Tree for you – Naxxar Local Council Inizjattiva Kunsilli Lokali u Green MT

 Green MT sponsored 5 trees through the 34U campaign to Naxxar Local Council contributing towards making our island a greener place to live in.

This campaign aims to have a nation-wide tree planting programme with the full participation of the public, national institutions, businesses, unions, voluntary organisations and others.







Our support is essential for the Government to embark on this ambitious project which eventually will create woodland recreational areas for all Maltese citizens.

Marcella Agius –

Il-Kunsill tal-GRTU jiltaqa` ma Chris Said

 Il-Kunsill Ezekuttiv tal-GRTU iltaqa` ma l-Onorevoli Dr Chris Said, Segretarju Parlamentari li issa huwa ukoll responsabbli mill-harsien tal-konsumatur .

Paul Abela, l-President tal-GRTU fetah il-laqgha billi fahhar il-mod ta' kif il-GRTU flimkien ma Chris Said irnexxielha tistabilixxi mudell ta' diskussjoni, konsultazzjoni u kooperazzjoni. Paul Abela wera  sodisfazzjon kbir li llum barra l-Kunsilli Lokali u l-politika ta' djalogu u konsultazzjoni, il-Prim Ministru qed jafda f'idejn Chris Said oqsma importanti ghal GRTU bhal ma huma l-kompetizzjoni gusta, il-protezzjoni tal-konsumatur, il-Malta Standards Authority, ir-relazzjonijiet industrijali u tax-xoghol, l-MCESD, il-MEUSAC u l-informazzjoni, l-Malta Medicine Authority u l-Intellectual Property.

Paul Abela irrefera ghal dawn l-oqsma bhala oqsma importanti ferm ghall-membri tal-GRTU u n-negozji z-zghar u medji b'mod generali. Dwar il-Consumer Protection Agency l-GRTU trid tiftah  diskussjonijiet  serji ghaliex sa llum hadd mill-Gvern ma ndenja ruhu jikkonsulta maghna dwar il-proposta u l-kuncett kollu ta' Consumer Protection Agency. Il-GRTU harget pubblikament li ma tafx x'inhi din il-proposta u ma tifhimx xi htiega hemm fl-2010 li titwaqqaf agenzija bhal din.

Paul Abela rrefera ghal Fair Competition, fejn qal li s-sistema baqalha hafna x'tirranga biex verament tahdem tajjeb. L-GRTU ma hiex kuntenti kif qed jahdmu l-bicca l-kbira ta' dawn ir-regolaturi pubblici pero kuntenti li l-Gvern ha is-suggeriment utli tal-GRTU li jwaqqaf College of Regulators halli dawn ir-regolaturi jahdmu fuq bazi ta' principji komuni u ma tibqax aktar id-disparita' u s-separazzjoni li tezisti illum bejn regolatur u iehor.  Il-GRTU tixtieq li dan l-College of Regulators jinhatar malajr kemm jista jkun sabiex ikun protett il-konsumatur u s-sid tan-negozju z-zghir.

Giet diskussa l-Malta Resources Authority fejn din tiddeciedi wahedha. Il-President semma t-tariffi tad-dawl u l-ilma. Dan suggett kuntraversjali ghal ahhar u b'impatt kbir fuq tant users. Il-GRTU fuq din il-kwistjoni tad-dawl u l-ilma hadet pozizzjoni cara: l-ewwel jitnehha l-piz zejjed li kien tghabba fuq in-negozji z-zghar meta gew imgeghla jaghmlu tajjeb mhux biss ghal konsum taghhom, imma wkoll ghal-konsum ta' l-industrija l-kbira li kienet tgawdi mil-capping. Kienet il-GRTU li resqet l-aktar analazi dettaljati fuq din il-kwistjoni u kienet l-GRTU li ipproponiet l-akbar firxa ta' skemi biex tkun pacuta d-daqqa negattiva taz-zieda fit-tariffi.

Paul Abela ghadda ghad diversi regolaturi li jaqghu taht Chris Said fosthom l-Malta Medical Authority,  l-Fair Competition u l-Intellectual Property. Mal-Malta Standards Authority l-GRTU ghandha relazzjoni tajba hafna. Il-kwistjoni kbira tibqa t-thaddim tal-ufficju, ma huwiex daqshekk konsistenti. Issa ser tfaqqas il-Consumer Protection Agency. Ghalxiex is-Consumer Protection Agency, biex tipprotegina minn monopolji u mid-ditti dominanti li jimponu l-prezzijiet u kundizzjonijiet fuq is-sidien tan-negozji z-zghar on a take it or leave it basis? Nies li b'arroganza u b'abbuzi verbali, u kull tant anke fizici, jippretendu l-egghubijiet minnghand tal-hwienet. Qatt ma tghaddi gurnata li ma jkollniex rapport ta' abbuzi sfaccati fuq impjegati jew sidien ta' hwienet.

Paul Abela insista li qabel tinhatar l-Consumer Protection Agency  isiru aktar diskussjonijiet fid-dettal mall-GRTU. Il-GRTU tablet ukoll sabiex jsiru laqghat dwar kif l-MEUSAC u l-MCESD jistghu jkunu aktar efficjenti u dwar x'jista jsir biex ikun protett in-negozju z-zghir mill-volum enormi ta' kummerc illiecitu li qed isir kawza tad-disorganizzazjoni shiha li tezisti bejn l-Enforcement Officers li xogholhom hu li jaraw li dan l-abbuz ikun imrazzan. Il-GRTU ghanda ideat cari wkoll dwar kif in-nies taghha ghandhom ikunu protetti ahjar mil-prodotti foloz u b'aktar protezzjoni tal-Intellectual Property.

L-Onorevoli Chris Said irringrazzja lill-President, lill-Kunsill Ezekuttiv u lid-Direttur Generali talli oghgobhom  jistednuh sabiex flimkien mieghu nkomplu nsahhu r-relazzjoni tajba li ga ghandna. Chris Said fahhar l-mod ta' kif l-GRTU  dejjem tpoggi l-interess nazzjonali u mhux dak tal-membri taghha  biss. Irringrazzja lill-GRTU ghas-sehem taghha fil-pre-budget ghaliex hafna mill-proposti hargu f'inizzjattivi u li kull tant zmien jsir follow up  ta' dawn l-inizzjattivi b'awgurju ghal futur. Semma ix-xoghol li klimkien ghamilna fil-lokalitajiet. Fahhar s-sehem siewi tal-GRTU fl-MCESD u l-Meusac.

Chris Said  qal li fi ftit jien il-gvern ser jippubblika dokument ta' konsultazzjoni li ghandu jwassal ghat-twaqqif ta Agenzija ghall-harsien tal-Konsumatur. Chris Said enfasizza li bit-twaqqif ta' din l-agenzija, il-Gvern se jkun qed iwaqqaf struttura li taghmel l-ahjar uzu tar-rizorsi diga' eziztenti. L-ghan tal-agenzija se jkun li thares l-interessi tal-konsumatur permezz ta' aktar tixrid ta' informazzjoni dwar id-drittijiet li l-konsumaturi ghandhom, taghmel analizi tal-prezzijiet tas-suq kif ukoll tindirizza lmenti bejn il-bejjiegha u l-konsumaturi.

L-ghan tal-agenzija mhux li timponi prezzijiet fuq il-bejjiegha imma li tassigura li ma jkunx hemm abbuz fis-suq lokali. Chris Said fahhar hafna lill-GRTU ta' kemm dejjem kienet minn ta' quddiem biex tressaq mizuri konkreti permezz ta' djalogu. Chris Said sahaq li ser jutilizza n-nies ahjar u jikkonsulta mall-GRTU. 

Paul Abela ddeskriva l-operat ta' Chris Said bhala mudell ta' kif ghandu jitmexxa process ta' konsultazzjoni u enfasizza li l-agenzija l-gdida ma twassalx ghall-bzonn ta' aktar rizorsi imma tkun wahda li tirrifletti l-htigijiet tas-suq Malti llum. 

Carmen Borg –

GRTU’s Director General physically assaulted

Today, at around noon, Sandro Chetcuti,a property developer and a member of the GRTU Executive Council, asked to speak in private with Mr. Vincent Farrugia, Director General GRTU. After this discussion, in full view of the staff present at the GRTU offices,  Mr. Chetcuti, suddenly and without any provocation, physically assaulted Mr. Farrugia, threw him to the ground, punched and kicked him repeatedly, whilst threatining Mr. Farrugia with his life. It was only on the intervention of those present outside Mr Farrugia's office that prevented further serious  injury to the person of Mr. Farrugia.The President and the Executive Council of GRTU condemn without reservation the attack on the Director General. Mr. Farrugia is currently recovering in hospital and is in a stable condition. The President and Executive Council wish him a speedy recovery.

The Police are investigating.


 GRTU met Mr Rodrigo Martinez who was short listed as Honorary consul in Paraguay. He is 33 years old has graduated in the US, owns a family business with 1000 hectares of land breeding pedigree bulls. GRTU provided the representative with guidelines on which Malta and Paraguay can collaborate and what opportunities Malta has to offer for Paraguay.


Mr Martinez explained that Paraguay was a Spanish colony and the influence is still very felt also because they speak Spanish. Migration went mostly to Algeria and Spain. As products they are strong in the agricultural sector and semi-finished products. Members interested in doing business with Paraguay should contact GRTU.

Abigail Mamo –

Malta Red Cross a voluntary organisation invites you to become a corporate member of the Society

As a valuntary organisation, the Malta Red Cross Society, which forms part of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Moviment, depends very much on the financial assistance given by the public for its activities. Amongst its work, the Society is involved  with the Government assisting in Disaster Preparedness and Response, Health Services, teaching of First Aid, assisting in migrant camps, humanitarian aid and tracing services.

The work is undertaken both in Malta and Gozo, with full collaboration both with Government and local authorities and agencies. Moreover it is involved in humanitarian and training activities overseas; at the moment a Malta Red Cross team is in Swaziland training the local Red Cross volunteers in First Aid as well as collecting funds for International Red Cross relief work in Haiti.

The Malta Red Cross would be most grateful if your company could, like other major institutions like BOV, HSBC, Foster Clarks, Corinthia group, Freeport, Lufthansa Technik, become a corporate member of the Society.

For a yearly contribution of €1165 your company will be entitled to 1 free Basic First Aid Course of 15 persons per group. The list corporate members will be included in Malta Red Cross newsletter which is issued three times a year and is widely distributed both locally and abroad. It is pertinent to point out that the certificates issued by the Malta Red Cross bear European accreditation which makes them acceptable throughout the countries of the European Union.

For further information kindly contact Professor Frederick Fenech on tel: 21 222646 fax: 21 243664 or on e-mail


EU Tackles Market Access Barriers in Retail in Vietnam and Malaysia

Good news for retailers investing or planning to invest in Vietnam and Malaysia: in the framework of its Market Access Partnership, the European Commission will tackle your market access barriers to these countries as a priority, among a small number of priority issues for specific countries.


Vietnam: Economic Needs Tests

On 1st January 2009, Vietnam opened its distribution market to 100% foreign ownership as part of its WTO commitments. However, Vietnam has scheduled an Economic Needs Test (ENT) for any outlet beyond the first one. There seems to be no implementing legislation to clarify the ENT criteria, which results in discretionary interpretation by different local authorities of the criteria contained in the GATS schedule. The lack of implementing rules, in particular clarification of ENTs, is creating legal uncertainty for EU companies.

Malaysia: Discriminatory Constraints on Foreign Operators and Lack of Transparency

New guidelines regulating Distributive Trade will come into force in March. These will:

  • Continue to provide for significant limits on the possibility to open new hypermarket outlets, however adding a discriminatory element as applying only to foreign investors. Economic Needs Tests will be applied more strictly than until now.
  • Continue to put a requirement on shop owners to provide 30% of shelf space to goods of local origin, which would be in violation of the GATT/TRIMs agreement.

Also of interest to retailers could be the following market access case which the Commission identified with regard to Tunisia:

Tunisia: Alcoholic Beverages – Non-Transparent Import Procedures, Restrictions

Non-transparent import procedures (imports through a single private monopoly and lack of transparency concerning import licences) and discriminatory import duties lead to import restrictions. These practices substantially hinder the access of European alcoholic beverages to the Tunisian market and explain why EU exports of wines and spirits fall short of their potential in Tunisia.

Abigail Mamo

GRTU meets the Ambassador Kmiec – US

GRTU has this week met the US Ambassador Douglas Kmiec and Political, Economical and Financial Officer Thomas Yeager. GRTU explained that the US is the ambassador of free enterprise and this is what we want Malta to achieve. We have had plenty of meetings with US representatives however nothing concrete has come out of it.


The Ambassador asked whether the GRTU heard of any complaints of the legal system being long and inexplicable. This not due to a particular case but due to bureaucracy and Government revenue. GRTU explained that in Malta we have an arbitration centre however probably because it does not create enough revenue lawyers do not advertise it enough. There is also the small claims tribunal. It is however true that we get complaints on the delays in our legal system.

The ambassador asked how capable is Malta to monitor regulatory movements in the EU and manage to influence them. GRTU explained that Malta is very capable in presenting its views. In one way or another we manage to keep up and influence. It is true we have our limitations in resources and power however we fair well considering everything.

GRTU was asked what other factors do we consider as hampering small businesses. GRTU said that access to finance is one of the biggest factors as our banks are still very conservative. Banks tend to however favour more foreign investors as Malta Enterprise would guarantee for them.

When asked which are the emerging and most promising sectors at the time GRTU answered that IT, Gaming, Healthcare, retirement tourism and green technology and the new and most promising ones at the time.

The ambassador explained to us that he was one of the few Americans who new what Malta was and were Malta is. When asked on his impressions of us Maltese he said that the Maltese seem to have a strong commitment to their culture, society and family, and to him all these factors have led to the economic success of Malta. The only thing he at first was perplexed about was Malta's principle of neutrality. However he understands that the way Malta perceives neutrality is that in comparison to other countries, by way that Malta's security comes first when considering military alliance. He is pleased this principle is not utilised by Malta to preclude it from developing safety relations such as terrorism operations because Malta to them is very important in view of the South.

Abigail Mamo –

Il-GRTU tiltaqa’ mas-Sur Busuttil Sindku ta` Hal-Safi

Il-GRTU iltaqghet mas-Sindku sabiex jigi diskuss xoghol li bhalissa qieghed isir fic-centru tar-rahal. Din il-laqgha saret minhabba li d-devjazzjoni tat-traffiku li kellhom isiru tul l-perjodu tax-xoghlijiet ma gewx onorati u fuq talba ta' l-istess Kunsill Triq San Pawl giet konvertita one way sabiex jigi eliminat kull dhul lejn ic-centru tar-rahal hlief ghat-trasport pubbliku. Dan l-arrangament temporanju beda b'effett mis-6 ta' Frar 2010 u se jibqa sakemm jitlestew ix-xoghlijiet fi Triq Valletta Zurrieq.


Il-GRTU giet infurmata minn membri li joperaw fl-akwati li b'dan l-arrangament l-business taghhom kien qed jigi affetwat fin-negattiv u ghaldaqstant talbu lill-GRTU sabiex tintervjeni u ssib l-ahjar soluzzjoni.

Il-GRTU infurmat lill-Kunsill li s-soltu qabel isiru xoghlijiet li jikkoncernaw zoni kummercjali tigi infurmata sabiex flimkien isibu l-ahjar mod ta' kif jsir ix-xoghol minghajr ma jkun ta' inkonvinjent ghal hadd. Il-Kunsill spjega li kif originarjament gie organizzat ix-xoghol hadd ma kien ser jigi affetwat u ghaldaqstant il-Kunsill hass li ma kienx hemm ghalfejn l-GRTU tigi infurmata.  Li gara irraporta l-Kunsill kien li ma giex onoratat id-devjazzjoni tat-traffiku kif miftiehem.

Il-GRTU kienet ser tibqa issegwi l-effett ta' kif qieghed jigi affetwat l-business. Il-Kunsill kellu jibqa f'komunikazzjoni mall-GRTU u ma jittiehdu l-ebda decizjonijiet jekk mhux maqbula bejn iz-zewg partijiet.

Carmen Borg – 

European Mediterranean and Economic Forum

GRTU President and Director General have last week participated in this Forum representing both the GRTU and Malta. The aim of this Forum is to strengthen the economic relations with the involved Mediterranean countries, to further the opportunities of collaboration and investment opportunities for Italian companies. Organising the event were il Ministero degli Affari Esteri, il Ministero dello Sviluppo Economico, la Confindustria, l'Istituto Nazzionale per il Commercio Estero and l'Associazione Bancaria Italiana. With the help of the organisers the Government made a tremendous effort to build the idea of Rome as capitale del Mediterraneo. This is the second meeting that was held and participants were of high level delegations from Algeria, Tunisia, Morocco, Egypt, Libya, Syria, Palestinian Territories, Gordon, Lebanon, Cyprus, Turkey and Israel.

Vincent Farrugia –