GRTU signs agreement with Vodafone (Malta) for the benefit of its members

 GRTU and Vodafone (Malta) Limited have together entered into a corporate agreement earlier this month, laying down the foundations for future cooperation with the primary objective of giving GRTU members preferential benefits and cost saving opportunities on their communications spend. This agreement was signed by President Paul Abela on behalf of GRTU and Managing Director Balesh Sharma on behalf of Vodafone (Malta).


Amongst several initiatives GRTU members who are already subscribed or who will subscribe to any one of the Vodafone Unlimited or Smartphone tariff plans will benefit from an initial period of free access. Companies which are already members of the GRTU may further benefit from preferential advantages for the Directors and employees of the company.

GRTU members shall also be able to benefit from a period of free access upon subscribing and entering into an agreement on either the Vodafone Liberty Silver or the Liberty Platinum pay monthly plans. Vodafone have also offered to give the Internet Key for free to all those GRTU members who subscribe to any one of the indicated Liberty plans.

In addition to this GRTU Members may also benefit from free consultation given by Vodafone on potential cost saving opportunities on electronic communications services.

Nowadays, the technology industry has gone through several phases of improvement and so GRTU took this opportunity to help its members with available offers in such sector. Telephony and communication are an integral part of running a business today and therefore with this agreement GRTU with the collaboration of Vodafone (Malta) will be landing another helping hand to its members.

Gas Distribution – Time for consultation, now over

GRTU on behalf of its members, the Gas Distributors, has recently provided its position to the proposed amendments to Legal Notice 249 of 2008, relating to Distribution of LPG cylinders in the Local Market. This was forwarded to the Ministry of Resources and Rural Affairs.


The time for consultation is now over and Government has had ample time to mull over anomalies created in 2008 for Gas Distributors.

The amendments to Legal Notice 249 of 2008 provide a breath of fresh air to a sector that over the years has remained stagnant in ideology and work practices. The distribution sector in relation to LPG cylinder distribution now focuses on the consumer whilst attending also to the needs of the distributor.

Gas distribution in 2011 is yearning for a revamp. Selling gas in cylinders is about providing a service which will include much more hours of availability to the end consumers and of course sustained business to the distributor.

Government by now has received all comments in relation to these amendments and it is now the time to take appropriate decisions that will please consumers at the end. Facing the coming winter without a solution would only create a problem to consumers. GRTU warns from now that we need to come to terms.

The distributors, organised with GRTU, have been since December 2010 suffering through shortcomings created by those who should have known better.

The time is now over. Government has to decide the way forward. If this is a difficult job, then there is no other way but to prepare compensation for the distributors. We will wait no longer.

Strong appeal for the EU to be more determinist in its support of the Libyan people democrat process

 Libya is, through the great sacrifice of the Libyan people's blood and loss of life, fast changing from what was a threat to the stability of the EU to a strong ally. Libya and Libyan oil is too important for European stability, industrial production and the EU energy policy. But It is important for the EU to be there already helping the Libyan people with our expertise to help the democratisation process moving and the oil industry production starting and working.


Our support during the last revolutionary months was lukewarm; our High Commissioner for Foreign Affairs Catherine Ashton was simply dancing round the fire frightened to burn her fingers. It would have been smarter if we were bolder as some important EU individual members were. Malta, though small, was bold too. As regards the implementation of the EU energy policy we must be more determinist. Being simply frightened to impose a specific policy is short-sighted. It is a pre-world economic recession concept, a time when we used to think that nothing could really ever happen. It happened and it will happen again. So we need to be more determinist and better be able to co-ordinate our foreign policy and the policies towards our neighbouring countries in the Mediterranean. We need to co-ordinate better our economic and our energy policies. Libya plays an important role in all of this. We need to be more, much more forthcoming. The Libyan people through their sacrifice have given Europe new potential for economic stability and assured good quality entry supplies.

Vince Farrugia, Maltese Employer's representative at EESC, addressing the last TEN (Transport, Energy, Infrastructure and Information Society) Section soon after the intervention of the President of European Parliament Jerzy Karol Buzek, whospoke during the Section meeting on the new EU Energy Action Plan. Vince Farrugia participated in the European Economic Congress in Katowice Poland together with the President of EESC Mr Stefan Nielsen and participated in the European Energy Policy Forum in his address at EESC he praised the Polish Presidency for the way it is highlighting the issue. In his address to the TEN section Mr Vince Farrugia said he wanted to appeal for a stronger action in the light of developments in the Mediterranean and especially the light of the Libyan people's fight for the democratisation of their country. The alternative energy program is important and the traditional fiscal structure in Europe has to change to reflect better the requirements of the new Energy policies as otherwise the cost to the consumer will be tremendous but whatever else happens, oil remains important and Libya is vital for the European continent.

President Buzek in reply to Vince Farrugia's intervention said that he was very conscious of the issues in the Mediterranean and especially how these affect Malta. He stated that he is also very supportive of Malta's burden sharing demands on the refugee issue and on the importance of highlighting the importance of good relationships with the Mediterranean North African Nations and of the need to give stronger support to the democratisation process and strengthening of economic links. Libya definitely deserves high priority. He supported Vince Farrugia's appeal for the EU to have a stronger technical presence to ensure that the oil industry in Libya is geared as fast as possible to full productive capacity for the benefit of the Libyan people and the European community. Mr Buzek commented that the experience of Poland and the other East European countries who have gone through the revolutionary process to obtain democratic stability shows conclusively how important and urgent it is for the EU to act speedily as the developments in the early stages of change are fundamental for the strengthening of the whole democratisation process.

60 Seconds Interview – Manuel Azzopardi owner Queen’s Dry Cleaners

 Why did you become an entrepreneur?

After I became redundant I started teaching the others until finally I opened my own shop in the same sector. 


How have you come to chose your line of business?

I started from a tailor from repair and maintenance and then I became a manager. I always worked in the sector.

Where did you go on your last holiday?

To Lago di Garda. This thing that impressed me the most was the system by which they make parma ham, the organisation, cleanliness, their very symmetric system and the lake to which no ordinary boats have access.

What is your earliest memory?

The first stains I managed to remove.

If you could chose to be someone famous who would you be?

Leon Messi (Football). I had his same technique and I think we are quite similar.

Iz-Zieda fil-prezz tal-Gass mhux spjegabbli

Il-GRTU – Kamra Maltija tan-Negozji Zghar u Medji tiddeplora iz-zieda fil-prezz tal-gass, zieda ta' 40 centezmu, jew 480,000 Ewro fis-sena meta wiehed jikkunsidra il-bejgh kollu ta' sena shiha.  Kemm ilha fix-xena il-kumpanija Liquigas il-prezz ghola minn 5.40 -il Ewro ghal  17.00 -il ewro ghal kull cilindru ta' 12 -il kilo.



Dan ifisser li fejn qabel il-konsumaturi u l-intraprizi Maltin kienu jonfqu  6.5 miljuni ewro fuq medda ta' sena issa qed jonfqu il-fuq minn 20 miljun Ewro ghall-istess konsum. Din iz-zieda kollha mhiex spjegabbli u ghalhekk il-GRTU tqisha esagerata u ghalhekk mhux accettabli. L-impatt ta' din iz-zieda fenomenali qatt ma gie imkejjel mir-Regulatur Pubbliku: il-Malta Resources Authority.  Il-GRTU taccetta li la il-prezz tal-gas ghola minn barra li din iz-zieda tkun riflessa fil-prezz ghall-konsumatur f'Malta u l-GRTU ma temminx fis-sussidju ghax dejjem jigri li s-sussidji jiehdu wiehed u irid ihallas ghalih hadd'iehor u n-nies li tirrapprezenta l-GRTU dejjem jkunu  fost dawk li dejjem jhallsu, pero xi hadd irid ikun responsabbli li jkejjel l-impatt ekonomiku ta' dawn iz-zidiet u jara li mhux dak kollu li jigri barra irrispettivament mil-arrangamenti alternattivi li jista jaghmel l-importatur lokali biex jevita li jghaddi iz-zieda shiha fuq il-konsumaturi Maltin. Qatt ma ntqal lanqas jekk hux vera li iz-zidiet kollha kienux verament rizultat taz-zidiet min barra u jekk hux biex jiggustifikaw esigenzi ohra.

Il-GRTU ta tqiesx li bhala protettur tal-konsumatur u l-user kummercjali li l-MRA qed taqdi dmirijieta sewwa u jekk l-MRA issostni li mhux xogholha li tara li d-dominanza fis-suq tal-fornitur ewlieni ma tintuzax irrespettivament mil-impatt ekonomiku u socjali allura ghandu jwiegeb il-Gvern u mhux ihalli ir-risposti ghar-Regulatur li jahrab minnhom. Il-GRTU ma tqiesx li min hu verament responsabbli li jindokkra lil konsumatur u l-effett ekonomiku ghandu jiffonzjona biss bhala transmission belt li sempliciment  japprova li jghaddi  l-piz ta' dawn iz-zidiet imma li tkejjel l-impatt u jissugerixxi rimedji. Il-gass hu essenzjali ghal bicca l-kbira tal-familji u hu kost importanti u essenzjali ghal hafna negozji zghar minn diversi oqsma rapprezentati mill-GRTU.  Dawn in-negozji ma jistghux bhal Liquigas jaqbdu u jghollu ghax kuntrarjament ghal Liquigas m'humiex f'pozizzjoni dominanti fis-suq.

In-negozji iz-zghar ma jistghux jaqbdu u jghollu u barra minn hekk l-GRTU bhala ir-raprezentant ta' dawn in-negozji lanqas ma taqbel li ghandu jsir hekk ghax kull zieda tkompli tgerrex aktar bejgh u tkompli tgharqilhom il-profitti taghhom li diga' huma msabbta.  Id-distributuri tal-Gass li huma negozji privati jithallsu rata fissa fuq kull cilindru u mhux percentwali tal-prezz u kull zieda iggib maghha tnaqqis fil-bejgh u ghalkheKk telf fid-dhul fi zmien meta spejjez bhal hlas ta' diesel ghal garr dejjem jizdied u dejjem ghalhekk jitnaqqar ittake home pay' ta' dawn is-self-employed li milli jdahhlu jridu jnaqqsu l-ispejjez kollha tal-vetturi u pagi ta' assistenti, parkeggjar, licenzji u infieq iehor bhal ma huma it-taxxi.

Dawn iz-zidiet awtomatici fil-prezz tal-gass issa ilhom jitwettqu u issa wasal iz-zmien li l-MRA jew jekk mhux responsabbli huma, il-Gvern, li jippubblika analizi serja ta' kemm huma verament ragunati dawn iz-zidiet kollha u jippubblika wkoll rapport ta' l-impatt li daqwn iz-zidiet gabu fuq in-negozji u id-disposable income tal-familji Maltin. Kif inhi is-sitwazzjoni llum jidher li kull ma ghamel ir-Regulatur Pubbliku hu li indokkra sew l-interessi tal-fornitur u ftit ta kaz tal-impatt generali ekonomiku u socjali taz-zidiet kollha li huwa approva u tan-nefqa fenominali globali li ippermetta li l-konsumatur u l-user igorr bis-sahha tad-decizjonijiet mhux spjegabbli tieghu.

Harassment of Retail

 The GRTU has yesterday held a Press Conference on behalf of importers, distributors and retailers of cigarettes and other tobacco products in relation to the measures adopted by Government following the implementation of Legal Notice 302 of 2009 "Use of Colour Photographs or Other Illustrations as Health Warnings on Tobacco Packages Regulations, 2009" which introduced the pictorial health warnings on cigarette packets and other tobacco products placed on the market after the 22nd June 2011.





The issue relates to the Government's decision to seal existing stocks of cigarette packs that were legally placed on the market prior to the imposition of the said Legal Notice.

Whereas the GRTU strongly upholds the imposition of health warnings on tobacco products, it maintains its stalwart stand in relation to the illegal deprivation of property which in this case consists of legally acquired stocks of tobacco products by Retailers from Importers and Distributors who paid the substantial excise duty to Government before placing such stocks on the market. A judicial protest will be filed in Court against the competent authorities before the Press Conference.

During the press conference the GRTU explained that the rapidity by which stock is sold sometimes depends on the locations of the retail establishment and of the brands which are sometimes more seasonal. The GRTU also explained that it made very reasonable proposals to the Ministry where it proposed that stickers with the pictorials would be placed on the packets but this was refused. The GRTU emphasised that cigarettes have a high capital expenditure and there is a small margin of profit.

Harassment of Retailer What the Ministry of Health is doing on the issue of cigarettes is nothing but harassment. In the wake of the Small Business Act and all the nice words said by Ministers especially the new Small Business Envoy Dr Jason Azzopardi it is nothing but disgraceful that the Chief Health Inspector is allowed to drag retailer to court when he is not even covered by legal powers to act. "Government must decide- you are either in favour of small businesses or you prefer to treat them like sh…" says Paul Abela President of the GRTU. The SBA means nothing if these cases proceed.

GRTU survey: E-Commerce and Payments

 Following a request made by our representatives in Brussels, EuroCommerce, in order to be able to represent the views of our members in their negotiations on the topic, GRTU has conducted a survey and below are the results:


84% of respondents said that they have an internet site and half of these said that they accept orders and take payment through the internet site. Most admit that only a small percentage of their sales are made online:

0-5% – 73% of respondents

10-50% – 15% of respondents

50-75% – 8% of respondents

75% – 4% of respondents

A good majority of those who accept payments from an internet site say that they also take orders from outside the country and from the whole of the EU however the amount of sales coming from places other than Malta is very small. Those that do not operate cross border say that they find Logistics a challenge. The payment methods accepted are MasterCard/Visa Credit and Paypal. Slightly less than half of the respondents use a payment security tool while the rest do not. Only a very small percentage say that they find problems with these tools.

Finally the GRTU asked them about the approximate level of fraud from internet payments. They said it was between 0 and 5%.

ARMS move to Gattard House

 GRTU has this week written to Hon Tonio Fenech with reference to the decision made to move ARMS Ltd to Gattard House. The informed Hon Fenech that the GRTU is of the opinion that it is a bad and insensitive decision both for customers and business.





GRTU had put forward its recommendations that it was best for customers and for business in Valletta if ARMS moved to the empty space now available in Ixtri Malti, the complex in Merchants Street Valletta. GRTU complained that it failed to understand why was our recommendation disregarded without even a discussion when Ixtri Malti is the direct responsibility of the Ministry of Finance, definitely less expensive and more convenient for all.

We urged Hon Fenech to take into consideration our recommendation which, in our opinion, will be ideal for all.

Green MT’s contribution towards cleaner localities

 Green MT, the National Authorised Waste Packaging Compliance Scheme continues to contribute towards the cleanliness of our localities in Malta and Gozo. Green MT is responsible for the upkeep of bring in Sites in 30 Local Councils in Malta and 11 Local Councils in Gozo.


This service is outfarmed to service providers, mainly waste carriers who have a responsibility to clean an area of three metres around the individual Bring In Sites. There are contractors who have a responsability for a specific Local Council and then we have other cleaning contractors who service a number of Local Councils.

In Malta, we still have the inert mentality that we can throw waste next to the Bring In Site at any hour of the day, which of course is not the case. This situation creates mountains of mixed waste which are recovered by the Scheme daily. It is enough to state that on a six day week we normally take to the landfill over 8 tons of mixed waste from these Bring In Sites and even so we are continuously chased by Local Councils that we are still not doing enough. Of course we are far from perfect, but we can outrightly state that we do our best. There are of course shortcomings which will be addressed, and this is not about placing more CCTVs or having more green wardens, we want more people to realise that our island is our home and that we should also cooperate to make sure we do not continue to dump next to Bring In Sites.

In Gozo, we manage 18 Bring In Sites and in the month of August the situation has been one which we have as yet not witnessed. It is here that Green MT was let down heavily by one of our contractors and on realising this, we took immediate steps to make sure that remedial action was taken. There is much more to do in Gozo. The concept of Eco Gozo instills in us all the responsibility of giving more towards this concept. Green MT will continue to upkeep these Bring In Sites and monitor much closer the emptying of the said bins. Of course there is more to do from a holistic approach but let s first make sure we have the basics working well and then take on other initiatives.

Green MT today recovers an average of 4 tons of packaging waste from Bring in Sites in Gozo and an addittional 10 tons weekly from the recovery of the Grey bag, thus a total of 14 tons weekly. Our target for the Local Councils where we operate, 11 in all, is 27 tons and we will continue to strive together with the individual Local Councils to reach this target.

Green MT will also continue to increase its service to the hospitality industry including bars and restuarants and hotels. We have provided a service in Xlendi which will be extended to Marsalforn, slowly but diligently. We look forward with optimism with the help of all stakeholders.

Cleanliness is our prerogative but we need everyone's support, from responsible residents, to responsible contractors and the rest of the chain. But what we are sure of, is that we are dedicated to this cause and we will get there!