MEUSAC Core Group Meeting

Abigail Mamo –

The GRTU as member of the MEUSAC core group has once again participated in the core group meeting last Friday. The main points for discussion on the agenda were


National programme for the European Year 2010 for Combating Poverty and Social Exclusion

To work on the programme the NCPE was entrusted with the role of national implementing body and MEUSAC helped them on the consultation of the subject. It was explained that €120 000 have been given through EU funds and the same amount was also devoted from National funds for carrying out the activities. The campaign was launched in Malta in February and the vulnerable groups that will be targeted will be: Persons with disability, homeless, children, youths and elderly, victims of domestic violence and addictions, the mentally ill, refugees, long term unemployed and ex-prisoners.

Joint report on social protection and social inclusion

It was explained that the idea of the joint report was to analyse the position of different Member Satates, covering social inclusion, pensions and health and long-term care. The report recognises that health care systems have helped to alleviate the effects of the crises. It highlights the diversity of social situations in the different Member States and the EU wants to reduce the gaps in safety nets. It outlines the need to combat unemployment and increase social inclusion. Unemployment in the EU stands at 9.6% going up to 10.2%. The highest levels are recorded among the young at 21% and the migrants at 19%. It was also pointed out the our pension reform addresses many of the concerns that come out of the report.

Other issues which were touched upon during the meeting were:

Family work balance

Hon Parliamentary Secretary Chris Said explained that the employment relations under his portfolio are presently conducting a comparative study on the different approaches to maternity leave. He explained that it already transpired that some member states had the revised system already in place however the financial burden is carried both by the employer and the state.

Il-GRTU issostni l-impenn kontra l-kuntrabandu


Il-GRTU ilha zmien tilmenta mad-dwana, mal-awtoritajiet fiskali u mal-Malta Resources Authority, b'appogg ghat-tgergir kontinwu minn naha tas-sidien tal-petrol stations li l-bejgh ta` diesel lil certi klijenti kien naqas drastikament u l-bejgh generali kien qed juri tnaqqis li ma jirriflettix il-waqgha fix-xoghol ta` dawn l-istess klijenti. Dawn qalu lill-GRTU li hassew li kien hemm xi haga mhux tas-soltu li kien qed jindika lejn kummerc illecitu ta` fuel.


Il-GRTU illum hi sodisfatta li l-awtoritajiet qed jiehdu l-passi mehtiega u s-success li kellha d-dwana dan l-ahhar f'qabdiet konsiderevoli ta` diesel li ddahhal bil-kuntrabandu juri bic-car li t-tgergir tal-GRTU hemm bazi soda ghalih.

Illum fuq pressjoni tal-GRTU l-awtoritajiet ghandhom is-sahha legali li jintervjenu bl-istess mod u poter li ghandha l-Gwardja di Finanza fl'Italja. Ghalkemm f'Malta qatt ma qamet il-htiega li jkollna forza separata bhal ma hi l-Gwardja di Finanza fl-Italja il-GRTU ilha tinsisti sabiex il-Gvern johloq forza koordinattiva w effettiva bejn l-awtoritajiet kollha li ghandhom is-sahha u n-nies biex jikkumbattu l-kummerc illecitu u l-kuntrabandu.

Il-GRTU tappella ghal kooperazzjoni tas-sidien tan-negozji sabiex jaghtu huma wkoll sehemhom billi jirrapurtaw mal-ewwel kull kaz li jaraw ta' abbuzi ta' kummerc illecitu ghaliex dan qieghed johloq kompetizzjoni ingusta maghhom. Il-GRTU taghmel ukoll ezercizzji regolari fost il-petrol stations biex tizgura li dawn jikkollaboraw bis-shih sabiex jinqata` l-kuntrabandu tal-fuel.

Hu fid-dover ta` kullhadd li jirrapporta abbuzi u dan jghodd ghall-konsumaturi ukoll, li avolja jiehdu vantagg bi prezzijiet orhos, hu fid-dmir taghhom li jirraportaw u mhux izommu halqhom maghluq.

"Il-Glieda kontra l-kuntrabandu hi taghna lkoll. Il-GRTU f'isem in-negozjant serju tinsisti u tizgura li l-abbuzi kollha, kemm f'dak li hu negozju ta` prodotti b'marki foloz, dak li jidhol f'Malta bi ksur tal-ligijiet tad-dwana, VAT u regolazzjoni tal-kummerc u anke b'evazzjoni sfaccata ta` l-income tax ghandu kollu jinstab tarf tieghu. Ahna nifirhu lill-awtoritajiet kull meta jirnexxilhom jaqbdu dawk li jabbuzaw, pero l-azzjoni tal-enforcement trid tkun kontinwa u bis-sapport ta` kulhadd. L-awgurju taghna hu li jkun hemm aktar kooperazzjoni min kulhadd sabiex il-pjaga tal-kummerc illecitu tinqata`". Qal Vince Farrugia, Direttur Generali tal-GRTU.

Il-GRTU minn naha taghha qed toffri l-koperazzjoni kollha lil awtoritajiet u ghalhekk il-GRTU tappella wkoll lil dawk kollha li jiltaqghu ma' kazi ta' negozju illecitu biex jinfurmaw lil GRTU fuq 21232881 jew email fuq .

L-Ebda Infrastruttura fil-Post biex Joghlew il-Landfill Fees

 Vince Farrugia (Direttur Generali)

Il-GRTU Kamra Maltija ta`Negozji Zghar u Medji illum sostniet li ma tezisti l ebda infrastruttura fil-post biex joghlew drastikament il-landfill fees mill-llum l-ewwel ta' April 2010, skond Avviz Legali li hareg lura f'Dicembru 2009. Minkejja diskussjonijiet, il-GRTU tikkonferma li ghad ma hemm ebda qbil biex dawn il-landfill fees jidhlu fis sehh. Skond l- istess avviz legali materjal li mill-llum ‘l quddiem jigi depositat fil-landfill ta' Zwejra ser jigi iccargjat bil-ghoxrin 20 Ewro it-tunnelata flok bil-wiehed u disghin centezmu tal-Ewro it-tunnellata.


Il-GRTU ilha zmien issostni li taqbel ma' sostenibilita fl-operat tal-landfills taghna, imma din titlob riforma li wiehed irid ihares lejha minn angoli kollha. F'dan ir-rigward il-Gvern sema il- karba tal-Kunsilli Lokali u zied l-ammont ta' flus li jghaddi lil kull Kunsill biex kull Kunsill Lokali jkollu l-finanzi biex ihallas lil Wasteserv ta' ammont allokat ta' skart imhallat li l-istess Kunsill jitfa fil-landfill bi prezz ta' Ewro 19 kull tunnellata.

Dan ifissser li anke Kunsilli issa qed joqodghu attenti li ma jaqbzhux l-allokazzjoni ta' gbir u anke izidu l-gbir ta' skart separat fil-lokalita taghhom permess ta' ftehim ma' Skemi Awtorizzati li jigbru skart separat.

Izda l Gvern irid jifhem li hafna kuntratturi fis-settur jahdmu mas-settur privat li jinkludi fabbriki, lukandi, bars, resturanti, industriji, etc., u dawn kollha ser jigu affetwati minn din ir-riforma. Dan ifisser li jekk vettura li tigbor l-iskart mhux ser ikollha mizien, allura huwa difficli hafna li dan isehh. Il-GRTU xebghat issostni dan sew mal-Ministru responsabbli mir- Risorsi u Affarijiet Rurali u anke l-Ministru tal-Finanzi, izda sa issa jidher li hadd ghadu ma sema din il-karba.  Il-GRTU ufficjalment kitbet lil dawn iz-zewg Ministri dan ix-xahar fejn elenkat li ma taqbilx ma zieda fin-nollijiet jekk ma jkunx hemm infrastruttura fil-post.  B'risposta ghat-talba taghna il-GRTU irceviet proposta fil-24 ta' Marzu mil-Waste Serv, proposta li wiehed ghad irid jiddiskuti u jara jekk jagixxiex jew oltre. Ircevejna ukoll komunikat mis-Segretarju Permanenti fil-Minsiteru tar-Rizorsi u Affarijiet Rurali fejn gejna infurmati ufficjalment li l-Gvern ma jaqbilx li ghadu jissospendi l-implementazzjoni ta' dan l- Avviz Legali sa l-ewwel ta' LULJU kif talbet l-istess GRTU.

Fl-ahhar dokument li nhareg dwar l-immanigjar ta' l-iskart, il-pjan nazzjonali jghid li l-Waste serv ser tidhol biss fejn il-privat ma jasalx. Wiehed ma jsemmi xejn li l-Waste serv taghmel dan bis-sahha ta' flus li tircievi m'ghand il-Gvern u minghand l-Ewropa. Issa li l-Gvern ser iwaqqaf is-sussidju tal-Landfill allura l-Waste serv trid mill-llum ghal ghada topera b'mod sostenibbli. Hadd ma wriena l-ispejjes involuti biex topera l-landfill, l-privat jispicca dejjem ihallas ghal decizjonijiet li jkunu ttiehdu fil-passat.  Mhux sewwa u huwa ghalhekk li jekk il- Gvern irid li din ir-riforma ssehh allura ghandhu jpoggi madwar il-mejda mal-GRTU li tirraprezenta l- maggoranza assoluta fis-settur u tasal ghal ftehim.

Il-GRTU bhal dejjem tibqa temmen li soluzzjonijiet jinstabu biss fuq il-mejda tad-diskussjoni u mkien izjed. Li l-Gvern iwebbes rasu u jiddeciedi li jimplementa dan l-Avviz Legali mil- LLUm se jqajjem inkwiet li ma ghandniex x'nambuh bhalissa f'pajjiz li ghad irid johrog mir- ricessjoni. Il-GRTU isosstni li sewwa ma jmerih hadd u jghid x'jghid l-Gvern jaf li jekk jimplementa illum, allura jkun diehel go hajt. Il-GRTU toggezzjoni ghal din l-attiduni ghax kien biss il-Gvern li dam jitrateni milli jiddiskuti din il-materja hekk importanti minkejja talbiet kontinwi gimgha wara gimgha mill-istess GRTU.  Illum mhux tard biex wiehed jasal ghal ftehim. Ir-rieda it-tajba tasal hafna postijiet inkluz fi problemi bhal dawn. Irridu nitghallmu nkunu umli. Il-GRTU mhux ser ticcaqlaq mill-mejda tad-diskussjonijiet. Hemm biss tinstab soluzzjoni. Dak hu principju kardinali msejjes fis-sod. Il-Gvern irid jifhem li dan is-settur gie organizzat b'saqgrifficcju kbir minn naha tal-GRTU u ma jistax ikun dan li bnejna sa issa inhottuh.

Il-GRTU jidispjaciha ghal attitudni intrasingenti tal-Gvern waslet biex xi operaturi qabdu u hadu azzjoni minn jeddhom illum fil-Maghtab.

Il-GRTU dan pruvat tevitah pero tifhem il-weggha ta' dawn in-nies ghalhekk bil-ghan illi l-affarijiet isiru ahjar il-GRTU ha tippartecipa fil-laqgha illum mas-Segretarji Permanenti biex tizgura illi ma jkunx hemm ghalfejn li jinholqu aktar azzjoniijiet sparodici.

Il-GRTU taghmel kull sforz bix tigwida l-membri taha dwar soluzzjonijijet bis-sens madwar il-mejda…temm jghid id-Direttur Generali tal-GRTU Vince Farrugia

Business confidence is on the rise but an uprising is not near, SME survey

Vince Farrugia (Director General)

Small businesses' confidence is on the rise for the second semester in a row but remains well below its pre-crisis levels, according to an EU-wide survey recently conducted by UEAPME, the European craft and SME employers' organisation, and its members. Since last autumn, the proportion of entrepreneurs expecting a positive or neutral economic environment has grown to 64.7%, 10 percentage points above expectations one year ago but still considerably under the levels recorded before the downturn.

This back-to-back raise in business confidence suggests that the economic situation has somewhat stabilised for the time being, although SMEs remain overly cautious about a possible recovery. Employment expectations in manufacturing and construction are significantly lower than in the services sector, according to UEAPME's "Craft and SME Barometer". Pessimists still outweigh optimists in all areas, the survey also found.

Small businesses seem to be confident that the worst is behind them, but they are quite uneasy about the future. Whether a stagnant, low growth period lies ahead or a real recovery is possible remains uncertain and depends on how the economic picture will evolve. What is clear, on the other hand, is that the situation will take different shapes across economic sectors. Service providers are likely to be in the black relatively soon, while the manufacturing and construction sectors are in for a bumpier ride.

The survey recorded few differences between SMEs according to their size class, but significant dissimilarities appeared among different sectors. The construction industry had reported some progress in the previous semesters, mainly due to government sponsored works at that time. Since then, the improvements have lagged the pace of all the other industries, hinting at the long-term unsustainability of public support and at the still existing overcapacities in the sector. Employment expectations remain negative in the construction sector due to the lack of private demand to match the available supply.

Manufacturing is currently and based on expectations the SME sector reporting the worst confidence levels, as the industry is hard-hit by the crisis in the automotive and investment goods sectors. However, employment was fairly stable in the sector, with car scrap plans offsetting growing losses in investment and consumer goods as the downturn expanded.

Both the personal and business services sectors, while still recording negative balances, advance towards stability at a much faster pace than manufacturing and construction and predict better results for the current semester on employment.

The employment outlook across sectors seems to suggest that SMEs as a whole are not hiring at the moment. Increases in the unemployment figures, however, appear to be steadily shrinking compared to the previous semesters. When it comes to investments, the survey recorded negative expectations in all sectors, although a clear difference emerged between forecasts for the previous semester and the actual results, which were significantly higher than foreseen. SMEs' behaviour on investment at the moment seems to be induced rather than expansionary.

Positive news on business confidence and a relative optimism in the services sectors are offset by the sorry state of construction and by a teetering manufacturing industry, not to mention of course the overall negative outlook on employment and investments. The recession may be behind, but an upswing does not seem to be near.

"The integration of the Maltese economy within the single European market, given also the fact that Malta's economy is one of the most open and subject to international influences, once again indicates that Malta's economic performance moves very much in line with what happens in the rest of the EU zone, most especially when considering the effects on SMEs.

The figures published in the barometer and the trends reflecting the performance and expectations of small and medium business in the EU is more or less the same as registered by GRTU in its regular surveys among its members. Malta as a whole is slowly lifting itself out of the recession, but this is not easily marked once the performance of SMEs in all sectors represented by GRTU is taken into consideration.

GRTU is particularly concerned that important measured we pressed for like the micro-credit investment scheme and the electricity bills support scheme as well as the working committee that should have been working to propose economic remedies for the serious problems met by craft and small and medium business in the construction industry have not yet materialized. I strongly regret that people in Government do not have the same urgency when it comes to the implementation of schemes supporting SMEs as they have when it comes to billing and their insistence on payments due to Government and Government owned entities.

We regret also that so many private, as well as public, investment that could go a long way to alleviate the current drops in national output, particularly those related to the construction industry, continue to find such opposition from people who hardly have any knowledge of how vital maintaining employment is and for the excess capacity in the economy to be utilized so that we can once again enjoy the rates of economic growth that alone can ensure- better jobs and enough to help us manage better our environment and quality of life" Vince Farrugia GRTU Director General.

The Craft and SME Barometer is issued twice a year by UEAPME prior to the EU summits in spring and autumn. GRTU Malta Chamber of SMEs is the Maltese National SME organisation member of UEAPME. The Craft and SME Barometer also represents the views of GRTU members participating in the survey. UEAPME is the employers' organisation representing the interests of European crafts, trades and SMEs at EU level. It incorporates 82 member organisations from 34 countries representing more than 12 million enterprises, which employ around 55 million people across Europe.

Shop Opening Hours – Vincent Farrugia Direttur Generali

 Every year where a public holiday occurs within the Easter holiday period, GRTU insists that shops are given the opportunity to open. Normally shop owners and especially retail employees object on opening on public holidays because of extra costs and especially since employees, particularly female workers with children, prefer like all other employees to stay with their families rather than having to cancel their personal plans and go to work.

This year this issue was particularly highlighted because of the launching of the new large investment in retail trade by The Point at Tigne`. The GRTU feels it would have been grossly unfair if certain establishments opened while others were not given the same opportunity.

GRTU would have preferred that the decision was taken with enough notice to all retailers but unfortunately with the change in Ministry's responsibilities there was some delay in the decision process. GRTU is however satisfied that all retailers have been given the opportunity to open on March 31st.

The shopping hours issue is a permanent hot issue as there is a strong lobby in favour of not opening as owners and employees have a right for their family days and it makes no sense for them that some family members are on leave while others are working and instead having their holidays on other days when every body else with the family is working. On the other hand there is also a retail lobby that, having invested heavily in the provision of new retail experiences for consumers, should not be restricted by any imposition by opening days and hours.

GRTU has over the years caused a change in the regulations that has effectively produced a much more liberal and less confirmative system that still applies in many other EU Member State.

GRTU’s Director General Getting Better

 GRTU's Director General Vince Farrugia thought of sending a note to our members saying that he is getting better. Even though he has still not returned to the GRTU offices he is increasing again his workload. He is still not fully recovered after the attack he suffered on Thursday 11 March 2010 at the Head Office itself. He says that the torn cartilages on four of his left side ribs continue to cause him pains but otherwise the serious facial wounds are now healed.

Vince Farrugia would like to take this opportunity to thank the many well wishers who phoned, messaged him on his mobile, emailed or sent cards and letters and whom he did not have the chance to reply personally, as they were all of great comfort.

Vince Farrugia wishes all a Happy Easter.

Business delegation to the USA 12-20 June 2010

Malta enterprise in conjunction with the GRTU is inviting interested parties to form part of a Trade and Investment Promotion delegation to the USA, specifically to New York and the East Coast. Malta Enterprise will endeavor to organise match-making meetings for participants through its institutional networks.


Promising areas of business cooperation include: Pharmaceutical and healthcare, Financial Services, Education and Training, Transport and Logistics Services, Oil and Gas, Environment, Travel and Tourism and Food Stuffs.

The US has the largest and most technologically powerful economy in the world, with the GDP per capita of $46,900. In this market-oriented economy, private individuals and business firms make most of the decisions, and the federal and state governments buy needed goods and services predominantly in the private marketplace. The US economy is integrated and largely self-contained, with every major industry represented.

New York is the largest regional economy in the US and second largest in the world after Tokyo. It is the leading Financial Centre in the world and premier headquarters locations for leading global firms.

Malta Enterprise will reimburse 50% of travel and accommodation costs for one representative per company.

Contact Abigail Mamo @ GRTU if interested till Tuesday 30th March.

European Parliament takes strong line on SEPA value for payment users

 The text, proposed by MEP Sharon Bowles, chair of the EP ECON Committee, stresses the importance of involving the users of payment systems in SEPA decisions and calls for the setting of an end date to SEPA. It also urges the European Commission to find a solution on the crucial issue of interchange fees on direct debit and on cards. Its unequivocal message to the Commission and Council is that SEPA should not result in a more expensive payment system for European citizens.

GRTU welcomes Parliament's statement that the full participation of payment system users in SEPA discussions is crucial. We are delighted at this strong statement from the European Parliament that SEPA is not a banking only project: the EU institutions and the banking industry must listen to the needs of European businesses and consumers.

GRTU is particularly encouraged by Parliament's call on the Commission to solve the issue of Multilateral Interchange Fee (MIF) on cards. These non-negotiable fees are passed on to retailers but include marketing practices, such as ‘free' gifts, of no benefit to merchants. EuroCommerce is complainant in the EU competition cases against the card industry's anti-competitive practices, including the MIF.

Retailers have long argued that the MIF impedes SEPA development by making the entry of new players, at lower costs, impossible. In addition, the MIF creates a risk that existing efficient debit card products are replaced by very expensive products and its arbitrary nature leaves the industry with no incentive to combat fraud. It also effectively prevents merchants from shopping cross-border for processing services, thus seriously inhibiting the internal market for payments.

It is vital that the EU institutions act to prevent SEPA from producing a deterioration of the payments market, in terms of prices, competition and quality of service. The whole SEPA for cards project will be a failure if the anti-competitive MIFs on cards remain. It is also clear that for direct debit, no end date can be set until the outstanding problems and uncertainties are resolved.

Abigail Mamo –

Consultation re Cosmetics (Amendment)

 The Cosmetic Products Regulations needs to be amended due to the publication of the following 2 directives:

1. Commission Directive 2010/3/EU of 1 February 2010 amending, for the purpose of adaptation to technical progress, Annexes III and VI to Council Directive 76/768/EEC concerning cosmetic products.


The Scientific Committee on Consumer Safety (SCCS) concluded in its opinion of 15 April 2008 that Ethyl Lauroyl Arginate HCl is safe for the consumers, when used up to a maximum authorised concentration of 0,8 % in soap, anti-dandruff shampoos, and non-spray deodorants. It should therefore be included in Annex III to Directive 76/768/EEC. It was also concluded that it is safe for the consumers, when used up to a maximum authorised concentration of 0,4 % as a preservative in cosmetic products. However, the Committee considered that it should not be used in lip products, oral products and spray due to mucosal and respiratory tract irritation potential. It should therefore be included along with these restrictions in Annex VI to Directive 76/768/EEC.

2. Commission Directive 2010/4/EU of 8 February 2010 amending, for the purpose of adaptation to technical progress, Annex III to Council Directive 76/768/EEC concerning cosmetic products.

Presently, there are two non-oxidative hair dye substances which are provisionally allowed for use in cosmetic products until 31 December 2010 under the restrictions and conditions laid down in Part 2 of Annex III to Directive 76/768/EEC. For these two non-oxidative hair dye substances, HC Orange No 2 and 2-hydroxyethylamino-5-nitroanisole, listed under reference numbers 26 and 29 in Part 2 of Annex III, the SCCS gave its final opinions on their safety. The SCCS recommended maximum authorised concentrations in the finished cosmetic product of 1,0 % for HC Orange No 2 and of 0,2 % for 2- hydroxyethylamino-5-nitroanisole. Therefore, HC Orange No 2 and 2-hydroxyethylamino-5-nitroanisole can be definitively regulated in Part 1 of Annex III. In view of a smooth transition for the marketing of products containing HC Orange No 2 not complying with the labelling requirements laid down in this Directive, it is necessary to provide for appropriate transitional periods.

If this amendment affects you in any way you are kindly asked to submit any comments by 9th April 2010 to the Audrey Anne Anastasi of MSA and for further info call 23952000.

Abigail Mamo-