Misbehavior not Alcoholism

GRTU has this week written to Hon Mario Demarco and Hon Jason Azzopardi re LN 228/2011. GRTU told the Hon Parliamentary Secretaries that recent developments have shown that what GRTU has been stating all along was right. The problem is misbehavior trends in youth and not alcoholism. Alcohol abuse is a symptom not a cause.


There is enough evidence from all centres throughout Europe. The remedy which GRTU supports is one of professional surveillance including use of technology. GRTU will do all that is possible to ensure that a professional approach is adopted.

GRTU reminded the Parliamentary Secretaries that it remains contrary to the provisions of LN228/2011. This is a most unjust imposition on all serious retailers throughout Malta, who never abused but serviced clients who expressed their consumer right to purchase alcohol and beverages at the time of their choice.

GRTU requested a meeting to agree on changes to the Legal Notice and remove the unfair punishment LN.228/2011 has imposed on professional retailers and honest consumers.


According to the member – Embellishment fine..but what about parking?

Not enough is being said on the reduction of parking, parking which already existed but is being removed to make way for huge side pavements. I fully understand that embellishment works must be carried out and are important and this is the way it should be but how can you go out with your family with your car when you will not find any parking.

For instance St Paul's Bay has been greatly improved but if its not practical why would I want to take my family there. This is the same problem at the Birgu front where the parking is also being removed. In Rabat above Saqqajja they have made improvements to the parking, which is much nicer but I would go as far as to say that before the embellishment it was better as it fitted double the amount of vehicles. Take Valletta, Valletta should be fully equipped with parking facilities, but they are not doing things right. Is it possible that who is managing the projects has NEVER been abroad as in many centres where I have been there are large car parks, which you could easily mistake for hotels.

Consultation and Competition on Anti tampering L-category Motor vehicles

 The European Commission assisted by TRL, is holding a competition for students and technically-minded people to propose innovative ideas to reduce or prevent tampering of L-category vehicles. (These are mainly two, three or four wheeled vehicles ranging from powered cycles, mopeds and motorcycles, but also include tricycles, quads and mini-cars). Solutions which would prevent tampering on the engine, transmission or emissions of these vehicles.

The so called ‘harmless' modifications that have no adverse effects on safety or environment will not fall under the scope of possible anti-tampering measures. This will not fall under the scope of possible anti-tampering measures in future legislation. This will ensure that customizing L-category vehicles will also be possible and legal in the future. Only measures against ‘harmful tampering' will be taken on L-category vehicles- tampering which has detrimental effects on safety and/or the environment.

The Competition is open to members of the public, schools, riders associations, and anyone who is technically minded across Europe who could contribute to safer L category vehicles.

There is a €500 first prize, €300 second prize and €200 third prize.

The contact e-mail address for the competition is . Please note that deadline is 10 September 2011.

Consultation: EC Small Series Type approval of vehicles

This Directive ensures that the EU market functions properly, whilst enabling manufacturers to benefit from the advantages of the internal market by means of the Community EC type approval.

The EC Small series type approval requirements are covered by Article 22 of the Framework Directive.

In order to prevent abuse, any simplified procedure for small series vehicles is restricted to cases of very limited production (see Annex XII; EC small series limits).

The current List of regulatory acts setting the requirements for the purpose of EC type approval pursuant to Article 22 can be found in Appendix of Annex IV. For ease of reference, please find the Link to Commission website: http://ec.europa.eu/enterprise/sectors/automotive/documents/directives/directive-2007-46-ec_en.htm

It is the Commission's intention to draft new a Regulation to define more precisely the technical and safety requirements applicable for EC small series type approval, thus avoid disputes between type approval authorities on interpretation of what are essential requirements.

Interested parties are encouraged to send their comments/suggestions by 13th September 2011.

Should more information be required kindly contact the Technical Regulations Division, Malta Competition and Consumer Affairs Authority by e-mail: , or

Green MT volume membership exceeds 20,000 tons annually

 Green MT, the National Waste Packaging Compliance Scheme, continues to excel in its operations across the Board. Despite continued efforts by those who should know better to tar our image, Green MT can today confirm that by end of June 2011, results show that its current members, 993 as at the end of June, will exceed 20,000 tons of packaging waste placed on the market for the whole calendar year of 2011. At the time of writing members have exceeded 1240, so this figure is also set to increase.


Green MT has in the first six months of 2011 recovered 6233 tons of recyclable fractions from Local Councils through the grey bag collection, Bring In Sites, Commercial Collections and other private enterprises. In Gozo alone we recovered 410 tons from 11 Local Councils alone. Since the start of operations in July 01, 2009 Green MT has recovered 23,723 tons of recyclable waste fractions.

Green MT continues to provide a service to Local Councils including recoveries from Bring In Sites and also cleaning of the same sites. Of course the summer months have brought with them increased problems next to these sites, mostly mixed waste and other waste streams being dumped there, together with bulky refuse. On instances a number of containers have been burned at a substantial cost to the Scheme. We shall however not be deterred by such actions by those who do not know better. We are here to stay.

Green MT will shortly start one to one discussions with Local Councils to renew agreements for the year 2012. We are committed to provide better services in our community and we will do so despite the obstacles that we find in trying to do so day in day out.

Green MT thanks all those Local Councils and their residents who have contributed so much towards recovering all this volume of recyclable material.

Women in the Board

 Commissioner Reding is striving hard to cause more women to be nominated on the Board of Directors of Companies. In Malta she has the full backing of Chris Said the OPM Parliamentary Secretary. Reding really threatens to impose a 40% women quota on Boards of listed companies. Business community representatives are dead against this. We at GRTU recognise that there is the need of more women but we would object most strongly to any imposition.


Board of Directors like senior management in enterprise are an important economic function and merit and not gender should be the main criteria. GRTU would also object to any selection criteria imposed on private businesses especially small owner managed and mainly family businesses. This not withstanding GRTU recommends, specialised funded schemes to train more people to be able to take Board Directorship and would support special support for women who wish to be trained for such important roles but GRTU would strongly object to the system that is now being adopted in the Public Sector where women are being appointed simply because they are woman and irrespective of whether they have the training and the abilities needed for the roles given. GRTU also objects when men are appointed irrespective of ability and training but based on other criteria.

There is so much that depends on the success of enterprise  – jobs, economic growth, general well-being and quality of life for all, men and women. Choice of leaders on type of genitals is ridiculous.

Importers of Ceramic tiles from China

GRTU has written to importers of ceramic tiles from China because earlier this year an anti-dumping duty was introduced on ceramic tiles originating from China imported in the EU. This introduced a duty in some cases up till 73%.


We have reached a stage where the European Commission is proposing to make the provisional duties definite with some lower changes in the duty. GRTU explained to the importers that the duty is highest where the manufacturers would have not cooperated with the Commission in the anti-dumping investigation.

The GRTU therefore advised that if importers import products which fall under the highest % they should contact their supplier (manufacturer) who can get in touch with the Commission so that the anti-dumping investigation is carried out. If this is done the % will most probably be reduced.

If the difference between the provisional and the definitive duty is confirmed (soon) the difference between the (higher) provisional duty paid at time of importation and the (lower) definitive duty due will be refunded. Members are invited to contact GRTU for help with this procedure.


Direttiva ghall-Petrol Stations: Inaqqsu direttament mill-hlasijiet dovuti lil Enemalta

 Il-kwisjoni ta' l-arretrati tal-GRTU Fund issa ilha tkarkar wisq. Is-Soluzzjoni li qed nimponu nhossu li fic-cirkustanzi hi l-ahjar. Ma jbatux third partes, is-sidien jithallsu u l-Enemalta jkollha lanqas impatt fuq il-cash-flow.

L-Arretrati tal-hlasijiet li kien jmorru fil-GRTU Petrol Station Central Fund li twaqqfu mill-Enemalta fl-1 ta' Jannar 2010 sal-31 ta' Marzu 2011, ghadhom sa illum ma gewx imhallsa u ghalhekk ghadhom dovuti.

F'Jannar 2011 saret Laqgha bejn il-GRTU, l-Ministru Tonio Fenech, s-Segretarju Permanenti Alfred Camilleri, kif ukoll il-Kap Ezekuttiv ta' l-Enemalta Karl Camilleri, fejn gie miftiehem bil-miktub li dawn l-arretrati ghandhom jithallsu sa Frar 2011.

Wara bosta laqghat li saru mas-Sur Alfred Camilleri, dan dejjem ikkonferma li dawn l-arretrati ghandhom jithallsu mill-Enemalta lis-sidien individwalment.

Ghaldaqstant, wara dan kollu, il-Kumitat qieghed jaghti direttiva lill-membri , sidien tal-pompi tal-Petrol, li huma fil-GRTU fund, sabiex mit-12 ta' Settembru 2011 il-quddiem, dawn inaqsu mill-invoice l-ammont ta' €0.0047 fuq kull litru fuel li nxtara bejn l-1 ta' Jannar 2010 sal -31 ta' Marzu 2011.

GRTU leisure and tourism Section meets GASP

 A meeting was this afternoon held at the GRTU premises between GRTU's Tourism, Hospitality and Leisure Section President Philip Fenech on behalf of the Paceville Section Committee and the Group Acting for a Safe Paceville (GASP) led by Dr Anthony P. Farrugia to discuss the issue of law and order in the area of Paceville.

During the meeting an analyses was made of the situation as is developing in the Paceville area. The friendly and detailed discussion sought grounds for agreement on what practical action to recommend to Government to take, to meet the real challenge. The worst thing that can happen is that panicky decisions are taken just to impress, rather than taking remedial action which is well planned and directed towards real and not perceived problems.

Mr Philip Fenech noticed that action is being taken as a result of the hype now surrounding the issue and statements are being made by those who ought to know better, that are not really addressing the issue but simply adding to a picture of negativity about the whole Paceville area. This is an area with heavy investments and plays a pivotal role in Malta's new tourism strategy. The action that needs to be taken should emphasise more supervisory and surveillance methods regularly and constantly applied rather than sporadic one time actions that achieve very little. The problem affecting Paceville has its roots in the increasing tendency of a growing number of young people who prefer to disregard regulations and go out for all sorts of abuse when not under constant surveillance and it is important that we in Malta rather than finding our own home made solutions study carefully and adopt measures of surveillance that have been proved successful elsewhere as the phenomena of youth anti-social behaviour is not one of Paceville only.

GRTU and GASP are determined to seek all advice and strive determinately to seek practical solutions that lead to results that will not only ensure the safety of all those willing to enjoy the fun and entertainment that is provided in Paceville but that will also ensure a decent return on the investment of all who own establishments run on a professional basis.

The meeting was indeed a very positive one and the discussion went into detail on the different dynamics that the area experiences during the different months of the year by tourists and locals that visit the area. These phenomena occur in all areas however in the Paceville area they tend to be more acute as when there is a large congregation of people that gravitate in an area there will be always someone who will be responsible for ruining everyone else's fun. The parties therefore favoured an approach which is targeted and which promotes specific solutions to clearly identified problems rather than anything dramatic aimed only at media hype.

The two sides will be furthering their discussions and will be co-operating fully with the authorities to ensure that agreed solutions are implemented without much further delay so that Paceville will continue to enhance its reputation of a special zone for fun and entertainment and improve its image as a safe and disciplined area for all those seeking relaxation, holidaying and enjoyment.

For further information kindly contact Mr Philip Fenech Deputy President & Vice President Hospitality & Leisure on 99493534