Electricity Tariffs…What a Mess Up

 As works roll on, the electricity tariffs mess-up keeps growing. There is no one out there who's convinced that Government is right.

How on earth can anyone believe Gonzi and his Ministers when the bills are now pouring in and people can see for themselves that GRTU, the Unions and everybody else was right?

The charges are exaggerated and they are not supported by current market prices for oil or gas. It is sheer stubbornness that keeps Government from admitting that they've messed this one up really, really bad.

Is-Sewwa jirbah zgur, the old man used to say. We all know that the truth is that these tariffs must go down now, as from January 1, 2009.

Come on Dr Gonzi, give us the good news. It's a bad year that we are all going to face in 2009. Cheer us up and bring this saga to an end.

Reduce the tariffs now. At the end of the day you have no choice.

Sale of Plastic Bags


The Legal Obligations on retailers and traders

The laws affecting the sale/dispensing of carrier plastic bags are two:

The VAT Act imposing an 18% VAT rate on the sale of plastic bags. The VAT EU Directive does not allow for VAT exemption of plastic bags so retailers have no option but to charge consumers 18% VAT on top of the cost of the bag, eco-taxation, any customs duty and any margin covering retailers cost of storage and retail service.

The Eco-Contribution Act. As from February the eco-tax on all carrier plastic bags (bags with handle used for the carriage of retail purchases) will be €0.15c. All eco-tax according to the eco-contribution act are the responsibility of traders and producers and not of retailers.  There is no exception to this rule and in practice this means that importers and producer impose the eco-contribution on all eco-taxable items, including plastic bags, and the law specifically identifies importers and producers as responsible for the submission of Returns and the payment for all eco-contributions to the Eco-Contribution Authority (VAT Department). 


It is inconceivable and illogical for the Eco-Contribution Act to be changed and a separate tax authority system introduced solely for carrier plastic bags. It is even more irrational when the aim of the 15c eco-tax on plastic bags is to effectively wipe out the demand for plastic carrier bags.

2. The VAT act imposes on retailers to itemise on the fiscal receipt separate items included in a sale. Sale of carrier plastic bags will now appear as a separate item on the cash receipt so that customers will know that they have been charge the full price of plastic  bags including VAT

3. The Legal Notice setting the regulation for the dispensing of plastic bags will make it illegal for retailers or traders to dispense carrier plastic bags without charge even if retailers are willing to absorb the eco-tax themselves.

4. Traders and producers who commercialise plastic bags will have to register with the Eco-Tax Authority and will be liable to account for all sales of plastic bags

5. Retailers will, when demanded by the authority, submit details including invoices to prove that plastic bags have been purchased by bona-fede traders registered with the tax authority. When retailers cannot provide such information they are liable for breach of registration as suppliers (since they cannot quote supplier reference than they are deemed to be importers themselves) and for non-payment of eco-tax on all plastic bags under their charge. Retailers will therefore also be subject to the resultant penalties if found in breach.

These are obligations at Law established after consultations between Government and all registered stakeholders when eco-contribution and Vat were introduced.



Once the new €0.15c is legally enforced, retailers will sell carrier plastic bags at a price covering cost of bag, eco-tax and any customs duty (if imported from outside EU), retail service charge and VAT. Only the retail service charge will remain with the retailer, all the rest are costs most of which representing taxation. This is a situation not unlike the sale of cigarettes, alcohol and other high taxation items.

Retailers will sell plastic carrier bags the same way they sell black garbage bags and grey bags for separated waste.

From the effective date retailers will no longer distribute plastic bags for free. The only plastic bags that can be distributed feely are light weight, transparent, bags without handles used for wrapping of items such as cheeses, breads, hams, etc. These bags will not be subject to the 15c eco-tax.

The €0.15c eco tax will apply to all other plastic bags irrespective of the quality of the plastic. This is a Government decision and not a GRTU decision. GRTU however agrees with this decision as retailers cannot be expected to distinguish between different types of plastics.

Retailers and suppliers to customers are not obliged to make any changes to their cash registers or to their point of sale software. Retailers are also not obliged to register specifically to be able to sell plastic bags or to submit any specific additional returns to what they do today.


GRTU supports Government's initiative to heavily curtail the use of plastic carrier bags. Retailers recognise that their dispensing of plastic bags ay no charge was creating unnecessary damage to the environment and at a cost which retailers can no longer sustain. GRTU therefore requests retailers to support the new system and avoid at all costs to support and private initiative that will distort the objective of the new 15c eco-tax on plastic bags.


GRTU strongly objects to the irresponsible comments made by the spokesman/ writer for plastic bag manufacturers who has made serious allegations against the retailing community and for the completely erroneous misleading and unfair comments made against GRTU. Today GRTU has written to the commissioner of police requesting him to ask Mr Robet Abela to submit, as it is his duty, any information he has of tax evasion and contraband importation of plastic bags. These are serious allegation which Mr Abela has stated publicly through the media.


RENT Reform…we beg to differ


 On Saturday 3rd January Hon Tonio Borg, Deputy Prime Minister, stated that "the recent Bill on Rent Reform has been received with general consensus and approval" he also stated that this "reform … constitute a fair deal to all stakeholders, they allay the fear of the lessees who are used to cheap rental protect.

GRTU begs to differ.

GRTU is the major stakeholder on Rented Commercial Properties. No effective consultation has been held with GRTU on a reform that drastically affects a large number of GRTU members. The Hon Tonio Borg knows that this is the truth. Many small business owners will by 2010 (and not in 20 yrs time as the propaganda goes) will be thrown out of their long established family business.

It is a shame that Government, hopefully not with the support of the opposition, continues to press ahead with a reform which rather than "allays the fears of the lessees" sends these lessees literally to the dogs.

GRTU objects and will continue to object until a decent settlement is reached. The National Stakeholder on Commercial Rented Property representing lessees is one: GRTU.

In addition below is the interview Director General Vincent Farrugia gave to Business Today on the subject.

GRTU Director-General Vince Farrugia said the bill is "anti-business" and it came at a "very bad time".
"It will surely lead to the closure of many small businesses who have faithfully served the community in many localities for many generations," he insisted.
Mr. Farrugia also said the bill furthered what happened in 1995 and now Malta would have "the most liberal anti-small business commercial rent laws of all the EU Member States.
"It's a sad day for SMEs in Malta," Farrugia told Business Today. "It comes at a time when the European Commission is launching the Small Business Act and DG Enterprise is instigating Member State governments to provide more security and safeguards to SME's".
In Malta, a substantial number of small businesses had security of tenure under the pre-1995 rent laws, which were not as prohibitive as recent propaganda made it out to be. Now this is being removed.

"For many small businesses, the removal will be effective as from June 2010 and not as wrongly promised by government in 20 years time. Many small business owners have been badly cheated. They trusted the politicians and they are now abandoned," he said.

The consultation process left much to be desired. GRTU is the representative of SMEs in Malta however Government felt we were not to be given any priority and one to one meetings. Out of the several we requested only one meeting was granted back when the white paper was issued. For all the other meetings GRTU was asked to submit its other comments in writing and no meeting was granted.



 A pre-Christmas event that has brought a lot of satisfaction to many GRTU members, both past and present, is the award of the Midalja Ġieħ ir-Repubblika to Vincent Farrugia Director General of GRTU.

The citation for the award of the honour specifically mentions Vincent Farrugia's 15 years of exceptional contribution to GRTU and to Maltese SMEs throughout the last 15 years of his stewardship of GRTU.

It is an honour all GRTU is very proud of and which we feel is proof of Mr Farrugia's good work and dedication.


Il-Fallimenti tan-NECC

Il-falliment dikjarat tan-NECC dwar l-Optional Dual Pricing kienet haga li l-GRTU kienet widdbet fuqha. Il-mod kif n-NECC pruvat timxi f’dan ir-rigward kien prova cara kemm n-NECC m’ghandiex idea ta’ kif jahdem in-negozju u hija xotta f’dawk li huma esperti fis-suggett.

In-NECC webset rasha meta harget din il-linja gwida bla konsultazzjoni. L-istakeholders li saru jafu bid-dettalji ta’ din il-linja gwida mill-media kien dak iz-zmien pruvaw jifthu ghajn l-NECC. Kollu ghalxejn ghax in-NECC kompliet taqdef wahedha. Ir-rizultat gie dikjarat u n-NECC issa qed twahhal fil-hwienet.

Il-falliment dikjarat tan-NECC dwar l-Optional Dual Pricing kienet haga li l-GRTU kienet widdbet fuqha. Il-mod kif n-NECC pruvat timxi f’dan ir-rigward kien prova cara kemm n-NECC m’ghandiex idea ta’ kif jahdem in-negozju u hija xotta f’dawk li huma esperti fis-suggett.

In-NECC webset rasha meta harget din il-linja gwida bla konsultazzjoni. L-istakeholders li saru jafu bid-dettalji ta’ din il-linja gwida mill-media kien dak iz-zmien pruvaw jifthu ghajn l-NECC. Kollu ghalxejn ghax in-NECC kompliet taqdef wahedha. Ir-rizultat gie dikjarat u n-NECC issa qed twahhal fil-hwienet.

Dan inaccettabli. Il-GRTU qaltilhom x’ser jigri u l-GRTU mhux ser taccetta li tal-hwienet jintuzaw bhala ‘scapegoats’ ghall-izbalji ta’ haddiehor

Jekk in-NECC qed tahseb li se tatti l-izbalji taghha billi twahhal fil-hwienet u n-negozji ser jarrala. B’din l-attitudni n-NECC qed tinstiga nkwiet bla bzonn. In-NECC zgur mhux ser tasal billi tkesskes lin-nies kontra tal-hwienet.

Il-GRTU terga tavza lil tal-hwienet kollha biex jobdu dawn id-direttivi:
1. Hadd ma jidhol fi spejjez biex jaghmel kwalunkwe forma ta’ dual pricing
2. Li jigu njorati l-ufficjali u l-komunikazzjonijiet kollha tan-NECC
3. Li kulhadd jehles mill-karti propagandistici tan-NECC. Kulhadd jaf x’ghandu jaghmel bihom!
4. Kull sid ta’ hanut ghandu jibda jindirizza kif se tolqtu l-Euro strategikament u fuq livell operattiv
5. L-ghan tal-GRTU hu li jintlahaq ftehim mal-Gvern. Jekk dan jibqa’ ma jsehhx il-GRTU tkun ukoll kostretta li taghti direttiva biex hadd ma jikkollabora fil-perjodi ta’ cirkolazzjoni dopja tal-flus

Dwar il-prezzijiet bil-Euro l-GRTU tavza lil tal-hwienet biex bhala bidu l-prezzijiet taghhom jkunu aggustati ghall-ispejjez zejda u li dawn l-ispejjez jidhru fuq il-prezz bil-lira maltija biex meta jdahhlu l-prezzijiet bil-Euro dawn jinhadmu biss skond il-“middle rate” tal-bank bla ebda “loading”

Dawn id-direttivi jibqghu jghoddu sakemm il-Gvern ma jbiddilx l-attitudni u jibda jisma u jikkunsidra b’mod serju l-effetti tal-affarijiet redikoli li qed taghmel in-NECC.

Il-GRTU temmen li bi pjan serju mahdum wara konsultazzjoni serja u bla agendi mohbija ghandna naslu biex l-Euro tiddahhal bla inkwiet.

Il-GRTU tibqa’ ssostni li hi favur il-bidla ghall-Euro u tridha ssir fiz-zmien stipulat izda tibqa’ ssostni li dan ghandu jsir bi ftehim mal-GRTU f’isem is-sidien tal-hwienet ta’ Malta u Ghawdex.