Paul Abela confirmed as President of the Malta Chamber of SMEs; Deputy President and 5 Vice-Presidents elected

During the first council meeting 6 Vice-Presidents were elected

Paul Abela has been confirmed as Malta Chamber of SMEs President for the year 2022-2023.

Following the Annual General Meeting held last week, today the first council meeting took place, during which Mr Paul Abela was elected and confirmed as President of the Malta Chamber of SMEs.

Mr Abela thanked the SME Chamber members and the executive council for electing him once again as President of the Malta Chamber of SMEs. He insisted that throughout this year he will continue his work in defending the interests of SMEs.

Mr Abela thanked the organisation’s CEO, Ms Abigail Mamo and the SME Chamber Staff for their hard and dedicated work and stated that the organisation was never as professional and held such a high profile as it did today.

During the first council meeting, Philip Fenech was confirmed as Deputy President – policy and strategy of the SME Chamber and 5 officers were elected as Vice-Presidents, Marcel Mizzi Vice President – finance and administration; Sergio Camilleri Vice President – sectors; Michael Galea  Vice President – districts and localities and Noel Gauci Vice President – International Relations and Mr Robert Micallef was elected for the first time as Vice President – Training and Development.

Facilitating the Visa Approval Service for Employers

In its efforts to facilitate the VISA application process and the processing of TCN work permits, the Malta Chamber of SMEs is meeting individual entities and stakeholders in order to identify the bottlenecks in place and also facilitate communication.

The SME Chamber, together with representatives, has recently held a meeting with the Foreign Ministry over issues related with delayed appointment dates at the Visa Facilitation Service in India.

The SME Chamber noted that in instances appointments are being given in July, August and September, in some instances, no available slot is given. This situation is being experienced with both Student Visas and Work Visas

During the meeting the SME Chamber noted, that more resources need to be added and additional efforts need to be made to address the bottlenecks in place.

The SME Chamber will keep following this issue closely and alert authorities with issues experienced by members.

In the coming weeks, the SME Chamber, together with the respective representatives will be organising a series of information sessions, to help members sourcing the right TCNs. Interested members are to register their interest by sending an email on or call on 21232881.

Malta Chamber of SMEs successfully holds its yearly general meeting


The Malta Chamber of SMEs on Thursday 28th April 2022 held its 73rd Annual General Meeting.

In his opening address, President Mr Paul Abela said that while 2021 continued to be significantly impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic, we are now recovering and getting back to normality. Mr Abela also said that a new serious crises has since also developed with the conflict in Ukraine and the SME Chamber is also closely working with members and the effects on businesses.

Mr Abela highlighted that throughout this year, the SME Chamber continued to assist and be of support to thousand of businesses and ensuring they have a trusted partner to rely on.

During this AGM, Malta Chamber of SMEs CEO Ms Abigail Agius Mamo presented the Chamber’s Annual Report for 2021.

Ms Agius Mamo explained several milestones achieved throughout 2021 and said that the Malta Chamber of SMEs has once a year made it impact on businesses this year and highlighted 30 tangible achievements businesses gained thanks to the work the SME Chamber has done. Amongst these are;

  • Aid packages for different sectors affected by the pandemic
  • Extension of Wage supplement and tax deferrals through 2021
  • Improvement of Covid restrictions to help business function and recuperate
  • New round of vouchers
  • Rent subsidy scheme widened to cater for the difficulties in logistics
  • Achieving the biggest incentive within the Malta Enterprise portfolio – Smart and Sustainable Grant Scheme
  • Reducing the delays with the processing of single work permit
  • Facilitating the process of change in employer for TCNs
  • Restarting the acceptance of student visa applications
  • New agreement for Pharmacy Owners
  • Right for a bank account
  • Extending the Recovery and Resilience Funds for the benefit of the private sector

There were among many other achievements for the SME Chamber and its members. Apart from this, the Malta Chamber of SMEs also won two prestigious awards for its support to the business community, one in Malta and one at EU level.

The members of the Malta Chamber of SMEs unanimously approved the organisations’ Annual and Financial reports and commended the SME Chamber President, CEO, Council and the team for the hard work and results achieved.

Covid wage supplement final extension until May 2022

The Wage Supplement Scheme which has been ongoing since March 2020, will be extended until May 2022 and terminated that same month. The Government announced this during a Press Conference addressed by Miriam Dalli, Minister for the Environment, Energy and Sustainable Development and Malta Enterprise CEO Mr Kurt Farrugia.

Malta Chamber of SMEs President Mr Paul Abela and CEO Ms Abigail Agius Mamo participated during this Press Conference.

Over the last 26 months, this scheme’s total investment is more than 720 million Euros, has safeguarded almost 120,000 jobs and has assisted more than 17,000 companies including self-employed.

SME Chamber CEO address access to finance during a conference organised by the Malta Development Bank

The topic of Access to Finance, specifically focusing on the opportunity of Equity Sharing and how to strengthen this alternative in Malta, discussed this morning in a conference as part of an initiative being taken by the Malta Development Bank, with the support of Deloitte

During a panel discussion, SME Chamber CEO Abigail Agius Mamo presented the views of SMEs on the subject. She emphasized that the access to finance ecosystem in Malta, in general, comes with a number of gaps and some of this gap can be filled in by Equity Sharing. Having said this much more awareness and education is needed on the subject as well as a support framework, which includes a number of safeguards so that a higher success rate can be secured for this option.

SME Chamber and HSBC Malta Foundation organises a webinar on sustainable practices with particular focus on the transport and maritime sectors

The Malta Chamber of SMEs and HSBC Malta Foundation organised the 2nd out of a series of 6 webinars entitled Sustainability for Small Businesses.

Today’s webinar focused on the transport and maritime sectors and was delivered by Dr Roberta Lepre from WEAVE CONSULTING with the participation of Ms Jeannette Axisa, Director General at the Transport Foundation. The session was moderated by Mr Glenn Bugeja.
This webinar highlighted the opportunities for SMEs in the transport and maritime sectors pertaining to sustainability with a particular focus on climate change.
This was the second session out of a series of 6 which we will be organising throughout 2022.

Should you wish to join our next session please contact us on .


SME Chamber officials meets new Parliamentary Secretary for Social Dialogue

Malta Chamber of SMEs CEO Ms Abigail Agius Mamo and Head of EU Affairs and Communications Mr Fabian Demicoli met Parliamentary Secretary for Social Dialogue within the Office of the Prime Minister Dr Andy Ellul for an introductory meeting.

During this introductory meeting Ms Agius Mamo mentioned the importance of Social Dialogue and highlighted the key issues for SMEs. Amongst the topics discussed was the role of MCESD, the changing dynamic of the workplace and the impact of EU Directives.

Ministry for Tourism presents the Digital Tourism Roadmap 2030

 Malta Chamber of SMEs Deputy President Mr Philip Fenech and SME Chamber Head of Policy Mr Andrew Aquilina participated in a meeting organised by the Ministry for Tourism Turiżmu during which they were presented the  Digital Tourism Roadmap 2030.
The proposed areas of focus are:
  • Assisting the Tourism industry to invest in the digital product
  • Use of technology to enable further skilling, reskilling, and upskilling of the Human Resource
  • Enhancing the Digital experience towards personalise itineraries
  • Cross collaboration with stakeholders
  • Developing Research and Innovation in the sector

SME Chamber officials meets new Parliamentary Secretary for EU Funds

Malta Chamber of SMEs officials led by SME Chamber President Mr Paul Abela earlier today met Parliamentary Secretary for EU Fund Dr Chris Bonett.

Mr Abela was accompanied by SME Chamber CEO Ms Abigail Agius Mamo, Head of Policy Mr Andrew Aquilina and Head of EU Affairs and Communications Mr Fabian Demicoli.

During this introductory meeting, the SME Chamber flagged the necessity of EU Funds for SMEs and the importance to simplify access to EU funds.