Incentives for the hospitality sector

GRTU held a meeting for its members
in the hospitality sector on Malta Enterprise incentives for the hospitality
industry (hotels, restaurants, snack bars, guest houses..). The schemes
presented were the following:

Business First

Business First implementing to set up
a one stop shop for businesses. This will set up a Point of Single Contact
(PSC) for businesses with will include:

  • Friendly,
    supportive and professional business advisory services
  • Personalised
    attention and possibility of face-to-face meetings
  • Guidance
    on schemes and incentives to boost business' performance and facilitate growth
  • Provision
    of support, services and schemes offered by Malta Enterprise
  • 19
    Service Level Agreements signed with Government departments and entities
  • 54
    services offered by other departments and entities to be offered through
    Business First
  • More
    services to be added on demand








Supports micro enterprises and
self-employed (employing up to 9 persons) to invest in their business to
innovate, expand, implement compliance directives. Assistance available is
capped at €25,000 or 40% of eligible expenses for enterprises in Malta.
Enterprises in Gozo is capped at 60% of eligible expenses, up to a maximum of

Eligible expenses under this scheme

  • Refurbishing
    and upgrading of business premises
  • Machinery,
    equipment and technology to improve operations
  • Machinery
    or technology which saves or generates energy
  • Investment
    required to become compliant with regulations
  • One
    motor vehicle used for the carriage of goods
  • Wage
    costs covering 12-month for new jobs created

This scheme has extended to include
investments made in 2012                                              


Quality +

Encourages SMEs to improve the
quality of their products, services and processes by achieving quality
certifications and quality marks, environmental certifications, franchise
licences and licences required for participation in a value chain. It is
granted on approved projects on a maximum of €20,000 in eligible costs and
deduction from taxable income equivalent to 150% of eligible costs.

The following are example of
certification marks:

ISO 9001:2008, ISO17025:2005,
ISO17020, ISO 14001 (Environment)

EMAS & Ecolabel

ISO 22000 (Food Safety & Hygiene)

Hazard Analysis Critical and Control
Point (HACCP)

MSA EN 14804:2005 (Language Study
Tour Providers)

Halal certification &

CE Mark & BSI Kitemark


Interest Rate Subsidies for
Hospitality Sector

Supports hotels; guesthouses;
hostels; farmhouses; snack bars and restaurants in upgrading their operations
and product offering so as to provide new and improved services. Assistance
granted in the form of an interest subsidy ranging between 1% and 3% on a loan
taken up to fund tangible assets used in furbishing and upgrading of premises
including extensions, modifications and extensions to premises; the acquisition
of plant, machinery, apparatus and instruments;

  • hotel,
    guest house or hostel; may qualify for an interest rate subsidy on a loan of a
    maximum value of €7,000,000
  • farmhouse,
    snack bar or restaurant may qualify for an interest rate subsidy on a loan of a
    maximum value of € 500,000.



Once approved project costs must be incurred
and paid for between the date the project is approved and 31st December 2014.

For further information kindly
contact Abigail Mamo at GRTU.

Gas distributors reach the end of the road

The issue affecting the livelihood of
gas distributors appears to remain beyond governance resolve. GRTU believes
that it is incredible that a government takes four long years to resolve a
relatively minor issue. An issue which does not take a genius to resolve
provided there is a will and there are no hidden agendas. Gas distributors have
since 1992 served the country well carting on their back gas cylinders on a
door to door basis for a pittance as a service charge.

The cost of a cylinder
of gas which has quadrupled since the gas distribution has been privatised
represents primarily the cost of the gas itself. the cost of transport and
distribution to the door step irrespective or whether one live in a house in
the periphery of the island, in narrow lanes, in stepped streets as in
Cottonera and Valletta or in high rise buildings it is at the expense of the
self employed gas distributor who can not according to contract charge a
different price according to cost of distribution his fee is a fee per cylinder
irrespective of distance and expense of delivery the gas distributor is obliged
by contract to sell the cylinders of all  competing firms. The local community is
served without the hassle of competing fleets of trucks in the narrow streets
of our small towns and villages this is a service that has served Malta well.

All Maltese governments labour or
nationalists have respected the contracted signed in 1992 by GRTU on behalf of
the gas distributors and Enemalta the then monopoly gas provider and also the
Energy licensing authority. Instigated by Liquigas know as the successors of
Enemalta as the dominant gas cylinders providers government is now determined
to change all this. This is the Bus tragedy all over again. They never learn,
they changed the old bus system to give us a new that serves the community in
no clear advantageous way. Now they want to do it again with gas distribution,
they want to smash the old distribution system just to have a new monopoly lead
by foreigners to dominate and dictate the way we buy gas in Malta.

GRTU has told the Prim Minister load
and clear that this is not acceptable there is no evidence what so ever that
the consumers want change form the Known to the unknown. It is ARRIVA all over
again. GRTU has given notice to government that if they want to proceed with
their incredible design to smash the old distribution system and pauperise the
old gas distributors who have served the public well for 20years they will find
the resistance not only of GRTU but of all those who have had enough of this
silly privatisation exercises which have delivered nothing but pain to the

Valletta Business met Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi

 Owners of business establishment were
the guest's on Business Breakfast
– The business representative members
of GRTU raised a number of issues for the business community, the major concern
remains that the traffic management and parking facility are in a poor
condition. Most businesses are also at pain to understand how the exceptional investment
done on the new road surfacing there is no effort is being done to properly
maintain and keep clean this extensive investment the major issue remain

The business community still can't understand that under the new
Valletta refurbishing plans no specific attention has been given top the need
to create practical parking facility within the city The main guard project was
abandoned for no specific logical reason, the old Valletta Freedom Square
parking project was abandoned and all attempt by private investors to  create new parking facilities in the city
have been turned down for one excuse and in a city which is built of soft stone
that ought to provided no particular difficulty for parking facilities to be
created underground.

GRTU contends the future of the city
is one where the beautifully paved surface road are reserved for pedestrians
and pen air restaurant and entertainment activities while parking at a fee is
done underground. No practical alternative exists even though impractical solutions
like park and ride facilities and out of town parking are welcome.

The city has tremendous commercial
and touristic potential but this potential will never be at an optimum level
for all enterprises operating from Valletta unless internal city parking is
available. The problems further augmented as a result of the silly policy of
giving the right to resident to own parking places for free on the road
surfaces. This is a policy unheard-of anywhere else in the world. City streets
belong to all the Maltese and not to the Residence of Valletta. Residence o
Valletta could have been provided with special underground parking or parking
in the dices with specific security arrangements but the streets of Valletta
the capital city or Malta and the pride of all he Maltese should have never
been allotted to those that happen to have a vote registered under a Valletta

GRTU continues to strive for a fail
deal with all businessmen who have invested million to make the Capital City
the joy and pride of all Maltese and to give back the right to all Maltese to
enter Valletta and be able to park and enjoy the beauty of our capital city
without excessive hassle and cost. Till government satisfies this need,
government continues to fail.

Rent laws

Another important issue for GRTU
which remains an open bleeding wound is the issue related to the
"reformed" rent laws. The government of Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi
with the full support of the Labour Party Opposition took a very false step in
negating the rights of most Valletta shop operators who are in their vast
majority tenants and not owners of the property they operate as commercial
establishment. Government researched very badly this issue and failed to
understand that most of the rent contracts have been placed on an indefinite
basis not as a result of the existing old rent laws but due to bi-partite
negotiations, involving in most cases, hefty sums of money paid by tenants to
acquire the indefinite status entrenched in their rent contract. The legislator
was not justified and was completely incorrect in imposing a legal abrogation
of all private commercial rent contracts freely agreed to between two
independent parties.

Most Valletta tenants and other
commercial tenants in many other parts of Malta who had a contract which was
originally indefinite and which has now been translated to a maximum 20 year
period as unjustly imposed by the new "Reformed" rent law has been legally and
institutionally robbed. This is why GRTU refers to this issue as a bleeding

"Government and the Labour Opposition
should have the honesty to understand the pain they have caused to so many
tenants and find acceptable remedial action before the next election. Tenants
who previously had a valuable asset, for which they paid handsomely, now have
only a block of ice in the sun melting away year after year with nothing to
leave at the end of the 20 year period. This is legalised highway robbery" says
Vincent Farrugia

This not withstand GRTU is grateful
for the excellent work done in Valletta of the refurbishment of so many
beautiful historical building in Valletta and the extensive paving of so many
streets. In spite of the hick up of all the construction works, Valletta is
rapidly gaining its own status as one of the most beautiful cities in Europe,
and it will be even so once the Valletta entrance project and the new
parliament is completed.

resolve provided there is a will and
there are no hidden agendas. Gas distributors have since 1992 served the
country well carting on their back gas cylinders on a door to door basis for a
pittance as a service charge. The cost of a cylinder of gas which has
quadrupled since the gas distribution has been privatised represent s primarily
the cost of the gas itself. the cost of transport and distribution to the door
step irrespective or whether one live in a house in the periphery of the
island, in narrow lanes, in stepped streets as in Cottonera and Valleta or in
high rise buildings is at the expense of the self employed gas distributor who
can not according to contract charge a different price according to cost of
distribution his fee is a fee per cylinder irrespective of distance and expense
of delivery the gas distributor is obliged by contract to sell the cylinders of
all competing firms. The local community is served without the hassle of
competing fleets of trucks in the narrow streets of our small towns and
villages this is a service that has served Malta well.

All Maltese governments labour or
nationalists have respected the contracted signed in 1992 by GRTU on behalf of
the gas distributors and Enemalta the then monopoly gas provider and also the
Energy licensing authority. Instigated by Liquigas know as the successors of
Enemalta as the dominant gas cylinders providers government is now determined
to change all this. This is the Bus tragedy all over again. They never learn,
they changed the old bus system to give us a new that serves the community in
no clear advantageous way. Now they want to do it again with gas distribution,
they want to smash the old distribution system just to have a new monopoly lead
by foreigners to dominate and dictate the way we buy gas in Malta.

GRTU has told the prim minister load
and clear that this is not acceptable there is no evidence what so ever that
the consumers want change form the KNOWN to the unknown. It is Arriva all over
again. GRTU has given notice to government that if they want to proceed with
their incredible design to smash the old distribution system and pauperise the
old gas distributors who have served the public well for 20years they will find
the resistance not only of GRTU but of all those who have had enough of this
silly privatisation exercises which have delivered nothing but pain to the
community .

Lotto receivers ready for action

The Lotto receiver union members have
now all joined GRTU. Director General Vincent Farrugia addressed annual general
meeting held at the Catholic institute in Floriana on the 1st of November.
Lotto receivers in Malta are facing a very difficult future further as a result
of the highly unacceptable policy being adopted by the Lotto and Gaming
monopoly Maltco. Since Lotto receiver have joined GRTU, it has strived to establish
a working relationship with General Manager Vasilios Kasiotais and CEO Dr John

GRTU is a business organisation and our approach unlike that of
certain workers union is to establish a good commercial relationship were
enterprises can flourish. The message GRTU has delivered to Maltco is loud and
clear "We want you to grow and become profitable, but we want you also to allow
our  members to grow with you. Lotto
receivers have served the community well, they have accepted conditions to
continue to operate with Maltco which are completely different then the
conditions they operated under when lotteries where state owned. But lotto
receivers accept that in a privatised environment life is tougher and
competition is acute. However competition is no excuse for anyone to abuse of
his dominant position in the market. Unfortunately public regulators in Malta
whether it is MCCAA, the Competition and Consumer Protection National Agency in
Malta, or whether it is the Lottery and Gaming Authority apparently exist only
to satisfy the whims of the new foreign owners of the newly privatised assets.

GRTU has publicly and repeatedly
accused the Chairman, Board of Directors and CEO's of public regulator who fear
the foreign owners of privatised firms and fail to act according to the power
they have at law. LGA appear to have nopower over the foreign owners of Maltco.
The condition Maltco is imposing on lotto receivers are flagrant abuse of their
licensing conditions and of the terms of the privatisation contract. LGA can
not just stare and approve. This is in essence the address Vincent Farrugia
made to the LSU AGM last Thursday. "GRTU will not be part of any scheme by
anybody in government to annihilate the right of the self employed in Malta.
Competition and free enterprise is something to which we hold very strongly in
Malta and at a European level. But running rough shot on the rights of self
employed who earn a decent living in their own country by foreigners who
pretend to own the land simply because some minister or other has accepted to
close one or both eyes is not, and will never be condoned by GRTU. GRTU is
meeting the Prime minister next Saturday 3r November  and the message GRTU will pass to the Prime
Minister Lawrence Gonzi is very clear hands off the self employed or you are
heading into a lot of trouble with GRTU" Concluded Vincent Farrugia Director
General of GRTU.

GRTU position on the Anti-Dumping duties on kitchenware and tableware originating from China

GRTU held a
consultation meeting with its members importers of China originating tableware
and kitchenware, whose products would fall within the scope of this anti-dumping
duty, in the presence of the Economic Policy Division on 17th
October 2012. During the meeting direct feedback was given and it was made
clear that such an anti-dumping duty is not in the interest of Maltese
importers, retailers and consumers. GRTU would like to put its position in
writing and state clearly that we oppose the imposition of such an anti-dumping

Our main
objection to any antidumping duties would be that they would impose unnecessary
extra costs upon consumers and that these would outweigh any benefits to
European producers.

Any suggestion
that additional duties could be absorbed by retailers is incorrect, especially
since the duty is planned to be substantial. In order to avoid unsustainable
losses, anything including the most marginal duty rates would have to be passed
on to consumers.

addition, the case of imports of ceramic tableware and kitchenware originating
from China particularly tend to be concentrated in lower value ranges.  This means that any increase in prices
resulting from the imposition of duties is likely to affect those consumers
least able to afford it.

are a significant amount of European producers who import products from China
and finish those products in the European Union, before exporting onto the
world market. These businesses will also be placed at a competitive
disadvantage compared to other global producers by the imposition of European

is not at all clear that the imposition of antidumping duties would lead to
increased sourcing from European producers. In fact, according to our members,
antidumping duties would more likely result in a switch to sourcing from other
third countries e.g. Bangladesh and Vietnam.

suppliers tend to excel in providing premium products, focused on design
quality. European suppliers would not be able to compete at the same price
points as Chinese suppliers where production requires a higher level of labour
input, such as for example small cast items with hand painting, such as mugs
and coasters.

is an insufficient number of European producers capable of supplying the
volumes required by EU importers and therefore we will face lack of supply
which leaves no option by to seek other markets. Many European producers also
do not have the technical capability to produce certain products required, for
example stacking mugs.

is not widely available in the EU.  The
alternative earthenware is generally more porous and not as hardwearing.  In addition the surface of earthenware is
grainy so many techniques cannot be achieved.

therefore does not believe that the introduction of antidumping duties will
yield any obvious benefits to domestic producers, especially when compared to
the enormous burdens such an imposition will mean for the other players.

do not believe that Anti-dumping duties are in the Union's interest.  They will increase prices for consumers and
add to inflationary pressures, without delivering any significant benefits to
European producers. The uncertainty created by the investigation involves other
unnecessary additional costs for retailers, wholesalers and importers and works
against other agreed EU policy objectives.

all of these reasons, we urge Maltese decision makers to oppose any proposals
to apply antidumping duties on these products.


Product Recall

The Malta Competition and Consumer Affairs Authority
has been notified of a number of products which pose a serious risk to
consumers. The below details refer: Should your company retail, import or distribute the
product in question, you are requested to notify GRTU without delays, so
necessary action is taken as soon as possible. If you are aware of any person
or company who is retailing, importing or distributing this product, kindly
notify the undersigned so as to contact such person or company.

May we remind you of the obligations under the General
Product Safety Act that manufacturers/ importers/ distributors of products on
the market in Malta are required to report any incidents occurring and
involving products they represent.

Notification 1: Baby doll, 30 cm in length, made of plastic and
dressed in purple and orange overalls. The doll is packaged in a transparent
plastic bag.

Dangers Details: Chemical. The product poses a chemical risk because
it contains 14.8% by weight of di(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (DEHP) and 0.2% by
weight of dibutyl phthalate (DBP). According to the REACH Regulation,
phthalates DEHP, DBP and BBP are prohibited in all toys and childcare articles,
while phthalates DINP, DIDP and DNOP are prohibited when the toy or childcare
article can be placed in the mouth by children.

Notification 2: Barcode: 8 015361957988 The doll is packaged in a
cardboard box, the front of which is transparent plastic.

Dangers Details: Chemical. The product poses a chemical risk because
it contains 21% by mass bis (2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (DEHP). In addition it
contains traces of di-isononyl phthalate (DINP). According to the REACH
Regulation the phthalates DEHP, DBP and BBP are prohibited in all toys and
childcare articles, while phthalates DINP, DIDP and DNOP are prohibited in toys
or childcare articles that can be placed in the mouth by children.

Notification 3: Barcode: 8 015361950545 Kitchen set with plastic doll.
The packaging consists of a cardboard box with a clear plastic front containing
the toy.

Dangers Details: Chemical. The product poses a chemical risk because
it contains 22% by mass bis (2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (DEHP). In addition it
contains 0.5 % of di-isononyl phthalate (DINP). According to the REACH
Regulation the phthalates DEHP, DBP and BBP are prohibited in all toys and
childcare articles, while phthalates DINP, DIDP and DNOP are prohibited in toys
or childcare articles that can be placed in the mouth by children.

Notification 4: Batch number/Barcode: CF 12121 Set of 3 baby dolls,
12cm in height.

Dangers Details: Choking and Chemical. The product poses a risk of
choking due to the presence of small parts which can be easily detached and
swallowed by children. The product poses a chemical risk because it contains
24% by mass bis (2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (DEHP). The product does not comply
with the Toy Safety Directive and with the relevant European standard EN 71-1.
According to the REACH Regulation the phthalates DEHP, DBP and BBP are
prohibited in all toys and childcare articles, while phthalates DINP, DIDP and
DNOP are prohibited in toys or childcare articles that can be placed in the
mouth by children.



Consultation: Revision of the Medical Devices Directive and the In Vitro Diagnostic Devices

The EU is proposing updated regulations
on medical devices – from home-use items like sticking plasters, pregnancy
tests and contact lenses to x-ray machines, pacemakers, breast implants, hip
replacements and HIV blood tests. The aim is to ensure these products are safe,
and can be freely and fairly traded throughout the EU.

Existing EU rules – dating back to the
1990s – have not kept pace with the enormous technological and scientific
progress in the past 20 years. Moreover different EU countries interpret and
implement the current rules in different ways.


The main changes being proposed at this
stage are:

  • It is not always possible to trace medical devices back
    to their supplier and therefore new rules on traceability are
    introduced – including provision of unique device identification (UDI).
  • Wider, clearer scope for EU legislation on medical
    devices – extended to include, for example, implants for aesthetic purposes,
    and clarified as regards genetic tests
  • Stronger supervision of independent assessment bodies
    by national authorities
  • More powers for assessment bodies to ensure thorough
    testing and regular checks on manufacturers, including unannounced factory
  • Clearer rights & responsibilities for
    manufacturers, importers and distributors, which would also apply to diagnostic
    services and internet sales
  • Extended Eudamed database on medical devices – will
    provide comprehensive information on products available
    on the EU market. Non-confidential data will be publicly available
  • Better traceability of medical devices throughout the
    supply chain – enabling a swift and effective response to safety problems (e.g.
  • Stricter requirements for clinical evidence to support
    assessments of medical devices
  • Updated classification rules – dividing medical devices
    into 4 different risk categories and health & safety requirements,
    including labelling rules – to keep pace with technological and scientific
  • Better coordination between national surveillance
    authorities, with the Commission providing scientific, technical and logistic
  • International guidelines to be incorporated into EU





Manufacturers, Authorised
Representatives, Importers, Distributors and Users of medical devices.


The following products fall under the
scope of the regulations:

  • Medical Devices – please refer to the text of the
    relevant draft;
  • In Vitro Diagnostic Devices – please refer to the text
    of the relevant draft;




Feedback or requests for clarifications
must be sent on by 30th November 2012.

Health and Safety Seminar

GRTU is holding a half-day seminar on health and
safety in your business. Everyday that passes new developments related to
health and safety come out and most of them are very important for you to know.
Most of these are binding by law and carry fines if not observed.


Incidents related to health and safety happen
frequently and carry a lot of repercussions to business. Knowing and caring is
in your business interest. Not knowing what is going on is not an excuse when
it comes to the law and GRTU is giving you this opportunity to become fully
informed and aware of your obligations. We will be discussing the following


Introduction and updated information on 
Health and Safety

–       The
Health and Safety Authority

–       Main
responsibilities and duties of Employers and Self employed

–       Keeping
a safe and healthy environment – Practical tips

–       Being
assault ready – Consumer aggression and theft


 Wed 7th November 2012

14.30 –
16.30 (registration starts 14.00)

Hotel, Floriana


Seating is limited. Registration on 21 232 881/3 or

Nahdmu Flimkien biex nevitaw ir-Riskji

Il-ħaddiema huma l-esperti fix-xogħol
tagħhom u jafu bir-riskji li jiffaċċjaw ta' kuljum. L-koperazzjoni bejn
il-ħaddiema u l-maniġment hija essenzjali sabiex jiġu identifikati r-riskji fuq
il-post tax-xogħol u jittieħdu l-miżuri sabiex dawn jitnaqqsu jew jiġu
eliminati. Ghal hdax (11) l-sena konsekuttiva giet
organizzata l-OHS – Practice Awards 2012-2013, bis-suggett ta' din is-sena,
naħdmu flimkien biex nevitaw ir-riskji.


Fil-prattika, ħafna drabi ikun diffiċli
li r-riskji jiġu eliminati, iżda meta jsir sforz kollettiv ikun iktar faċli li
jinstabu soluzzjonijiet biex ir-riskji jitnaqqsu għal livell aċċettabli. Dejjem
jibqa l-obbligu ta' min iħaddem li jassigura li l-miżuri jiġu mplimentati, u
tal-ħaddiema li jikkoperaw u jaderixxu mal-miżuri mifthema sabiex titħares
is-saħħa u s-sigurtà tagħhom stess.

 L-appell imur ghall-maniġment biex jagħti każ
u jagħti ċans lill ħaddiema li jikkontribwixxu lejn l-identifikazzjoni
tar-riskji u t-twettieq ta' miżuri li jnaqqsu r-riskji. Kif tirrikjedi l-liġi,
r-rapreżentanti tal-ħaddiema għas-saħħu u s-sigurtà fuq il-post tax-xogħol,
għandhom rwol importanti x'jaqdu. Dawn iridu jservu ta' pont bejn il-ħaddiema u

Din is-sena intefghu ħames
sottomissjonijiet li ġew evalwati skond il-kriterji stabbiliti mill-aġenzija
għas-saħħa u s-sigurtà ta' l-unjoni ewropea. Minn dawn kien hemm erba'
fil-kategorija ta' ‘l fuq minn 100 ħaddiem u waħda li timpjega anqas minn 100 ħaddiem.

Il-kriterji tal-evalwazzjoni jinkludu
fost oħrajn, ir-relevanza tas-sottomissjoni, parteċipazzjoni effettiva
tal-ħaddiema, implimentazzjoni b'suċċess, titjib reali, sostennibiltà
maż-żmien, trasferibbiltà lejn postijiet tax-xogħol oħra u li preferibbilment
ikunu innovattivi u jmorru lil hinn mir-rekwiżiti minimi rikjesti

 Is-sottomissjonijiet trattaw suġġetti varji,
b'miżuri sempliċi li ma jinvolvux ħafna spejjes iżda xorta waħda huma effettivi
sabiex inaqqsu r-riskji u oħrajn li huma aktar speċjalizzati għall-industrija
jew kumpaniji partikolari.

 Il-fattur komuni hu l-prevenzjoni jew
it-tnaqqis tar-riskji. Kullħadd jaf li inċident fuq il-post tax-xogħol  jikkawża tbagħtija u telf lil-min iweġġa kif
ukoll lil min iħaddem. Meta l-maniġment jikkonsulta u jinvolvi lil-ħaddiema,
jinkisbu riżultati aktar effetivi, jiġu evitati l-inċidenti u b`hekk jirbaħ

Is-sottomissjonijiet kollha kienu ta'
livell għoli. Kollha kienu ppreparati u ppreżentati b'mod professjonali u
b'informazzjoni ddetaljata li għamlet x-xogħol tal-Board tal-Evalwazzjoni aktar
facli. Grazzi lill-Inġ. Vincent Attard – Chairman, is-Sur Joe Delia, s-Sur
Victor Carachi u s-Sur Silvio Farrugia membri tal-Board.

Kif ġara fl-aħħar edizjoni ta' din
il-kompetizzjoni, iż-żewġ sottomissjonijiet li ġew fl-ewwel post f'kull
kategorija se jiġu mibgħuta l-aġenzija Ewropea għas-saħħa u s-sigurta fuq
il-post tax-xoghol sabiex jikkompetu għal premju ta' prattika tajba fuq livell
ewropew. Nawguraw li jkollna suċċess kif kellna fl-edizjoni ta' qabel din.
Nħeġġu lil-kumpaniji kollha sabiex jieħdu dan is-suġġett bis serjeta sabiex
jitnaqqsu l-perikli fuq il-ħaddiema. Min iħaddem għandu jfittex il-kontribut
tal-ħaddiema u r-rapreżentanti tagħhom billi jikkonsulta magħhom. Il-ħaddiema
wkoll għandhom id-dritt u huma fid-dmir li jagħtu sehemhom għax b'hekk ikun
assigurat li l-miżuri li jiġu identifikati, ikunu implimentati u jirnexxu.

Good Practice Awards
2012 gew pprezentati mill-Onorevoli Ministru ghas-Sahha l-Anzjani u kura
fil-kommunita', Joe Cassar, flimkien ma Dr Mark Gauci – CEO u Remigio Bartolo,
Focal Point Manager, OHSA. Mistiedna ghall-Konferenza, Ms Boglarka Bola,
Network Manager, European Agency for Safety and Health at Work.