Category: Archive – 2007
GRTU tifrah bl-approvazzjoni ta’ Malta bhala membru taz-Zona tal-Ewro
GRTU requests Opposition to consult GRTU prior to conclusions effecting Valletta’s commercial centre
GRTU, MSBCA & RSBCA join forces
The Business Community of Valletta represented by:
- The Chamber of Small and Medium Size Enterprises (GRTU);
- The Merchants Street Business Community Association; and
- The Republic Street Business Community Association.
wishes to comment on the current controversy over the Monti.
- The Chamber of Small and Medium Size Enterprises (GRTU);
- The Merchants Street Business Community Association; and
- The Republic Street Business Community Association.
wishes to comment on the current controversy over the Monti. The facts as we know them are as follows:
- For several years the presence of the Monti in Merchants Street between Old Theatre Street and St John Street has been unsightly and generally unsuitable for the business in Valletta. The Monti has reduced accessibility to outlets in that area and has strongly reduced the visibility of an important component of Valletta’s (and Malta’s) architectural and urban heritage.
- For several years we have argued with the authorities for the relocation of the Monti.
- During 2005, the government, represented by the Ministry for Investment, Industry and Information Technology, formally asked for our views on the possible relocation of the Monti. The government proposed relocation to another portion of Merchants Street between Old Theatre Street and Archbishop Street. All of our organisations expressed strong support for these proposals. We continue to support this policy fully.
- The relocation of the Monti is happening in the context of a full strategy for Valletta which followed a two-year process of thorough consultation with us and with our members. We support the changes happening in Valletta because we participated fully in their preparation and were constantly invited by its planners within the government to give our views.
Furthermore we would like to make the following additional remarks:
- We are especially concerned at the damage done not only to their own activity but also to the entire commercial landscape of Valletta by the aggressive protests of the Monti hawkers. We have witnessed acts of intimidation and undue pressure by people acting on their behalf especially in the process of collecting signatures for a petition purportedly in support of their protest.
- It is our view that there is space for Monti hawkers in Valletta. The space identified by the government is amply adequate and the current spate of protest is spiteful, pointless and damaging to the Monti hawkers themselves and the rest of our city.
- Street protests, strikes and public manifestations of the sort indulged in during the last few days are not the way of making one’s voice heard in our modern democracy. We are especially concerned with the decision of the Leader of the Opposition to appear to encourage by his presence these sort of public manifestations that attempt to compensate for lack of argument and reason with noise and threats. This does not augur well for the Leader of the Opposition’s views on the way our democracy should function in our time.
- Also with reference to the Leader of the Opposition’s remarks we feel we must insist that should the Malta Labour Party be considering changes to the Valletta strategy with which we feel we form part and to which we have secured the government’s commitment, it should undertake at least as thorough and as open a consultation process as the government has accorded us during the past three years.
Finally we announce a joint Extraordinary General Meeting of all our organisations tomorrow at 9.00am in the offices of the GRTU in Republic Street, Valletta where we will be advising our members of actions we will be taking to protect their interests against the hostile aggression they have been facing during the past few days.
GRTU qed tippublika l-ittra li baghtet lil Onor Austin Gatt dwar il-bejjiegha tal-monti tal-Belt
Aħna tal-fehma li min qed jirrapreżenta lill-bejjiegħa tal-Monti qed jiżgwidahom b’ideat żbaljati ta’ kif jaħdem il-kummerÄ‹. Minflok sens t’impriża, id-diskors li qed nisimgħu minn min qed jirrapreżenta lill-Monti hu dominat minn retorika li ftit tagħmel sens f’kuntest ta’ relazzjonijiet industrjali tradizzjonali u ma tagħmel xejn sens f’kuntest imprenditorjali. Hu għal dan li aħna preokkupati li l-Gvern, fit-taħdidiet ma’ min qed jirrapreżenta lil tal-Monti, qed issa jitlef is-sens oriÄ¡inali li għalih kien iddeÄ‹ieda li jÄ‹aqlaq il-Monti ‘l isfel fi Triq il-Merkanti stess. Din il-Kamra ma tistax tittollera li tkun eskluża mit-taħdidiet li għaddejjin. Aħna tal-fehma li l-preżenza tagħna se tiffaÄ‹ilita l-interessi tal-bejjiegħa tal-Monti stess. Il-kommunità kummerÄ‹jali tal-Belt Valletta għandha interess wieħed u fil-fehma tagħna il-Ä¡id tal-bejjiegħa tal-Monti hu l-Ä¡id tagħna u l-Ä¡id tagħna u l-Ä¡id tal-bejjiegħa tal-Monti.
Hi sfortuna li min jidher li għandu interessi oħra qed jitma’ lill-bejjiegħa tal-Monti ideat żbaljati li qed jagħmlu ħafna ħsara lill-attività kummerÄ‹jali tagħhom stess. Il-parir tagħna lill-Gvern hu Ä‹ar: li flok jifred lill-elementi differenti tas-settur kummerÄ‹jali, jgħaqqadhom għall-Ä¡id tagħhom ilkoll u tal-Belt Valletta b’mod Ä¡enerali. Vince FarrugiaDirettur Generali
Laqgha importanti ta’ informazzjoni ghall-Property Developers u Negozjanti
Jispjegaw fid-dettall x’irid isir biex wiehed jiehu vantagg minn din l-iskema gdida u ta’ darba.
Data: It-Tlieta 15 ta’ Mejju 2007
Hin: 1.30pm
Importanti li tattendi u ma titlifx din l-opportunita. Ikun hemm cans ghall- mistoqsijiet u diskussjoni.
Il-Gvern ghandu jhajjar aktar nies jidhlu l-Belt Valletta
Il-Kwistjoni tal-Monti
1. Il-GRTU taqbel li post il-monti fil-Belt u mhux barra l-Belt
2. Post il-monti hu l’isfel mic-Centru Kummercjali biex filwaqt li ma jaghmilx hsara lil hwienet igawdu kemm tal-hwienet kif ukoll tal-monti mill-firxa ikbar taz-Zona Kummercjali
3. Is-sit li gie propost mill-awtoritajiet hdejn is-suq l-antik tal-Belt, wara l-Palazz u z-zona tal-madwar hu sit tajjeb hafna aktar u aktar wara li jkun pavimentat u msebbah kif ghandu jkun
4. Il-monti ma jistax imur lura fil-parti ta’ Triq il-Merkanti fejn kien qabel ghaliex inkella jintilef l-iskop kollu li fi Triq il-Merkanti jintefqu flejjes kbar fiha biex tkun upgraded, issir pedonali u jinholqu investimenti godda li jigbdu lejhom in-nies il-jum kollu
5. Meta Triq il-Merkanti ssir pedonali u aktar attraenti, din tibda tigbed numru hafna akbar ta’ nies u dan ikun ta’ vantagg kemm ghas-sidien tal-hwienet kif ukoll ghal tal-monti meta dawn ikunu f’post irrangat sewwa u aktar u aktar jekk huma stess jaghmlu sforz kbir biex jghollu l-livell mizeru u xejn attraenti tal-istall li sal lum huma dejjem ipprezentaw fi Triq il-Merkanti. L-upgrading li jrid isir ghandu jaghmlu kulhadd kemm tal-hwienet u kif ukoll tal-monti ghax ma jkun jiswa xejn li tkun giet upgraded iz-zona u s-servizzi u l-facilitajiet kollha ma jaghmlux ukoll qabza ta’ kwalita fil-prezentazzjoni u fis-servizz
6. Il-GRTU issostni li tal-monti qed jaghmlu hafna storbju zejjed ghax se jiccaqalqu l-isfel meta fil-fatt kif ix-xoghol ikun lest ser jibqghu fl-istess triq, ghalkemm aktar l’isfel imma f’zona aktar attraenti u fi triq li ser tikber ghal kollox u posittivament, il-potenzjal kummercjali taghha.
7. Il-GRTU tqies li d-decizjoni li tal-monti jitpoggew fid-Ditch il-Furjana, anke ghal perjodu temporanju, mhiex l-ahjar decizjoni.
8. Il-GRTU taqbel li anke temporanjament tal-monti jistghu jithallew joperaw mill-parti tat-Triq il-Merkanti l’isfel mill-Palazz. Hekk kif jitlesta x-xoghol jitilghu l’fuq fil-pjazza ta’ wara l-Palazz. Din hi soluzzjoni li ma tgerrix lix-xerrejja tradizzjonali tal-monti u ma taghmilx hsara lic-Centru Kummercjali.
Il-GRTU qed toffri s-servizzi taghha lil awtoritajiet u lil bejjiegha tal-monti biex b’diskussjoni serja madwar il-mejda tinstab soluzzjoni prattika.
BJs Annual Music Marathon
The organising committee of BJs Annual Music Marathon is inviting you to the opening of the 18th marathon edition starting on Easter Monday 9th April 2007 at 15.00hrs and closing on Monday 16th April 2007.
The organising committee of BJs Annual Music Marathon is inviting you to the opening of the 18th marathon edition starting on Easter Monday 9th April 2007 at 15.00hrs and closing on Monday 16th April 2007.
Olivia Lewis Malta’s representative for this year’s Eurovision Song Contest will be opening this years marathon.
All proceeds will go to WOW (Wishing others Well), the social arm of the Millenium Chapel. Throughout the last 17 years over LM100.000 have been collected for various social causes.
The launch, which will be attended by a number of distinguished personalities who have consented to this worthy cause…
Donations will be received at BJ’s throughout the marathon or via sms.
Lm 2.00 send sms to 5061 8061
Lm 5.00 send sme to 5061 8915
Lm 5.00 send sms to 5061 9204
Contact: Philip Fenech – Mobile: 9949 3534