Press Release: Focusing on recovery and resilience of Malta’s micro, small and medium enterprises

Celebrating the UN’s World Day dedicated to MSMEs

The 27th of June has been dedicated by the United Nations as a day for the world to celebrate micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs). This year marks the 5th anniversary since the start of this commemorative occasion.

Malta stands at par with the EU with Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) amounting to 99.8% of total enterprises. MSMEs in Malta however account for 78% of total jobs in the private sector in Malta, surpasses the EU average by 10%. Malta also surpasses the EU average when it comes to the value-added generated by these same MSMEs by a staggering 25% with a total of 82% of all value added generated, compared to the EU average of 57%.

The level of significance that micro, small and medium enterprises have in Malta is higher than anywhere else. Our smallest in terms of size also are the biggest contributors in terms economic and social value. This is something we should be proud of.

The Chamber of SMEs has always valued the work of entrepreneurs and appreciated the dedication and personal risk this involves. Running a business is never easy, nothing comes guaranteed. Businesses work very hard to ensure they give a service to be able to retain and attract more clients and also earn a living for themselves, their employees and their families, for whom they feel responsible.

The unprecedented challenges Maltese MSMEs are experiencing at the moment make it even harder to stay in business. This year the UN has chosen to celebrate MSMEs under the theme of ‘Resilience and recovery in view of the triple threat of Covid, conflict and climate’, a theme that perfectly reflects the circumstances of Malta’s MSMEs.

Malta’s MSMEs are on a rollercoaster of events: preparing for the digital and green transition and being hit by the COVID-19 pandemic. Covid delt a disproportionate impact. Even though several support measures were created many businesses took on debt financing to keep their companies afloat. Following this, during a time crucial for recovery, a devastating war started at Europe’s doorstep, creating further challenges and disruptions. MSMEs are also suffering from persistent disruptions in supply chains, intense labour shortages, excessive bureaucracy and compliance requirements, which negatively impact their ability to function, take on work and carry out investments.

Notwithstanding all these difficulties, local MSMEs continue being resilient and step by step walk steadily towards recovery. MSMEs turn our economy into the miracle that it is. The road ahead however offers many challenges, and we call on our policy makers to be aware that the manifold challenges can be overwhelming.

Before approving a new legislative or policy proposal, decision-makers should think about whether they – in the shoes of the entrepreneur – would feel supported by the policy initiative to make their business recover or would they be able to comply with the proposed rules and the burdens involved. Our policymakers should “think small first” and act accordingly.

Business Opportunities from Israel for the months of May and June

View of Tel Aviv beach in summer time with Israel Flag

As part of our efforts to promote business matchmaking for Israeli companies, The Federation of the Israeli Chambers of Commerce (FICC) announced several business offers from companies and its members.

All companies within the list of business offers are looking for new business partners, distributors, representation, or suppliers.

Companies interested to get more information related to these business offers and a full list of business offers, please contact Jamie Tanti by email at

Click here for the full list of business offers.

Companies who find these offers relevant to them may contact FICC directly and approach Ms. Yonat Keren:

Malta Trade Fair – A private initiative actively addressing Malta’s economic challenges

The Malta Chamber of SMEs augurs success for this first edition following the pandemic

With the Malta Trade Fair opening its door for the first time following the pandemic, Malta has reached another milestone in terms of normality following the very disruptive Covid patch. The Trade Fair, traditionally, has always had a place in Malta’s economic and social calendar. Being able to plan and restore such important milestones in our calendar is a very important step for Malta.

Covid is however no longer the main challenge facing Malta and the economy. Today a number of other challenges have taken their position as top priorities and the SME Chamber is pleased to see a good number of these being addressed by the Malta Trade Fair.


  • Lack of Resources – with lack of human resources being a major hurdle, maximizing resources is of paramount importance. Through the platform of the Malta Trade Fair, businesses receive a concentration of exposure and in joining forces with other traders at the fair, they are able to combine efforts and provide complementary solutions.


  • Inflation – while there is limited action Malta can take on this matter, it is surely very opportune for private initiatives coming together to provide their very best offering and discounts for the benefits of local consumers.


  • Sustainability – an increasing number of traders are offering solutions and options which are smarter and more sustainable. Malta needs to work much harder at reducing its dependency on resources, especially scarce and harmful ones. making use of renewables, recycled materials and technologies ,which are both good for the environment and people’s pockets, are well featured at this year’s fair.


The Trade Fair has something for everyone on offer, whether one is looking for items to buy, window shopping or a family outing, it will surely not disappoint. Tha Malta Chamber of SMEs wishes the MFCC and all traders participating great success.

Malta Chamber of SMEs and HSBC Malta Foundation hold sustainability seminar series

The Malta Chamber of SMEs and the HSBC Malta Foundation have partnered up to organise a series of six webinars for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) on corporate sustainability practices across a variety of industries.

The first three webinars of the series focused on sustainability in general, sustainability in the transport and maritime sectors, and sustainability in the retail, wholesale and hospitality sectors.

The remaining three webinars, taking place in the coming months, will elaborate on how sustainability practices can embellish operations in the professional services sector, in the manufacturing and industrial services sectors, and in the financial services sector.

Dr Roberta Lepre, Managing Consultant at Weave Consulting and host of the seminar series, said: “Increasing sustainability practices in corporate operations brings with it various advantages. Beyond being a prerequisite for a better future, sustainability can help businesses in reducing operational costs and gaining access to more innovative technologies. Additionally, business leaders who adopt sustainable approaches will see their corporation’s reputation growing, further underpinning commercial success.”

Michel Cordina, Executive Director and Head of Business Development at HSBC Malta, said: “HSBC Malta is committed to becoming a net-net zero bank by 2030 so sustainability for us is a strategic imperative. In this context, we are actively supporting the business community through activities such as this seminar series to learn about the advantages of sustainable practices and to begin to adapt their operations accordingly.”

Abigail Agius Mamo, Chief Executive Officer of the Chamber of SMEs, said: “Operational sustainability is an indicator of how long a business can maintain its current practices without risking its future resources. Ever so more, sustainability refers to ecological resources; however, the focus must also concentrate on social and economic resources, too, to ensure long-term success in today’s challenging corporate landscape.”

More information on upcoming webinars is available by sending an email to .

Malta Chamber of SMEs collaborates with 4Sight Group on the first edition of FLOW – The Digital Trasformation Event

4Sight Group in collaboration with the Malta Chamber of SMEs organised a successful networking event for over 200  business people during the first edition of FLOW – The Digital Trasformation Event.

Throughout the 1 day conference which was held at Giardini Lambrosa, Rabat, industry experts delivered sessions, who together with a number of panelists provided attendees a wealth of useful information and experience-sharing.

A number of case studies were shared and additionally various demo workstations were available for a hands-on experience. 

Malta Chamber of SMEs CEO was one of the speakers opening the event. She said that the SME Chamber leads by example and while we are still at a very early stage in our digitalisation process we have full faith that we have done our first steps correctly. Through the engagement of experienced consultants and the effective use of EU funding the Malta Chamber of SMEs is onto another transportation that will make it future proof.

Termination of Wage Supplement scheme – Confirmation emails by Saturday 25th June

Businesses are being reminded that wage supplement beneficiaries are to reply to MAY confirmation emails by not later than Saturday 25th June. This deadline also applies to Rent and Electricity Refund Schemes.

For more information you may send an email on or call on 144.

Malta Chamber of SMEs successfully closes discussions with National Lottery plc and lottery agents

National Lottery plc a subsidiary of the IZI Group and the new operator of the National Lottery of Malta as from July 5th, 2022, has announced in a joint statement with the representatives of the national lottery agents, that it has concluded an agency agreement that will regulate the business relationship between the parties for the next 10 years.

The process at reaching this milestone commenced in late 2021 when the representatives of the national lottery agents, the Lotto Receivers Union (LRU) and the Gaming & Lotteries Agents Association (GLAA) had both endorsed the bid submitted by National Lottery plc for the Request for Proposals (RFP) process through a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU).

Over the last months, since being declared as preferred bidder, National Lottery plc, the LRU, GLAA and Malta Chamber of SMEs entered discussions with the aim of concluding an agency agreement for the duration of the concession term, aimed at strengthening the relationship between the parties.

(From left to right) Marco Rossi, President, LRU, Abigail Agius Mamo CEO at the Malta Chamber of SMEs, Johann Schembri, CEO, National Lottery plc, Conrad De Giorgio, General Secretary, GLAA and Joseph Farrugia, President, GLAA.

“It is our pleasure to announce that after months of discussions, National Lottery plc and the lottery agents’ representatives, namely the LRU and the GLAA with the sterling support of the Malta Chamber of SME’s have sealed the terms of the agency agreement for the next 10 years. This agreement will allow for the modernisation of the national lottery retail network through substantial investments in technology and content delivery, as well as a general refurbishment programme to bring the retail network in line with European benchmarks over the next eighteen (18) months,” said Johann Schembri – Chief Executive Officer of National Lottery plc.

“Retail distribution has always been considered as one of the strategic pillars of the National Lottery, and through our investment in technology, the adoption of new work practices and the joint refurbishment investment programme, we are establishing a forward-looking framework that will facilitate the growth of the national lottery while improving the livelihood of hundreds of families,” Schembri added.

“I want to personally thank the LRU, GLAA and Malta Chamber of SMEs for their professionalism and hard work that enabled the conclusion of this very important process,” concluded Schembri.

From their part the LRU, GLAA and the Malta Chamber of SMEs also expressed their satisfaction that this process was successfully completed in a timely and equitable manner.

“We are very excited for the commencement of this new national lottery concession under the stewardship of National Lottery plc”, said Marco Rossi – President of the LRU.

“We have secured an agency agreement that provides good prospects for our members. Adapting to change is never easy, but we all truly understand that a proper investment programme was needed, and we found National Lottery plc open to such an investment in the retail network. Our members have endorsed this agreement that will enable growth for the national lottery over the years to come for the joint benefit of all those involved in the national lottery ecosystem.”

The representatives of the GLAA have also noted with satisfaction that National Lottery plc gave the opportunity to their association to participate in this important process from the very first days.

“After weeks of negotiations we feel that we have reached a good consensus on the agreement for the benefit of all our members, thanks to the goodwill and commitment shown from National Lottery plc. This new operation instils in us more pride, as for the first time in history it will be operated by a fully owned Maltese company, providing a service by the Maltese to the Maltese” denoted Joseph Farrugia – President of the GLAA.

Conrad De Giorgio – General Secretary of the GLAA said that the GLAA is looking forward to an exciting ten years of operation with National Lottery plc. “We strongly believe that the Maltese Public will be offered a product of the highest standard and will give an opportunity to agents to flourish in their businesses” concluded De Giorgio.

Abigail Agius Mamo – the CEO at the Malta Chamber of SMEs said that it is evident how driven and ambitious the new operators of the National Lottery of Malta are. “The Malta Chamber of SMEs is pleased to have been able to successfully close discussions, with enough confidence to encourage agents to seize the opportunity of what this new chapter has in hold for them. The coming ten years augur for an exciting and rewarding journey. It is critical for everyone to continue on the tone of the discussions and work together in good faith. I thank National Lottery plc, our joint representative committee made up of LRU and GLAA officials and the Malta Gaming Authority for their support throughout the discussions, all of which were essential for the successful closure of this ten-year agreement”.

National Lottery plc will take over from Maltco Lotteries on July 5th, 2022, with the first live draw taking place on Saturday July 9th, 2022, for the popular Saturday Lotto draw.

SME Chamber’s VRT sector holds its Annual General Meeting

The SME Chamber’s VRT Sector has this week held its Annual General Meeting.

A number of important topics were discussed including upgrades required by an EU Directive, the viability of the sector, increasing the levels of proficiency and difficulties with Human Resources.

The SME Chamber was represented by its CEO Ms Abigail Agius Mamo and Ms Liz Said and VRT sector was represented by Mr Michael Buhagiar and Mr Daniel Cutajar.

Malta Chamber of SMEs welcomes Malta’s exit from the Grey Listing 

The Malta Chamber of SMEs is very pleased that Malta is no longer Grey Listed.

The day that Malta was Grey Listed was a very sad day for the whole country. We are now overjoyed to have successfully closed this matter. Malta’s name has been officially cleared.

While the repercussions of the Grey Listing in terms of Malta’s reputation will not be restored in the immediate and will take more work and goodwill from the government in general and all of us to rebuild, this is certainly the most important first step.

Businesses operating in Malta were always very proud to showcase the country they work in, carrying Malta’s name on their sleeve. Businesses and the SME Chamber, as their representative, can now do this without feeling the weight that being a Grey Listed country carries. The Malta Chamber of SMEs will continue working to rebuild Malta’s reputation and support any initiative in this regard.

Malta’s unfortunate Grey Listing episode should serve as a lesson to all of us for a very long time. We augur that Malta will continue making strides in this regard and work to become a country of excellence for good governance, combating corruption and Money Laundering and Financing Terrorism.