Wara l-laqgħa li saret illum mal-Ministru Joe Mizzi fuq is-suġġett taż-żidiet għall-petrol stations, il-GRTU rat xi ineżattezzi fil-media. Il-GRTU pero mhix ser tiżvela dettalji waqt li d-diskussjonijiet għadhom għaddejjin.
Il-GRTU se tagħti sal-aħħar ta’ din il-ġimgħa biex jinagħlqu d-diskussjonijiet.
Jekk ma tkunx għadha nstabet soluzzjoni ser tingħajjat laqgħa ġenerali għall-membri nhar it-Tnejn li ġej.
GRTU Survey confirms that Black Friday was the best day for Retail Shops – A record day for sales
A survey conducted by GRTU with Retail shop and outlet owners, businesses has confirmed what a big success this year’s Black Friday was with 85% saying sales were stronger over Black Friday of last year and any other shopping day. The survey was conducted represents the feedback recieved from over 150 shops and outlets.
From the survey conducted, 17% of the respondents to participate in the Black Friday activity for the fist time this year. The survey also notes that 25% of those that did not participate are either seriously considering or surely participating next year.
GRTU CEO Abigail Mamo notes “From our survey results we can confirm that there was an increase in sales of around 25% on average over last year’s Black Friday”
GRTU’s survey shows that their offers varied between 15% and 70% off with some even included special gifts and buy-one-get-one free offers. Furthermore, 76% of respondents also extended their offers to Saturday.
GRTU CEO Abigial Mamo notes that “58% of respondents have extended their normal shopping hours by opening early, closing later and staying open throughout the day, in order to offer a better service for customers”
GRTU will continue to closely monitor this years’ responses in detail in order to ensure that next years’ Black Friday will be better in order to further benefit Maltese consumers” – concludes Abigail Mamo.
For further information and details kindly contact GRTU CEO Ms Abigail Mamo directly on 99874922.
Maltese Version
Fl-istħarriġ mill-GRTU mas-sidien tal-ħwienet, 85% tas-sidien jgħidu li l-Black Friday ta’ din is-sena kienet aħjar minn tas-sena l-oħra. L-istħarriġ jirrappreżenta l-veduti ta’ l fuq minn 150 negozju u ħanut.
Mill-istħarriġ joħroġ wkoll li l-ħwienet li pparteċipaw fi Black Friday żdiedu bi 17%. Fl-istħarriġ joħroġ li 25% ta’ dawk li ma pparteċipawx din is-sena qed jikkunsidraw li jipparteċipaw is-sena d-dieħla.
Is-‘survey’ tal-GRTU juri li l-offerti jvarjaw bejn 15% u 70% b’xi wħud jinkludu offerti speċjali oħra. 76% tal-bejjiegħa wkoll ikkonfermaw li estendew l-offerti tagħhom għa matul il-jum tas-Sibt.
Is-CEO tal-GRTU tinnota li “58% ta’ min irrisponda wkoll ikkonferma li estenda l-ħinijet tal-ftuħ billi fetħu aktar kmieni, għalqu tard u baqgħu miftuħin matul il-ġurnata kollha. Dan biex ikomplu jkunu ta’ servizz għal konsumaturi.”
Dwar dan l-istħarriġ Abigail Mamo tgħid, “Minn dan l-istħarriġ huwa ċar li n-neogzju żdied b’25% fuq is-sena l-oħra.”
“IL-GRTU beħsiebha tkompli tevalwa l-andament ta’ din is-sena fid-dettall u tassigura li Black Friday tas-sena d-dieħla jkun aħjar għall-klijenti Maltin,” itemm tgħid is-CEO Abigail Mamo.
“Even though the day is not over yet, from the feedback received we can safely say that today will probably be the best day of the year when it comes to sales.”
“We estimate that this years’ Black Fridays event will surpass that of previous years”
Sales have been good everywhere. This feedback was received from businesses of all sorts and spread amongst a number of localities around Malta and Gozo.
In the coming days, GRTU will be publishing results of a survey conducted amongst its members and would be able to give more detailed data on this years’ Black Fridays event.
Għalkemm għad fadal aktar sigħat ta’ bejgħ, mill-‘feedback’ li għandna nistgħu ngħidu li din se tkun l-iktar ġurnata li fiha se jkun sar bejgħ matul is-sena kollha.”
Nistgħu nikkonfermaw ukoll li l-bejgħ fi Black Friday jisboħ dak tas-snin oħra.
Minn dak li qed naraw sa issa l-bejgħ kien tajjeb kullimkien. Dan ġie rrapportat minn ħwienet f’bosta setturi differenti f’numru ta’ lokalitajiet f’Malta u Għawdex.
Fil-jiem li gejjin il-GRTU ser tippubblika ‘survey’ li jsir fost il-membri tagħha u b’mod xjentifiku tagħti rendikont dettaljat ta’ dak li ġara llum fi Black Friday.
“We are receiving positive feedback from all over Malta and Gozo. People started queuing very early with one individual queuing since 11:00PM yesterday evening.
“Although customers are numerous with some shops experiences ques, businesses have redeployed employees from the office to assist customers and this is easing flow.”
“Although it is too early to compare this Black Friday with last years’, it is already very evident that there is a positive trend”
Maltese Version
“Jagħmel 10 sigħat jistenna l-ħanut jiftaħ”
Kummenti ta’ CEO tal GRTU Abigail Mamo
“Black Friday tibda b’suċċess kif mistenni.”
“Qed ikollna feedback pożittiv ħafna mill-inħawi kollha f’Malta u Għawdex. In-nies bdew jistennew minn kmieni. L-iżjed persuna kmieni kienet wara l-ħanut fil-11:00 tal-bieraħ filgħaxija.”
“Għalkemm uħud mill-ħwienet fihom il-kjus xorta l-flow tan-nies miexi u mhux qed ikollhom jistennew ħinijiet twal. Dan għaliex ħafna ħaddiema li s-soltu jaħdmu fl-uffiċċini ta’ dawn in-negozji, illum qegħdin fil-ħwienet biex jaqdu l-klijenti.”
“Għalkemm għadu kmieni biex tikkompara mas-sena l-oħra, jidher biċ-ċar li t-trend ta’ Black Friday sa issa hija pożittiva.”
Nhar il-Ġimgħa, Black Friday, uħud mill-ħwienet se jiftħu mis-6 ta’ filgħodu. Mal-awtoritajiet qed nipprovaw innaqqsu l-problema tat-traffiku.”
“Nhar il-Ġimgħa, Black Friday, se tkun kullimkien. Ċerti ħwienet se jiftħu minn meta jisbaħ u oħrajn se jestendu l-ħin tal-għeluq tagħhom saħansitra sa nofsillejl biex jilqgħu l-klijenti għall-offerti. Mill-informazzjoni li għandna mill-membri tagħna, il-konsumatur nhar il-Ġimgħa se jkollu festa ta’ xiri bi prezzijiet eċċellenti,” tgħid is-CEO tal-GRTU, Abigail Mamo.
Din il-ġurnata toffri sfidi fosthom it-trasport. Għadaqstant il-GRTU sejħet laqgħa flimkien ma’ uffiċjali ta’ Transport Malta, il-Pulizija, kif ukoll rappreżentanti taċ-ċentri ta’ xiri ewlenin sabiex speċifikament niddiskutu t-traffiku u t-trasport dakinhar ta’ Black Friday.
Hemm qbil fejn il-Pulizija u Transport Malta se jkunu qed imexxu l-massimu ta’ riżorsi possibbli f’areas identifikati bħala l-iktar importanti u potenzjalment problematiċi għal din il-ġurnata biex it-traffiku jibqa’ miexi u jinħelsu l-bottlenecks. Il-GRTU għamlet ukoll kuntatt ma’ diversi kunsilli lokali ewlenin u appellajnielhom biex jiġu evitati inkonvenjenti u permessi li mhux ta’ urġenza estrema f’din il-ġurnata partikolari għal pajjiżna.
Għal dan il-għan:
Se jkun hemm pulizija u persuni minn Transport Malta li se jkunu qed jidderieġu t-traffiku f’ħafna postijiet differenti
Ktibna u tkellimna mal-kunsilli lokali kollha biex għal nhar il-Ġimgħa ma jaċċettawx permessi, jekk mhux urġenti, li joħolqu inkonvenjenti fit-toroq
Il-car parks privati se ikunu qegħdin iżidu l-impenn organizzattiv biex jakkomodaw aktar klijenti
Min-naħa tas-settur privat ikkomunikajna mill-membri biex kemm jista’ jkun jiġi illimitat tqassim ta’ xogħol nhar il-Ġimgħa
Qed inħeġġu lill-pubbliku juża t-trasport pubbliku li jinkludi trasport bil-baħar għall-Belt, Ta’ Sliema u l-areatal-Cottonera
Il-Belt barra l-MCP Car Park ser ikun hemm parking addizjonali allokat ukoll gewwa l-WaterFront fejn imbad il-pubbliku jista’ juza l-lift li iwassalhom direttament fil-Barrakka ta’ fuq
“Nhar il-Ġimgħa l-GRTU se tkun qed tħares lejn l-andament tal-ġurnata u tgħaddilive updates matul il-ġurnata kollha permezz ta’ informazzjoni li se tkun ġejja miċ-ċentri kummerċjali u negozji individwali. Mezzi tax-xandir li huma interessati li jirċievu dawn l-updates għandhom jgħaddu l-isem,mobile u imejl tal-persuna inkarigata fuq .
“Aktar tard il-GRTU se tippubblika stħarriġ xjentifiku dwar x’fissret għan-negozju nhar il-Ġimgħa, il-Black Friday. “
“Aħna nemmnu li l-GRTU hija għodda eċċellenti li fiha r-relazzjoni bejn il-konsumatur u n-negozjant se tkompli titjieb.”
“Nhar il-Ġimgħa l-konsumaturi se jkollhom opportunitajiet li ma jistgħux jitilfu. Kważi kummkien. B’ħafna iżjed ħwienet u b’ħafna iżjed offerti mis-sena l-oħra,” ittemm tgħid Abigail Mamo.
English Version
“This Friday, Black Friday, some shops will be opening as early as 06:00 AM. GRTU in efforts to ease the traffic flows on the day”
“Black Friday is a phenomenon happening across all of Malta. In preparation, many retail ourself have already advised that they will be extending their opening hours, with some starting from six and others closing after midnight. Our members inform us that this year Black Friday will bring a shopping feast for consumers with the exceptional discounts available.” Notes GRTU CEO Ms. Abigail Mamo.
This day also offers challenges particularly regarding transport. For this reason, GRTU, accompanied by representatives’ of popular retail centers, met with Transport Malta and the Police Traffic Division specifically to discuss measures to ease traffic flow during Black Friday.
GRTU positively notes that both Transport Malta and the Police will be deploying all possible resources to identified problem areas and bottlenecks. GRTU has also communicated and appealed with local councils to limit inconveniences on the day to only that which is urgent.
Towards this aim;
Road Traffic Police and Transport Malta official will be located at different bottlenecks.
GRTU wrote to all local councils to refuse and permits not considered as urgent and that could cause inconvenience in the roads.
Private carparks will be taking measures to increase efficiency.
The private sector is being encouraged to limit deliveries during this day.
The general public is being encouraged to make use of alternative transport, including public transport and ferry service available to the Valletta, Sliema and Cottonera areas.
In Valletta, apart from MCP car park there will also be a large allocated parking at the Water Front, from where the public can use the lift that takes them up to the Barrakka.
‘This Friday GRTU will be closely monitoring the going of sales during the day and will be sending live updates from centers, retails shops and outlets. Members of the media interested to receive these updates are required to send an email to listing their contact details including name, phone and contact number.’
Subsequently, GRTU will be publishing results of its usual study of how business has fared during Black Friday.
Abigail Mamo concluded that “We believe that GRTU is an instrument that will help the continued improvement of the consumer-business relations. This year Maltese consumers have offers they cannot miss and these will be available across sectors and all over Malta. We expect many more businesses participating and offers that are greater than ever.”
Two weeks after the accounts at Sata Bank has been frozen no real timeline has been released. Simple steps to take care of the worries of the investors we have worked so hard to attract such as a customer care system is still completely lacking. Businesses are being given close to no information outside the bank’s doorstep and business closures are knocking on our doors. Responsibility must be taken for the additional damage that is being created.
The fact that the Bank had to be closed and immediate action had to be taken is not being put into question. The regulators are the only ones aware of what the extent of the problems are and how best to deal with them, within the powers conferred to them.
The situation is however very grave. Apart from the fact that this is hitting Malta’s reputation very hard and many businesses that have come to invest in Malta have told GRTU that they will not look at Malta ever again, there is a level of unfairness where the good has been castigated with the bad.
There are genuine businesses that were banking with Sata Bank because their technology was superior and because other banks were too traditional and slow to accept their innovative investments. It was after all a bank licensed by the Maltese Government. These businesses have had their funds frozen, they are unable to pay their employees’ wages, their rents, fiscal contributions, and send or receive any money. Hundreds of businesses are unable to trade. The level of pressure and stress these people are suffering is uncalled for.
We expect the regulator, the Minister for Finance and the bank administrators to act with respect and responsibility because for no reason should people be treated like this and business allowed to close. Everyone is shifting responsibility and hiding behind the powers conferred by law but they themselves are making matters worse. Immediate actions are required to issue procedures of handling these people and their funds.
Who has to pay will pay but who doesn’t should not be treated as collateral damage.
Through the link you can access footage from the last meeting GRTU held yesterday on the subject.
The GRTU is following closely the Satabank issue. Satabank has many clients in Malta who had opened accounts with Satabank and used also its EPOS services. These clients are now facing grave financial and cashflow difficulties.
The issue experienced in the recent past with vast numbers of workers finding difficulties setting up a bank account through the major banks in Malta caused a shift to E-money accounts in Satabank and elsewhere. These, many Maltese businesses and workers, who have Satabank accounts, are now in a state of desperation. The information on what is about to happen is very scarce, with calls to Satabank being diverted to a call centre in Bulgaria.
Besides being alarmed due to the plight of its members, GRTU is also concerned about the effect this is having on retail sales. The fact that Satabank users cannot use the funds in their account means that on the consumer side they are unable to receive moneys and spend and on the business side they are unable to utilise such accounts to trade and sell. The problem is being felt most prominently in the Msida, Gzira, Sliema and St Julians areas.
GRTU is asking businesses who have accounts in SATABANK to contact it urgently as a meeting is being held in order to inform members who are Satabank clients on what corrective measures can be taken to resolve individual businesses’ issues with Satabank as soon as possible.
GRTU is actively in discussion with all relevant authorities to limit any repercussions this is having on businesses.
Over 200 enterprise owners met this morning for the 2019 edition of GRTU Malta Chambers of SME’s successful event – The SME Conference: Year in Review, co-hosted by Business First.
Opening the conference, the Honorable Minister Chris Cardona said that “SMEs are our country’s biggest generator for jobs and prosperity. Listening to our businesses’ needs and outlooks is essential for us to create meaningful change and adopt accordingly. GRTU is helping us do that. Our collaboration has undoubtedly benefited our local business and economy greatly”.
This year’s conference focused on economic growth and the results of the GRTU study on the subject were published during the event.
GRTU President, Mr Paul Abela stated that “Our economy is doing very well and the figures are testament of this. When looking deeper however one finds that not all businesses are experiencing it in the same way. It is our duty and that of our policy makers to understand what is happening on the ground and make sure that the distribution of wealth is reaching all our economic sectors.”
The study shows mixed results in terms of which businesses are doing well with respondents split – half saying they are doing well and the other half saying they are not feeling the benefits of the strong economy. Out of those that are doing well 30% said that their turnover increased by 5%, 47% of respondents said by 10% and 16% said that the increase went up to 20%. To the contrary, the other half of the respondents mostly quoted too much competition and increased costs, which are offsetting the benefits of increased demand.
Human resources related issues are a major concern for businesses. When asked about wage levels 85% said that they have experienced wage increases in the last 3 years, out of which 19% said that the increase was of 5% overall, 42% said up to 10% and 21% said it was up to 20%. When asked if wage increases have resulted in increased productivity 42 % ranged between the disagreed and strongly disagreed and 28% agreed with this statement. The remaining respondents were uncertain. Many have also quoted labour shortages as the main reason why their business is not working to its potential.
In relation to their opinion on the overall wealth and economic growth, most businesses have stated that they attribute the economic growth to the gaming sector and the construction sector are the main players; followed by tourism and the influx of foreign workers.
When asked about the new developments of digital currencies and finance such as cryptocurrencies and blockchain, 42% said that they don’t know much about them, 21% said they found them confusing and another 21% said that they find them intriguing. 16% said that they are untrusting and that they think it is a scam that will soon end.
GRTU closed the conference with four workshops that focused on labour shortages and its implications; Brexit; EU funding and lessons learnt and digital progress for business. Ms Marika Gonna, CEO of Business 1st delivered the conference’s closing remarks.
Dan il-baġit se jolqot b’mod pożittiv lin-negozji żgħar u medji għal erba’ punti prinċipali:
Jogħlew il-pagi u l-benefiċċji, allura flus fil-but li se jiġġeneraw aktar negozju.
Persuna self-employed li n-negozju tagħha jfalli u tispiċċa bla xogħol issa se tkun tista’ tibda tieħu l-benefiċċji li jieħdu l-ħaddiema bla xogħol.
Li, kif ipproponiet il-GRTU, il-baġit żied is-sussidju biex in-negozjant iż-żgħir ikun jista’ jew tista’ jkollha pensjoni oħra u b’hekk ikollu żewġ pensjonijiet u futur aħjar.
Tkun estiża l-iskema li meta persuna tgħaddi n-negozji tagħha lil uliedha se tkun qed tiffranka somom konsiderevoli f’taxxa tal-boll minn 5% għal 1.5%
B’ekonomija b’saħħitha u bis-surplus, in-negozjanti iż-żgħar stennew:
Li titnaqqas b’mod sostanzjali t-taxxa.
Li t-tnaqqis fit-taxxa jkun qed jindirizza l-vantaġġ li għandhom in-negozji barranin.
Li tikber l-iskema tal-Microinvest li biha negozji jieħdu rifużjoni fit-taxxa fuq l-investiment li jkunu għamlu.
Inizjattivi biex tindirizza l-problema serja ta’ nuqqas ta’ ħaddiema.
Il-GRTU filwaqt li tinnota b’sodisfazzjoni li diversi inċentivi mis-snin imgħoddija ġew estiżi, għal din is-sena tħoss nuqqas serju ħafna f’dawk li huma ideat ġodda li jinċentivaw in-negozji ż-żgħar. Qabel il-baġit, il-GRTU għamlet diversi proposti li baqgħu ma ġewx ikkunsidrati.
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