Food Waste: A social and sustainable initiative

“Good social cause but also makes reasonable business sense”

The Ministry for Environment and Climate Change is planning to launch an initiative that would see supermarkets being protagonists. It is an initiative that has a good social cause but also makes reasonable business sense.

The Malta Chamber of SMEs is also aware that some supermarkets already do this sometimes and the idea is to continue supporting them in this direction and in no way adding any bureaucracy.

The plan is to facilitate any food waste because it is not fit for the shelve or to be on display to go to registered NGOs that run food banks. This would of course still be suitable for human consumption.

The Ministry will be offering a very straight-forward platform where one can post what has become available and one of the NGOs would arrange for it to be collected.

Waste will become an increasingly big cost on any business operation and therefore this would alleviate such cost. In addition to this, the SME Chamber has also suggested for recognition and visibility to be given to supermarkets and other stakeholders participating in this good initiative. This is after all CSR.

As a first step the Malta Chamber of SMEs organised the first meeting with supermarket representatives around Malta earlier this week and mentioned that they are in favour of such platform, however mentioned certain difficulties this might create, such as when NGO’s won’t have refrigerated vehicles and the possibility of lack of volunteers by the NGO’s, therefore our members proposed the intervention of the Government to minimise these difficulties.

Another important stakeholder for such initiative to be successful are the suppliers, and within the next few days the Malta Chamber of SMEs will organise a consultation meeting between them and the Ministry representatives.

If you’re interested in contributing to this initiative contact Mr Fabian Demicoli on .

Malta Chamber of SMEs organises a consultation meeting on EU Funding 2022-2027

Over 100 members participated during this consultation meeting with the participation of Parliamentary Secretary Hon Stefan Zrinzo Azzopardi

The Malta Chamber of SMEs organised an online consultation meeting with members in collaboration with Hon Stefan Zrinzo Azzopardi, Parliamentary Secretary responsible for EU funding.

The consultation focused on the next round of funds, which will take us beyond the 5 years to come.

The Multi-Annual Financial Framework (MFF) 2021-2027, through the ERDF, CF and JTF funds, provides an opportunity for Malta to invest in a number of areas, including research and innovation (R&I), competitiveness and digitalisation, natural resources and the environment, transport, education, employment, health, tourism and urban development, which are of significant importance in the socioeconomic development of the country

The consultation meeting was attended by 100 attendees from the private sector and members expressed their opinions on how the funds should be disbursed. Members also mentioned the main difficulties they face when applying for such funds.

The Malta Chamber of SMEs took note of all the comments and suggestions made by its members during this consultation meeting and submitted its feedback for the consultation document to the Strategy and Consultation Division within the EU  Funds section.

Malta Chamber of SMEs meets Prime Minister ahead of the 2022 Budget

The 2022 Budget will be announced on Monday

This coming Monday we will be following the Minister for Finance Clyde Caruana while he reads the Budget speech.

Budget time is always a busy time for SME Chamber officials as we work to put forward fiscal and policy proposals and follow these proposals with meetings with the Prime Minister Robert Abela and relevant Ministers.

Following the Budget speech we cooperate on the implementation of the measures announced. We will get back to members to explain the most important points for businesses as announced in the Budget.

The Industrial Property Registrations Directorate will start shifting its services online

The Industrial Property Registrations Directorate announced that as from the 1st of October 2021 will start shifting its services online. Eventually the Industrial Property Registrations Directorate will be moving to a fully remote environment.

While the online services will still be available 24/7, the Directorates office will still be offering the possbility of clients going physically to Lascaris Offices.

In addition, their clients may also utilise the services at the Business 1st offices at Ċentru Joseph Grech, 2nd Floor, Cobalt House, Notabile Road, Mriehel, Birkirkara (website should they have any queries regarding the filing of Trademarks, Patents or Designs applications.

The Directorates correspondence address for postal mail or mail delivered by hand remains the same namely:

Industrial Property Registrations Directorate, Commerce Department

Daħlet Gnien is-Sultan, Lascaris Bastions

Valletta, VLT 2000


Should you wish to get in touch with the directorate via phone or email please note the following:

Trademarks                       2569 0232 / 2569 0213 / 2569 0330

Patents & Designs            2569 0109 / 2569 0230 / 2569 0224

General enquires              2569 0340

E-mail address                  

SME Chamber organises its first ever virtual networking with Tunisian businesses

Other virtual business networking will take place with businesses in Abu-Dhabi and Ankara

The SME Chamber organised the first virtual networking forum with Tunisia for its members.

During this virtual forum, our members had the opportunity to explore direct business collaborations and common interests with other businesses based in the area.

This online forum was first addressed by the Malta Chamber of SMEs President Mr Paul Abela and the President of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Center of Tunisia Mr Nejib Mellouli, the forum was then addressed by his Excellency Mr. Yassine Eloued, Ambassador of Tunisia to Malta.

Following these introduction, both countries presented their business environment and all businesses were split into rooms according to sectors and interests.

We hope to have more similar opportunities for our members as we’re currently planning other business forums with Ankara and Abu Dhabi.

Online Meeting – EU Funding 2022 – 2027 What’s in it for businesses?

The online consultation meeting will be held on the 7th of October

The Chamber of SMEs would like to invite you to an online consultation meeting on this important topic.

The government is currently closing on its plans of how the next set of funds that will take us beyond the coming 5 years will be allocated. Government officials will explain the plans currently in place in full.

How can you benefit from this meeting?

  • Ensure that EU funds allocated for Businesses are sufficient, adequate and reflect the actual needs of businesses.
  • Understand and be able to prepare for the funding opportunities that will become available for the private sector
  • Highlight your funding needs for projects you are foreseeing or general support

It is important to take full-advantage of this window of opportunity that we have.

The online meeting will be held as follows:

Registration is required to be sent the meeting link.

This meeting is only open for SME Chamber paid-up members, those not currently members will still be allowed to join the meeting once their membership position is updated.

European SDG Summit 2021: For Climate Action & a Just Transition – Registrations Open

You can now register to have access to all the 30 sessions in programme

CORE Platform, as a member of CSR Europe is pleased to invite you to CSR Europe’s virtual European SDG Summit “For Climate Action & A Just Transition”, taking place on 11-14 October 2021.

The Summit will bring together 5000+ Sustainability Leaders in 30 virtual sessions to accelerate the journey towards climate neutrality and the adoption of an inclusive approach to the green and digital transition.

Highlight of the event will be the inauguration of the first-ever European Sustainable Industry Barometer at the opening plenary on the 11th of October, with Commission Executive Vice-President, Frans Timmermans, CEOs, and industry federation leaders. The event is open and free for everyone.

You can register here to have access to all the 30 sessions in programme.

Together with other NGOs from Italy, Hungary and Croatia, CORE Platform will be hosting a NATIONAL SDG ROUNDTABLE – Advancing Corporate Sustainability Reporting, on Tuesday, 12 October 2021, from 16:00 17:30. You can register here.

This National SDG roundtable, will address the sustainability reporting scenario: what to expect – opportunities and challenges for companies.

Feel free to extend this invitation not only to your colleagues but also to your network.


· Solution-driven dialogues between business leaders, industry federations, EU policymakers, and civil society organisations.

· High-level speakers from a wide variety of sectors and industries.

· The best digital formats for highly interactive discussions and quality networking via the SDG Summit virtual platform.


The Summit is co-organised in collaboration with CSR Europe’s network of 100+ organisations and will include

· 4 HIGH-LEVEL PLENARIES (11:30-13:00 CET) with guest speaker from the European Commission such as Didier Reynders, European Commissioner for Justice, Mairead Mcguinness, European Commissioner for Financial Affairs, Nicolas Schmit, European Commissioner for Jobs & Social Rights.

· 19 EUROPEAN SDG ROUNDTABLES (09:30-11:00 | 14:00-15:30 CET).

· 7 NATIONAL SDG ROUNDTABLES (16:00-17:30 CET). You can download the full programme here and view here the confirmed high-level speakers.

The Malta Chamber of SMEs participated in the launch of the Implementation plan of a number of National Strategies

In particular the SME Chamber represents a number of Licensed Service Providers in the Adult learning environment which as explained during the launch is built on four pillars

The Malta Chamber of SMEs participated in the launch of the Implementation plan of a number of National Strategies related to the various phases of educational pathways which include;

  • National Policy Framework for Early Childhood Education and Care;
  • Early Leaving from Education and Training Strategy;
  • National Literacy Strategy;
  • MCAST Strategic Plan 2022-2027; and
  • National Strategy for Adult Learning

In particular the SME Chamber represents a number of Licensed Service Providers in the Adult learning environment which as explained during the launch is built on four pillars:

  1. Improving educational opportunities for the low-skilled and low-qualified
  2. Diversifying methods and opportunities for learning – Access to online learning mainly
  3. Quality in life-long learning course provision
  4. Support adults to make informed decisions through guidance

The presentation of Adult Learning was delivered  by Mr Alex Farrugia. The private sector did not feature in this presentation.

During this Conference, the SME Chamber highlighted the essential role that licensed private service providers play. When it comes to adult education, many individuals that distance themselves from the public educational system find their way back in through private education due to vast variety, high quality and flexible courses provided.

The Chamber of SMEs called on the ministry on the importance of injecting funds and resources through greater cooperation and support to the private sector should be in place in order not to compete but to support the private sector.

Private service providers are subject to onerous licensing system and regular audits. Additionally, the public sector should not be there to duplicate efforts and carry out activities which are not sustainable but support those that are licensed and are capable of carrying out viable and high-quality activities and services.

The SME Chamber will be keeping a close contact with the Minister for Education Hon. Justine Caruana and Licensed service providers in order to ensure that the private sector forms an integral part of the implementation of these strategies.

Malta Chamber of SMEs participates during SMILES final conference

The final conference gives important recommendations for the future of EU Semester from SMEs’ perspective

On Thursday 16 September 2021, the SMILES project held its final conference on SMEs’ Involvement in the European Semester: stocktaking and the way forward. The 2-year EU-funded project finalised with a rich debate among SMEunited members and the cross-industry social partners, contributing to useful conclusions for the future of the European Semester. The Malta Chamber of SMEs EU and Communications Executive, Fabian Demicoli,  participated in this project from the very beginning and provided input on consultation within Malta’s Government structures.

The purpose of SMILES was to create a better understanding of the state of play of SME organisations’ awareness, consultation and involvement in the European Semester and promoting it further through the exchange of good practices, mutual learning and recommendations for future action.

The event brought together the European Commission, Member States, SME organisations representatives and European and national social partners to exchange on how to improve and strengthen the role of social partners and SME organisations in the European Semester.

Opening session

In her opening speech, Secretary General Véronique Willems reviewed the project’s path in the last two years. She emphasised the necessary adaptation of SMILES to the new economic and social reality caused by the pandemic: “We asked our members during the course of SMILES to report and debate about their involvement in the preparation of the National Recovery and Resilience Plans (NRRPs), the use of the EU budget for smoothing the crisis impact and finally for the structural reforms mentioned in the European Semester integrating all major relevant policies for SMEs.”

Presenting the main outcomes of the project, SMEunited Director for Social Affairs, Liliane Volozinskis mentioned the main policy recommendations at European as well as at national level.

National views

In the first session, speakers from national SME organisations CPME  from France and CNIPMMR from Romania and social partners, had the opportunity to share their views and give a more ‘hands-on’ experience on the EU semester process. In the second session representatives from GSEVEE (Greece), ZRP (Poland) discussed about the challenges in their involvement in the design of National Recovery and Resilience Plans.

In the first session, speakers shared a more hands-on experience and vision on the European Semester process, representing views from  CPME (France), CNIPMMR (Romania) and national social partners, .The second session focused on the challenges for the involvement in the design of National Recovery and Resilience Plans with representatives from GSEVEE (Greece), ZRP (Poland).

The new European Semester process – the way forward

Pim Lescrauwaet, Member of Cabinet of Vice-President Dombrovskis referred to adaptations of the European Semester to the changing circumstances in the last decade. “It is clear that the European Semester and Recovery and Resilience Plans will co-exist in the following years. The European Semester will not become obsolete, it will remain in place to look at the broader policy agenda”, he added.

Valeria Ronzitti, Secretary General, SGI Europe addressed the necessary focus on the regional aspect: “In many Member States, the real implementation is at regional level. A question is how we should tackle this challenge.”

Markus Beyrer, Director General of BusinessEurope emphasised that next to spending money we must ensure the right conditions to create it, hence strengthening growth and competitiveness.

Luca Visentini, General Secretary of ETUC insisted that for a successful European Semester, Next Generation EU with the RRF, the Green Deal and the European Pillar of Social Rights must be fully integrated in the process.

At the end of the conference, SG Willems concluded that a joint call by the European social partners for a systematic, meaningful and timely involvement of national social partners in the European Semester still stands. This is especially through the implementation and potential adaptation of the national Recovery and Resilience Plans by national authorities. She added recommendation on a stronger role for the European Semester Officers, a clear overview of the deadlines for each step of the Semester process and support for capacity building to social partners and SME organisations where necessary.

She emphasised: “It is a unique opportunity to best combine the use of the Recovery and Resilience Facility with the European Semester process. The political decision makers at national level should fully integrate social partners and SME organisations views to have a good bottom-up approach and to learn from the ground what are the real needs after the pandemic shock.”
