Resolving Pending Issues

This week GRTU held a series of meetings with high Government officials including the Prime Minister to resolve a number of long standing issues. Among the issues discussed where:


The internationalisation programme

GRTU is pushing Government to expand the assistance programme for internationalisation so that companies wishing to develop new b2b relationships and creating new complimentary business arrangements with foreign companies both within the EU territory and more especially in countries as far away as China, India, the Gulf States, Africa and Latin America, receive maximum support from Malta Enterprise. GRTU is confident that more funds will become available for more and better streamlined business relationships. The emphasis will be on businesses that really want to seek and establish new business opportunities. newSTRING will be giving more information as schemes are developed.

The Micro-credit scheme

GRTU has made a strong request to the Prime Minister to get the scheme moving. GRTU continues to insist that the excuse given by the Minister of Finance, that the delay is all due to the EU regulations, is not acceptable. Only the hard headed keep pushing on a road that is too long and wining. GRTU had proposed from the onset that the scheme should first be based on a straight forward bank guarantee support scheme initiated by Malta Enterprise on the same basis as the old guarantee scheme in support of firms that suffered from the removal of the old protective levy system. Essentially this would have meant that firms applied with their favourite Bank for the micro credit and it would give the credit rating of the client and the Bank assessment of the project proposed recommending to Malta Enterprise to issue a Bank interest subsidy. If the credit line of the bank could not be extended without additional collateral there would be a recommendation by Malta Enterprise to issue a supportive Bank Guarantee for the amount not exceeding €25,000. The scheme could have been implemented as promised as of 1st January 2010. Thousands of small enterprises would have benefitted by now and together they would have created a tremendous multiplier effect within the large small business community of Malta and Gozo, but bureaucrats never learn. They wouldn't be bureaucrats if they would learn. The situation is that effectively nothing has happened and we all have to await September of possibly October and any body who thinks that the recession is over should better rethink and face reality.

The new impositions on water bowser operators

Minister George Pullicino is right to address the long delayed problem effecting, so damagingly, the water table. The project to impose meters and estimate the quantity being drone to address a replenishing solution is commendable and GRTU as representative organisation of all water bowser operators has found no objection. But GRTU has strongly objected to the Ministry's intention to impose satellite tracking mechanism on all privately owned trucks. GRTU contends that Government does not own the fleet of truck bowsers and has no right to impose on truck owners Government's enforcement operation. It is Government's responsibility to avoid illicit boreholes and Government has no right to forcefully enlist bowser operators as unpaid enforcement tracking units. GRTU has proposed alternative systems thus avoiding the issue of directives to bowser owners not to comply. GRTU is confident that a solution will be found

Scheme to encourage the promotion of low emission trucks used by carriers

In discussions with Minister George Pullicino, the Permanent Secretary at MRRA Dr Chris Ciantar and WasteServ CEO Vince Magri, a solution has been finally found to the long standing issue of the unnecessary burdens faced by waste carriers to change their waste carrying vehicles and simultaneously pay the hefty registration tax on each truck and also face the rocketing landfill fees. As a result of this special scheme agreed with the GRTU waste carriers will now be assisted to face these financial burdens. GRTU will be explaining to all waste carriers next Sunday the details of the agreed scheme.

The abrupt withdrawal of the photovoltaic subsidy scheme

The photovoltaic support scheme was abruptly suspended by the Malta Resources Authority. It has since transpired that a number of operators had complained with the Malta Resources Authority. After strong protests by the alternative energy trade group at GRTU. It transpired that a number of operators had complained to the MRA that a number of individuals were sending abusive application for clients for assistance under the scheme. MRA took the short cut of suspending the scheme irrespective of the commercial damage caused to many bona fide traders. Members of GRTU had applied correctly, on approval had ordered the materials, letters of credit were issued and agreements with clients were signed. The abrupt abolition of the scheme has placed many businesses in commercial jeopardy. Further more many clients who were convinced to go for photovoltaic systems are now becoming highly suspect of the whole process. GRTU believes that this issue has been very badly managed and that Government was ill advised to act illogically. The GRTU alternative energy group has discussed this issue with the ministry and a new scheme will be advertised shortly accompanied by a significant promotion campaign. The duration of the new scheme will be longer than the previous as GRTU is assured that enough funds will be allocated to meet all potential demand. GRTU is also proposing the formation of a monitoring and advisory committee so that Government would be assisted by the private sector to ensure that markets and schemes are operated diligently.

The Marsaxlokk refurbishment project

GRTU has for many years been striving so that the Marsaxlokk sea front is upgraded to a level not unlike the Valletta waterfront. GRTU represents almost all shop owners bars and restaurants in M'Xlokk and believe it is in the interest of all that a quick solution is found to the reallocation of the monti, at least during week days. The first stage of the arrangement of GRTU was that the commencement of works on the water front promenade and the monitoring of the works so that everything is done according to plan and at the second stage GRTU is insisting that proper arrangements are put in place for M'Xlokk to be given the uplift it so badly desires. GRTU insists on a proper share of tourism to the south of Malta and it is only with the cooperation of the GRTU business community and local council that attractive location in the south like Marsaxlokk can be enhanced to meet the new demands of tourists and Maltese customers.

The gas distributors license

GRTU insists that the gas distributors` license is a contractual obligation between the GRTU, the gas distributors and Government. This agreement is clearly stated black on white that it is automatically renewable every year. The agreement also obliges gas distributors to distribute gas cylinders of the corporation (an obligation which has now been inherited by Gasco) and other private operators within the territory allotted to each distributor. MRA is trying to force gas distributors to reapply for a new license. This is not acceptable to GRTU unless of course MRA is willing to purchase the old license on the same basis Government bought the old bus owners licenses. GRTU is insisting with the Prime Minister that authorities established under the law cannot be expected to act in defiance of the compensatory implication of their decisions. It is after all the nationalist party Government declared policy to compensate business when businesses suffer commercial losses due to Government action.

European Database of Medical Devices


Directives 90/385/EEC, 93/42/EEC and 98/79/EC on medical devices stipulate that regulatory data collected in accordance with the Directives should be stored in a European database accessible to competent authorities. In particular, the database should contain the following:


data relating to registration of manufacturers and authorised representatives and devices, excluding data related to custom-made devices;

data relating to Notified Body certificates issued or modified;

data obtained in accordance with the vigilance procedure for incidents;

data relating to clinical investigations.

Such a databank has been developed by the European Commission in cooperation with the Member States under the name ‘European Databank for Medical Devices (Eudamed)' and is already being used by numerous Member States on a voluntary basis.

As concerns data existing collected by Member States before 1st May 2011, Member States shall only need to input data on registration of manufacturers, authorised representatives and devices into Eudamed. This Decision shall apply as from 1st May 2011.

More information on Eudamed:

The aim of Eudamed is to strengthen and facilitate market surveillance by providing competent authorities with fast access to information on medical devices, as well as to contribute to a uniform application of the regulations, in particular in relation to registration requirements.

The only expected impacts are the following:

Thanks to such rapid communication channels between market surveillance authorities, the risk for patients of a safety incident or malfunctioning will be reduced. In particular, rapidly sharing information on any known incidents will diminish the risk of recurring incidents elsewhere in the EU.

A change in administration and data inputting procedures is required at the national Competent Authority level.

When registering medical devices with the Competent Authority, manufacturers or importers will now be required to give their postcode, phone or email, and an internationally recognized nomenclature code for their devices, in addition to the already requested information. This shall not apply to registration of custom-made devices.

Such internationally recognised nomenclature for medical devices is necessary to allow a uniform description of the devices concerned and efficient use of that databank. Given that data can be entered in all official languages of the Community, a numeric code should be used so that devices can be easily searched. The Global Medical Device Nomenclature is such an internationally recognised nomenclature, but it is not the only option that can be used. Such nomenclatures are normally obtained at a cost from private agencies.

Who will be effected?

Competent Authorities, Manufacturers, Authorised Representatives, Notified Bodies and Importers of Medical Devices.

Any feedback on the Decision would be appreciated by 4th June 2010. Should you require any further information please do not hesitate to contact Mr. David Pulis  at MSA on E: T: 2395 2000

JCI Malta Business Networking Event

Junior Chamber International Malta (‘JCI') is organising a business networking event on Tuesday 25th May at the Grand Hotel Excelsior, Floriana. The 2010 JCI Business Networking Event is supported by the Ministry of Finance, the Economy and Investment and is one of the various events organised as part of the European SME Week 2010.


The JCI BNE, now in its fifth year, is based on a concept known as ‘business speed dating'. The aim of this event is to provide participants with a platform to build new business contacts and networks in one evening. The speed networking approach adopted for this event allows participants to meet a large number of entrepreneurs and business professionals in less than two hours. Each five minute one-to-one meeting gives participants the possibility to share their experiences, ideas and initiatives, which could potentially expose participants to new opportunites.

The Business Networking Event is open to both JCI members and non-members. Representatives from all business sectors are invited to participate with a maximum of two participants per company.

Five respected professionals from different backgrounds, namely Mr Eric Muscat – KPMG, Mr Iñaki Berroeta – Vodafone Malta Limited, Mr Joseph FX Zahra – Market Intelligence Services Co. Ltd., Mr Karl Farrugia Wismayer – AllCare Insurance Brokers Limited and Easy School of Languages and Dr Roberta Lepre – Weave Consulting will share their personal experience as well as meet participants during the formal one-to-one networking sessions.

Following the formal networking sessions a reception will be held during which patrons and participants may benefit from further informal networking.

Registration will start at 7 pm and the formal networking activity will begin at 7.30pm. The cost per participant is of €30.00 for members and €35.00 for non-members. For more details, on-line registration and payment, please visit the JCI website at Application forms and payments are to be submitted by Sunday 23rd May 2010.

For any queries kindly contact Hermione Portelli on or on 9982 6960.

Spanish Groups visiting Sliema

Special Interest Travel Ltd is a member of the M. Demajo Group and is a licensed Destination Management Company. IT specialises in international conference and incentive events in Malta, amongst other segments of incoming tourism.


Amongst their projects in 2010, they will be hosting two (2) Spanish groups consisting of approximately 900 pax per group, arriving on the last weekend of May and the first weekend of June.

During their stay in Malta they shall be dedicating Saturday afternoon on the 29th May and 5th June in SLIEMA between approximately 16.00hrs and 19.00hrs to shopping.

During the rest of the year, the company will be bringing smaller groups for whom they will allocate free time in Sliema or Valletta or any other location, depending on the nature of the program, to promote and enhance local businesses in Malta & Gozo.

The company aims to deliver, through creative and high quality programs offering the best of what Malta has to offer; the True Malta Experience. Special Interest Travel Ltd is an ISO 9001 certified company and Quality Assured by the Malta Tourism Authority.




CII-Europe Business Congregate – New Delhi

1  ‐ 3  September  2010  

The  growing  $1  trillion  economy  of  India  provides opportunities  for  new  partnerships.   Indian  economy  has  shown tremendous  growth  in  sectors  such  as  Information  & communications  Technology,  Energy,  Infrastructure,  Food  Processing, Design,  Clean  &  Green  Technologies,  R&D  &  Education.  The growing  requirement  of  the  country  creates  space  for  fresh investment  in  resource  and  technologies.    


There  is  a  felt  need  for  a  platform  that  provides  for   

Strategic  collaborations  between  Indian  and  respective  European  country  industries;  

Fresh  discussions  on  specific  business  opportunities   

information  on  markets  

identification  and  choice  of  cooperation  activities  for  broader  business;  

building  new   partnerships  and  strengthening  existing  ones;  

In  the  backdrop  of  the  above  objectives,  CII  is  initiating  a fresh  engagement  model  with  European  countries title "CII‐Europe  Business  Congregate".    

This series will focus on Indian industry engagement with select European countries at a time. This series will provide a platform where entrepreneurs of Large, Small and Medium industry would explore and identify closer collaboration between businesses including technology transfer, research & innovation and skill development.  

The first in the series this Conference will focus on Albania, Austria, Belgium, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Greenland, Hungary, Iceland, Lavia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Norway, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia and Sweden.  Scheduled  in September  this  conference  will  be  a forum  to  focus on  increasing  business  links  between  India and  the  region.  

These  European  countries  with  high  ICT  adoption,  besides  R&D  investments,  offer  an  untapped  opportunity  for  Indian  companies  as  a  potential  entry  point  to  Europe.   They  are  amongst  the  strongest  European  performers  in  the  area  of  innovations,  adopting  new  technologies  and  R&D.  The  high  degree  of  collaborations  between  universities  and  the  private  sector  in  research  in  these  countries  is  exemplary.

With  the  bilateral  trade  for  2008‐2009  at  US$  21423.76  mil,  which  is  24.81%  of  India's  total  trade  with  all  European  countries,&  a  potential  consumer  base  of  500  mil  in  Europe  and  208  million  consumer  households  in  India  there  is  a  tremendous  potential  to accelerate  the  growth  of  bilateral  trade.

Doing business with China

Shanghai GAIC Imp&Exp Co., Ltd

The company is a professional foreign trade company in Shanghai, established by China National Guizhou Aviation Industry Group (CCAIG). Their business sope is focusing on auto spare parts, steel casting, iron casting and construction machine compnenets. The main products include relays, radiators, hydraulic parts, fasteners, bearings and other auto spare parts; Gears, conterweights, differential housings, axles, frames, steering knuckles and other companents for engineering machinery.


Major markets are throughout Europe, the Americans, South |Asia and Esat Asia. The company has powerful strength on auto-parts and constion compnents. They claim to enjoy very good reputation and have faithful & responsible spirit, with high quality and favourable prices makes them the most competitive group in China and abroad.

They are willing to cooperate with those factories/ companies/ agencies who have specific requirement in their areas and are glad to act as an agent for good products from Malta.


United China Consultants

The company is strong in offering assistance and help to those foreign SMEs with conducting sourcing projects from Chinese suppliers.

UCC is an international consultancy service company specializing in a complete array of markting, sourcing planning, investment consultancy and management consultancy services needed to make various companies successful in the Chinese market from across cultural difference perspective.

As an international consulting services provider, UCC not only possesses many similarities with many other consulting firms, but also has initiated and developed a series of very unique skills or practices jointly with their clients.


Third University Business Forum

 GRTU Council Member Michael Galea attended a conference in Brussels entitled University- Business Cooperation for Smart, Sustainable and Inclusive Growth between the 4th and the 5th May.


University Business Cooperation is a central driver in the changes that are being brought about in the knowledge economy. In March 2010 the European Commission launched the 2020 Strategy: A strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth in order to recover from the recession and to prepare the EU economy for the next decade. The strategy builds on three main reinforcing priorities that are to be implemented through concrete actions both at national and EU level.

Higher Education, the openness to the needs of society and the relations with business form an important part within this initiative. This third University Business Forum followed in the footsteps of its predecessors and this year it focused on three main areas for discussion and exchange of experiences:

University Business Cooperation: Cooperation with SME's and Regional Development

University Business cooperation and innovation

University Business Cooperation and quality of education.

Europe needs to adapt new skills with continuous training and knowledge exchange between universities and businesses. Adapt curricular and training methods. The importance of a well functioning knowledge triangle in the form of interaction between education, research and innovation has been emphasised by EU leaders since 2006.

Measures to strengthen the knowledge triangle play a major role in the process of modernisation that European universities are now engaged in. Such a process can help strengthen institutions of higher education, make the business sector more competitive and benefit the development of society in general

Increased demands are being made on universities to engage in education, research and innovation alike. This requires a new and more modern view of institutions of higher education and is an important part of the process of modernisation which has made varying degrees of progress in the countries of Europe. This development requires the support of coordinated measures at both national and EU level.

Today universities have to think ahead, they have to think 5 to 20 years forward. We have to change from a supply driven to a demand driven culture. Unfortunately Europe lacks this culture and we have to find ways of how to create a coherent demand driven culture.

When one is in business one needs to change every day. The environment changes and thus the only option is to change as well. This also applies to universities. European universities will have new competitors. Global competitors from Asia, US and everywhere. So they have to be innovative in their offering.

Jkompli x-Xoghol ta’ Tisbieh gewwa M’Xlokk

 Il-GRTU qeghda kontinwament f'komunikazzjoni mall-membri taghha f' M'Xlokk li qed ifahhru l-mod ta' kif qieghed jigi amministrat dan il-progett ta` tisbieh. Jekk x-xoghol jibqa ghaddej b'din ir-rata ghandu jkun lest fi zmien erba gimghat.







Il-GRTU tixtieq tinfoma li s-servizzi qeghdin jigu provduti minn Triq Duncan u l-access ghal hwienet qieghed jigi provdut skond it-talba ta' l-istess sidien bil-kooperazzjoni shiha tal-kuntrattur li qieghed jaghmel ix-xoghol.

Il-GRTU  konvinta li wara d-diversi laqghat li gew organizzati u x-xhur ta' konsultazzjoni, l-proposti li tresqu mill-Komunita' Kummerċjali, Kunsill Lokali, bejjiegħa tal-monti kif ukoll tas-Sajjieda, kienu l-aħjar soluzzjoni sabiex dan il-progett  isir fl-inqas żmien possibbli.

Matul il-perjodu tax-xogħol fuq il-promenade, bi qbil ma' l-Assoċjazzjoni tal-Bejjiegha tal-Monti u bħala arranġament temporanju, l-monti qed jopera fiż-żona tal-Magħluq.

Naxxar: Il-GRTU titlob laqghat mal-Awtritajiet Koncernati

 Il-GRTU ghal dawn l-ahhar xhur organizzat diversi laqghat mas-sidien tan-negozji gewwa n-Naxxar. Il-konkorrenza ghal dawn il-laqghat kienet dejjem ta' mija fil-mija filwaqt li dik kontra li l-progett tal-Pjazza tan-Naxxar isehh baqghet dejjem tissahhah. Il-GRTU wara l-ahhar laqgha li organizzat giet ipprezentata bi tlett mija u hamsa u sebghin (375) firma kontra dan il-progett minn residenti fin-Naxxar.


Bl-Ghan li nkomplu nsahhu l-posizzjoni taghna gie deciz li jinhatar kumitat fi hdan il-GRTU kompost kemm min rapprezentanti tal-GRTU stess kif ukoll min rapprezentanti tas-sidien ta` negozji f'din il-lokalita. Dan il-kumitat ser jipprezenta proposti ghal diskussjoni mal-awtoritajiet koncernati sabiex jintlahaq xi forma ta` ftehim dwar il-progett.

Il-GRTU tinstab dejjem min ta` quddiem sabiex taghti l-appogg taghha ghal progetti ta` tisbieh. F'dan il-kaz pero l-progett m'hux ta` tisbieh izda ta` tibdil fi struttura diga ezistenti li ser ikollha effett drastiku fuq min jghix u jaghmel l-ghejxien tieghu f'din il-lokalita. Jekk isehh, dan il-progett ser jirrizulta f'gheluq ta` hwienet u telf ta impjiegi ghaliex l-operat ta` dawn l-entraprizi ma jibqax vijabbli. Din il problema tinholoq ghaliex il-progett kieku ser iwassal ghal tnaqqis ta` facilitajiet ta` parkegg u tnaqqis ta` access ghall-klijenti bil-vetturi taghhom.