GRTU meets Microsoft to discuss software piracy

 A meeting was held at GRTU office between Microsoft officials Jacqueline Harvey (Microsoft OEM Manager) and Wayne Hewitt (Systec Business Development Manager) and GRTU representatives and Council Members Marcel Mizzi and Patrick Cutajar. The purpose of this meeting was to discuss possible cooperation between the two organisations.












The company is currently embarking on a campaign to reduce illegal software piracy in the small business sector. Microsoft stated that piracy in the small business sector was still rampant in Malta and that the company was loosing considerable revenue due to this. Possible incentives were discussed with the aim of encouraging small businesses to regularise their position. Mr. Mizzi suggested that incentives should typically include a one time reduction in prices as well as a soft loan system possibly using the Micro Invest Scheme that the Government is set to launch shortly.

It was also agreed that a conference or meeting would be organised before the summer. The conference would be aimed at presenting these incentives, explaining the legal responsibilities and liabilities to the members and would also discuss other important issues such as systems security. The Microsoft representatives stated that they would have to enquire with their management as to whether these incentives were feasible. Another meeting is to be organised once this information is available.

Marcel Mizzi / Patrick Cutajar (Council Members and IT Representatives)-

GRTU meets VGT re Port Operations

Paul Abela (GRTU President)

GRTU President Paul Abela and Carmel Zammit representing hauliers met Valletta Gateway Terminals (VGT) to discuss a public notice on port operation.

It was explained that these new measures were implemented in order to improve safety and security conditions at the quays and at the same time improving efficiency during operations.  Mr Zammit raised a concern that some hauliers might not find parking at the segregated areas and felt they might not be an advantageous position to ensure a prompt delivery of their cargo. It was however explained by VGT that should one of the trailers being discharged happen to belong to a haulier who is on foot, he will be called over to bring his truck and then can proceed as a direct delivery.

Regarding the cargo which arrives to Malta with Virtu Ferries, as mentioned MMA (TM) there is a pending court case about this issue.  Unfortunately VGT were able to comment much on any possible changes once it berths at DWQ5 since they are not fully aware of the contract details.

ECO-Spring Fest 18-22 March

 Green MT has participated in this year's Spring Home Exhibition, which has evolved to include the aspect of climate change. The ecological consciousness of this exhibition provided a large showcase of all the items that can help us become more ecological in consumption and the educational aspect will help us learn about why we need to start using these products.


Today the Climate Change issue has become a top of the agenda item for world leaders, and in recent large scale meetings, it has become clear that serious action is required to ensure that, what has been predicted doesn't become the reality. The damage our planet suffers because of careless use of resources has to reach the masses, so everyone can do his/her part, before it is too late.

The Spring Eco Home Exhibition was be held at the Malta Fairs and Conventions Centre, MFCC, Ta' Qali, between Thursday 18th and Sunday 21st March, with the supported by the Ministry for Resources and Rural Affairs. Green Mt took part in this event.

Marcella Agius –

Isla Commercial Collection

Green MT in collaboration with the Isla Local Council, organized a meeting for the shop owners in Isla. The mayor encourages them to co-operate with the Green MT initiative of collecting recyclable waste from their community. It is planned to start as from Monday 5th April. The collection of Recyclable waste will be on Tuesdays,  Thursdays and Fridays between 2pm and 4pm. It was agreed that a letter is to be distributed to all commercial outlets by the same local council to advice them all with this initiative. Green MT is going to distribute grey bags for the residents by Eco Councillors.

Marcella Agius –

Green MT sponsors holy table made from recyclable waste in Marsascala

 Green Mt was the major sponsor of an Easter table with life-size apostles made from Recyclable Material. This was inaugurated by the President of the Republic of Malta, last Wednesday 24th March 2010, at the Marsascala church. Present for this occasion there were also Mrs. Kate Gonzi, wife of the Prime Minister and the Leader of the Opposition Dr. Joseph Muscat together with other present and past members of Parliament.

Toy Safety

 The GRTU held a meeting for members in the toy sector in collaboration with MSA and invited the MSA to give a presentation on the current and future regulation and the work done by market surveillance on the subject. The most important points were:










  • Toy: Any product or material designed or clearly intended for use in play by children of less than 14 years of age.
  •  Legal requirements:
  • 1. CE-Mark: It is the only mark which symbolises the conformity of the product with the applicable European requirements and it may only be affixed by the original manufacturer of the product, or his authorised representative.

    2. Labelling, Instructions for use, Warnings and Technical Documentation.

    • Exclusions: collector's items, playground equipment, jigsaw puzzles with >500 pieces, Air guns, air pistols and percussion caps, faithful reproductions of real firearms, slings and catapults, vehicles and combustion engines, professional bikes and video games.
    • Essential Safety Requirements: Physical and mechanical ( edges, size of detachable parts due to suffocation, heating elements, cords due to strangulation, limits of dangerous chemicals, must not exceed 24V, must be clean to avoid infection.

    It was explained by the MSA that the rules on the new legislation coming in as on 20th July 2011 will be stricter and more burdensome.

    As to enforcement it was suggested that for problems to e avoided the importer should ensure to have all the documentation before importation, ensure CE mark is affixed to the product, know the supplier and carry out tests on samples before finalising the an order. They also explained that a number of inspections, product tests, warnings and withdrawals were done during 2009.


    Abigail Mamo –

    Meeting candidate for Hon Consul of Nairobi (Kenya)

     As part of its work of business internationalisation and creating interest of foreign investors in Malta, GRTU also met Mr Ken Musebe candidate for the post of Hon Consul in Nairobi. Mr Musebe is a financial consultant and businessman and has worked with a number of companies doing business in Malta such as De la Rue, Generali International and Devere and Partners.


    The GRTU explained that Maltese import products that are made in Kenya from other EU countries and most probably they would be interested to start importing directly. Even though Kenya is a country that is relatively secure compared to others surrounding it there is still a trust issue. Therefore the GRTU would provide him as a point of reference to these companies.

    The representative explained that Kenya's port (Mumbasa) supplies 9 different places, amongst which Uganda, etc… All the goods going through their port have a tracking number and therefore this might be interesting for companies providing tracking services. He explained that Kenya needs infrastructure development and this might be also interesting for Maltese companies.

    He also mentioned that as products they have floro and horticulture and that Kenya does not have an established pharmaceutical industry and they only import pharmaceuticals.

    Abigail Mamo –

    Azzjoni f’waqtha kontra n-negozju illecitu

    Vince Farrugia –

    Il-GRTU tesprimi s-sodisfazzjon tal-membri taghha ghal azzjoni f'waqtha li ttiehdet biex it-Taljan li dahal u qabad ibiegh fid-Dwejra Ghawdex twaqqaf mal-ewwel u ttellgha l-Qorti. Fil-laqgha li l-GRTU kellha mas-Segretarju Parlamentari l-Onorevoli Dr Jason Azzopardi, il-Kunsill tal-GRTU insista li ghandu jkun hemm aktar enforcement. F'dan ir-rigward dan ghandu jkun aktar immedjat biex l-abbuzi li qed isiru ta' negozju illecitu jinqatghu.


    Il-bejgh ta' prodotti bieb bieb u l-bejgh fit-toroq minn barranin u anke minn xi Maltin, flimkien mal-ammont ta' xoghol li diehel bil-Catamaran li mhux kopert bil-permezzi mehtiega ghandu jitwaqqaf kollu. Il-GRTU ilha ssostni li hemm hafna xi jsir u mhu veru xejn li ma jistghux jittiehdu l-ebda passi mmedjati.

    Bis-sahha tal-GRTU l-Gvern biddel il-ligi biex illum l-Awtoritajiet ghandhom is-sahha li jwaqqfu u li jiehdu passi kontra kull min jabbuza. Illum ghandhom is-sahha li jwaqqfu lil kull min igorr il-merca jew jikkummercja u jgaluh juri d-dokumentazzjoni li turi l-provenzja tal-oggetti u l-awtorita li ghandu li jgorru jew ibieghu. Ghalhekk il-kummerc illegali li jezisti qed isir ghaliex l-ufficjali pubblici nkarigati mill-enforcement m'humiex qed jiehdu l-passi mehtiega kif huma obbligati li jaghmlu skond il-ligi.

    Il-GRTU tkompli tappella lil Gvern u b'mod partikolari l-Onorevoli Segratarji Parlamentari Dr Jason Azzopardi u Dr Chris Said u lil l-Onorevoli Ministri Dr Carmelo Mifsud Bonnici u Tonio Fenech biex jizguraw li l-kummerc illecitu jinqatgha b'azzjoni mifruxa ma' Malta kollha u immedjata. Hu importanti li l-Ministri u s-Segretarji Parlamentari ikunu aktar vigilanti biex jizguraw li tieqaf il-mewga serja ta' negozju illecitu li hu kawza mhux biss ta' telf ta' negozju ghal hafna negozji zghar imma wkoll ta' telf kbir ta' taxxi lil Gvern.

    Il-GRTU tappella wkoll lis-sidien ta' negozji u lil konsumaturi biex jaghtu huma wkoll sehemhom billi jirrapurtaw mal-ewwel kull kaz li jaraw ta' abbuzi ta' kummerc illecitu. Il-GRTU minn naha taghha qed toffri l-koperazzjoni kollha lil awtoritajiet u tappella lil dawk kollha li jiltaqghu ma' kazi ta' negozju illecitu biex jinfurmaw lil GRTU.

    GRTU working closer with MSA

     The GRTU has stepped up its work with the Malta Standards Authority (MSA) and its requests for the authority to better cater to the needs of the smaller businesses following the appointment of a new member – Patrick Cutajar, GRTU Council member – on the MSA Board. From Board level it is very difficult for both the GRTU and the MSA to transfer relevant information to our members.


    GRTU under the initiative of Patrick Cutajar has therefore sought to strengthen the collaboration between the GRTU and the MSA as the line that links MSA to our small businesses. MSA in actual fact provides very valuable information outside board level which, due to the amount of information sent and its technicality do not reap the ideal and necessary results.

    The MSA said that the GRTU and the businesses are very important for the authority as with our contribution only would they manage to safeguard the interest of businesses and our economy. MSA therefore agreed to make an effort in this regard and utilise GRTU as a tool for consultation to reach businesses. Both bodies agreed that GRTU and MSA would start holding regular meetings to catch up on activities and plan information sessions targeting businesses. So members watch out for these interesting and very informative sessions, this month's was the one on Toy safety.

    Meantime Patrick Cutajar has attended his first board meeting at the MSA. Mr Cutajar reported that the board concentrated particularly on financial aspects however a very interesting presentation was made on the quarterly work of MSA. Below is the information:

    EU related work

    • Proposals being discussed in Council
    • Biocides, RoHS, Construction Products, Food Labelling, Novelty Foods
    • Legal Notices in the pipeline
    • Pyrotechnics, Paints, Eco-design, Cosmetics, Plant Protection Products, Biocidal Products, Steel Reinforcement
    • Information Dissemination
    • CLP Regulation, Energy Labelling, Construction Products, PPP and Biodices, Machinery, Lifts


    Abigail Mamo –