MCESD meets Prime Minister Robert Abela to discuss Ukraine’s and Russia’s crisis

As social partners, the Malta Chamber of SMEs represented by President Mr Paul Abela attended an MCESD meeting addressed by Prime Minister Robert Abela which discussed the situation between Ukraine and Russia.

Prime Minister Robert Abela said that the Government will follow the latest developments to keep taking decisions and be supportive where necessary. He stated that the Government will continue to take every step necessary to protect businesses and workers.

SME Chamber participates during MCCAA’s World Consumer Day conference

World Consumer Day is celebrated on the 15th of March

Malta Chamber of SMEs Vice President Marcel Mizzi and CEO Abigail Agius Mamo participate in the World Consumer Day activities hosted by the MCCAA – Malta Competition and Consumer Affairs Authority.

A clear message passed was that businesses cherish their clients and want to give them the best service possible, they however would benefit from increased guidance on the basic rules governing consumer law.

SME Chamber brings together Robert Abela and Bernard Grech to discuss SMEs issues


Event Supported by Convera and Trust Payments

The Malta Chamber of SMEs organised the “Leaders for SMEs” event during which Prime Minister Robert Abela and Opposition leader Bernard Grech participated in a pre-election meet up for businesses. The event was held at Villa Arrigo.

In his opening address, Malta Chamber of SMEs President Mr Paul Abela referred to the height of the pandemic and said that following discussions with the government, the salary supplement was issued which he described as a measure that saved some 100,000 jobs and was the success of everything.

Paul Abela warned that problems would not stop once Malta is off the grey list, he added that once Malta comes of the grey list – a list of jurisdictions under increased monitoring by the Financial Action Task Force – the country would have to start from the beginning.

Abela also highlighted the problems businesses face while banking. There is increased bureaucracy, the president said, noting how businesses are being asked to fill in forms by a certain date, otherwise the bank would close their accounts.

Referring to the Russian invasion of Ukraine, he said that the country has to consider how it will meet the challenges of energy, gas and grain prices.


Following Mr Abela’s speech, Malta Chamber of SMEs CEO Ms Abigail Agius Mamo presented 35 election proposals for the consideration of the political parties.

Agius Mamo presented the election manifest during the Leaders for SMEs event, during which Prime Minister Robert Abela and Opposition Leader Bernard Grech addressed SMEs and replied to questions made by members of the SME Chamber.

Ms Agius Mamo remarked that both the Labour and Nationalist Parties are pledging a reduction in tax for businesses. She appealed that this measure does not discriminate between big companies and the self-employed.

Amongst the SME chamber proposals, the chamber is calling for the removal of excise tax especially on personal hygiene products.


The Chamber of SMEs is proposing that more accountability is needed when awarding direct orders and when dealing with public procurement to ensure a level playing field. It also suggested the setting up of a regulator to oversee public procurement and direct orders.

Picking up on earlier points mentioned regarding banking, Abela said: “Sometimes I feel I am losing my patience with this [banking] sector. Whilst I do understand that the banks have to scrutinize their potential and existing clients and carry out the necessary due diligence checks, there is a lot of ‘extra’ bureaucracy which I fail to understand.”

The PL leader noted that this issue often comes up during meetings with the banks.

Abela noted that the FATF had sent a positive sign, saying that Malta “addressed or largely addressed the action plan at the technical level” and said that they look forward to the onsite visit.

During his speech, Abela also spoke about the Ukraine war, and announced that the first oncology patient would arrive this week. The girl will be treated at the Sir Anthony Mamo Oncology Centre.

“The first girl will be arriving from Ukraine to receive treatment,” Abela said, as he thanked Puttinu Cares for their assistance.

Nationalist leader Bernard Grech said businesses fear repercussions. Grech said the Nationalist Party has been consulting with the stakeholders for the past ten years. He remarked that despite frequent meetings, often the party is asked to meet without the media being present.

“Do you want to open the door to your liberty?” Grech asked, questioning businesses whether they would like to continue fearing government backlash if they criticise or voice their disagreement in public.

The Nationalist leader insisted that if the PN is elected to government, everyone would be free to criticise without the need to fear any backlash.

This event was supported by Convera and Trust Payments

Malta Chamber of SMEs council meets new Commissioner for Revenue

The SME Chamber welcomed the opportunity to meet and said that an open system of dialogue is already a very good first step

The Malta Chamber of SMEs has welcomed the new Commissioner for Revenue Mr Joe Caruana and his team in an official meeting with our Council.

The Commissioner emphasized that he will lead the Department of a journey of transformation. The department will do its utmost to educate and the it will implement policies to help taxpayers in being compliant. It should however be understood that there must be reciprocal respect and that practices of tax avoidance and underhanded failures will no longer be tolerated.

The SME Chamber welcomed the opportunity to meet and said that an open system of dialogue is already a very good first step. The SME Chamber is in no way in favour of dishonorable behavior in tax compliance yet some flexibility and sensitivity to different circumstances is needed in order not to make the situation worse, but to get the business onboard again as fast as possible.

A number of circumstances where highlighted where the work of CFR should be prioritized and how a positive change could be achieved. The principle of fairness in the application of measures, and their implementation with all taxpayers accross the board is paramount.

Malta Chamber of SMEs delegation visits the EXPO 2020 Dubai

A Malta Chamber of SMEs delegation visited the EXPO 2020 Dubai. during this visit the SME Chamber delegation accompanied by Ms Josephine Farrugia, Events coordinator at the EXPO, visited several pavillions and held bilateral meetings with officials from different countries.

The SME Chamber started off by meeting the Dubai Chamber at the EXPO and both sides exchanged ideas and possible further collaboration between both sides.

Following this, the delegation visited the Egyptian pavillion and before touring the pavillion, met two high officials representing the Egyptian Government. dR. kHALED melad Rezek, the Egypt Pavillion Director stated that both countried could increase their relationship and eventually increase business. Mr Mario Debono on behalf the SME Chamber promised that both sides will meet again to discuss further collaboration.

At the center of it all, Al Wasl’s massive dome rises more than 221 feet, creating an open-air lobby that doubles as the world’s largest 360-degree projection theater.
SME Chamber delegation during a presentation by the Dubai Chamber
SME Chamber delegation at the Kuwait pavillion

On its first day the SME Chamber delegation visited also the Saudi Arabia pavillion, one of the most impressive pavillions at the EXPO. This was the second largest pavilion at Expo 2020 Dubai with a total area of 13,059 sqm. The Saudi Pavilion offers a glimpse into our shared future, taking you on a journey through our ambitions across four main pillars: people, nature, heritage and opportunities.

A glimpse of the Saudi Arabian pavillion

The SME Chamber delegation also visitied Malta’s pavillion at the EXPO and met Maltese officials working on the pavillion.

“Il-Luzzu” at Malta’s pavillion

SME Chamber delegation meeting Egyptian government officials at the Egyptian pavillion

The SME Chamber delegation also visited and held meething at the Italy pavillion, Mexican pavillion, Australian pavillion, Columbian pavillion, Oman pavillion, Kuwait’s pavillion, Argentina’s pavillion and Hungary’s pavillion.

SME Chamber delegation at the Italian pavillion
SME Chamber delegation at the Mexican pavillion following meetings with Government officials
SME Chamber Vice-President Mr Marcel Mizzi and other SME Chamber council members meeting Columbia’s Cali politician.
SME Chamber delegation meeting Australian officials at the Australia pavillion

During this visit, the delegation met H.E. Maria Camilleri Calleja, Ambassador of the Republic of Malta and Permanent Representative of Malta to IRENA Abu Dhabi.

SME Chamber delegation meeting Oman’s officials and pavillion

Paul Abela meets Bosnia & Herzegovina Prime Minister at the EXPO 2020 Dubai

Leaders for SMEs – A pre-election meet up for Businesses

Dr Robert Abela and Dr Bernard Grech will meet up head-to-head for the first time

As part of its pre-election initiatives, the Malta Chamber of SMEs is organising a business event directly with the leaders of the two main political parties.Dr Robert Abela and Dr Bernard Grech will be present at the SME Chamber’s event to address businesses and communicate their plans for the 5 years to come.You will get to ASK your question and put forward your PROPOSAL.Seating is very limited so it is on a first come first served basis.

This event is being held in Maltese. In line with COVID-19 regualtions, the event is open for fully Vaccinated attendees only.

The event is only open to SME Chamber paid up members. Businesses who are not yet members of the SME Chamber will have their registration accepted upon joining as members.

Click here to register

Paul Abela meets Bosnia & Herzegovina Prime Minister at the EXPO 2020 Dubai

Malta Chamber of SMEs President Mr Paul Abela. among other meetings at the EXPO 2020 Dubai,  met Mr Edin Forto, Prime Minister of Sarajevo Canton at a networking event organised at the EXPO Dubai 2020 during the Bosnia and Herzegovina day celebrations.

Mr Abela and Mr Forto discussed possible future collaborations and the current relations between both countries.

Mr Abela accompanied by Ms Josephine Farrugia, Events cooridinator at the Expo 200 Dubai, met the Dubai chamber and visited several interesting pavillions at the EXPO, such as Saudi Arabia, Slovakia and Hungary among others.

SME Chamber discusses concerns in the engagement of TCNs with Minister Byron Camilleri

Meeting the Minister for Home Affairs and National Security Hon Byron Camilleri to address concerns in the engagement of TCN workers.

The Malta Chamber of SMEs top officials, President Paul Abela and CEO Abigail Agius Mamo were pleased to note the Minister’s positive approach to work constructively alongside the SME Chamber and his commitment to aid bona-fide businesses.