Free Training Opportunities totally sponsored by eSkills Malta Foundation

The eSkills Malta Foundation is pleased to announce a series of free training opportunities that aim to enhance the digital skills of the Maltese Society. The Foundation has the overall objective to increase digital skills. In line with this objective, the Foundation is offering training courses/sessions/events for specific closed groups or open to the public.

Further details may be found at the following links:

These training sessions will run till November 2023.

Market research – New start-up company

Over the past few weeks, there has been a staggering 20% increase in food costs. In today’s fast-paced society, individuals are constantly racing against the clock, trying to maintain a healthy budget, manage stress levels, and stay physically fit. Unfortunately, the repercussions of this hectic lifestyle often manifest in various mental and physical health issues, exacerbated by unhealthy eating habits.

Recognising the significance of these challenges, we are developing a comprehensive tool tailored to address the needs of young professionals. This tool aims to assist you in effectively managing grocery costs and meal planning, while prioritising your well-being and that of your families. By reducing waste, saving time, and providing cost-effective and nutritionally balanced meal plans, we hope to alleviate the stress and strain that contribute to poor mental and physical health.

To gather a comprehensive understanding of the current landscape, we kindly request your participation in this survey. Your valuable insights will help us shape the development of this tool and pave the way for a healthier and more balanced lifestyle for all.

Please fill in the survey here:

Malta Chamber of SMEs disassociates itself with comments made to The Shift News

Following an article on The Shift News, entitiled: “Pharmacists concerned about supply of chemotherapy medication by President’s Foundation”, published on the 3rd of August, the Malta Chamber of SME Council has taken note of the comments reported. The article quotes Mr Mario Debono as SME Chamber representative making a number of statements with regards to the Malta Community Chest Fund and its Chairperson.
In a statement, The Malta Chamber of SMEs Council states that the SME Chamber completely disassociates with the statements made. The SME Chamber was not informed by Mr Debono on the matter and his actions in this respect were unauthorised and certainly not representative of the Chamber’s values and official stance. The SME Chamber has for the time being suspended Mr Debono from his position as Council Member pending further procedures as outlined in the SME Chamber’s Statute.

The SME Chamber officials have already apologised directly to Mr Huber and we reassure Mr Huber of our support in his work as MCCFF Chairperson and our support to the valid work of the Malta Community Chest Fund.

Malta Chamber of SMEs calculating cost of Malta and Gozo’s recent power cuts

Photo: The Malta Independent

With consecutive days of unplanned power cuts affecting countless households and businesses across Malta in the midst of a heatwave, the Malta Chamber of SMEs called for a form of compensation for those affected.

Malta Chamber of SMEs CEO Abigail Agius Mamo, in comments to the media said that “we need a guaranteed service, it is not acceptable, I’ve seen a lot of distress from both businesses and consumers. Everyone wants to be able to carry on with their business.”

Throughout this difficult period, the SME Chamber met Enemalta officials the get further information on the situation and also participated during an MCESD meeting chaired by the Prime Minister, during which the Government pledged to double Malta’s yearly budget allocation to the country’s energy distribution network.

The Malta Chamber of SMEs is asking all sorts of businesses – from small shops to factories and hotels – to quantify how much they lost as a result of the series of prolonged outages that hit the islands.

Businesses are asked to prepare their claims and passing them on to the SME Chamber to facilitate the process in formulating a compensation scheme.

The SME Chamber is available to guide members, interested members may contact us on

Malta Chamber of SMEs and the Energy & Water Agency implementing MERCA project

As part of the MERCA project, a collaboration between the Malta Chamber of SMEs, and the Energy & Water Agency, currently EWA is conducting energy and water audits in 14 food retail shops around Malta of various sizes.

Once these audits are completed, these companies will have a full report on their consumption patterns and a plan to reduce this consumption.

The findings of the MERCA project will also provide an insight about the sector and information sessions to guide the food retail sector will be carried out.

Malta Chamber of SMEs holds a meeting with MFSA

A formal introductory meeting was held with the MFSA Chairperson, Mr Jesmond Gatt and MFSA CEO, Mr Kenneth Farrugia. The SME Chamber was represented by CEO Abigail Agius Mamo, Head of Policy Andrew Aquilina and Council Member Marthese Micallef. The SME Chamber was also accompanied by a number of members representing different sectors.

The SME Chamber and MFSA discussed closer cooperation in order to support each other on a number of areas as well as experiences different sectors go through that can be worked on to improve the ease of doing business and make operations more sustainable. : The new National Language Technology Platform

The new National Language Technology Platform has been recently launched and may be accessed free of charge by businesses and the general public at:

 Besides integrating eTranslation (the European Commission’s translation platform), has also been trained on local data, such as the Laws of Malta, for more refined results.

For more information about the National Language Technology Platform project and the language tools available visit:

 Should you need any further information, do not hesitate to contact the Office of the State Advocate by email:

Malta Sustainable Development Action Days 2023: Be Part of the Change!

Aim of the Action Days

The Ministry for the Environment, Energy and Enterprise is currently in the process of drafting a programme of events as part of the European Sustainable Development Week 2023, the core week of which to be held between the 20th and 26th September 2023.

The aim of the Action Days is to promote and foster awareness on sustainable development and the related United Nations (UN) Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and to inspire more organisations to take more action and showcase their commitment towards sustainability.

Recognising the importance of community and civil society actors, academia, local councils, constituted bodies as well as the private sector in their role and activism towards sustainability, the Ministry is looking forward to showcasing your work and any initiatives undertaken in this regard.

 What kind of initiative/s?

Initiatives can be any activities held between the 18th of September 2023 and the 8th of October 2023 and must be linked with the UN 2030 Agenda with its 17 SDGs. Your initiative could be anything ranging from information sessions, community projects, awareness raising campaigns or digital initiatives.

How can you register?

Initiatives can be registered by filling in the Google form here. Furthermore, it would be appreciated if you could also send us an image/banner of the initiative.

How the initiatives will be showcased

The Ministry for the Environment, Energy and Enterprise will showcase the initiatives on its websitesocial media and press events.

Deadline for submissions

The deadline for submissions is Thursday, 7th September 2023. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us on .

Over 400 applications received for the 2nd edition of the Malta Business Awards

As the application process for the Malta Business Awards 2023 closed on Monday 31st July, a record number of 400 applications were received for the 2nd edition of these prestigious awards. This meant an increase of over 30% in applications over the first edition.

The Malta Business Awards are organised by the Malta Chamber of SMEs in collaboration with Malta Enterprise.

The application process which started on the 12th of June, kick-started  the process for the 2nd edition of the Malta Business Award. All the applications received will now go through the first part of the adjudication stage by 3 members of the adjudication board for each award. The shortlisted companies will be announced on the 11th of September and the finalists will be announced on the 30th of October following the second stage of adjudication.

The 4 award categories are, Distinct Initiatives,Green Ambassadors, Celebrating Business & Business Innovation.