The 14th Edition of Bangalore IT.Bitz

The 14th edition of Bangalore event will be held from October 18 to 20, 2011 at The Lalit Ashok, Bangalore. The event is organised by the Government of Karnataka in association with Software Technology Parks of India (STPI), Bangalore. Leading Industry Associations such as National Association of Software & Services Companies (NASSCOM), India Semiconductor Association (ISA), Manufacturers' Association for Information Technology (MAIT), Electronics City Industries Association (ELCIA), Association of Bangalore Animation Industry (ABAI), Federation of Indian Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises (FISME) etc., are supporting the event, Bangalore, which is acknowledged as India's biggest and most sought-after ICT event in the Asia Pacific region. 


The Event would have Multi-track Conference, Exhibition, CEO Conclave, B2B Meetings, National Rural IT Quiz and IT Export Awards Function, attracting participation of over 1000 delegates, 150 exhibitors and about 750 organisations, encompassing IT majors, Tech firms, Start-Ups, Academia, R&D Centers, Government Agencies, Policy Makers and Investors. IT majors like Infosys, Wipro, HCL, Intel, Microsoft, IBM, HP, CISCO, Mahindra Satyam, DELL and many others are also participating.

The focal theme of the event for this year is ‘India Innovates'. The Conference will include focus tracks on:  

  • Aadhaar: Next Y2K
  • Nurturing Eco-System for making India R & D and Innovation Hub;
  • Meeting the Human Resources Deficit through Innovative approach in Skill Development
  • Animation, Gaming & VFX
  • Electronics System Design & Manufacturing
  • IT & Green Technology,
  • Cloud Computing
  • Innovations in Telecom
  • National GIS a Critical Infrastructure for Govt, Enterprises & Citizens with Focus on Urban living.

For a copy of the brochure kindly contact GRTU

Get Exposure For Your Idea Malta Innovation Awards 2011

 The aim of these Awards is to recognise the efforts of individuals and companies that have taken their ideas and concepts or their operational processes a step forward. Through these Awards, Government is encouraging the development of Innovative ideas and products which have a degree of potential that is both unique and sustainable


The three categories of the Malta Innovation Awards 2011 are as follows:

Award for Creative Innovation

Creative Innovation is mainly based on original renderings that significantly contribute to the recognised artistic sectors such as the literary, musical, or visual compositions, as well as computer programs.

Award for Scientific Innovation

Scientific Innovation is based on advanced knowledge generated by science students, academics and professionals, which are used in the creation of a new idea, the understanding or discovery of a new scientific concept and the creation of a new device, process or product. This should be a result of research & development together with experiments which are scientifically based.

Award for Technological Innovation

Technological Innovation involves new or improved tools that result in problem solving through their novel application, thereby enhancing the outcome of  a particular process from the use of such equipment or implements.

Each of these three Award Categories will be further split into two types:

Young Innovators

This is open for individuals or groups of individuals between 15 and 25 years of age.


This is open for individuals or groups of individuals over 25 years of age or enterprises.

All Applicants must be Maltese nationals, groups of Maltese individuals or enterprises that are established in Malta.

Prize Money

There shall be six prizes in total, two in each Category. The three winners of each category (Creative Innovation, Scientific Innovation and Technological Innovation) for Young Innovators shall receive €10,000 each. The three winners for each category (Creative Innovation, Scientific Innovation and Technological Innovation) for Innovators shall receive €15,000 each.

WIPO Recognition

Projects accepted for the Malta Innovation Awards

will also be eligible for an award from the World

Intellectual Property Organisation

Equality between women and men

 The GRTU, Malta Chamber for SMEs, has recently participated in a conference to debate and stimulate progress on the advancing issues for gender equality identified at the European Commission.  


During the first session the Commission presented for debate the 'Strategy for equality between men and women (2010 – 2015)', within  which this strategy is and will  be implemented. The Conference also discussed in detail the priorities for gender equality policies at European level and the new challenges for gender equality in the 21st century.

The conference discussed the Equal economic independence and the contribution of women in  achieving the Europe 2020 targets. Discussed in detail were the causes and consequences of the current employment rate of women in the context  of the employment target set by Europe 2020 Strategy for smart sustainable  and inclusive growth. It also explored ideas and initiatives to progress the employment rate of women within the Europe 2020 strategy with comparisons between European and international initiatives.

The Equal pay for equal work and work of equal value, responding to uunequal pay was presented for discussion.This session discussed the obstacles to advancing equal pay for women and men, the responses required to unequal pay and the case for action on this issue. It explored ideas and initiaties to advance equal pay between women and men. The International comparative approaches in the field of equal pay policies, addressing the gender pay gap and the point of view of the European Social Partners were discussed in detail.

A debate took place about the life cycle perspective on economic equality for women and men. It examined the causes and consequences of gender inequalities in the sharing of caring responsabilities, the impact of parenthood and the impact of demographic ageing. It also explored ideas and initiatives to advance gender equality in these areas over the lifecycle. In detail also discussed were; the sharing care responsabilities between women and men; women and men's careers: the impact of parenthood and the demographic ageing and the shared consequences between women and men.

The last session commenced by discussing the dignity, integrity and an end to gender-based violence eliminating all forms of gender-based violence. This session presented for debate the levels, forms and sources of violence against women and the responses developed to these issues. It explored ideas and initiatives to advance the struggle to eliminate all forms of gender based violence by discussing violence against women in Europe, combating violence against women and domestic violence, the gender aspect of the European anti-trafficking policy and also the NGO's actions for Women's dignity.

The Equality in decision making: diverse approaches for gender balanced corporate boards were also discussed and diverse instruments were presented to improve the gender balance in corporate boards such as the quota legislation: an effective tool to make rapid progress, the self-regulatory measures to promote gender balanced boards and an example of good practice by the corporate sector.

The participants came from many different countries within and outside Europe. Participants included Public Sector Officials, MEP's, Researchers, Representatives from NGO's, Ombudsman, Trade Union Officials and Representatives and others. The Conference was attended by approximately four hundred participants.

Green MT 23,000 tons of recyclable waste recovered in two calendar years

Green mt has from July 01, 2009 to End June 2011 recovered 23, 726 tons of recyclable materials from 41 Local Councils and a large number of commercial establishments. It is an  outstanding achievment in the period. The communities of 41 Local Councils across Malta and Gozo were essential in finally providing such a recovery.


Green mt has to date 1321 registered members to the Scheme. It is to be noted that the Scheme had 13 members in 2009, 120 in 2010, 329 by end March 2011. The figure of 1000 members has been reached after an agreed sustainability programm agreed between MEPA , the Competent Authority , and both Waste Packaging Compliance Schemes aimed to make sure these operations continue to be built on a sound footing.

The volume of packaging waste registered with Green mt is now just over 20, 000 tons annually. The total volume of packaging currently placed in the market by producers( importers)  for 2011 is estimated at 90,000 tons. This means that although we now have over 1321 members, there are still many others who are either still out there and registered with MEPA and  not paying an Authorised Scheme  . The Scheme, Green mt at present has 23% of all packaging waste placed on the market.

A number of new registrations are producers who currently pay Eco Contribution and as from Monday 3rd October 2011 they can  apply for exemption from Eco Contribution. To date we have noted that  an addittional 50 members are liable to an Eco Contribution Exemption. The Scheme currently has 66 members who are exempt from Eco Contribution and as thus the figure will soon rise to 116 out of 1321 members. Thus only 9% of the Scheme members are liable to Exemption.

However an assesment is being made to outline the volume of packaging waste placed in the market from these 121 members and the percentage of weight this represents in respect to the total current market placement.

The Scheme continues to provide operations in 41 Local Councils. Agreements with some of these Local Councils will terminate at the end of 2011 and we are now working on an internal strategy in respect to servicing localities in the future. We have increased our efforts in both collection strategies and also cleaning of Bring in Sites which seems to be the problem most noticed by the Local Councils.  However we need the support of Wasteserv to make these operations viable.

In Gozo , Green mt has changed its cleaning and upkeep strategy of Bring In Sites and the change has already given the desired results. We always keep in mind the concept of delivering a service to our communities, be they small or large. However changes in strategies come at a cost to Green mt and sustainability of the operation is also a primary target.

Green mt utilises only Wasteserv Authorised facilities for its operation. Wasteserv need to understand that they need to be able to function efficiently if they expect Green mt or any other Scheme to continue to work with them. Green mt is blunt. Currently there seems to be no end to the gross inefficiencies at Wasteserv. Wasteserv cannot expect the business community to shoulder either its inefficiences or the results of decisions taken in the past.  In Malta, Green mt provides over 78% of all material recyclables received at Waste serv Malta Limited. Green mt already recovers 40% of its materials from segregated sources, but if in so doing Green mt does not obtain a financial benefit, then something must be really going wrong at Wasteserv.

Green mt backed by the business community will not pay for what goes on at Wasteserv. Green mt will not be made to pay for services provided from its nose. Green mt will not succumb due to the inefficiences of Wasteserv.

Wasteserv is a Government owned company and as such finally whatever is happening at Wasteserv is the responsability of Government. It is not fair that choices and decisions taken in the past now have to be burdened by the business community in financial terms……we will stand up to be counted when the day of reckoning comes…and that hopefully is not far away!

Gas Distributors – When will a decision be taken?

The Gas distributors organised within GRTU have to date been left in the dark as to where their future lies. Currently GRTU awaits eagerly the publication of amendments to Legal Notice 249 of 2008. It was in itself this Legal Notice in the first place, back in October 2008, that placed the distributors in no man's land. It is  a part of history and now whoever was responsable for that Legal Notice seems adamant to move the clockwork backwards.


GRTU insists on a decision to be taken as soon as possible as currently distributors are under pressure from both companies who have authorisation to distribute LPG cylinders in the market.

The companies, both Liquigas and Easygas continue to insist with Government that their authorisations should hold water. In the meantime they want distributors to work under their own conditions , whatever those conditions are. It is of course not acceptable. The distributors had a licence and a valid agreement. They do not want compensation. They want work and more work, anything else will fail to satisfy their families at the end of the month. Taking ages to decide on such an issue is not the right way forward. It might not be an easy decision, but this is Malta and we need to make sure that any decision taken is for the better of the end customer who for years unending has been serviced by a Gas Distributor.

Maltese Employers Representative urges EU to Invest In Transport Infrastructure

GRTU Director General Vincent Farrugia as representative of Maltese employers at the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) spoke on Monday 12th September at the Extraordinary General Meeting of the Transport Category of EESC in Brussels. Within the Transport Category Mr Farrugia represents Maltese transport categories on the current situation in the Mediterranean with particular reference to the importance of new investment in transport infrastructure as an essential tool to help the European economies meet the threat of slow growth and weak economic development.


Mr Farrugia said that his organisation, the Malta Chamber of SMEs, has taken particular interest in the importance of the EU investing more specifically in the whole European transport infrastructure and in support of improved transport infrastructure connecting the EU Member States with the countries neighbouring the EU. Vincent Farrugia emphasised particularly the importance of improved connections with the countries who desperately seek to prove that the democratisation process leads to better economic standards for all.  Fostering better economic and commercial relationships with these countries is now more important than ever before and direct investment in the necessary transport infrastructure will benefit both the EU Member States who themselves seek new investment to provide jobs and economic growth as well as these North African and Middle East countries as they seek to create new job opportunities for their masses of unemployed persons. The North African countries that are now struggling to democratize and reform their economies on free enterprise principles and modern economic development look for new investments that make the Euro-Med economic dream come true.

Vince Farrugia said that the transport network in Europe, especially road, rail and sea transport has remained practically the same for decades and investment has not matched the requirements of an enlarged Europe and an extended common frontier with important economic regions. The full economic potential of the enlarged Europe and the extended frontier has not been redeemed as it should have been as the investment in transport infrastructure has been limited and as a result great economic possibilities for growth, new productive investment and new and great employment possibilities have been lost. Mr Farrugia emphasised that the time for investment for the future and to redeem the mistakes of the past is now. He said that history has shown that investment in the infrastructure is in reverse proportion to the figures for economic growth in Europe. As long as things look bright the interest in new investment in the infrastructure is lukewarm and investment depends on what EU member states can afford to include in their capital budgets. As the economic recession struck and the importance of budget deficit control become more urgent, investment in transport infrastructure suffered even further.

Indeed the situation should be reversed with urgency as new investment in infrastructure is not only important to revive the economy of many European Regions and lift consumer demand as the disposable income of the unemployed and economically deprived sections of the population rise, but it is in itself an essential step for the implementation of the new Transport Roadmap with the emphasis on new decarbonisation of transport targets by 2030. The new infrastructure investment must reach out to meet the shortfalls in connectivity with the neighbouring countries of Eastern Europe, Central Asia and the North African side of the Mediterranean. Particular and immediate attention should be given to the countries in North Africa and the Middle East that are struggling to democratise and foster better and more advantageous economic links with the member states of the European Union. The EU cannot just stare at the challenge ahead. 

This is the time to invest in the infrastructure, emphasised Vince Farrugia, as the recession that many thought was over is still with us and the economic rebound at the level that is necessary to put back Europe at the rate of growth that we all desire will not happen if we continue to face the future with the tools of yesterday. The European Union needs to provide the necessary means so that the financing could materialise. When the crises hit, the European Union , almost overnight, funded the financial institutions for up to five thousand billion Euro, money that little of which translated into direct investment that generates economic growth and productive employment. Now the strategy must change and the EU must provide the incentives and guaranties so that the billions of investments that are needed can be provide by the financial institutions without risking a new wave of deficit financing by governments who may opt for public direct investments instead of financing the transport infrastructure investments needed through increases in the public debts of Member States.

It is essential that this massive investment programme is financed by new financing mechanisms. The European Union must be the catalyst that provides the necessary stimulus package geared towards specific lines of investment and the transport infrastructure must appear as a top priority. The stimulus package this time round should create the right incentives and guarantees necessary   for the financial institutions to be willing to provide the billions in funds that are needed to finance a massive programme of new investments. With the right support and the appropriate loan guarantees the financial institutions could do for the transport category what they did for property development in the pre-recession years. In those years the financial institutions created the massive credit mountain at the expense of the mortgages of millions of householders. Before the crisis they caused a never ending boom in the property markets using the investments of millions of people throughout the globe to create a bubble of credit that lead to a financial crisis that the world has never witnessed before. This time round credit must be created with the support of the authorities, but not to create bubbles but to provide for the stability of the future.

Simply supporting the financial institutions through financial stimulus packages as happened when the crisis hit hard and at level of financing never before dreamt of is not good enough as the financial institutions will, and this has been proved, not invest necessarily in what is socially and economically desirable, but in what is profitable for them. For them to invest and provide credit to sectors like transport infrastructure they need the guarantees of government or the support of special financial instruments. Europe must act, through new schemes of financing. The European Union can create a revolution in transport infrastructure that would bring forth new investment in civil engineering projects and new plants and transport systems in air, road, rail and sea transport. The challenge is large but the economic potential is tremendous.

At the end of the discussion the Transport Category invited Vincent Farrugia to present a Paper in the next Transport Category meeting in October detailing the specific requirements of transport investment in the centre of the Mediterranean with particular emphasis on the urgent need to rebuild the infrastructure that connects with Libya.


Information Document: On food for infants, children and special medical purposes


The proposal revises the legislation on foodstuffs intended for particular nutritional uses covered by Directive 2009/39/EC the so-called ‘Framework Directive on dietetic foods'. Foodstuffs for particular nutritional uses are foods that are different from foods for normal consumption and are, as currently regulated, specially manufactured products intended to satisfy the particular nutritional requirements of specific categories of the population. The designation under which a dietetic food is sold is accompanied by a suitability statement for the particular nutritional use and the specific group of the population to whom the food is intended, e.g.: gluten-free food for celiac people, processed cereal-based food for young children, infant formulae for infants from birth etc. The evolution of both the food market and food legislation makes an overall revision necessary. The application of the broad concept of "foodstuffs for particular nutritional uses" on which the Framework Directive is based in the evolved market and legal context has led to considerable problems for stakeholders and controlling authorities. The classification of many foods as 'dietetic' foods and the need for such a category of foods has been seriously questioned, although the desirability of maintaining rules on certain specific categories of foods actually addressing nutritional benefits for certain sub-groups of the population is being recognized.


Consequently, in pursuing the objectives of better regulation and simplification, the proposal aims to rectify this situation by simplifying and clarifying the rules that apply to products regulated as 'dietetic' foods, taking into account the evolution of the regulatory measures in relevant areas.

Main changes being proposed

The proposal simplifies and clarifies legal requirements applying to certain categories of foods and establishes a single list of substances that may be added to the foods ('Union list') covered by this proposal. In particular, it:

  • provides a new general Framework legislation applying to well-defined categories of foods that have been identified as essential for certain well-established groups of consumers with specific nutritional needs;
  • establishes a clear and defined scope of application;
  • maintains specific measures for categories of foods that are essential for certain groups of the population;
  • lays down general rules as regards the composition and labelling applying to these categories of foods;
  • removes differences in interpretation and difficulties for Member States and operators in applying different pieces of food legislation by simplifying the regulatory environment;
  • removes the burdens associated with the notification procedure;
  • ensures that similar products are treated in the same way across the Union;
  • removes rules that have become unnecessary, contradictory and potentially conflicting;
  • establishes a single legal measure for substances that can be added to the foods covered by this proposal.

For further detail, you are kindly requested to consult the attached proposal itself.


Your comments regarding this consultation document and the attached proposal are kindly being requested. Comments are to reach the Regulatory Affairs Directorate within the Technical Regulations Division, in writing or via email by Friday 23rdSeptember 2011

Should any further information be required kindly contact the Regulatory Affairs Directorate of the Technical Regulations Division within the Malta Competition and Consumer Affairs Authority, using the following contact details:

Tel no: +(356) 2395 2000 Fax no.: +(356) 21 242406


Kids and Youth Festival with the participation of retailers

Kutrumbajsa Kids and Youth Arts Festival is the first international festival of performing arts targeting children in Malta. It will be held between Monday 14th November and Sunday 20th November 2011 in a variety of localities in Valletta.


Venues include –  St James Cavalier, Manoel Theatre, MITP, Auberge d'Italie, Auberge de Castille, the President's Palace, Private Palaces and St George's Square

The festival caters performances for Kids and Youths within the 0 – 15 years range. Targeted age groups: 0 – 4 yrs, 2 – 4 yrs, 3+, 6+, 8+, 11+ There is a specific performance specially designed for children with special needs.

Participants hail from the UK, France, Italy, Germany, the Netherlands and Malta

The structure of the festival is as follows:

  • Monday to Friday – morning shows for school children
  • Monday to Friday – evening shows open to the general public
  • Saturday and Sunday – shows all day open to the general public
  • The luminarium in St George's Sqaure will have the following opening hours:




09:00 – 13:00 & 16:00 – 19:00 week days

10:00 – 19:00 weekends

The festival has a multi performance structure, that is there will be various events happening at the same time. All events are free of charge

Why the festival?

Because the performing arts are extremely important for the development of children

  • It stimulates their creativity
  • It helps them make sense of their emotions; it develops
  • their ability to understand
  • It allows them to face their fears in a safe environment
  • It challenges their preconceptions about the world in which
  • they live
  • It develops their aesthetic sense
  • It develops their language and communication skills
  • It introduces them to new ideas and allows them to express opinions






How has it come about?

The festival is under the patronage of the Prime Minister of Malta, who very enthusiastically set the ball rolling for the creation of this international arts festival.

The organisation has been entrusted to St James Cavalier, Centre for Creativity, with the artistic direction of Sarah Spiteri.

The ideas and discussions have been going around for years, but never quite took off for a variety of reasons until now!

This is a very exciting moment…the creation of a children's festival is based on energy, fantasy, a target of excellence and a major objective to portray the performing arts with all the different disciplines, as a fun experience for the kids and youths. 

60 seconds Interview

 Rosanne Galea – Managing Director Future Focus

Why did you become an entrepreneur? I grew tired of working for other people and so I decided to become my own boss.


How have you come to chose your line of business?

I am qualified in that line of business

Where did you go on your last holiday?

To Italy. The thing that impressed me the most was the Country side.

What is your earliest memory?

I was 3 years old when my sister was born.

If you could chose to be someone famous who would you be?

Richard Branson – A famous entrepreneur.