Consultation: Extension of the use of active substances

Objectives and Scope

Council Directive 414 of 15 July 1991 concerning the placing of plant protection products on the market relates to the authorization, placing on the market, use and control within the Community of plant protection products in commercial form and the placing on the market and control within the Community of active substances. A plant protection product includes active substances and preparations containing one or more active substances, put up in the form in which they are supplied to the user, intended to protect plants or plant products against all harmful organisms or prevent the action of such organisms, influence the life processes of plants, other than as a nutrient, (e.g. growth regulators), preserve plant products, in so far as such substances or products are not subject to special Council of Commission provisions on preservatives, destroy undesired plants; or destroy parts of plants, check or prevent undesired growth of plants.


Main Changes

Tetraconazole was included as an active substance in Annex I to Directive 91/414/EEC. However, the inclusion of tetraconazole is limited to uses on field crops with a restricted rate and timing of application. Uses on apples and grapes are entirely excluded. Those restrictions were necessary because at the time of inclusion the information required for the groundwater assessment was insufficient, in particular as regards the risk of contamination by two metabolites which had not been identified by the notifier. As regards uses on apples and grapes, the information necessary for the assessment of the risk to consumers was incomplete.

The notifier Isagro has requested an amendment to the inclusion of tetraconazole extending its use as a fungicide by removing those restrictions and has submitted further scientific data in support of its request.

The new data submitted by the notifier and the new assessment carried out by the rapporteur Member State indicate that the requested extension of use does not cause any risks in addition to those already taken into account in the specific provisions for tetraconazole in Annex I to Directive 91/414/EEC and in the Commission review report for that substance. In particular as regards the risk of groundwater contamination, the rapporteur Member State considered that the new study submitted by the notifier identifies those metabolites and that there is no unacceptable leaching. Concerning use on apples and grapes, it concluded that, as completed by the new supervised and field trials, the residue data show that there are no risks as regards the acute and chronic intake by consumers.

2- phenylphenol was included as active substance in Annex I to Directive 91/414/CEE, by Commission Directive 2009/160/EU with the specific provision that Member States may only authorise indoor uses as a post-harvest fungicide in closed drench chambers.

The notifier submitted information on other application techniques, such as wax treatment, dipping treatment and foam curtain treatment, in order to remove the restriction to closed drench chambers.

The new information on the application techniques submitted by the notifier and the new assessment carried out by the rapporteur Member State indicate that plant protection products containing 2- phenylphenol may be expected to satisfy, in general, the requirements laid down in Article 5(1)(a) and (b) of Directive 91/414/EEC, in particular with regard to the indoor uses as a post-harvest fungicide which were examined and detailed in the Commission review report. Consequently, it is no longer necessary to restrict the use of 2-phenylphenol to closed drench chambers.

Plant Protection Products containing the active substances napropamide, zinc phosphide, haloxyfop-P, fenbuconazole, quinmerac, pyridaben, metosulam, bromuconazole and 6-Benzyladenine can be authorized to be placed on the market.  The authorizations and uses must be subject to the conditions laid down in the respective directives to ensure that their uses are safe for human health and the environment.

Comments are to reach the Malta Standards Authority by Tuesday 1st February 2011.

New EU standards for a common mobile phone charger

Incompatibility of chargers for mobile phones is a major inconvenience and also poses a considerable environmental problem. Users who want to change their mobile phones must usually acquire a new charger and dispose of the old one, even if it is in good condition. In response to citizens' demand for a common charger, the European Commission invited manufacturers to agree on a technical solution making compatible the chargers of different brands.


As a result, in June 2009, fourteen world leading mobile phone producers committed themselves to ensure compatibility of data-enabled mobile phones, expected to be predominant in the market within two years, on the basis of the Micro-USB connector.

The European Standardisation Organisations CEN-CENELEC and ETSI were then requested by the Commission to develop European standards for the common charger. The two organisations have now made available the harmonised standards needed for the manufacture of data-enabled mobile phones compatible with a new common charger.

The standards allow for interoperability, i.e. the common charger is compatible with data-enabled mobile telephones of different brands. They also take account of safety risks and electro-magnetic emissions and ensure that common chargers have sufficient immunity to external interference.

The European Commission expects the first common chargers and mobile phones compatible with the new standards to reach the European market in the first months of 2011.

For more information:   Source: MEUSAC news

Consumer Rights Directive: GRTU’s concerns are also Government’s

GRTU had written to Hon Chris Said explaining its concern about the definition of off-premises contracts being not acceptable and heavily burden SMEs. Because of the excessive extension of the scope of the aforementioned definition, on the one hand through a general definition in article 2(8)a) and b) of the proposal, and on the other hand since the text does not make any distinction between a visit "solicited" or "unsolicited" by the consumer. We believe that the definition of off premises contract is sufficiently regulated in the legal framework currently in place.


Furthermore, according to this proposed definition, a contract which is concluded in-premises or through any means of distance communication but was negotiated off-premises or in respect of which an offer was made off premises should be considered immediately as an off-premises contract. In consequence this would mean that most contracts concluded by a craftsman are covered by this definition. In addition to all the burdensome provisions related to this definition, such as the 14 days withdrawal period, excessive information requirements also apply, as craftsmen usually negotiate in the premises of the consumer in order to take measurements there on the wish of the consumer.

Dr Chris Said informed GRTU that Government shares our concern and that Malta has taken a strong position on this issue throughout the negotiations. Government upheld that ‘off premises' contacts should only include unsolicited visits since some services require on-site visits by their very nature and it is very common that a contract is concluded or that negotiations are concluded on-site. Government explained that in this respect, it is also considered that the regime within the Directive, in particular the information requirements, could be burdensome and disproportionate for the provision of certain services.

Government further assured the GRTU that Malta has already indicated that it will vote against the compromise proposal and that Malta will maintain this position throughout the forthcoming inter-institutional negotiations. GRTU is pleased with the results.

Il-GRTU tappoggja r-rakkomadazzjoni tal-Ombudsman

Il- Kamra Maltija tan-Negozji Zghar u Medji tappoggja r-rakomandazzjoni tal-Ombudsman biex il-Gvern jezenta lil kull minn ikun membru ta' Skema Awtorizzata tal-gbir tal-Iskart tal-Ippakeggjar, mill-pagament tal-Eko-Kontribuzzjoni. Fl-istess waqt telenka li dak li qal l-Ombudsman illum ilha ssostnih snin mal-Ministeru tal-Finanzi, Ekonomija u Investiment f'laqghat  li saru minn zmien ghal zmien.



Il-GRTU ilha dawn l-ahhar sentejn tghaddi rakommandazzjoni lill-Gvern ghal ahhar zewg estimi finanzjarji biex kumpaniji jew produtturi ta'dan l-iskart tal-ippakeggjar li jkunu membri ta'Skemi Awtorizzati, jkunu ezenti mill-pagament tal-Eko-Kontribuzzjoni. Minn dejjem ghidna li ghandu jkun hemm pagament wiehed ghal servizz wiehed. L-Gvern ghandu jilqa mill-aktar fiss talbiet ghal rifuzjonijiet tal-Eko-Kontribuzzjoni minghand kumpaniji jew imprendituri li lahqu l-miri tal-Komunita' Ewropeja fejn jidhol gbir ta'Skart tal-Ippakeggjar.

L-Imprendituri Maltin bhalissa diga qedghin obbligati li jigbru 70% tal-Iskart tal-Ippakeggjar li jpoggu fis-suq, 15% izjed mill-obbligi ta' produttur fil-Komunita' Ewropeja. Mhux sewwa li nobbligaw lill-imprendituri Maltin jerfghu piz izjed minn shabhom fl-Ewropa. Mhux sewwa li fejn jogbu l-Gvern jikkwota d-Direttivi Ewropej u fejn irid jiddeciedi mod iehor.

Ir-rakommandazzjoni tal-Ombudsman ghandha tiftah ghajn l-Awtoritajiet biex mill-lum il-quddiem jiehdu dawk il-passi mehtiega biex jaghtu lill-imprenditur Malti l-ezenzjoni kompleta mill-Eko-Kontribuzzjoni fuq kull prodott li l-istess imprenditur ipoggi fis-suq, imma jkun membru ta' Skema Awtorizzata.

Green MT , Skema Nazzjonali Awtorizzata biex tigbor Skart tal-Ippakeggjar ghandha llum l-ikbar tunnellag ta' Skart impoggi fis-suq irregistrat maghha u fis-sena li ghaddiet gabret il-fuq minn 14, 500 tunnellata ta' Skart riciklabbli. Il-GRTU telenka li wasal iz-zmien li l-Iskema Green MT issa tibda thaddem Skema Awtorizzata ta' Skart ta' Prodotti Elettrici u Elettronici mill-aktar fiss. Il-permess diga qieghed f'idejna biex noperaw. Bhalissa hafna minn dawn il-prodotti ihallsu ammonti kbar ta' Eko-Kontribuzzjoni u ghalhekk mhux sewwa li Skema li ghandha il-permess biex topera tmur terga titlob flus lil dawn l-importaturi. 

Mhux sewwa li xi hadd jiddeciedi li nahdmu fuq rifuzzjonijiet fi zminijiet tal-lum. Il-pizijiet li ghandu fuqu mprenditur fis-settur tan-Negozji Zghar u Medji diga huma stringenti. Issa jonqos li jhallsu doppju bil-wedgha li xi darba jiehdu rifuzzjonijiet. Il-but ta' l-Impreditur ma jiflahx izjed pizijiet zejda bla bzonn.

Il-Gvern Malti ghandhu obbligu li jaghti linja gwida serja lill-Awtoritajiet koncernati biex din ir-rakommandazzjoni tal-Ombudsman tidhol fis-sehh mill-aktar fiss possibli. Ma fadalx triq ohra hlief li dak li l-Gvern baqa sal-lum ma ghamilx , issa isir b'mod organizzat u b'inqas dizgwid biex b'hekk bhala pajjiz nibdew nimplementaw id-Direttivi Ewropej kif suppost.

It-62 Laqgha Gen Annwali-GRTU tikkundanna lill-Gvern ghal mod ta` kif qed jitratta s-self employed

 Fil-Kwartieri tal-GRTU fi Triq ir-Repubblika  l-Belt, il-GRTU l-Kamra tan-Negozji Zghar u Medji, zammet it-Tnejn u Sittin Laqgha Generali Annwali. Id-Diskorsi ewlenin f'din il-laqgha kienu d-Diskors tal-President Paul Abela u dak tad-Direttur Generali Vince Farrugia

Il-Qofol taz-zewg prezentazzjonijiet kienet il-krizi finanzjarja u ekonomika u kif dawn affetwaw l-ekonomija lokali b'mod partikolari l-bejgh u l-profitti tal-intraprizi micro, small u medji li f'isimhom titkellem il-GRTU u li jirrapprezentaw 98% tal-intraprizi kollha Maltin.

Fl-Ahhar tal-Laqgha Generali l-President Paul Abela pprezenta f'isem il-Kunsill Ezekkutiv Rizoluzzjoni li giet approvata b'akklamazzjoni mill-Laqgha Generali Annwali. Din ir-Rizoluzzjoni giet instigata mill-atitudni li l-Gvern adatta fuq il-kwistjoni tad-distributuri tal-gas li l-President tal-GRTU Paul Abela iddiskirva: "Pass ikrah lura ta' kif il-Gvern imexxi ir-relazzjonijiet  industrijali fil-pajjiz u d-daqqa ta' harta bla sens lis-self-employed ta' pajjizna u li l-GRTU li tirraprezenthom".

Ir-Rizoluzzjoni approvatha hija din:


"Il-Laqgha Generali Annwali tal-GRTU, Kamra Maltija tan-Negozji Zghar u Medji li ltaqghet illum il-Hadd 23 ta Jannar 2011:

Wara li nnota kif il-Gvern bla ebda konsultazzjoni mall-GRTU  bhala l-imsiehba socjali responsabbli li titkellem u tirraprezenta l-interessi tal-bejjiegha kollha bl-imnut fil-kommunita' qabad u ddecieda bla ma kien obbligat taht ir-regolamenti tal-Unjoni Ewropeja li jilliberalizza s-settur tar-retailing tal-bejgh ta' cilindri tal-gas fil-kommunita' meta l-obbligu tal-Gvern kien biss dak li jillibera, kif fil-fatt ghamel u kif qal lill-GRTU li ser jaghmel, is-settur tal-wholesale u mhux tar-retail.

Wara li rat kif il-Gvern qabad u abbanduna bla konsultazzjoni u bla ftehim mall-GRTU bhala t-tieni parti ta' Kuntratt milhuq bejn il-GRTU u l-Enemalta Corporation fl-1992,  liema Kuntratt sar wara li l-Kabinett tal-Ministri fl-1991 kien awtorizza lill-Ministru responsabbli ta' dak iz-zmien, l-Onor Ninu Zammit, li jkun parti mill-process ta' negozjati li wassal ghall-ftehim f'Lulju tal-1992 mall-GRTU u f'Settembru tal-1992 mad-distributuri tal-gas fil-kommunita' individwali kollha msiehba fil-GRTU.

Wara li rat kif dan il-ftehim mall-GRTU kien jaghti territorju bi dritt ta' bejgh ta' cilindri b'mod esklussiv u bhal koncessjonarji unici tal-Enemalta Corporation ghall-bejgh ta' cilindri tal-gas fil-kommunita' taht il-kundizzjoni li d-distributur f'kull lokalita' esklussiva koncessa lilu jrid jbiegh bla ebda diskriminazzjoni ta' prezz jew ta' kwalita' ta' servizz ic-cilindri lil persuni kemm dawk li jifilhu jgorru c-cilindri u ghandhom il-mezz ta' transport biex igorru c-clindri kif ukoll lil dawk li minhabba eta, limitazzjonijiet fizici jew mard jew minhabba li jghixu f'sulari gholjin ta' bini jew fi sqaqien jew f'lokazzjonijiet imbeghda jew fil-periferiji jew m'ghandhomx mezz ta' transport.

Wara li rat kif il-Malta Resources Authority bl-approvazzjoni tal-Kabinet u minn wara dahar il-GRTU, meta l-GRTU kienet assigurata ripetutament minn Ministri differenti tal-Gvern li dan mhux ser isir jekk mhux bi ftehim mall-istess GRTU kif fil-fatt titlob il-prudenza minn Gvern li jirrispetta t-thaddim ta' Relazzjonijiet Industrijali korretti, qabdet u harget licenzji li jawtorizzaw lill-Kumpanija Liquigas u lill-Kumpanija Easygas li huma wkoll jifthu ghall-rashom servizz ta' bejgh ta' cilindri fil-kommunita' b'kompetizzjoni diretta mad-distributuri tal-gas u bla ebda kundizzjoni li jridu jservu bla diskriminazzjoni ta' prezz bejn min jiflah u ghandu il-kapacita' fizika u ta' trasport li jghabbi u  dawk li jew m'ghandhomx il-kapacita ta' trasport jew il-kapacita' fizika  li jgorr akkost li minn ma jiflahx u m'ghandux il-kapacita' jkollu jinqeda bi prezz ghola u min hu b'sahhtu u kapaci bi prezz irhas u dan kollu bl-iskuza li l-ligijiet tal-kompetizzjoni hekk jesigu, haga li m'hiex minnha.

Wara li rat li l-kumpanija Easygas bl-aktar mod arroganti u impulsiv qabdet u imponiet ruhha fis-suq b'disrispett komplet lejn id-distributuri li ilhom jaqdu l-kommunita' b'fedelta' ghal aktar minn erbghin sena u kif il-kumpanija Easygas anke wara l-intervent tal-Ministru Pullicino li jintermedja biex tibqa tithaddem bi ftehim sistema unika ta' distribuzzjoni baqghet tinsisti fid-dritt taghha moghti lilha mill-MRA li topera kif joghgobha kummercjalment bla ebda obbligu socjali mposta.

Wara li rat li l-Kumpanija Liquigas li b'kitba li baghat l-istess Prim Ministru l-Onor Lawrence Gonzi suppost li wirtet l-obbligi kollha li fih il-Kuntratt mall-Enemalta fejn l-Enemalta kienet intrabtet li s-servizz ta' bejgh ta' cilindri fil-kommunita' li hi kienet licenzjata li taghmel tikkoncedih unikament lid-distributuri licenzjati issa nfurmat lid-distributuri li hi mhux se tonora dak il-kuntratt u li ghalkemm lesta li tforni cilindri ghal-retail lid-distributuri imma dan mhux b'mod ta' koncessjonarji imma bhala retailers fost ohrajn u li Liquigas kienet se topera s-sistema ta' distribuzzjoni u bejgh taghha proprja b'kompetizzjoni diretta mad-distributuri privati u li Liquigas mhux lesta li taccetta xi intervent minn naha tal-Gvern biex jimponi jew jipprova jwassal anke bi ftehim ghas-sistema ta' distribuzzjoni unika kif hemm imnizzel fil-ftehim bejn il-GRTU u l-Gvern tal-1992 u kif sussegwentament amendat.

Issa ghalhekk din il-Laqgha Generali Annwali tal-GRTU tikkundanna bla riserva lill- Gvern li telaq ghal kollox mill-linja li segwew Gvernijiet  eletti wiehed wara l-iehor li jonoraw ftehim Nazzjonali u li ma jaghmlu xejn li jikser ftehim bhal dak milhuq fl-1992 mall-GRTU f'isem l-imsiehba taghha bla negozjati u bla ftehim li jew iholl u jikkumpensa ghall-hsara kummercjali li l-individwi milquta jkunu ser isoffru bil-kancellazzjoni ta' dak miftiehem.

Il-Laqgha Generali Annwali tal-GRTU tqies li l-mod kif agixxa l-Gvern f'dan il-kaz mhux biss huwa kundanabbli u ta' hsara ghar-relazzjoniet dejjem korretti li l-GRTU zzomm mal-Awtoritajiet imma wkoll tqies dan bhala att li ghandu jgib l-istmerrija ta' kull min jemmen li r-relazzjonijiet industrijali korretti ghandhom jitmexxew fuq bazi ta' ftehim wara konsultazzjoni u mhux b'decizjoni unilaterali minn naha tal-Awtoritajiet tal-Gvern u b'dizrispett shih lil dak kollu li kien imwieghed ghal kuntrarju tal-Att li fil-fatt ikun gie implimentat.

Din il-Laqgha Generali Annwali ghal daqstant theggeg u tawtorizza lill-Kunsill tal-GRTU li f'nuqqas ta' harsien adekwat offrut mill-Gvern lid-distributuri tal-gas li lkoll huma investituri zghar privati u li b'decizjoni abbuziva tal-Gvern se jitkissru kummercjalment tibda mmedjatament timmobilizza s-sezzjonijiet kollha tal-GRTU b'mod partikulari distributuri u transportaturi ta' diversi kategoriji u burdnara, waste carriers, kuntratturi u sidien ta' servizzi varji biex flimkien jiehdu azzjoni ta' protesta kontra l-Gvern.

Din il-Laqgha Generali Annwali tiddikjara finalment li tqies din l-azzjoni tal-Gvern bhala daqqa ta' harta kbira lill-GRTU u lil dak kollu ta' fejda li l-GRTU twettaq fis-salvagwardja tal-interessi tas-self employed u tas-sidien tan-negozji zghar indipendenti privati Maltin u nuqqas kbir ta' rispett mill-Gvern lejn Organizzazzjoni Nazzjonali li fuq livell Lokali u Sezzjonali f'Malta u fuq livell tal-Unjoni Ewropeja tahdem bla serhan u b'mod l-aktar professjonali biex anke fi zminijiet ekonomici difficli bhal ma ghaddejja Malta bhalissa flimkien mal-kumplament tal-Unjoni Ewropeja, tizgura li l-ekonomija Maltija tkompli tissahhah u l-intraprizi z-zghar Maltin li jirraprezenta 98% tal-intraprizi kollha jkomplu jinvestu u jikbru biex ikattru l-gid ghal kulhadd u pajjizna jilhaq l-ghanijiet impost fuqna mill-obbligi ekonomici u socjali miftehma fuq livell Ewropew."

Unlocking the potential Regional B2B networking events for SMEs

18/19 May 2011

What sectors will be present at this event?

"Unlocking the Potential" is an event specifically aimed at bringing together companies from the following sectors to network and create synergies:



Renewable Energy & Environment

Education & Training Services

Creative Industries & Audio Visuals

Food and Beverage Processing

What are the benefits as a participant?

Networking with about 100 participating SMEs from European, Middle Eastern and North African countries

Advertise your profile electronically on the event website and generate interest from the other participants

Receive your own personalized meeting schedule according to your requirement

Attend workshops led by internationally renowned speakers and addressing relevant topics

Enjoy meals and refreshments compliments of Malta Enterprise including coffee breaks, lunches, as well as a networking reception on the 18th May and a closing function on the 19th May

Possibly extend you stay and make use of the assistance of a tour agent present at the event

Book your flight tickets with Air Malta by 31st December 2010 and get 10% discount.

Participating countries

UK, Germany, Italy, Hungary, Poland, Croatia, Portugal, Syria, Palestine Territories, Jordan and Tunisia.

More details on:

Member States fail to meet energy efficiency targets

 José Manuel Barroso, the European Commission president, has warned member states that they are falling well short of their target for improving energy efficiency, set less than four years ago. In March 2007, amid growing concern about both climate change and energy security, national leaders agreed to reduce energy consumption by 2020 by 20% compared to forecast levels. Barroso said that national governments would achieve only a 10% improvement in consumption by 2020 unless they agreed to additional measures to achieve the higher target.



He contrasted the slow progress on energy efficiency with better results in ensuring that the EU will obtain 20% of its energy needs from renewable sources by 2020. "It is now realistic to think we are going to fulfil our 20% target," he said, referring to a Commission analysis of renewable-energy plans drawn up by national governments. The objective for energy efficiency is not legally binding, unlike the target for using renewables. Barroso said he hoped that national leaders would agree additional measures on energy efficiency at their special summit meeting in Brussels on 4 February which will focus on energy and innovation issues.


Barroso urged leaders to give their support at the summit to ensuring Europe was at the "cutting edge of innovation". Measures being put forward include completing the European Research Area by 2014, launching innovation partnerships and using public procurement to boost innovation. He said governments should set aside funds from existing budgets for public procurement for innovative products and services. This would create a market worth €10 billion a year for innovation that improved public services, he said.

Source: European Voice

Funding Seminars

1. Utilising internal funds for conducting a development project is not always a possibility. External funding opportunities are available but deciding which one suits the company's needs is a project in itself! This event organised by Malta Enterprise will give an overview of existing funding which may be utilised by companies to conduct research or innovative projects. Places are limited. For further information, bookings and enquiries contact Malta Enterprise on 2542 0000 or .


Date: 18th January 2011         Time: 09.00 – 14.30        Venue: The Palace, Sliema         Fee: €25 


2. General CIP information session, with special focus on the current CIP consultation process on the future of the CIP and where a general overview of all the 2011 calls (IEE, EIP and ICT-PSP) will be provided. This will take place on Monday 17th January at 14:00hrs at MBB, Casa Leone, Pjazza Robert Sammut, Floriana

3. Specific information session on the IEE programme. The EU will publish the call for proposals end of January, hence we are providing a detailed overview of this particular funding programme, including the priorities for 2011 and information on how to go about application. This will take place on Thursday 20th January at 8:30hrs. MBB, Casa Leone, Pjazza Robert Sammut, Floriana

Construction Products


Manufacturers and importers who wish to place a construction product on the European market need to check which harmonised standard applies to their construction product and follow the standard in order to be entitled to affix the CE marking on their product.


The list of harmonised European Standards pertaining to the Construction Products Directive (89/106/EEC) has been updated and published in the Official Journal of the European Union and hence the national Construction Products Regulations need to be amended so as to reflect the updates carried out at European level. The lists of European Technical Approvals and European Technical Approval Guidelines have also been updated.

Key points in the text of the new proposal

Schedule V of the Constuction Products Regulations will be substituted in order to update the list of harmonised Standards of construction products for which CE marking is mandatory. This list now features a total of 402 harmonised standards. The date of applicability of the standard as a harmonised European standard and the date of the end of the co-existence period have also been included for each of the harmonised standard listed. It is very important to note that, when a harmonised standard is replaced with a new version, both versions of the standard can be used for the purpose of affixing CE marking until the end of the coexistence period. After this period, it becomes obligatory to use the recent version of the standard.

Please send any comments to Ing Thomas Consoli not later than 31st January 2011 at noon on

Note that the deadline for submitting feedback has been set for the 31st January 2011.

Thomas Consoli