ta' dawn il-proposti. Jekk l-Gvern ser jibqa`stinat  li jibqa ghaddej bil-pjanijiet kif inhuma llum, pjanijiet li qatt ma raw l-approvazzjoni tal-kommunita' tan-negozji tal-Belt, il-futur ghan-negozji fil-Belt hu imcajpar hafna.

Il-Hwienet, shopping arcades, postijiet tad-divertiment, hwienet tal-kafe, restoranti u facilitajiet ta` servizzi ta` kull generu mifruxin mall-Belt Valletta illum ma jifilhux aktar isoffru telf minhabba li n-nies qed tkun skuragguta milli tiffrekwenta c-centru kummercjali tal-Belt Valletta. Dawn kollha jinvolvu bejniethom investiment kapitali ta' miljuni kbar ta' euro u jhaddmu maghhom ammont sostanzjali ta' nies.

Il-GRTU qeghda tistenna azzjoni immedjata u fl-istess hin qed toffri s-servizzi taghha u l-kollaborazzjoni shiha tas-sidien tal-istabbilimenti biex jinstghabu soluzzjonijiet prattici.

Recovers record recyclables in one calendar year

 Green MT, the authorised waste packaging Recovery Scheme and a fully owned subsidiary of the Malta Chamber of Small and Meduim Enterprises, announces that it has recovered a record of 9552 tons in twelve months from 01 July 2009 to End June 2010. This is no comparison to its competing Scheme that has stated that it has recovered over 10,000 tons in a four year period, 2006 to date.


Provisional figures for July 2010 show a recovery of 1240 tons for that month, thus in 13 months Green MT has recovered more then its competitor did in the last four years. To note also is that our competing Scheme reporting to MEPA shows that it has 171 members who placed 616 tons of Waste Packaging in the market in the first three months of this year. Green MT members totalling 22 for the first quarter of 2010 placed 2171 tons of Waste Packaging in the market. Green mt recovered 2546 tons in the first three months. As earlier stated the report for the competing Scheme which was obtained from MEPA against payment, since it is public information does not give any information of how much the Scheme recovered.

By far Green MT is a best practice Waste Packaging Compliance Scheme operating in the interest of the business community, with the cooperation of 41 Local Councils with whom we are striving to recover more and more Waste Packaging.

The exemption mechanism from Eco Contribution now in place is also an added feather in the hat for GRTU and its subsidiary Green MT Limited. We are already Malta's leading Scheme by far and by facts, not words. Green MT not only is a best practice but is a proactive Scheme operating on a not for profit basis.

Green MT also notes that Recovery from Birkirkara Local Council in June 2010 reached an all-time record for recovery from any one locality in Malta. The Scheme recovered 97.2 tons of Packaging Waste in June 2010, thus an average of 23.4 tons every week.

This now means that Birkirkara localCouncil is recovering 15.5 tons addittional tonnage weekly since we started recovery of separated waste in June 2009. Truly a success story in practical terms. Green mt would like to thank Micheal Fenech Adami and all his Council members for thier commitment to the recovery of recyclable waste.

Proposal for a Directive on conditions of entry and residence of 3rd country nationals for seasonal

The European Commission has drafted a Directive on the conditions of entry and residence of third-country nationals for the purposes of seasonal employment.

The suggested actions include:

  • establishing a simpler entry procedure for the admission of non-EU seasonal workers based on common definitions and criteria, such as the existence of a work contract or a binding job offer that specifies a salary;
  • setting a standard seasonal work time limit throughout the EU (6 months per calendar year);
  • providing a multi-seasonal permit for three years or a facilitated re-entry procedure in subsequent seasons;
  • defining legal provisions applicable to working conditions of seasonal workers;
  • entitling seasonal workers to equal treatment with nationals of the Member States in determined fields (freedom of association and affiliation, social security schemes, income-related acquired statutory pensions, access to goods and services, etc);
  • leaves EU Member States free to apply a labour market test and to decide how many seasonal workers they admit; the proposal does not create a right to admission.


It forms part of a comprehensive package of measures, proposed in the Policy Plan on Legal Migration of 2005 and further endorsed by the Stockholm Programme in 2009.

Further details at:

Air Passenger Rights

 The European Commission recently launched a campaign to raise awareness of passenger rights for those travelling by air and by rail.

Passenger rights have acquired more prominence after the great boom in air travel that has occurred since the 1990's. Though progress has been achieved in safeguarding air passenger rights in recent years, noticeably through regulations that ensure common rules on compensation and assistance to air passengers in a number of situations, not everyone is aware of his or her rights when it comes to travelling. Under EU rules, people with reduced mobility and or disability are protected from being discriminated against during reservation and boarding.


When a flight is disrupted passengers are entitled to:

  • Receive information from airlines on their rights, on the situation as it evolves, cancellations and length of delays;
  • Choose between reimbursement of ticket price or be re-routed to the final destination;
  • Receive appropriate care such as refreshments, meals, accommodation or transportation to and from the airport as appropriate, while awaiting re-routing or in the case of long delays;

When a flight is overbooked airlines are obliged to first seek volunteers ready to give up their seat reservation in exchange for certain benefits and passengers may be entitled to compensation of between €250 and €600, depending on the length of the flight;

If a flight is cancelled passengers are also entitled to the same compensation as that offered to passengers denied boarding unless they are informed at least 14 days prior to the flight.

The information campaign is being carried in all 23 official EU languages and information leaflets will be made available to the public at airports and train stations. Travellers can also visit the website that provides all the information about their rights. The Commission is also providing tv stations across the EU a short video-clip about the rights of passengers with limited mobility or that are disabled.

Source: MEUSACnews