Up tp 80% financing for SMEs on investment in Cybersecurity solutions

MITA through the National Cybersecurity Coordination Centre (NCC-MT) has launched CYBER+ALT – Agħżel Li Tipproteġi, a Grant Scheme specifically targeted to locally established SMEs. This Scheme intends to assist by part-financing up-to 80% of the cost for investment that will enhance their overall level of security and resilience, capped at a maximum grant of €60,000.

This scheme is co-funded through the Digital Europe Programme (DEP) and National funds (50-50).

The CYBER+ALT Grant Scheme landing page is: https://ncc-mita.gov.mt/cyber-alt whereby one can find all the accompanying documentation including the link to apply.

Click here to download further information Cyber+Alt Grant Scheme .

An Information Session on this Scheme will be held on Friday, 7th July 2023 between 10:00 and 11:00. Anyone interested can find all details in the respective landing page. This online session is intended to give more practical information on the scheme whilst also giving the opportunity to ask direct questions.

SME Chamber organises a webinar for its members in collaboration with Identity Malta

This morning, over 200 members of The Malta Chamber of SMEs gathered for a webinar in partnership with Identity Malta

During this session, our members were provided with valuable insights into the new procedures for the single work permit and student VISA.
Our guests included top officials from Identity Malta, who answered questions posed by our attendees.
Webinar was moderated by Malta Chamber of SMEs CEO Ms Abigail Agius Mamo and included the participation of Identity Malta CEO Col. Mark Mallia

We are proud to facilitate such knowledge-sharing opportunities and empower our members with the latest updates in immigration regulations.

Members that wish to follow the webinar recording may get in touch by sending an email to

SME Chamber and SHE join forces once again to support female entrepreneurs

This Malta Chamber of SMEs and SHE: Social Hub Entrepreneurs joined forces once again in order to support Female Entrepreneurs.
This time focusing on the numerous funds and schemes that are available, specifically on the new ones that have just opened starting this June. Funds and Schemes can greatly support business investments and these have never been accessible as they are today.
What will the grants support?
Building Business Plans and Systems Reviews
– Growth, diversification and innovation
– Purchase of tools necessary to run the business
– Hardware, software, eCommerce website, cybersecurity, cloud, subscriptions
– Apertures, insulation, heating, cooling, ventilation, lighting and hot water​
Those interested are engouraged to get in touch with us for support.

SME Chamber organises a conference on skills and re-skilling

This conference was organised as part of Crosswork project

The Malta Chamber of SMEs earlier today organised a conference as part of Crosswork project entitled ‘Aligning Human Resources with Organisational needs’.

The conference focused on skills and solutions to lack of skills with the participation of various key government entities.

The conference ‘Aligning human resources with organizational needs was held – contextualized to the ‘EU cross-border mobility initiative Crosswork promoted within the Interreg Italy-Malta programme’ – whose main topic was the search for specific skills in the world of work.

Through the words of the speakers, as well as the main project partner, Abigail Agius Mamo – CEO of the Malta Chamber of SMEs, Rosario Alescio and Cristina Dragoi, respectively President and Senior Expert of Logos Cooperative Society, Clayton Cutajaw – Director of Strategy and Lifelong Learning of the National Skills Council,  shed light on the virtuous mechanism that can be achieved by promoting the 𝐂𝐫𝐨𝐬𝐬𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐤 platform to companies with staff shortages and unemployed job seekers.

𝐈𝐭𝐚𝐥𝐲 and 𝐌𝐚𝐥𝐭𝐚 are actively working to support each other by establishing a synergistic collaboration that aims to nourish the whole sector of active labor policies, especially in the Sicilian and Maltese territories.

Second edition of the Malta Business Awards launched

Applications open until 31 July on maltabusinessawards.mt

Following the success of the first edition, the second edition of the Malta Business Awards is being launched today by the Malta Chamber of SMEs in collaboration with Malta Enterprise and the Ministry for the Environment, Energy and Enterprise.

With the launch of the awards, applications opened which will remain open until 31 July.

The launch was carried out by Enterprise Minister Miriam Dalli together with Malta Enterprise Chief Executive Kurt Farrugia, President of the Chamber of SMEs Paul Abela and Chief Executive Abigail Agius Mamo.

Malta Enterprise Chief Executive Kurt Farrugia explained that these awards are a tool for businesses to showcase the work they have been doing. We look forward to seeing applications and encouraging businesses to apply. As Malta Enterprise we are very glad to continue supporting initiatives that drive innovation and sustainability in business as we believe this is the way forward.

Minister for the Environment, Energy and Enterprise Hon. Miriam Dalli said that economic growth is driven by the dedication and hard work of enterprises in our country.

“This should also serve as an inspiration for our businesses to be more sustainable, digital, meet the needs of their customers and ensure competitiveness. We want every business in Malta to achieve and exceed its own goals where the services and products offered will be of excellence, which not only serve our country’s customers, but also abroad,” Minister Dalli said.

She continued that the Malta Business Awards serve to show us success stories, where one learns from the other. “Above all they are an opportunity for each enterprise to see how it will improve its service and processes.”

The Chief Executive of the Malta Chamber of SMEs Abigail Agius Mamo urged businesses to apply for the Malta Business Awards by 31st July at www.maltabusinessawards.mt

Agius Mamo explained that companies can apply for more than one prize. It also announced that the first selected companies would be announced on 11 September and the finalists would be announced on 30 October. The final evening will take place on 1 December 2023.

For more information about the Malta Business Awards one can visit www.maltabusinessawards.mt.

FLOW 23 – A successful conference on digital transformation

4 Sight Group in collaboration with the Malta Chamber of SMEs organised the 2nd edition of Flow 23 – The Digital Transformation Event.

The conference included the participation of over 150 delegates form various sectors to learn about the latest technologies, such as AI and automation, and how they can help businesses streamline their operations and improve efficiency.

Participants had the opportunity to network with other business leaders and learn from their experiences.

SME Chamber organises a webinar in collaboration with the Customs Department

The Malta Chamber of SMEs in collaboration with the Customs Department organised a Webinar on the recent changes in Declaration of Non-Harmonised Goods (Excise Duty). 

The Webinar included explanations related to:  

  • Process to Register for an Excise Registered Merchant; 
  • The new process on the Simplified Customs Declaration Scheme; and
  • The new procedure as of 1st of May 2023, the 48 working hours or the 5 working days with regards to when the concession could be submitted will no longer be applicable; 

Member may request the link to view the webinar by sending an email to .

Press Release: SME Chamber welcomes turnout in bid for Renewable Energy Projects

The Malta Chamber of SMEs notes with satisfaction the massive turnout for participation in the Invitation to Bid (ITB) issued by the Energy Ministry via the REWS (Regulator for Energy and Water Services) for the award of financial support for electricity from renewable energy. The participants were bidding for the feed-in tariff rate that Government will give them when they feed the power they generate into the national electricity grid. The proposed projects are all privately owned solar farms that they are planning to build and finance.

Over subscription in this case is a watershed moment for Malta. Malta has really turned a new page in renewable energy production. Clearly, there is investment appetite as well as confidence from Private Enterprise in the future of the country. It is also evidence of the good work being done by the Energy Ministry as well as encouragement for the Ministry to work together with stakeholders such as the Malta Chamber of SMEs to achieve even more.

Of a total of 50MW power generation through the proposed projects, only 19MW will materialize due to capping imposed on the capacity that can be installed. We strongly urge Government to raise the limits imposed so that the remaining projects are green-lit as soon as possible. It would be a pity if these investors lose interest; keeping up the momentum will likely attract new investors which will eventually result in putting Malta on the European renewable energy map. Encouraging more investment, such as this, one will enable the nation to reach its renewable energy targets. Funds currently being spent abroad to purchase energy can instead be diverted to the local economy, Industry and Employers.

Members of the Malta Chamber of SMEs meets German Business delegation

Members of the Malta Chamber of SMEs had the privilege of meeting a German Business delegation which is currently in Malta to explore business opportunities.

Malta Chamber of SMEs CEO Ms Abigail Agius Mamo welcomed the delegation and following this, individual B2B meetings were held between the German delegation and the esteemed members of the Malta Chamber of SMEs.

The German delegation was led by Mr. Detlef Bischoff, the Honorary Consul for the Land Saxony-Anhalt and the Free State of Saxony.