Strategy for digital gaming industry launched

Malta Enterprise, the University of Malta and the Malta
Council for Science and Technology in collaboration with the Ministry of
Finance, the Economy and Investment launched the digital gaming strategy for
Malta to facilitate the growth of this lucrative niche as an offshoot of the
flourishing ICT industry.

The strategy was launched during a one-day-conference on
April 27 that was opened by Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi and which was attended
by several industry stakeholders as well as students who are looking at a
career in digital gaming.

Malta's Special Envoy for Digital Gaming Chris Deering
highlighted not only the exponential growth registered in digital gaming in
recent years, but also the wide ranging opportunities that social media and
portable devices have created and that Malta could target to become the world's
leading country for trans-media interactive digital arts.

On his part, Prof. William Latham presented the findings of
the report compiled by Games Audit Ltd team, which was commissioned to
research, carry out interviews with stakeholders and analyse the digital gaming
sector in Malta and its potential for growth as a guide to setting up the
national policy for this industry.

The report focused on the attraction of global gaming
companies and the encouragement of local company start-ups, as well as
initiatives that need to be taken to enhance education in this sector and to
nurture a games eco-system.

Amongst other recommendations, the report suggests that
possible areas of specialisation for Malta could be downloadable games for
mobile, tablet, pc and consoles, as well as browser games such as html, flash
and social games including for the popular social network websites.

Whilst noting that the digital gaming industry is still in
its early stages in Malta, the report comments positively on the country's
potential particularly in view of the strong ICT industry and the possibility
of transferring skills not only from other existing sectors such as software
development or iGaming, but also from other industries such as film and
audiovisual which make use of similar skills as those required by the digital
gaming industry.

The report also highlighted other benefits that Malta offers
and which could attract other foreign companies or encourage local start-ups,
such as the support of educational institutions which provide tailor-made
courses as well as the availability of wide-ranging fiscal and financial
incentives to support the industry's growth.

The conference also provided the opportunity for those
present to discuss the report prepared by Games Audit Ltd, the industry's
prospects and issues of concern during a panel discussion.

Besides Prof. Latham,
the panel also comprised some of the industry's stakeholders, namely Ingo
Mesche from AV Technologies, Matthew Pullicino from The Bigger Picture, Michael
Pitzschel from Big Point International, the EU expert on digital games Carlo
Donzella and the President of ICT section within the Malta Chamber of Commerce,
Enterprise and Industry Keith Fearne. Nick Porsche, himself a game developer,
moderated the debate

Malta Enterprise supporting local art

Malta Enterprise has opened the foyer
at its head office at Pieta' for the hosting of art exhibitions, thereby giving
local artists another possibility to showcase their works.

The initiative is being supported by
Malta Enterprise to encourage an ongoing insight in the better development and
understanding of local artists, both established ones as well as emerging

Exhibitions will be held on a regular
basis and will not be restricted solely to paintings, but can also comprise
other artistic techniques such as drawings, sculptures and photography.

The first exhibitor at Malta Enterprise
is Pierre Giusti.  He derives his
inspiration from Malta's megalithic heritage and most of his work being created
in acrylic on canvas.  A selection of
Pierre's work can be viewed on  The exhibition is open to the public for
viewing on weekdays during office hours from 08:00h to 16:45h, excluding public

Local artists who would like to take
the opportunity to showcase their work within this highly frequnted area may
contact Malta Enterprise on 2542 0000 or via email on

This initiative complements another
separate measure which Malta Enterprise has in place to support local artists,
namely the Create scheme, through which individuals or businesses operating in
the creative industries may qualify for a tax credit of up to €25,000 or 60% of
the eligible expenditure incurred in the development and publication of a
creative work.


60 seconds interview with Mr Jason Fenech – Eur-AfriPharm Co Ltd

did you become an entrepreneur? I
always had the interested to do something on my own, with my own ideas. Plus I
also wanted to be my own boss. How
have you come to choose your line of business?

interest in becoming a pharmacist goes before my sixth form years. I never
wanted to become a doctor or anything related, I was sure I wanted to be a

did you go on your last holiday?

and Rome. In Assisi the serenity, peace and calmness strike you while the
culture and history of Rome are very impressive. There was excellent weather as

is your earliest memory?

small and innocent mischief my twin brother and I would do. I don't have
stories of exchanging girlfriends, which once happened but at no fault of ours,
or of writing each other's exams. We never abused of the situation.

you could chose to be someone famous who would you be and why?

cannot think of anyone famous but I admire a Maltese Kappuccin who is younger
than me but whom I admire and find inspiring from him words.

Business first to facilitate MEPA services

A representative from the Malta
Environment and Planning Authority (MEPA) will be at the Business First office in
Pietà every Friday morning, thereby enhancing the service offered from the
one-stop-shop for businesses, which already gathers more than 50 Government
services under one roof.

While applications will still need to
be submitted directly with MEPA, at Business First clients may check the status
of their MEPA application as well as obtain explanations on the pre-screening
process and on the general parameters of permits for specific developments.

The staff at Business First has also
been given basic training on MEPA procedures in order to be able to provide
basic guidance to businesses throughout the rest of the week.

The addition of the service to Business
First's offering reflects the commitment to monitor and analyse clients'
feedback to see what business services are required and, where possible, start
offering such services.

The initial list of services was also
based on a survey among 200 enterprises which amongst others asked what the
major issues of concern for local enterprises are and what services are
expected from such a one-stop-shop facility.

Amongst others, Business First already
provided services related to the Legal Entity Establishment, Employment
Registration, Registration for Tax purposes, Registration for VAT services,
Residence permits, Licenses including trading and tourism-related licenses, and
applications related to utilities services.

Moreover, through its professional
guidance Business First can help businesses find their way through the various
requirements they need to adhere to, what applications need to be compiled,
what documentation needs to be submitted, and – equally important – where all
this can be done.

By carrying out most formalities under
one roof at Business First, businesses can save time and unnecessary running
around, thereby having the possibility to focus more on their business

The growth and successful operation of
businesses is also supported through the guidance and provision of Malta
Enterprise schemes and services.

Since its launch in January, more than
3,700 contacts have been made by clients with Business First, which opens on
weekdays between 08:15h and 17:00h, with extended hours until 19:00h on
Wednesdays and Thursdays.

Further information may be obtained
from the dedicated website or by calling the Business
First helpline on telephone number 144.


Laqgha ta’ Konsultazzjoni: L-isfidi u l-opportunitajiet ghat-turizmu marittimu u dak kostali

Fil-proċess ta' ħidma biex titfassal strateġija
tal-Unjoni Ewropea dwar it-turiżmu marittimu u dak kostali, il-Kummissjoni
Ewropea qed tniedi konsultazzjoni pubblika biex tikseb l-opinjonijiet
tal-partijiet interessati dwar l-isfidi u l-opportunitajiet għat-turiżmu marittimu
u kostali fl-Ewropa.

Għal dan il-għan, il-Malta-EU Steering and
Action Committee (MEUSAC) flimkien mal-Ministeru għat-Turiżmu, l-Ambjent u
l-Kultura, se jorganizza laqgħa ta' konsultazzjoni marbuta ma' dan is-settur
vitali għall-ekonomija Maltija.

Il-laqgħa ser issir bil-MALTI nhar il-Ħamis, 14 ta' Ġunju 2012,
fis-siegħa ta' wara nofsinhar, f'Dar l-Ewropa, 254, Triq San Pawl,

inti ġentilment mitlub tkellem lill-MEUSAC sa mhux aktar tard minn nofsinhar tal-Erbgħa,
13 ta' Ġunju 2012 fuq l-indirizzelettroniku.

Interest for Maltese Companies’ in Libya

Around 20 Maltese companies from the building and
construction sector have been assisted by Malta Enterprise to participate in
the Libya Build 2012, where they had the opportunity to showcase their products
and services, establish relations with their Libyan counterparts and explore
business prospects within post-revolution Libya.

The companies – which operate in a wide range of sectors,
such as lifts and electromechanical systems, construction materials, furniture
and fittings, environmental solutions, turnkey contractors and project
management, paints, printing, aluminium, as well as garages, doors and windows
– reported good interest in their offering.

Indeed, they were kept busy throughout the entire event held
at the Tripoli International Fairground over a span of five days between May
20th and 24th, 2012 and shall now be following up on the business leads they

Likewise, the Malta Enterprise representative at the
Commercial Office in Tripoli, who was also present at the event, had several
meetings to promote the trade opportunities that Malta offers to Libyan
companies as well as the assistance and support that companies operating in
Malta may benefit from.

After presiding over the opening ceremony, the Libyan
Minister of Economy Dr Ahmed Al-Koushli made it a point to visit the Malta
Pavilion, where he not only visited the Maltese companies but also had a short
meeting with Malta's Ambassador in Libya Victor Camilleri and the Malta
Enterprise representative in Libya Salem Megadmi.

Malta Enterprise also organized an information session for
Maltese companies with the Organization for Development of Administrative Centers
(ODAC), which executes a wide range of public projects particularly the
strategic and major infrastructural projects, as well as a networking session
for Maltese and Austrian businesses in collaboration with the Austrian Embassy
in Libya.

With infrastructure projects being among the Libya's
priorities after months of unrest, Libya Build provided the ideal setting for
those enterprises looking at opportunities within a market that is seeking to
establish itself as one of the most advanced in the region.

The event also featured expertise and technology across a
broad range of sectors from the international community, particularly from
countries in the Euro-Med region which had the strongest presence among the
almost 650 participating companies.

Malta Enterprise's own participation at the Libya Build 2012
and the support provided to local companies to participate in the event is part
of the initiatives being taken to strengthen the commercial links between the
two neighbouring countries, which also include participation in the Libyan
Healthcare Exhibition 2012 being held in the coming September.

The event is of strategic importance for companies engaged in
healthcare in view of the extensive support required by this sector in Libya.
It will provide a unique opportunity to establish direct communication with
Libyan decision-makers in the healthcare sector and to obtain information on
medical needs and planned projects in this field.

Malta Enterprise is currently registering local companies
interested in taking part in the event, which amongst others may include
private hospitals and clinics, pharmaceutical companies, suppliers of medical
equipment and products, as well as other medical related service providers.

These initiatives follow up on the visit by an official
delegation led by the Minister of Finance, Economy, and Investment and the
Minister for Fair Competition, Small Business and Consumers to Libya about a
month ago, when they held meetings with the Libyan Ministers for Industry, the
Economy and Transport.

On the sides of this visit, 20 Maltese companies operating in
the maritime industry formed a business delegation that visited the country to
explore business opportunities, view the operating environment at some of
Libya's major ports and meet their Libyan counterparts.

Following these meetings, the first meeting of the Technical
Committee for Trade and Investment was conducted with the aim of facilitating
trade and investment between the two countries, in line with the Memorandum of
Understanding signed between Malta Enterprise and the General Board of
Privatisation and Investment in Libya earlier this year.

Malta Enterprise and Transport Malta also organised two
separate seminars for Libyan officials involved in regulating these sectors
with the aim of providing training and assistance to these public bodies based
on Malta's expertise in these fields.

Support for Eco-innovative projects

The European Union's Competitiveness
and Innovation Programme (CIP) is assisting public and private entities,
particularly SMEs, to embark on eco-innovation projects through which they make
better use of resources or reduce negative environmental impact of their

Around €35million are available for the
funding of projects through the Eco-Innovation initiative this year, with the
European Commission funding up to 50% of the project's eligible costs for
successful applicants.

By encouraging projects for the first
market piloting of products, techniques, services and processes that reduce
emissions, use resources efficiently, facilitate recycling and so on,
Eco-Innovation represents a key opportunity to overcome sustainability
challenges whilst making the economy even stronger and more competitive.

Details about the CIP's Eco-Innovation
initiative – for which the yearly Call for Applications is open until September
6, 2012 – were given during an information session organised by Malta
Enterprise, which hosts the CIP's National Contact Point for Malta.

Pedro Fernandez Alvarez, the National
Contact Point for Malta within Malta Enterprise, said that the Eco-Innovation
initiative helps good ideas with a proven track record but which are not fully
marketed due to residual risks, overcome barriers to become fully-fledged
commercial prospects ready for use by the consumer, or business and industry.

A number of projects which made
successful use of the CIP's Eco-Innovation assistance were also showcased,
amongst which a printing company which converted paper mill sludge into
absorbent material used to clean up oil and chemical spills in harbours, as
well as a waste-collection company which is automatically sorting various
metals by quality for recycling.

Besides giving details about this
year's open Call and highlighting the benefits for innovative Maltese SMEs, Mr
Alvarez also explained how to write a good proposal to ensure that applications
stand a better chance of being approved and encouraged participants to contact
Malta Enterprise for assistance.

Another presentation was delivered
during the information session by George Francalanza, Head of Business First,
who focused on the assistance and guidance provided by the one-stop-shop for
businesses also located at the Malta Enterprise head office in Pietà. These
include a wide variety of schemes and incentives which are aimed at supporting
enterprises undertaking innovative projects as well as initiatives aimed at
improving their impact on the environment.

On his part, the Head of the EU
Business Development at Bank of Valletta Mark SciclunaBartoli spoke about SMEs
access to finance when embarking on eco-innovation and other projects. He gave
details of other funding assistance available to implement not only
eco-innovative but also other projects, such as the JEREMIE MicroCredit scheme
administered by BOV through which enterprises may obtain a loan of up to
€510,000 at advantageous interest rates.

Further information on the CIP and the
Eco-Innovation initiative may be obtained by contacting the CIP National
Contact Point within Malta Enterprise on 2542 0000 or , or by


The New Libya Investment Law

GRTU has this
week held another successful New Libya Investment Law information session. One
of the main services offered by GRTU today is helping local enterprises explore
business opportunities outside the Maltese shores through hosting of foreign
business delegations, participation in delegations abroad, finding partners,
exploring new markets, etc…

Libya is
understandably a market of interest for local enterprises both for its
opportunities and historical relations with our country. The way of doing
business in Libya has changed drastically following the revolution and is being
accompanied by changes in the legal system, including the laws concerning
investment.  GRTU wanted local
enterprises to be prepared and protected when approaching Libya and it is to
this end that GRTU Council Member and Libya relations representative Mario
Debono invited a Libyan consultancy to explain this New Investment Law. The
consultancy's main area of specialty is the conduct of legal studies, analysis
and set-up companies, financial advisory in addition to providing corporate
solutions.  They also provide an
important strategic gate-way to doing business in Libya.

The meeting was
very insightful. It was explained that when eying Libya one has to start by
understanding the current situation. Libya is in an era of transition
politically, economically and socially and it is still recovering from the
consequences of the revolution. Libya remains a highly challenging market, and
while there are potential investment opportunities, there are corresponding
great challenges to successfully operating in Libya.

The revolution
has led to a great deal of confusion particularly among foreign investors
because the shifting of regulation and procedures and a weak regulatory
environment have not inspired confidence in the market. Following a reform
process enacted by the former regime, a slight growth in the economy took place
in the banking system and amongst SMEs.

main challenges of the Libyan market remain:

Lack of sufficient information on Libyan companies

Lack of transparency in the tendering process

Instability in terms of security, regulation and political environment

Underdeveloped banking system

Lack of skilled and educated labour


Lengthy bureaucratic process

Difficulty finding reliable Libyan partners

considering market entry it is important that any processes are
official to guarantee security and protection of the investment. Foreign
Investors have five main options when considering market entry, each of
which have certain advantages and restricitons:

Representative Office

Branch Office

Joint Venture Company with a local firm

Registration under Investment Law No. 5 of 1997 (Openness to Foreign Investment)


Mentioned also where the Prohibited
activities for foreign investors, requirement for getting approval, privileges
and exemptions and an overview of the tax system.

Further information may be obtained by
contacting Abigail Mamo at GRTU on or 21232881.

Green MT once again places bins at Ghadira Bay for Summer 2012

 Green MT and the Mellieha Local Council
have once again partnered together to help keep the popular Ghadira beach clean
this summer. A number of recyclable bins have been placed in strategic
positions along the beach to provide a means of reducing the waste that is
dumped yearly on this beach by the thousands that use it.Not only will this
initiative reduce the amount of waste dumped on this beach, it will allow for
the waste to be separated at source. Green MT would like to thank the Mellieha Local Council for
their cooperation in making this project another success.