EU starts accession negotiations with Iceland

EU leaders have approved the opening of membership negotiations with Iceland. The Nordic country had presented its application on 16 July 2009 and faced strong opposition from the UK and the Netherlands due to an ongoing dispute over repayment of lost bank savings.

Mr Štefan Füle, European Commissioner for Enlargement and European Neighbourhood policy, estimated that accession talks could take roughly the same amount of time as those conducted by Austria and Finland, a range of 12-18 months. EU member states would then need up to another 18 months to ratify the agreement.

Compared to other candidate countries Iceland's EU bid is generally seen as unproblematic. However, the Icelandic fisheries policy could negatively affect negotiations, with seafood accounting for almost half of Iceland's exports and 10% of its gross domestic product.

Retailers and Wholesalers will clearly benefit from the accession of Iceland to the EU. The full integration of the Nordic country implies the application of the entire Community acquis and enhances predictability and legal certainty for European traders.

GRTU meets candidates for Hon Consuls of Chile, Uruguay & Algiers

GRTU Internationalisation officials and Vince Farrugia, GRTU Director General, in cordial meetings met 3 candidates for the post of Honorary consuls in these countries. During the meeting GRTU explained the trade policy we have for Malta towards countries outside the EU as a country which can be utilised as a stepping stone to Europe and as a country against protectionism having very limited local manufacturing.

It was explained that Malta and it's traders possess all the good qualities for countries outside the EU to utilise. Our traders are naturally skilled, need to internationalise because of our limited market, have no language limitations and have an extremely low defaulting chance due to our stringent financial system and banks.  The candidates we met were:


Miguel Loinaz, 53 years of age, has visited Malta 2 years ago and is recognized as one of the leading lawyers in Uruguay. The area for which he is being considered, Punta del Este, is one of the most exclusive resorts for persons living in Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay. Amongst other he:


  • Is owner and principal partner of ALS Abogados, which employs 26 lawyers covering practically all areas of law.
  • Has been legal adviser to Government in numerous areas such as natural gas, privatisation, Planning and Budgeting, Dairy and Rice production, Electoral Office, Energy policy, Environment
  • Was Vice-President of the World Intellectual Property Organization (1994)


Dr Palma is a lawyer, aged 58, married, with six children. He specialises in commercial law, in which area he is an Associate Professor at the University of Chile.  He is one of the partners in the law firm Vial y Palma. Currently amongst others he is:


  • Regional Secretary of the International Lawyers' Union of South America
  • Active in both the American-Chilean and British-Chilean Chambers of Commerce (a former President of the latter)
  • Director of Canon Chile, Itochu Chile, and Nuskin Chile- between them these companies trade in a wide range of products such as engines and machinery for aeronautics, agriculture, food, mining, forestry, telecommunications, an endless list of skin care and beauty products and photographic and office equipment.


Mohamed Chaouche is linked with Malta through his association with the Malta agents for Time International (Sports) Ltd, distributors of Nike products. Because of this connection he is a frequent visitor to Malta. Chaouche is Managing Director of Playmode (distributors of Nike) which employs 100 persons and has 15 retail outlets in Algeria. In addition Playmode has just acquired distribution rights in Libya, Tunisia, Morocco and Algeria for Umbro, Converse and Timberland products.

In his younger days he was a senior official in the Algerian Ministry of  Finance.  He was later nominated to form part of a small team responsible for monitoring, control and verification of 562 financial institutions throughout Algeria. He has co-authored a guide book for public accountants working for the Ministry of Finance. Chaouche has lived and worked for ten years in the United States where he qualified in IT security.

Chaouche holds a Bachelor's degree in Finance. He is 43 years of age, married, with three children.



Self-employed workers to gain maternity & pension benefits

 Self-employed workers and their partners will enjoy better social protection – including the right to maternity leave for the first time – under new legislation endorsed by EU governments today. The Directive on self-employed workers and assisting spouses repeals and replaces an earlier law and improves the social protection rights of millions of women in the labour market, boosting female entrepreneurship. At present, women represent only one in three entrepreneurs.


This new law makes real improvements to the rights of self-employed workers and their partners, in particular women. It will help them to better balance work and family life and encourage more women to become entrepreneurs – which is good for the economy too. The legislation considerably improves the protection of female self-employed workers and assisting spouses in case of maternity or motherhood. It will provide equivalent access to maternity leave as for employees, but on a voluntary basis. At EU level, this is the first time a maternity allowance has been granted to self-employed workers. The new rules will also serve to promote entrepreneurship in general and among women in particular. There is a currently a major gender gap in this area – only 30% of entrepreneurs in Europe are women.

Finally, the provision on social protection for assisting spouses and life partners (recognised as such in national law) is also a considerable improvement from the 1986 Directive. They will have the right to social security coverage (such as pensions) on an equal basis as formal self-employed workers. This will help to provide a stronger social safety net and to stop women from falling into poverty. EU countries will have two years to introduce it into national law. Where justified by particular difficulties, they may have an additional period of two years to implement the provisions concerning assisting spouses.


Self-employment is a significant – albeit minority – form of employment in Europe, representing around 16% of the active population. Around 11% of self-employed workers in Europe rely on the help of spouses and partners who work on an informal basis in small family businesses, such as a farm or a local doctor's practice. These assisting spouses are traditionally completely dependent on their self-employed partner. As such, they are at a high risk of poverty in the event of divorce, their partner's death or bankruptcy.

As far as employees are concerned, the EU recently adopted a new Directive improving the right to parental leave (IP/09/1854) and the Commission's proposal for a revised Directive on maternity leave is currently in first reading by the European Parliament (see also IP/08/1450).

Doing business with Libya

International Networking Company Limited is a Maltese company offering various services in relation to Libya to Maltese companies doing business with Libya. For the past years the Company has successfully provided the following services to a large number of Maltese Companies present in one way or another in the Libyan market that is constantly developing and offering more opportunities for the Maltese entrepreneur:


1. Consultancy to companies considering investing in Libya;

2. Registration of non Libyan companies interested in venturing;

3. Registration in Libya of non Libya companies interested in participating in business opportunities in Libya;

4. Assistance in the preparation and organization of conferences and/or meetings in Libya;

5. Networking with Libyan companies;

6. Translation documents and passport to Arabic (same day service);

7. Providing (single or multi-entry) visas;

8. Application, approval and issuing of desert pass

9. Meet and greet at the airport;

10. Airport VIP service in Libya;

11. Legalization by means of stamping during extended stays in Libya (same day service);

12. Bookings with favourable prices for travel to and from Libya with the Libyan Arab Airlines;

13. Accommodation facilities in Libya according to one's request;

14. Chauffeur service in Libya including transportation to and from the airport in Libya.

15. Logistics service – Seaport and airport clearance

16. Freight and land transportation;

17. Certificate of Origin and Legalization;

18. Express Certificate of Origin and Legalization(same day service);

19. Assistance in the preparation and organization of Libyan international fairs;

Contact GRTU for more information.



Eco Design – An update

 Below is an update of the work going on in the Eco design Directive now recast as 2009/125/EC so as to widen its scope to energy related products.

In preparation :

Fans including fans integrated in products –

The implementing measure applies to axial, centrifugal, cross flow or mixed flow fans when supplied alone/ equipped with an electric motor rated between 125 W and 500 kW/ even when integrated in a product (for example air conditioners, air handlers, extractor fans, ventilation fans etc.) There are a few exceptions such as in the case of products with small motors, small laundry dryers, and small kitchen hoods. Fans of a specialised nature such as those designed to operate in media above 100°C. The draft regulation will be expected to be enacted in time for the requirements to start applying from 1 January 2013.

Vacuum cleaners – Measures that are being considered are minimum limits for energy consumption, noise, cleaning performance, dust emission.  An energy label is also being considered.

Tumble driers – Emphasis is on adapting the existing energy label to encompass the new technologies being used in tumble driers. The scope may be extended to include also gas fired tumble driers and heat pump operated driers.

Commercial refrigerators / freezers – The policy options being considered are minimum requirements on energy efficiency and restrictions on the use of certain refrigerants. Energy Labelling requirements are also being considered

Coming into force:

The following requirements will start to apply shortly to imported and newly manufactured good:

Contact Ing. Joseph Micallef – Engineer, Regulatory Affairs Directorate, Malta Standards Authority- if more information is required. T: 2395221 E:

Proposal for the approval of motor vehicles with regard to Electric Safety


  • Given the importance of reducing carbon emissions from road transport, and the price and security of oil supply, electric cars (hybrid and pure electric) may well be a viable alternative to traditional internal combustion engines using fossil fuels.
  • The adoption of the decision ensures a high level of public safety and the proper functioning of the internal market of electric vehicles that are being introduced on the market in increasing numbers.
  • UNECE Regulation No. 100 sets out safety requirements for the approval of vehicles equipped with an electric power train (full electric and hybrid vehicles).

Key points proposed for revision

  • Mandating UNECE Regulation 100 would ensure simplification of the approval procedure through harmonised requirements on electric safety.
  • The proposal aims at ensuring that all electric vehicles marketed in Europe are constructed according to a common safety standard and thereby protecting vehicle users from getting into contact with high voltage parts of the vehicle.
  • The proposal does not go beyond what is necessary in order to achieve the objectives of ensuring the proper functioning of the internal market while at the same time providing for a high level of public safety and environmental protection.

Who will be effected

  • Type Approval Authorities, Manufacturers, Authorised Representatives, and Importers, of electric motor vehicles.

What products will be effected

  • Electric motor vehicles


GRTU urges Government to avoid limits in freedom of enterprise in Transport Working Time

GRTU has written to Hon Chris Said as the Ministry responsible for Working Time and the Hon Austin Gatt as the Ministry Responsible for Transport to support the self employed and enterprise in view of the unfortunate vote taken by MEP's earlier this month, rejecting the European Commission's proposal for a revised Directive on transport working time.

MEPs rejected a reasonable proposal and went ahead with a stubborn, short-sighted attempt to apply one-size-fits-all rules to a very diverse set of drivers. This is disproportionate and counterproductive. Unless we make some kind of objection, self-employed drivers will be subject to the same rules on working time as those applied to staff drivers.


The rules applied to employees are designed for labour relations between the workforce and employers. They should not be imposed on self-employed workers, whose private and work lives are by definition intertwined. Applying the same legislation across the board limits freedom of enterprise and may pave the way for similar restrictions in other sectors. This will limit small entrepreneurs' freedom to organise their work according to business needs and will set an unacceptable precedent in EU legislation by applying major labour laws conceived for employees to entrepreneurs.

Claims that the inclusion of self-employed workers will benefit road safety are unfounded as all drivers, whatever their employment status, are already subject to the strict existing EU rules on driving time thanks to the digital tachograph and rest and leave periods during which workers are not allowed to undertake any type of work, be it driving, loading or unloading. Fully enforcing these rules rather than adding new constraints is the way ahead. Imposing new constraints on entrepreneurs goes blatantly against all initiatives undertaken to reduce red tape for SMEs and foster entrepreneurship.

Through our representatives at EU level we are already urging the Commission not to withdraw its current proposal, which is a balanced solution to tackle the problem of false self-employed drivers while respecting the needs of genuine entrepreneurs. The original proposal by the Commission carried a comprehensive definition of bogus self-employed drivers, with a clear distinction between independent self-employed drivers, who are free to organise their entrepreneurial activities, and "false independents", who would be more easily identified and subject to the same rules applied to staff drivers. Applying the measures currently in place to the self-employed would be unenforceable.

For all these reasons, GRTU has urged both Ministries to support our position on behalf of self-employed and enterprise in all talks and Malta's position on the subject. Accepting the Parliament's vote would limit freedom of enterprise, increase red tape and send a worrying signal to European small entrepreneurs.

We expressed that we trust Government will do its utmost not to let this happen and will work for SMEs rather than against them. As far as we are informed the Commission is to consult Member States on how the current systems are applied including to self-employed workers and how they check compliance.


OPEC: Did you know that…?

  •  For every litre of petrol/gasoline sold, G7 countries make more money in taxes than OPEC Member Countries do from actual sale of oil. (see graph below)
  • In the UK, about 64% of the pump price is government taxes
  • Between 2003 and 2007 the 7 member countries of the G7 (Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the UK and the USA) made an average of US $517b annually in Government taxes, while the thirteen members of OPEC (Algeria, Angola, Ecuador, Indonesia, Islamic Republic of Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Libya Nigeria, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, UEA and Venezuela) made and average of US $ 505b

L’Artigianato in Fiera

 AF-L'ARTIGIANO IN FIERA is the 15th International Crafts Selling Exhibition which will be held from 4th to 12th December 2010 in Milan Fair Center. AF is a unique opportunity for both craftsmen and institution. Artisans can have a direct business (and not only, cause 3% of visitors are buyers) and institutions can reach a large public of 3 million visitors.




Artigiano in Fiera offers Italian and international tourist boards a privileged platform for promoting tourism in their countries.

The opportunity, the perfect choice for Regional and Provincial Councillors for Tourism and for local Tourist Boards to give added value to an event which encompasses and promotes local traditions and culture, specialist operators and handcrafted products.

Last year all the Italian Regions and 107 different countries from across the globe participated in Artigiano in Fiera, a selling exhibition with 140,000 m2 of exhibition space.



Artigiano in Fiera which runs for 9 days has over 3 million visitors coming from North Italy and the Ticino Canton. A significant and representative catchment area making this exhibition the ideal event for penetrating the market as well as for coming into direct contact with the end consumer.

As every year a huge advertising campaign will be launched using local and national communication channels. The main channels are: billboard posters to be affixed in the major cities across the region of Lombardy and North Italy, radio and TV, flyers.



  • Weekdays (9th and 10th December) from 15.00 to 22.30
  • Weekends and public holidays (4th, 5th, 7th, 8th, 11th and 12th December) from 10.00 to 22.30
  • NEW OPENING TIME: Monday 6th December opening hours are from 10.00 to 22.30





Viale Achille Papa, 30 – 20149 Milan (Italy)

Tel. +39.02.319.119.11 – Fax +39.02.319.119.20