SME Chamber organises its first webinar on sustainable practices for your business

This was the first session out of a series of 6

The Malta Chamber of SMEs and HSBC Malta Foundation organised a webinar entitled Sustainability for Small Businesses delivered by Dr Roberta Lepre from WEAVE CONSULTING.

This webinar highlighted the opportunities for SMEs pertaining to sustainability with a particular focus on climate change.

Consultation: St Paul’s Bay to undergo regeneration

You are kindly requested to submit and feedback by not later than Monday 14th February

The Malta Chamber of SMEs has recently held meeting with the Tourism Zones Regeneration Agency tasked with implementing the regeneration plan in the Ares of  Saint Paul’s Bay, Bugibba and Qawra.

A specific regeneration committee has been set up to discuss and push forward proposals that would improve the area. Additionally Malta Chamber of SMEs is also being requested to propose actions directly concerning the commercial community and which would ultimately benefit and improve this area.

In this regard, we would like to ask members to raise any particular issues that need to be addressed and also propose actions to improve the current state of play in the area.

Based on the feedback received, the Malta Chamber of SMEs will be compiled and passed on and submitted accordingly.

You are kindly requested to submit and feedback by not later than Monday 14th February.

Feedback is to be sent to Andrew Aquilina on "> or by phone on 21232881.

Business Opportunities from Israel this month


View of Tel Aviv beach in summer time with Israel Flag

As part of our efforts to promote business matchmaking for Israeli companies, The Federation of the Israeli Chambers of Commerce (FICC) announced several business offers from companies and its members.

All companies within the list of business offers are looking for new business partners, distributors, representation or suppliers.

Companies interested to get more information related to these business offers and full list of business offers, please contact Fabian Demicoli by email on 

Click here for the full list of business offers.

Companies who find these offers relevant to them may contact FICC directly and approach Ms. Yonat Keren: ">

Green Jobs – Employers Survey

You are invited to contribute towards our research study on Green Jobs

Climate crisis and environmental degradation are challenging sustainable economic development. Resorting to investments in a Green Economy can help overcome such challenges as well as secure a just and equitable future that improves people’s lives through the advancement of environmental and social well-being.

This green transition will affect the world of work through the creation of new jobs together with the need to reskill and upskill employees.

Jobsplus entered the research stage on Project INTERCEPT and they are currently circulating a survey among Employers and Training Service Providers.

It would be appreciated if you could participate in this survey.

Press Release: Malta Chamber of SMEs endorses the investment announced on a new industrial zone in Ħal Far

The project will have a space of 14,000 metres squared and 30 new units will be created

The Malta Chamber of SMEs endorses the investment announced by the Hon. Minister Silvio Schembri on Monday to develop a new Industrial facility at Ħal-Far.

The SME Chamber has in the past, called on the Government on the need of further investment in new industrial zones, to be allocated for SMEs in order to assist them in growing and further expanding their business.

Malta Chamber of SMEs President Mr Paul Abela said that such investment is greatly needed to encourage SMEs to invest especially during these times, where some uncertainty remains. The project announced by Minister Schembri will have a space of 14,000 metres squared and 30 new units will be created.

Press Release: Malta Chamber of SMEs congratulates Roberta Metsola on being elected President of the European Parliament

Roberta Metsola was elected on the first count with 458 votes

The Malta Chamber of SMEs congratulates MEP Roberta Metsola on being elected President of the European Parliament, one of the topmost 3 positions at the European institutions.

The SME Chamber always had an open channel of communication with Robert Metsola as an MEP and we cooperated on various issues affecting Maltese SMEs.

Roberta Metsola’s new role, making her the European Parliament’s first woman president in 20 years is a very important achievement for her, but above all for Malta.

Coming from the smallest member state in the European Union, this makes it much more important for Malta and other small states. It gives a factual message that great things can be done, even with the most limited of resources.

Such positions are usually occupied by members coming from the biggest countries. To have such a position occupied by a person coming from a small state is almost unheard-of.

Dr Metsola will now hold a position of influence and therefore it’s an opportunity to put small states more on the agenda.

This election gives Malta an opportunity to celebrate tremendous positive news following the recent steak of bad news related to Malta which have tarnished Malta’s reputation. Malta is turning the corner and with this achievement, thanks to the capabilities of Dr Metsola, we’re sending a message that Malta has a lot of good to offer.

Having such a young and capable female at the help of this important institution is not just a statement for Malta but also for the EU. Malta has been made proud.

Malta Chamber of SMEs council members meet Prime Minister Robert Abela

COVID wage supplement to stay for as long as needed – Prime Minister

The Malta Chamber of SMEs council members yesterday met Prime Minister Robert Abela and discussed several issues that SMEs are currently facing.

The Prime Minister announced the Wage Supplement extended will end of February and promised his continuous support for SMEs during the coming months.

Speaking at Castille in a meeting with the Chamber for SMEs, Robert Abela said the government had cut through bureaucracy to help businesses, and it would continue to do so, having already forked out €680 million for the purpose

The meeting discussed various related issues, including energy prices and rising shipping costs, with the prime minister saying the government is committed to keeping prices stable.

Follow the Prime Minister’s message to SMEs:

Press Release: Ireland, Italy, Spain, Greece, UK, Switzerland and Slovenia all cut quarantine periods

Malta’s is at the front to take these steps with additional security, having the backing of Malta’s successful vaccination strategy

SME Chamber calls again to immediately revise Malta’s Quarantine rules to 5 days for those testing positive only, in line with the recommendations of the US Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).  

The way the illness has developed with the Omicron variant, which is now the prevalent variant in Malta, offers such a possibility and Malta needs to move fast, like other countries are doing before circumstances change, as sometimes happens with new variants, and Malta would end up missing out on this important window of opportunity.  

The Omicron variant, whilst still considered of concern, has been recognised as milder by the major health institutions such as WHO. This, coupled with the fact that Malta has the best record when it comes to vaccination take-up and booster take up, puts Malta in a position to operate closer to normality and reduce the most difficult measures which are causing harm to the economy and society. 

The side effects of such a long quarantine period has great repercussions on mental health and damages our social fabric.  The prevention of persons from interacting, families from supporting each other as they would usually do and making ones’ ability to earn their livelihood more difficult requires serious consideration.  

Businesses are reporting great difficulties in dealing with quarantine and this comes with a big cost for workers unable to work online. The human resources difficulties our country was facing before the manifestation of thousands of quarantines has made the problem impossible. Businesses cannot cope with quarantine and this is forcing businesses to rescind on their operation. 

Switzerland and the UK have just yesterday announced an immediate reduction of the quarantine periods to 5 days. Greece took this step before, on the 1st of January. Ireland, Spain and Slovenia reduced their 10 days to 7 days as of the start of this year. Italy has totally scrapped quarantine for any close contact if the person is vaccinated. 

These countries have all based their decisions on the recommendation of the CDC and in view of the challenges their countries are facing, which are outweighing the current risk posed by the Omicron variant. As such, whilst keeping a recommended level of quarantine, since Omicron is still of concern, they are reducing the quarantine periods to avoid doing more harm than good. 

Malta’s is at the front to take these steps with additional security, having the backing of Malta’s successful vaccination strategy which is incomparable to the levels of other countries. Moving towards the CDC recommendation in the immediate is therefore essential.