Exemption for RCVs/Skip Loaders

 GRTU had earlier this month written to Hon Minister Tonio Fenech  regarding the Exemptions for RCV's/ Skip Loaders. GRTU had remarked that it had now been waiting far too long for exemption to be actually put in place and that the delay from Government's side was in turn delaying the much needed reform and the creation of an association doubling the work of GRTU on the issue.


Delays from the Government end in revising this exemption had created hardship to many operators who bought vehicles, having to have these vehicles garaged. GRTU had also expressed its hope that once the exemption is issued no penalties are charged to owners for delay in registering their vehicles. GRTU clarified that these vehicles are with built-in weighing facilities and are much needed for the Waste Management Reform.

GRTU is now pleased to note that the exemption order was issued last week and a copy will shortly be forwarded to all those who are in the waste management sector. In addition the RCVs that were in Malta and not registered due to this delay will not be penalised.

GRTU would like to express its gratitude to Hon Minister Fenech, Mr Alfred Camilleri, Perm Sec at the Ministry for Finance  as well as the Ministry for Resources and Rural Affairs.

Business organisations warn of negative consequences of Council Agreement on Eurovignette

 Business organisations remain sceptical after the political agreement found on 15 October by Member States in the EU Transport Council. The agreement contains elements which could be very damaging to European road transport businesses, say EuroCommerce and UEAPME.


In the Transport Council of 15 October, Member States agreed to apply the "user pays" principle to the road transport sector by suggesting to charge heavy goods vehicles (HGV) for noise and air pollution, and to allow Member States to levy a higher infrastructure charge to try to reduce congestion.

Business organisations are concerned by this approach. While congestion is no longer mentioned explicitly as an externality, the proposed variation of up to 175% will still hit businesses hard. Not only are companies that rely on transport not directly responsible for congestion, which is caused by the lack of alternatives and insufficient road infrastructure, but they still have to bear the extra fuel and time costs caused by traffic jams.

Furthermore, the proposal does not offer a solution for the externalities of other modes and road users. Business organisations regret that the issue is not part of a global policy to green the entire transport sector and reject the notion that the road transport sector should effectively foot the bill for all road users and even other modes.

By abandoning compulsory earmarking of revenue to the transport sector, Member States are also missing out on an opportunity to support the sector's efforts to green itself for the long-term. Without earmarking, national authorities are free to divert revenue to other areas of their budget unrelated to transport – leaving businesses to wonder whether the tolls are a charge or a tax. Consequently transport will be more expensive without any benefits for the environment. Taxing will not result in a shift to other modes of transport but simply in an increase of costs which businesses and consumers will have to bear.

The extension to HGV between 3.5 and 12 tonnes will also create uncertainty, since Member States would be left free to decide which vehicles they want to apply the charges to. This goes against the main purpose of this proposal, which is to introduce more transparency in EU road charging. This also means that SMEs, the main users of smaller vehicles, will be hit even harder.

EuroCommerce and UEAPME urge the European Parliament to take the interests of European businesses into account in its second reading and ensure a balanced solution and a level-playing field for the companies that rely on transport in their everyday activities. The Eurovignette will only achieve its aim if the funds generated are earmarked to improve and to green the entire transport sector. 

Beef slaughtering…At a standstill for two weeks

 Developments at the Horse Abattoir at a stalemate as the Abattoir manager, Mr. Fenech Gonzi, and Veterinary Chief Dr. Anthony Gruppetta withheld the permit of breeders and middlemen to be present at the slaughter house and new arrangements have been put in force that effectively have made the slaughter of beef uneconomic.


GRTU in representation of middle-man has been seeking a solution to this impasse as breeders are now faced with additional costs of live animals while middlemen are effectively out of business.

A meeting is being held this week with the Permanent Secretary from the Ministry of Resources and Rural Affairs in a final attempt to seek a practical way out, but middlemen and breeders are not convinced that Government is really interested in keeping the beef production going. GRTU believes that the Ministry is seeking excuses to kill off middlemen. Breeders however need the middleman (bicciera) as they are the people who know the market and they are the best assurance that what breeders produce is all sold on the local market.

Budget 2011: The Forgotten Micro & Small Enterprise

So Government, against all economic logic, decides to tax producers. Construction, which is still not out of recession and costs are eating up profitably has been additionally burdened by a rise of €9 in the duty applicable on every tone of cement. This at a time when most construction products are derived from cement and when prices of constructed units are still deflated.


Worst still is the increase in the duty on fuels. On paper Government wants to see a shift towards public transport. It may happen when the dream of a top noted public transport services is brought to reality, if ever. But right now the alternative to vehicle transport, especially for most of enterprises in the distributive, trades and in services, is nil.

The cost of the additional price in diesel will be reflected immediately in the cost of services. The impact on the Retail Price Index of Fuel increases is dramatic as it will be transposed on the price of many other products and services when fuel costs are an important input item. A waste carrier, a transporter and any other heavy vehicle will see a €40-€50 increase a week per truck in regular use. The cost of transport will go up.

And what's the logic of all this. Government is frightened to cover expenses, afraid of trade unions, afraid of civil society groups, afraid if NGOs. But Government is not afraid of enterprises. Enterprise does not strike. Enterprise carry the burdens. Most times they cannot even dismiss workers it is unfair to blame workers and workers are today an important element of small enterprises. Theoretically they should put up prices. Some do whenever they can but many others cannot. They are still in a depressed cost-cutting stage of the market. They may be tied to time contracts. They may be tied up by contract to a Local Council and Government Authority where money is not available.

If GDP grows as a result of financial instability, e-gaming and professional services to Government, micro and small firms, which together now according to Jason Azzopardi are a force of 65,000, in Budget 2011 get practically nothing. Their costs are going up.

Their enthusiasm is going down. That's how things stand.

Il-GRTU titlob ghal revizjoni fis-sistema tal-valutazzjoni tal-proprjeta`

Il-GRTU gibdet l-attenzjoni tal-Ministru Dr Tonio Fenech u l-Ministru Dolores Christina ghall-kwistjoni serja li l-membri taghha mis-settur tal-kostruzzjoni u l-izvilupp ghandhom mall-Ufficcju tat-Taxxi Interni (Monte di Pieta').


Il-kwistjoni tirrigwarda z-zmien li fih xoghol gewwa sit tal-kostruzzjoni jigi stmat ghal finijiet ta' taxxa. L-Ufficcju tat-Taxxi Interni ma jorbotx lill-kuntrattur jibdiex x-xoghol jew le fil-gurnata prevvista fil-permess mahrug mill-MEPA, izda meta jibghat l-Perit mill-Ufficcju tat-Taxxi Interni sabiex jevalwa l-proprjeta', jevalwawha fuq dak li jsibu.

Din s-sitwazzjoni tigri meta l-kuntrattur jinqabad fi zmien hazin bhal ma hi ghaddejja l-industrija tal-kostruzzjoni bhalissa. Ix-xoghol hu skars u l-kuntrattur ma jaffordjax izomm in-nies bil-paga u bla xoghol sakemm jasal fuq il-post il-Perit sabiex jaghmel valutazzjoni tal-proprjeta'. L-alternattiva hi li  jkecci n-nies, haga li l-ebda kuntrattur m'ghandu jkun kostrett li jaghmel.

Il-GRTU mhiex qed tirreferi ghal xoghlijiet ta' kontroversja, jekk jsirux jew le izda xoghol normali li ghalihom jkun lest li jerfa' r-responsabbilta' l-kuntrattur. Li qed jigri illum huwa li l-Periti nkarigati minn dan ix-xoghol qeghdin jistmaw sit ta' kostruzzjoni meta jmorru fuq il-post, gieli xhur shah wara li jkun sar kuntratt, minghajr ma jaghtu kaz (1) liema xoghilijiet kienu saru wara l-kuntratt jew (2) f'kaz ta' bejgh ta' sit mibdi, minghajr ma jaghtu kaz min mill-bejjiegh jew ix-xerrej ikun wettaq dak ix-xoghol.

Il-GRTU qalet li hi disposta li tiltaqa' ma min hu ikkoncernat biex tinhadem sistema aktar adatta u fl-istess hin titlob l-intervent taghkom biex din is-sitwazzjoni titranga.

Fruit Juices: Proposal to ban sugar

 The Commission has adopted a proposal to amend the Fruit Juice Directive (Directive 2001/112/EC) which governs the production, composition and labelling of fruit juices.









One of the amendments being proposed is a ban on the addition of sugar. The addition of sugar would be allowed only for nectars and some very specific products covered by the Directive, and this must be clearly indicated in the product label. This is in line with the Commission's policy of reducing added sugars in products and promoting a balanced diet.

Sustainable construction matchmaking event

 An event is being organised by Malta Enterprise for prominent Maltese entrepreneurs operating in the construction sector and adjacent industries. The event is the Sustainable Construction B2B Matchmaking event in Sweden on 23-24 November 2010.


The event will also be attended by Swedish and Norwegian R&D institutes which are at the moment conducting a lot of research in the sustainable construction are, including waste management. One of the innovative highlights is the use of wood as a primary material instead of brick/concrete.

This event will run in conjunction with Wooden Cities 2012 (Trastad 2012) – a Swedish nationwide initiative focusing on the climate, wood construction and sustainable urban development. This enables us to attend the matchmaking, the seminars/workshops and also a smaller exhibition with Swedish companies active in sustainable construction.

Please find attached our latest brochure regarding this very important matchmaking event which I hope will be of interest to you or your colleague. Please keep in mind that you may be eligible for a 60% reimbursement of your travelling and hotel costs.

If you are interested to participate contact Abigail Mamo @ GRTU.

Intellectual property rights

Recently the European Commission has launched a survey regarding Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) protection and enforcement in third countries, targeting EU companies established or operating in third countries (i.e. outside of the EU). The replies to this survey will be taken into account by the EU in reviewing its priorities.


In order to ensure representative conclusions, the survey has been uploaded online in order to make it more accessible to all. The survey, which consists of around 20 questions, includes a brief description of the respondent and specific information about actual infringements suffered by right holders.

The survey is specifically targeted at companies based in Malta who in some way or another operate also outside the EU.

We would be grateful if you could kindly answer the online questionnaire. This will help raise awareness on IPR infringements in countries outside the EU. The deadline for the online survey is the 26th of October 2010 end of business.
Survey can be accessed online on: 