ECC Study on Online Cross-Border Mystery Shopping

 The European Consumer Centres' Network (ECC-Net) published a report on online cross-border mystery shopping. The Consumer Conditions Scoreboard (March 2011) had shown that the total share of consumers shopping online has increased from 37% to 40% in 2010, however, only 9% of this share is related to cross-border purchasing.


The European Commission declared in "A digital agenda for Europe" (COM (2010)) that its aim is that 20% of the population will buy online by 2015. This study will amongst others contribute to the Commission's 20% objective by highlighting the obstacles consumers face and by providing recommendations on how to eliminate them.

The purpose of the research carried out for this report was to test the current state of cross-border e-commerce within the internal market with the objective to test in practice whether traders grant consumers the correct protection when selling across borders online. The main part of the research consisted of a mystery shopping exercise and the actual purchases carried out, in early 2011, were in order to check if the traders comply with EU legislation regarding e.g. the level of information and assistance provided after the conclusion of the order.

The product categories identified as most relevant were clothing, sporting goods, household goods, books, music CDs, DVD films, video/computer games, computer software, electronic equipment and products for personal care.

Parliament gets active on preferential imports

MEPs, last week, showed their support for a working document by Christofer Fjellner MEP on the future of imports from developing countries (called Generalised System of Preferences, or GSP). Overall, the text supports the main proposals made by the Commission. EuroCommerce has actively briefed the key MEPs on retailers' need for a simple, stable and predictable GSP. Based on the working document, the Parliament will draft a full report, which will be discussed later this year.

EuroCommerce finalises third party violence project

EuroCommerce is set to finalise a multi-sectoral initiative, financed by the Commission, on how to deal with third-party violence in commerce. Last year, EuroCommerce and its social partners signed multi-sectoral guidelines aimed at the prevention and mitigation of violence at national, regional and workplace level. Following three regional workshops, the final conference will take place in Warsaw on 27 October, which will include an impact assessment of the guidelines.


Commerce presses for a Retail Action Plan

EuroCommerce, ERRT, Euro-Coop and UGAL adopted proposals for a Retail Action Plan. Proposals focus on the need for a smooth functioning internal market for goods, services and capital, the potential of the digital retail agenda, the need to develop skills and retail activities supporting green growth. The action plan would rest on a structure involving retail organisations, the European Commission and the European Parliament. The recent approval by UGAL's Board paves the way for a common advocacy for such a plan.

Food waste on the political agenda

On 12 October, the Food Policy & Environment committees of EuroCommerce organised a joint working group on food waste, an issue that is becoming increasingly visible on the political agenda. Patrice Gruszkowski (DG Environment) gave an update on the Commission's initiatives. It was agreed at the meeting that awareness campaigns are the best approach to reduce food waste by consumers. EuroCommerce is currently collecting information on existing initiatives in member states to monitor the issue.

Malta Innovation Awards 2011

 The aim of these Awards is to recognise the efforts of individuals and companies that have taken their ideas and concepts or their operational processes a step forward. Through these Awards, Government is encouraging the development of Innovative ideas and products which have a degree of potential that is both unique and sustainable


The three categories of the Malta Innovation Awards

2011 are as follows:

Award for Creative Innovation

Award for Scientific Innovation

Award for Technological Innovation

Each of these three Award Categories will be further split into two types:

Young Innovators

This is open for individuals or groups of individuals between 15 and 25 years of age.


This is open for individuals or groups of individuals over 25 years of age or enterprises.

All Applicants must be Maltese nationals, groups of Maltese individuals or enterprises that are established in Malta.

Prize Money

There shall be six prizes in total, two in each Category. The three winners of each category (Creative Innovation, Scientific Innovation and Technological Innovation) for Young Innovators shall receive €10,000 each. The three winners for each category (Creative Innovation, Scientific Innovation and Technological Innovation) for Innovators shall receive €15,000 each.

WIPO Recognition

Projects accepted for the Malta Innovation Awards

will also be eligible for an award from the World

Intellectual Property Organisation

For a copy of the brochure kindly contact GRTU.

Kutrumbajsa-Kids and Youth Arts Festival Malta 2011

 GRTU urges Retailers to participate in this event – Kutrumbajsa Kids and Youth Arts Festival is the first international festival of performing arts targeting children in Malta. The festival is under the patronage of the Prime Minister of Malta, who very enthusiastically set the ball rolling for the creation of this international arts festival. The organisation has been entrusted to St James Cavalier, Centre for Creativity, with the artistic direction of Sarah Spiteri.

The ideas and discussions have been going around for years, but never quite took off for a variety of reasons until now!

This is a very exciting moment! the creation of a children's festival is based on energy, fantasy, a target of excellence and a major objective to portray the performing arts with all the different disciplines, as a fun experience for the kids and youths.

Performing arts are extremely important for the development of children as

It stimulates their creativity

It helps them make sense of their emotions; it develops their ability to   understand

It allows them to face their fears in a safe environment

It challenges their preconceptions about the world in which they live

It develops their aesthetic sense

It develops their language and communication skills

It introduces them to new ideas and allows them to express there opinions

This event will take place between Monday 14th November and Sunday 20th November 2011 in a variety of

localities in Valletta;

St James Cavalier, Manoel Theatre, MITP, Auberge d'Italie, Auberge de Castille, the President's Palace, Private Palaces and St George's Square

The festival caters performances for Kids and Youths within the 0 – 15 years range. Targeted age groups: 0 – 4 yrs, 2 – 4 yrs, 3+, 6+, 8+, 11+ There is a specific performance specially designed for children with special needs.

Participants hail from the UK, France, Italy, Germany, the Netherlands and Malta.

The events are as follows;

Monday to Friday – morning shows for school children

Monday to Friday – evening shows open to the general


Saturday and Sunday – shows all day open to the general public

The luminarium in St George's Square will have the following opening hours:

09:00 – 13:00  and   16:00 – 19:00 week days

10:00 – 19:00 during the weekends

The festival has a multi performance structure, that is there will be various events happening at the same time.

All events are free of charge and will be supported by the following;

  • The major cultural institutions – St James Cavalier, Manoel Theatre, Malta Philharmonic Orchestra, Heritage Malta, Mediterranean Conference Centre

Ministries – OPM, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Finance



Private sector and the business community

Amongst the performing Companies;

Bamboozle Theatre – UK

Starcatchers – Scotland

M6 Theatre – UK

Architects of Air – France

Roberto Abbiato – Italy

Theatre Salz und Pfeffer – Germany

Het Filiaal – Netherlands

Tony Adigan – UK

Laughing Matter – Malta

VG & H – Malta

Inflexions – Malta

Curtain Raiser – Malta

Malta Philharmonic Orchestra – Malta

Malta Youth Orchestra – Malta

Music Connect – Malta


Retailers interested to participate and would like further information are kindly asked to call on  21 232881 and ask for Ms Carmen Borg or email on

60 seconds interview with Mr Marcel Mizzi

 Why did you become an entrepreneur?  I was born an entrepreneur

How have you come to chose your line of business?I was always into computers and electronics.

Where did you go on your last holiday?


What is your earliest memory?

Man going to the moon in 1969 when I was 4 years old.

If you could chose to be someone famous who would you be?

Bill Gates.

Expression of Interest – Embedded World 2012

As part of its Internationalisation Calendar for 2012, Malta Enterprise is inviting interested parties to register their interest to participate at one of the leading technology exhibitions.  Malta Enterprise will be organising a national stand.


Nuremberg, Germany – 28th February – 1st March 2012


The embedded world Exhibition and Conference will be the top meeting place for the international embedded community, where exhibitors present technologies of the future.

Present your company in this first-class international platform and gain new prospects and develop solution approaches by exchanging views with experts.


Range of products exhibited:

Hardware: components, modules & systems for various applications;  

Tools: hardware, software;

Application software: real-time operating systems, visualization software, internet browsers, test and verification software, communication software development & other application software;

Services: system development, electronic manufacturing, communication services, consulting, training, trade journals, books & other services.

Businesses are kindly requested to register their interest by sending an email to

by Friday 4th November 2011.

Riorganizzazzjoni tas-Swieq fil-Berah

Fl-14 ta' Lulju 2011 l-Onorevoli Jason Azzopardi, Segretarju Parlamentari ghan-Negozji Zghar, nieda perjodu ta' konsultazzjoni pubblika dwar is-swieq fil-berah. F'dan il-perjodu l-Onorevoli Azzopardi stieden l-kummenti u s-suggerimenti ta' dawk kollha interessati f'dan il-qasam.  L-ghan ewlieni u li ssir riforma li tkun tirrifletti l-bzonnijiet ta' dan il-qasam, f'bilanc bejn il-bzonnijiet tal-bejjiegh, ix-xerrej, u dawk kollha li b'xi mod huma involuti direttament jew indirettament.


Il-GRTU laqghet b'entuzjazmu din l-white paper u rringrazzjat lill-Onorevoli Azzopardi tax-xoghol siewi u l-kooperazzjoni shiha li dejjem sabet min naha tieghu. Il-GRTU taqbel li dawn is-swieq fil-berah jaghtu karattru lill-irhula u l-ibliet taghna, jaghtu servizz lill-persuni li jinqdew minnhom, jiggeneraw ix-xoghol, u fuq kollox jikkontribwixxu lejn l-ekonomija tal-pajjiz.

Filwaqt li l-GRTU tirrikonoxxi l-importanza tas-swieq fil-berah, taqbel perfettament li ghandha issir evalwazzjoni fl-isfond tar-Regolamenti tas-swieq fil-berah f'Malta u Ghawdex. Taqbel ukoll li ghandha tigi proposta struttura legali gdida u effettiva ghal dan s-settur filwaqt li jigu mharsa l-interessi ta' dawk kollha involuti.

Il-GRTU taqbel ma hafna mir-rakkommandazzjonijiet prattici ghal kwistjonijiet organizzattivi u manigerjali proposti, ghalkemm hemm aktar x'wiehed izied. Ma ssibx oggezjoni li l-Kunsilli Lokali jiehdu rwol izjed attiv fl-immaniggjar tas-swieq fil-berah preferibilment bil-partecipazzjoni tal-GRTU bhala l-Assocjazzjoni li tirraprezentha l-Komunita' Kummercjali f'Malta u Ghawdex.

Il-GRTU taqbel mall-proposta ta' kif ser jinhargu u jithaddmu l-licenzji fosthom li tinholoq sistema elettronika fejn jigi identifikat il-bejjiegh. Il-GRTU taqbel u taghti s-support taghha sabiex jkun hemm swieq bil-berah ohra specjalizzati fosthom l'artiggjanat, snajja, prodotti tal-ikel u prodotti ohra esklussivament Maltin.

Filwaqt li l-GRTU tirringrazzja mill-qalb lill-Onorevoli Azzopardi ta' din l-White Paper tant mistennija sabiex tinstab soluzzjoni ghal dan is-settur, titolbu sabiex jikkonsidra s-suggerimenti li ghamlet bil-miktub  fuq din l-kwistjoni.

Gas Distributors Protest A Month For A Decision To Be Taken

 Earlier on this week, the gas distributors represented by the Malta Chamber of Small and Medium Enterprises decided to protest against the time now being taken by Government to decide on the introduction of  Amendments to Legal Notice 249 of 2008 issued in October 2008 . Legal Notice 249 of 2008 issued then forgot all about the existence of current distributors in the market who had a signed agreement with Enemalta . Enemalta was then the market regulator and also the supplier to the market of this commodity.


Enemalta had then signed an agreement with the gas distributors providing area exclusivity to each and every one. This was to make sure that the social aspect of gas distribution was well and truly provided to everywhere in Malta and not only that but also provided to every sector of society living anywhere.

An elderly person in Birgu on a fourth floor had every right to be provided with a service equal to an owner of a bungalow in Attard. To this day this situation in Gas Distribution continues to prevail.The protest early this week came about because one of the companies decided to use its own vehicles in an area where it said that its customers were not being well served.

No documentation was made available to sustain this information. As such Gas Distributors cannot allow a situation where a company just because it was handed a distributor s authorization by MRA , Malta Resources Authority, uses this as a shotgun continuously threatening the livelihoods of these distributors.


Both companies have now agreed for a month not to use their vehicles for distribution of LPG cylinders and work with a multiflag sytem, the green or yellow cylinders together with the black cylinder on the same vehicle and its up to the consumer to make the final choice.

Whilst this mode of distribution might not be acceptable to the companies, it is acceptable to the distributors , the community at large and also to the environment. One heavy vehicle distributing gas in each locality is enough.

Of course  the way forward will need a code of ethics to be established for the distributors including times of operation, mode of operation, vehicle upgrades etc. Any distributor who would not oblige will face a grievance board as was the case when Enemalta established their exclusive territories.

Re inventing the wheel is sometimes not an issue. Why re invent the wheel when experience has already shown the best way forward. One would argue for the sake of competition? So is competition about an increase from Euro 5.40 to Euro 17 per cylinder just because Government has not been subsidizing gas LPG for the last three years ?

This only meant that the public at large now spends Euro 20 million to buy 1.2 million cylinders annually instead of Euro 6.5 million three years ago, for the sake of competition? Has Government ever outlined the value of the subsidy when the price was Euro 5.40, ? No never!

Competition is not about providing a service with a higher price just because Government is longer involved. GRTU hopes that we are not subsidizing foreigners or local giants in this industry. Competition or a free market is not about having ten companies selling the same product at different prices but all ten prices are well above the price of when the market was not free. !  In this market the price is established by the Malta Resources Authority. There is no space for collusion unless both importers of LPG cylinders to the market are not complying to their authorisation conditions.

Gas distribution done by a universal distribution system is the way forward in this small island. However if Government feels that it wants to accomodate the earlier promises made to both these authorisation holders and also the distributors, then there is an only way out! Compensate the distributor for loss of exclusivity and then the authroisations holders are responsible for distribution. Of course then this is where competition law or the law of the jungle comes about. A company in a dominanat position would have to oblige to deliver door to door to every corner of Malta but any one else just because he is not in a dominant position would be allowed to go and sell anywhere and everywhere and whenever he wants to. The law of the jungle at its best. And if this happens MRA no longer would issue a maximum retail price.

We will then witness what happenned in southern Italy a few years back. A collusion of three companies in places like Sorrento, Capri and Sardegna brought about astronomical prices of LPG. Of course these companies were caught out eventually and a fine of a handfull of millions had to be paid out to the Italian Authorities. But the public had for a substantial number of years been paying an astronomical price and was never refunded in any way.

This will not happen in Malta, not while GRTU is around and the gas distributors are around with an exclusive area and the MRA is there to issue a maximum retail price to protect the end customer.

Government needs now to put its foot down. Gas distributors want to continue to work.  If the companies importing their LPG cylinders are not ready to come to terms with the distributors or between them, then Government has to put its foot down and decide in the interest of the gas distributors and the end consumers.

We have had enough of big guys and foreigners trying to force Government to bully the self employed. Government needs to give GRTU assurances that SMEs are there to stay, not just on paper but in reality! Currently on many issues this does not seem to be the case. One month will soon pass and by then we hope that Government would have in reality provided SMEs with some peace of mind…..definately at least in this gas sector.