The Power of Training: Instilling Good Values and Encouraging Openness in Employees

Article by Ritienne Xerri

At work we are constantly seeking ways to improve by enhancing the workforce effectiveness. This brings about constant changes and whether it is a shift in strategy, the introduction of new technology, it also triggers a range of emotions. When I look back at the changes I’ve experienced in life, I feel fulfilled with a sense of gratitude. Looking back, we realise that each twist and turn, no matter how challenging it seemed at the time, has played a crucial role in shaping who we are today.

In today’s work environment change is not just inevitable; it is essential. The organisations that make it through another successful year are those that not only embrace change but also train their employees with the right technical and people skills to move in the right direction. This is where training comes into play. No need to toss the coin because training and change are two sides of the same coin and getting it right is critical for fostering innovation, resilience and sustainable growth at the workplace.

Training programmes include sessions on the company’s culture, mission, vision and values. When employees understand and align with the core principles, they are more likely to embrace the changes they would be going through at work. This alignment creates a unified work environment which is a need of the current workforce.

Employees seek a unified environment where they feel values, supported and part of a team. This environment fosters collaboration, trust and a sense of belonging which are the must have values for organisational success. Are we offering this work environment to them?

Training helps employees to analyse difficult situations. By discussing real-scenarios, training provides employees with a clear understanding for the right behaviour. It fosters a culture of integrity.

Diversity and inclusion training is one of the current main training needs. During these sessions employees open and express how important it is to respect different perspectives and backgrounds. This type of training promotes empathy and understanding which are a must for creating a respectful workplace. When employees feel respected, they are more likely to reciprocate that respect to their colleagues.

One of the main challenges remains effective communication. Organisations still struggle with departmental silos and without proper channels for feedback, employees may feel unheard and undervalued. Training sessions that focus on communication skills help employees express their ideas clearly and listen actively to others.

We tend to overlook the power of training in organisations. Training can create a safe space for employees to open and interactive sessions help employees break down barriers and build trust amongst each other. Training helps employees manage their emotions and understand the emotions of others.

One truth remains constant: change is here to stay. In this workplace environment, training plays a crucial role in instilling good values and encouraging openness among employees. This not only leads to better employee engagement but also enhances workforce effectiveness within organisations.

*Sponsored article by Misco Malta

Public Consultation – Guidelines for the Construction and Demolition Waste Framework Regulations

The Environment and Resources Authority (ERA) is holding a public consultation on the intent and objectives of forthcoming Guidelines for the Construction and Demolition Waste Framework Regulations, S.L.549.161.

The Construction and Demolition Waste Framework Regulations (S.L. 549.161), which were published in December 2023, establish a framework regulating the management of waste resulting from demolition, excavation and construction activities. These regulations place obligations on the actors involved in the industry, namely the developer/client, contractors, waste carriers and site managers. The intent of these guidelines will be to provide guidance to the identified sector actors on meeting the obligations placed upon them.

More information is available at

Comments are being invited through the feedback form at or otherwise by email through  by 16 August 2024.

SME Chamber organises a webinar on Cyber risks for Maltese Businesses

Earlier this week the Malta Chamber of SMEs in collaboration with Diligex – AML Compliance Specialists and Thomas Murray organised a webinar on Cyber risks for Maltese Businesses and provided an exclusive intelligence insights on cyber threats in Malta.

The webinar focused on the advanced persistent threats (APTs) that may target Maltese businesses. The main speaker of this webinar was Mr Stephen Green, Threat Intelligence Lead at Thomas Murray and provided guidance on how to fortify your defences against these persistent and evolving cyber threats.

He provided an understanding of advanced persistent threats, overview of recent campaigns that have directly impacted entities within Malta and those with a similar profile, insights into the latest tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs) and methods to identify and prevent common initial access methods.

Should you wish to receive the webinar recording kindly contact us on

The Malta Chamber of SMEs and Trust Payments renew their partnership for the next 3 years

The Malta Chamber of SMEs and Trust Payments renewed their partnership for the next 3 years

During the signing of the agreement, Malta Chamber of SMEs President Mr. Paul Abela expressed his satisfaction in partnering once again with Trust Payments, noting that the collaboration offers the best possible electronic payment rates to businesses, especially to members of the Malta Chamber of SMEs.

Trust Payments Malta CEO Mr. Steve Grech highlighted the success of the partnership over the past three years and expressed confidence that the next three years will be equally successful.

Trust Payments is a leader in fintech, powering innovative customer commerce solutions across Malta and overseas. We provide on-demand Payments and Commerce services to help businesses grow and scale online, in-store, and on mobile.

Trust Payments combines these omnichannel services with powerful tools such as retail operations technology, loyalty management, and instant eCommerce. Trust Paymetns continuously engage in new innovative payment methods, including crypto and bank transfers, to drive Converged Commerce™.

SME Barometer (Q2 2024) shows discomfort and consistent concerns amongst local businesses whilst positively recognising lower inflation levels

Absolute majority of businesses skeptical on the country’s direction

The Malta Chamber of SMEs earlier today published the results of the SME Barometer (Q2 2024) Survey conducted amongst a total of 372 businesses (51% – Micro, 30% – Small, 16% – Medium and 3% – Large).

When asked what the topmost important issues are concerning their businesses, the data reveals the major concerns and challenges faced by businesses in Malta are categorised by the number of employees. In general, and across the board, the most pressing issues across all Business sizes are Employee Shortage (45%), Unfair Competition (24%) and Increase in Inflation (22%).

The primary contributors to business concerns when it comes to the national situation, across all sectors continues to be the lack of good governance (39%) and the level of corruption (36%). Inflation took a downward trend as opposed to Q1 (24) barometer, seeing a decrease of almost 10 percentage points.

SME Chamber President Mr. Paul Abela said that ‘The businesses overall sentiment continues to show that Businesses are feeling uncomfortable with the direction they are seeing Malta heading towards (79%)…This shows that businesses in general are not happy with the direction the country is heading to and a need for change in direction is imminent’.

The data shows that overall businesses’ sentiment continued to shift when compared with Q1, 2024.

Businesses, regardless of their size, are still facing considerable uncertainty when it comes to making investment decisions for the next year (53% – Unsure).

Misco Director Mr. Lawrence Zammit noted that as highlighted employee shortage remains a top most concern as a result of the current economic model. At the same time overpopulation was also regarded as an issue the government must tackle. Mr. Zammit said that a change in the economic model will directly address both the employee shortage and the concerns regarding overpopulation.

The SME Barometer survey is a collaborative effort between the SME Chamber and MISCO.

About Malta Chamber of SMEs:

The Malta Chamber of SMEs is a leading advocate for small and medium-sized enterprises, dedicated to championing their interests, fostering innovation, and driving economic prosperity in Malta.

About MISCO:

MISCO, a renowned research and consultancy company, specializes in providing actionable insights and strategic solutions to empower organizations, human resources and upskilling across various industries

Abigail Agius Mamo to depart from CEO Role at the Malta Chamber of SMEs After 10 Years of Success


Abigail Agius Mamo to depart from CEO Role at the Malta Chamber of SMEs After 10 Years of Success

The Malta Chamber of SMEs wishes to announce that its CEO, Abigail Agius Mamo, has decided to step down from the position. Ms. Agius Mamo has been an integral part of the SME Chamber for the past 17 years and in the position of CEO for the last 10 years, during which she along with the Council spearheaded major changes nationwide. During her tenure as CEO, the Malta Chamber of SMEs achieved numerous milestones, significantly enhancing the organization’s presence and impact. This included a comprehensive journey of renewal while at the same time, supporting local SMEs during the unprecedented challenges of the Covid-19 pandemic. The organization’s gold standard handling of the Covid-19 repercussions gained EU-wide recognition, being awarded the EU’s Civil Solidarity prize.

As CEO, Ms Agius Mamo performed her role with passion, inspiring the team she built to work for the continued growth and evolution of the organization building trust, and giving a very credible voice to Malta’s SMEs to shape opinions and policies effectively. Ms Agius Mamo and the SME Chamber worked hard to build a robust support structure for SMEs and to create numerous opportunities to highlight the importance and contributions to local businesses. Another great achievement spearheaded by Ms Mamo was the Malta Business Awards.

The Malta Chamber of SMEs President and Council and staff wish to thank Ms Agius Mamo for her exceptional service and leadership and wish her all the best in her future endeavours.

Rewriting Your Business Plan to Integrate ESG Criteria: A Transformative Approach for Start-Ups and SMEs

In today’s rapidly evolving business landscape, environmental, social, and governance (ESG) criteria have become essential components of corporate strategy. For start-ups and small to medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), integrating ESG criteria into a business plan is not just a trend but a strategic imperative. This transformative approach can drive sustainable growth, enhance a brand’s reputation, and attract investors who are increasingly prioritizing responsible and ethical business practices.

ESG stands for Environmental, Social, and Governance, representing three critical dimensions of sustainability and ethical business practices. The environmental aspect involves initiatives to reduce carbon footprints, manage resources efficiently, and mitigate environmental impact. The social dimension focuses on managing relationships with employees, suppliers, customers, and communities, encompassing diversity, labor rights, and community engagement. Governance relates to the internal systems and practices that ensure transparency, accountability, and ethical decision-making. Incorporating these criteria into a business plan can yield numerous benefits, from operational efficiencies to enhanced stakeholder trust.

One of the significant advantages of rewriting a business plan to integrate ESG criteria is the attraction of investment and funding. Investors are increasingly looking for businesses that prioritize ESG factors. A 2021 report by Morningstar highlighted that sustainable funds in the U.S. attracted $51.1 billion in new investments in 2020, more than double the previous year. Even locally, banks are placing great importance on ESG factors, and are likely to be guided by a company’s ESG performance when determining whether to grant or withhold financial support. This is because, by integrating ESG criteria into a business plan, a company demonstrates a commitment to long-term sustainability, making it more attractive to conscientious investors.

Enhancing brand reputation and customer loyalty is another compelling reason to adopt ESG principles. Consumers are becoming more aware of the social and environmental impact of their purchases. A survey by Nielsen found that 66% of global consumers are willing to pay more for sustainable brands. Embedding ESG principles into a business model can differentiate a brand, enhance its reputation, and build stronger customer loyalty.

Improving risk management is a critical benefit of a robust ESG strategy. Such a strategy helps identify and mitigate risks related to environmental regulations, social issues, and governance practices. This proactive approach not only safeguards a business against potential legal and financial penalties but also ensures long-term viability. For instance, companies that prioritize environmental sustainability are better prepared for regulatory changes aimed at combating climate change.

A focus on ESG can also drive operational efficiency and innovation. Sustainable practices often lead to more efficient operations. Reducing waste and energy consumption can lower operational costs. Additionally, an ESG-focused approach encourages innovation. Start-ups and SMEs that invest in sustainable technologies and practices often discover new business opportunities and markets.

Attracting and retaining talent is another significant advantage of integrating ESG criteria. Today’s workforce, especially millennials and Gen Z, values purpose-driven work.

According to a Deloitte survey, 77% of millennials said a company’s commitment to social and environmental issues influences their decision to work there. By integrating ESG criteria into a business plan, companies can attract and retain top talent who are passionate about making a positive impact.

To effectively integrate ESG into a business plan, it is essential to start with an ESG assessment. This involves assessing the current ESG performance, identifying areas where the business excels and areas needing improvement. This assessment provides a baseline and helps set realistic goals. Defining ESG goals and metrics aligned with business objectives is the next step. For example, a company might aim to reduce carbon emissions by a certain percentage or increase diversity in its workforce. Establishing metrics to track progress and holding oneself accountable is crucial.

Engaging stakeholders, including employees, customers, suppliers, and investors, to understand their ESG expectations and priorities is essential. This collaborative approach ensures that the ESG strategy is relevant and impactful. Integrating ESG criteria into core business processes, from supply chain management to product development, ensures that decision-making at all levels considers ESG impact.

Transparency is key to gaining stakeholder trust. Regularly communicating ESG initiatives, progress, and outcomes through reports, social media, and other channels is important. Highlighting success stories and being honest about challenges and areas for improvement builds credibility. ESG is a dynamic field with evolving standards and expectations. Continuously monitoring and refining the ESG strategy to stay ahead of trends and regulations is necessary. Regularly reviewing goals and metrics and adjusting them as necessary ensures they remain ambitious yet achievable.

Rewriting a business plan to integrate ESG criteria is not merely an exercise in corporate responsibility but a strategic move that can drive long-term success. For start-ups and SMEs, this approach can unlock new opportunities, enhance a brand’s reputation, attract investment, and ensure sustainable growth. By committing to ESG principles, a business positions itself as a leader in the modern economy, ready to tackle the challenges and seize the opportunities of a rapidly changing world.

In an era where stakeholders demand more from businesses, integrating ESG criteria into a business plan is a powerful way to demonstrate a commitment to making a positive impact. In Malta, start-ups and SMEs can get their business plan funded through local schemes, making this step a no-brainer for those who want to tap into current opportunities to future-proof their business model. Embrace this transformative approach and watch your business thrive in a more sustainable and equitable future.

The Malta Chamber of SMEs, in collaboration with Weave Consulting – the ESG Specialists, is offering its members free advisory services to help them understand and implement ESG in a simple and affordable manner. To book your free session , email us on or call 21232881

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Malta’s Sustainable Development Action Days 2024: Be Part of the Change!

The Ministry for the Environment, Energy and Regeneration of the Grand Harbour is currently in the process of drafting a programme of events as part of the European Sustainable Development Week 2024, the core week of which to be held between the 20th and 26th September 2024.

The aim of the Action Days is to promote and foster awareness on sustainable development and the related United Nations (UN) Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and to inspire more organisations to take more action and showcase their commitment towards sustainability.

Recognising the importance of government entities, community and civil society actors, academia, local councils, constituted bodies as well as the private sector in their role and activism towards sustainability, the Ministry is looking forward to showcasing your work and any initiatives undertaken in this regard.


What kind of initiative/s?

Initiatives can be any activities held between the 18th of September 2024 and the 8th of October 2024 and must be linked with the UN 2030 Agenda with its 17 SDGs. Your initiative could be anything ranging from information sessions, community projects, and awareness raising campaigns. Digital actions such as social media campaigns on sustainability are also possible.

Kindly note that the initiatives should not be for profit. The promotion of products and/or services will not be accepted as an initiative under this call.


How can you register?

Initiatives can be registered by filling in the Google form here. Furthermore, it would be appreciated if you could also send us an image/banner of the initiative.


How the initiatives will be showcased

The Ministry for the Environment, Energy and Regeneration of the Grand Harbour will showcase the initiatives on its websitesocial media and press events.


Deadline for submissions

The deadline for submissions is Friday, 19th July 2024. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us on .