Valletta Embellishment works carried out between weeks 36 and 37

 Daily Bulletin



  • Geothermal Borehole drilling in Yellow Garage
  • Removal of roofing material to retail units at Pope Pius
  • Soft Strip Phase 2
  • Investigation of the railway bridge & fencing off of area to be dismantled
  • Scaffolding of the Opera House & sign off of the scaffold for commencement of the mapping of interventions
  • Paving works at Archbishop Street



Paving Project: 

  • Paving works at Merchant Street
  • Installation of parking markers at Archbishop Street.



City Gate:

  • Temporary electrics: Connection of demolition contractor to the supply at Freedom Square & Ditch levels / Lighting and Second Distribution Board in the Ditch
  • OH restoration: scaffolding on Ordinance St façade and certification of Victory St façade
  • Tidying up and finishes throughout the site
  • Continuation of boreholes
  • Scarification of slabs on Pope Pius (preparation of roof removal)




  • Temporary electrics works throughout the site (Pope Pius V, Freedom Square and Ditch)
  • Scaffolding works in Opera House
  • Borehole installation in Yellow Garage.
  • Continue of soft stripping of shops in Freedom Square.




Transport Malta

  • Paving Works at Merchant Street
  • Dismantling of Scaffolding at Archbishop Street
  • Installation of Parking Markers at Archbishop Street




  • Central Bank Sewer diversion works continue
  • Soft strip, part 1, continues
  • Temporary electrical installation to the Ditch continues
  • Borehole drilling in the Yellow tunnel
  • Erection of the opera house scaffold


Transport Malta:


  • Continue with paving works at Merchant Street
  • Installation of parking markers at Arcbhishop Street






  • Painting the hoarding
  • Temporary electrics installation at ditch
  • Scaffold erection for opera house restoration
  • Borehole installation yellow garage
  • Temporary sewer works
  • Soft strip of the retail units
  • Moving of the remnant stones to allow access to Freedom Square





Transport Malta 

  • paving works at Merchant Street




  • Painting the hoarding
  • Temporary electrics installation at ditch
  • Scaffold delivery for opera house restoration
  • Borehole installation yellow garage
  • Temporary sewer works
  • Soft strip of the retail units
  • Moving of the remnant stones to allow access to Freedom Square





Transport Malta

  • Merchant Street (St Christopher to Archbishop Street) paying works are underway – till September 20 th
  • Zachary Street (with Melita Street) paving works are underway – till the end of this week
  • St Christopher Street (Republic to Merchant Street) is closed for traffic – till the end of this week
  • GHRC main activities (will beincluded as from tomorrow)




  • Merchant Street (St Christopher to Archbishop Street) paying works are underway – till Sept 20th
  • Zachary Street (with Melita Street) paving works are underway – till the end of this week
  • St Christopher Street (Republic to Merchant Street) is closed for traffic – till the end of this week
  • GHRC main activities (will beincluded as from tomorrow)








Tourism in Europe: Keeping Europe the world’s top destination

GRTU would like to inform its members in the tourism sector of COM352 an important Commission communication: Europe, the world's No 1 tourist destination – a new political framework for tourism in Europe. The objective of this Communication is that of keeping Europe as the world's top tourist destination. With 370 million international arrivals in 2008, Europe has more than 40% of the global figure – a position which needs to be retained.

However the fast changing worldwide economy impacts on the tourism sector with some important changes concerning tourist behaviour and markets of origin.

The Communication highlights challenges such as seasonality and an ageing population and outlines a policy that aims at supporting this essential sector of the European economy. It also proposes initiatives to promote its competitiveness, its sustainable and quality-based development and the visibility of Europe as an outstanding tourist destination.

Tourism plays an important role in our economy. It comprises 1.8 million enterprises, many of these being small and medium-sized businesses. It also caters for 5.2% of employment and contributes to more than 5% of European GDP.

The current demographic trend will mean that in a few years time there will be more aged tourists. This implies that the European tourism industry has to cater well for this challenge in its products and infrastructure. Tourism products also need to be more sustainable, taking into account commitments related to climate change and dependence on water and energy for example. The ever-developing information and communication technologies also offer new opportunities that need to be tapped.

The Commission proposes 21 actions to improve the competitiveness of the tourist sector in Europe, by:

  • promoting the development of sustainable, responsible and quality-oriented tourism;
  • consolidating the image and the visibility of Europe as a set of sustainable and high quality destinations; and
  • integrating tourism in EU policies and financial instruments.

The full text can be seen on:

Commission annual report on enforcement of intellectual property rights

The Commission published its annual report on EU Customs Enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) on 22nd July. It reports that EU Customs took action in 43,500 cases involving several million products suspected of being counterfeited or pirated at the external borders of the EU. Cigarettes, clothing and brand labels were among the main articles stopped by customs on suspicion of IPR infringements.

However, products for daily use and posing a potential danger to citizens' health, such as shampoos, toothpaste, toys, medicines or household appliances, also accounted for a significant part. Today's report gives statistics on the type, origin and transport method of IPR infringing products stopped at the external borders.

The report is available on:

An eMall to widen the Gap

 GRTU has written Hon Austin Gatt Minister for Infrastructure, Transport and Communication complaining on the new eMall, soon to be launched.

GRTU told Minister Gatt that it is not at all happy with the way the whole Trolley Mania electronic mall project is moving.


The Mall was originally aimed at providing an inexpensive platform for small retailers to advertise and sell their products online and to give them an opportunity to try out electronic commerce. "It will support the mummy and daddy store round the corner and enable them to compete with the bigger store that has more means" they told us. It had to provide the small retailer with a means to cheaply set up an electronic commerce front end and benefit from a shared online payment system as well as a shared delivery system.

The construction of the internet engine and website was awarded by public tender to one company and amongst others the tender includes a substantial sum of money to cover advertising costs for the first year of operation. The contractor is given discretion on how to use these funds. Participants in the scheme pay an enrolment fee to the contractor and a yearly premium.

In principle, GRTU is not against the idea; however from what we have seen till now we seriously doubt it is going to achieve its original goals. GRTU, during the only meeting it was invited to attend had warned about such problems and suggested measures to ensure that it is first of all in the interest of the small retailers.

In a detailed report drafted by GRTU Vice president Marcel Mizzi and president of the ICT eCommerce section within the GRTU, explained why GRTU is against the electronic mall project and made proposals in order to turn the current situation into a positive one for the smaller businesses. GRTU has also asked for a meeting on these lines to discuss its report and make amends to the current system.

Tobacco manufacturers, importers and wholesalers

 Advertising and promotion of Tobacco Products Regulation, 2010 L.N. 344 of 2010

GRTU has received information that the Regulation mentioned above had been published in the Government Gazette on 2nd July 2010 as Legal Notice 344 of 2010. You may wish to particularly note the following:

  • Regulation 3 on advertising of tobacco products sets a deadline of 1st January, 2011 for existing adverts displayed at close proximity to the point of sale of tobacco products and which are not visible from the outside of the retail outlet
  • Regulation 5 on the sale of tobacco from automatic vending machine stipulates that no person may sell or permit to be sold any other product except cigarettes and tobacco products from automatic sales machines which are used to dispense cigarettes and tobacco products.



The use of colour photographs and other illustrations as Health Warnings on Tobacco Packages Regulations, 2009-Legal Notice 302 of 2009

Please note the following clarification:

1. All cigarette packages as defined both under LN 202 of 2004 (Labelling of Tobacco Products Regulations), and LN 302 of 2009 (The use of Colour  photographs and other illustrations as Health Warnings on Tobacco Packages Regulations), which are placed on the market on and after 27th April, 2011 should include the combined warning while for other products the date of entry into force is the 27th October 2011.

2. Primarily you may wish to note that in terms of Regulation 4(2) of LN 302 of 2009, the pictorials that should be used for products found on the local market are only those listed in schedule II of these regulations and these are to be combined with the additional health warnings as per schedule in Regulation 4(3) of LN 202 of 2004 in the format indicated in schedule I of LN 302 of 2009 and size as per Regulation 4 of the same LN.

3. You are also being reminded that the combined warnings which as already indicated are to be obtained only from schedule II shall be rotated at least once a year and it is therefore in your interest to keep documentation to this effect.

4. You are also required to ensure that the health warnings in terms of regulation 4 in the size and format indicated in Regulation 5 & 6 respectively of LN 202/2004 are to be included on the other most visible surface of the cigarette/tobacco packages.

5. Furthermore please be informed that we were notified about change in the telephone number that is to be used in the health warnings as per schedule in LN 202 of 2004. Please note that the new telephone number is to read 80073333. For this reason you are to ensure that packages of cigarettes and other tobacco products which are placed on the market on the dates as indicated above are to include this number where necessary.

Eco contribution exemptions granted to Green MT Waste Packaging Scheme members

 29 Members of Waste Packaging Compliance Scheme Green MT, the market leader in waste packaging recovery, have this week been granted Exemptions from the payment of Eco Contribution. 9 of these members have been granted an exemption of payment as of July 01, 2009 whilst all others have been granted payments exemption for full calendar year 2010. Applicants who have applied for Eco Contribution exemptions with the Approving Body will be receiving shortly the Exemption Certificate.


Producers of Waste Packaging are now aware that Green MT has responsibly recovered well over the required 70% recovery and recycling obligations. Green MT, a fully owned subsidiary of the Malta Chamber of Small and Medium Enterprises has since 1st July 2009 recovered over 12, 000 tons of Packaging Waste from 41 Local Councils, Bring-in-Sites and private industries. The recovery of this recyclable waste has been duly certified by WasteServ (Malta) Ltd.

Green MT would like to take this opportunity to thank the Approving Body, the Ministry of Finance, Economy and Investment and the Ministry for Resources and Rural Affairs for their total commitment to make sure that this Exemption Mechanism is put in place. Despite the problems encountered through this legislation process we now look forward to amending the current legislation so that future exemptions for the coming calendar year is guaranteed for members of Waste Packaging Compliance Schemes that recover and recycle over 70% of packaging waste placed on the market. Vince Farrugia, Chairman of Green MT stated that this legislation would not have come about without the dedicated commitment of the Malta Chamber of Small and Medium Enterprises GRTU's total commitment towards compliance to environmental legislation. GRTU will continue to instigate its members in all sectors to be compliance to waste packaging legislation so that a fair and level market playing field is created for one and all.

GRTU submits proposals and recommendations for the final embellishment in MarsaXlokk

 GRTU has this week submitted a report to Hon Jason Azzopardi, Hon Mario Demarco, Hon Chris Said and Hon George Pullicino outlining a set of comprehensive proposals that will provide the final touches to make the M'Xlokk embellishment project a holistic one and iron out unresolved issues. Below is the report in brief:


Facts and Findings

GRTU has for the past weeks continued with its research and an unlevel playing field has transpired, where restaurants having a license to operate from outside the restaurants experience different limitations. Restaurant owners also operating outside their establishment, across the road from their restaurant towards the sea edge, wish to continue operating as at present. There exist others however who have a license for outside tables and chairs but can only operate on the pavement in front of their restaurant. These understandably wish to be granted the same circumstances.

GRTU insists that a level playing field for all must be sought before any decision is taken. From our research it also transpires that the area provided to the different outlets is not fairly distributed since the width of the pavement varies along the stretch of the said road.

GRTU recommends that the embellishment works be extended to the rest of the M'Xlokk front (from the Harbour Lights to the bay leading to Dellimara) and (from Gente di Mare to s-Sajjied) as we feel that without this part of the embellishment the project would be incomplete.

GRTU wishes also to put forward the below recommendations:

  • Upgrading of both public conveniences
  • Setting up of a Tourist Information Office
  • An organized area allocated for the parking of tourist coaches
  • The development of the nature reserve at tal-Ballut together with an organized parking area as in our opinion it will attract both locals and tourists
  • Upgrading of tal-maghluq, the playing field, the kiosk and the parking slots
  • The provision of berthing facilities for small boats (luzzu) which can be used to organize boat tours to St Peters Pool and back
  • An organized parking area near is-Sajjied Restaurant
  • Markings for the control of areas allocated for tables and chairs
  • Utilisation of large homes unoccupied/occupied by aging couples to be converted in small guest houses

In addition GRTU also put forward general proposals made for the localities as these can also boost the locality of  M'Xlokk:

  • A grantof up to 50% of expenses to households for improvements that will enable the lodging of tourists where the size of the property makes this possible. The standards will be set by the Malta Tourism Authority and the Malta Standards Authority. This incentive will encourage the extension of tourist residence in the Localities thus providing the necessary impetus for the expansion of city core activities.
  • The adoption of the same tax regime successfully implemented with families hosting English language students to household owners who offer lodging facilities to tourists.
  • Special allocation of funds coupled with adequate fiscal incentives to promote urban renewal and refurbishment in the traditional village and town core. Developers who participate in urban renewal schemes through the purchase of properties for development and refurbishment submitting to urban conservation plans and to energy saving will enjoy a reduced rate of taxation on sale of properties or anominal 3% withholding tax on rents receivable if properties are placed on the rental market.
  • Tax relief of 70% investment allowance on expenditure affected by commercial property owners in the traditional urban centres used on the renovation and restoration of facades.

GRTU has assured the authorities that it will continue with its visits to listen to the views and proposals from its members until the M'Xlokk project is finished.

Valletta: Facing the realities

 A lot is being said about Valletta and the problems of parking and accessibility some believe that simply changing the people who speak on behalf of the business community is a good enough solution to solve real, practical problems. The truth is that if people do not have a basic understanding of how projects are developed and how they are implemented together with a practical knowledge of the dynamics of project implementation, it is almost impossible to be able to speak, let alone find solutions.


The strength of GRTU is that we can think of a vision and then draw plans of action, sometimes even over a period of years, that leads to a dramatic change in circumstances. One clear case is Valletta. GRTU has long established representatives of the vast majority of businesses within our City and has for many years striven to cause Government to implement a massive programme of development that would really restore the City of Valletta to the level of other renowned walled Cities in Europe.

GRTU is satisfied that never in the history of Valletta has so much refurbishment and upgrading works been planned and are being executed, which capital expenditures never ever imagined before. Faced with this tremendous Government commitment GRTU, who has worked so hard to cause the authorities to take Valletta seriously, cannot but applaud the many initiatives. We ask: is there anyone in his true senses in Malta who does not want Government to upgrade the City? For this to be done refurbishment works have to be implemented, paving of streets have to be carried out, new buildings as projected by Piano have to be executed and General complimentary embellishment programmes, as has been done in St George's Square, are also essential. There is so much to be done. It can be done piecemeal on a period of twenty years or it can be done as quickly as possible so that the business community and the Maltese and tourists visiting can benefit sooner rather than later, but for all this to be done many people have to do sacrifices.

GRTU strives to minimize the sacrifices. We do our utmost to cause Government and state bureaucrats to learn to walk with the businessmen skin. GRTU has elected a committee of business people from all areas of Valletta to discuss with Government the best way to implement all projects planned:" We do not go out promising people that while the projects are in action business will proceed as normal. How can it?" asks Vince Farrugia Director General of GRTU. "What we do is explain to people patiently how important it is that the work that has to be done is implemented as efficiently as possible. We discuss with the planners, we meet the designers, we talk regularly to the contractors and to the supervising engineers and we call meetings of our members to ensure that people are informed and their comments and suggestions are taken on board" says Vince Farrugia, "others go around causing people to sign paper under false pretences. It is not theatrics that will make our beautiful city better, with a higher return to the businesses established in the City. It is hard work and determination that does it. This is what the GRTU business committee is doing" concludes Vince Farrugia.

In the meetings already held with Government, GRTU has already achieved results. A Bulletin describing the works, what works are going to be done, where and when, will be distributed to the businesses affected by the works. For this to be done effectively we need the cooperation of the bureaucrats. Not all are cooperating but we will make them realize that if they do not cooperate they will damage their own cause. The Bulletin also announces the temporary arrangements reached with the authorities on the temporary parking and traffic management that will be implemented while works are proceeding.

GRTU is also presenting to Government proposals received from members on how to improve the overall parking situation as access to Valletta remains vital for the city's business viability. GRTU is supporting Government to implement as smoothly as possible the new Bus Terminus and the whole Public Transport Reform. It is essential that the largest number of people possible can come to Valletta with the least efforts using public transport. Many still, however, prefer to use private cars. Individual cars need extensive parking places. The discussion of the GRTU with Government has now identified these new projects:

  • 200 new parking slots in the vicinity of the Phoenicia Hotel
  • 100 new parking places and outside City Gate replacing the parking slots lost with the Piano Projects
  • 500 new covered parking places at the MCP Car Park Floriana. GRTU has already promised to the developers its full support for this project
  • 500 new park & ride parking slots at Floriana/Blata l-Bajda replacing the Tal-White Complex and buildings that will be removed
  • 200 additional perking space under discussion on the bases of GRTU proposals in a number of vital locations servicing the City

It is almost impossible to get things for free. GRTU continues to strive for the original Park & Ride parking slots to remain free of charge. There is a big issue on that to do with the many parking slots now free of charge on the periphery of Valletta, there is the problem of the other Green boxes (residents only) appearing in the streets of Valletta. GRTU prefers to have these boxes in Blue (up to 7pm available for all). There is the problem of the free parking of all the monti vehicles, there is the problem of the increasing number of road stretching exhibiting double yellow lines.

Signing petitions and promising the heavens solves no problems, the way foreword is to diligently discuss project by project, plan by plan and be available with alternative solutions to Government. This is the expertise of GRTU to understand the needs of GRTU members that insist on solutions. Most time to succeed.


Green MT Published Facts Speak Out!

 GRTU established Green MT following the crudest form of letters that were issued to importers by Green Pak who, as from the very beginning, appointed themselves as all knowing and all powerful on issues of waste management.

Green Pak's style has not changed, all pretentious and pompous. Green MT on the other hand gave a commitment to Government Public Regulators and especially to importers and producers that we will create a Waste Packaging Compliance Scheme diligently and within the framework of economic viability and compliance legislation.


Green MT suffered months of insinuations and innuendos maliciously spread by Green Pak. We patiently waited till the quarterly reports submitted to MEPA, as the public regulator, were made available. We now have the second quarter report for 2010 for both Green MT and Green Pak. We can now compare like with like rather than all the bluff and propaganda phrases.

We have now the figures that speak loud and clear:

The figures proudly show that Green MT has both achieved compliance under Legal Notice 277 of 2006 for all its members and also for those members who joined since and have applied for Eco Contribution Exemption (LN 84 if 2010)

Given the figures reported by Green Pak itself, can Green Pak also feel proud that they have achieved commitments with members to index the Legal obligations, to comply with LN 277 of 2006, which requires a recovery of 53% and Legal Notice, LN 84 of 2010 which requires a recovery of 70% for those traders that apply for Eco Contribution exemptions?

GRTU is seriously worried that given the above figures many business owners have been taken for a ride, unless of course Green Pak has done the impossible, collecting in the last six months of 2010, a minimum recovery 4277 tons (app) to cover only the obligations of LN 277 of 2006, let alone additional obligations of tonnage required to be recovered to meet 70% recovery for Eco Exemptions Regulations.