Importation of second-hand vehicles, arriving from Sicily by fast ferry services

The Customs Department would like to remind all economic operators that all non-EU goods, including 2nd hand vehicles to be imported into the EU arriving with Virtu Ferries at Deep Water Quay (DWQ) must be presented to Customs.

To this end, it is of the utmost importance that used vehicles are inspected upon arrival prior to leaving the quay.

Therefore, economic operators are advised that they should notify Mr. Lawrence Sammut (tel. 21257071) or Ms. Gianella James (tel. 21222965) at least 3 working days prior to the actual arrival of the vehicle  to allow sufficient time for the preparation of the import declaration and physical inspection of the vehicle.

For additional clarification, please send an email to .

Paul Abela re-elected as Director of SME United

Petri Salminen elected as new President of SME United

Malta Chamber of SMEs President Mr Paul Abela earlier today was re-elected as Director of SME United during its General Assembly which was held online.

SMEunited, is the European association of crafts and SMEs in Europe with around 70 member organisations from over 30 European countries. SMEunited is a recognised employers’ organisation and European Social Partner and acts on behalf of crafts and SMEs in the European Social Dialogue and in discussions with the EU institutions.

Mr Paul Abela was re-elected after receiving 68% of the eligible votes. Mr Abela thanked everyone and stated he’ll keep on working for SME’s at this European platform.

During this meeting Petri Salminen was elected as the new President for 2022-2023 of SME United. Mr Salminen stated the focus would remain on the recovery of SMEs following the pandemic crisis and allowing them to make the digital and green transformation.

In his acceptance speech, President-elect Salminen referred to the current situation SMEs are facing, mentioning the need to build an environment where SMEs can innovate, invest, and create jobs.

Black Friday Survey results: November month brings positive results thanks to Black Friday initiative

Businesses express cautious optimism for this festive season 

Different business strategies have given new meaning to Black Friday in Malta, bringing more positives overall for the whole month of November rather than during the specific day known as Black Friday. 

A survey concluded by the Malta Chamber of SMEs has confirmed that this year many businesses decided to extend their offers beyond just the day of Black Friday and while this led to a calmer 26th of November – Black Friday, it also gave businesses a strong November and results which left the majority satisfied overall.  

In terms of the period during which the Black Friday offers were available, most popular was Black Friday Week starting the 22nd of November with 35% of businesses opting for this option. This was followed by the ‘Black Friday Weekend’ at 27% and closely followed by those opting to run offers throughout the month of November at 23%. 

Extending the offers on a longer period resulted in a successful strategy for most businesses. Businesses wanted to avoid overcrowding and queues because of Covid. In addition, given the dire situation all businesses are facing in terms of human resources, this strategy helped them keep up with the increased demands, while also maintaining the same level of customer service.  

As for the results related to the level of business, highest scoring were businesses that expressed their satisfaction (23%) or high degree of satisfaction (16%) with the level of business generated thanks to Black Friday. Together these made 39% of respondents.

The most common sectors to be found here are household goods, electronics, beauty and personal care services as well as education and training.  

On average, business increased by around 30% over the same period last year for businesses that performed well. When asked what they attributed this result to, most mentioned their own effective marketing strategies, increased investment in their online presence, more offers made available as well as increased consumer confidence. They however acknowledged that the bad weather during the Black Friday Week might have affected them negatively.  

 Those which expressed their dissatisfaction (23%) or a high degree of dissatisfaction (10%), together 33%, mainly came from sectors not normally associated with Black Friday and those predominantly selling essential items. 

On average, business here decreased by around 25% over the same period last year for businesses that performed poorly. Bad weather conditions, competition from overseas and consumers being cautious with their spending were the most common reasons quoted, together with the complications related to international shipping which did not result in ideal stock complement. 

 Malta Chamber of SMEs CEO, Abigail Agius Mamo, said that these results leave room for optimism. Malta is surely on the road to recovery, albeit the pace of recovery being a slow one. Businesses need to recover at a faster pace to start making up for the losses sustained since the start of the pandemic, a steady recovery is however is the best one can hope for.’ 

It was noted that the percentage of businesses that chose not to participate in the Black Friday campaigns, because they believe that focusing on selling during Christmas and New Year is more important, continues to decrease year on year and in fact this year the percentage is a marginal one. 

 The Chamber of SMEs also asked businesses for their expectations for this year’s festive season. The majority, at 42% expect to be in a better than 2020, followed by 23% that believe that sales levels will be comparable with 2020 levels. 18% feel that they might fare worse than last year and 11% of businesses feel that on the other hand this festive season will be closer to 2019 levels. 

‘The Chamber of SMEs feels that businesses are more cautious in their optimism, compared to weeks and months ago. Malta is highly dependent on the functioning of foreign markets, making it very sensitive to Covid developments in other countries and on an international level. Businesses are however looking forward to give their best for a successful festive season’ concluded Ms Agius Mamo.  

Malta Chamber of SMEs wins the National Supporting Business Award 2021

SME Chamber President Mr Paul Abela and CEO Ms Abigail Agius Mamo received the award during a ceremony at Saint James Cavalier

The Malta Chamber of SMEs was awarded the National Supporting Business Award 2021 for the constant support to its members.

The NSBA awards were organised by the Commerce Department within the Ministry for Economy and Industry.

The Malta Chamber of SMEs nomination submission was entitled ‘With You All the Way’, which provided online advice and peer support to help thousands of SMEs adapt to a changed business environment.

Hundreds of SMEs have benefitted from this assistance, provided through a number of webinars, information sessions and virtual meetings, to increase their online presence and digitalise their services and operations.

Thanks to the efforts and initiatives by the Malta Chamber of SMEs, amongst others, many of these small and medium-sized enterprises which face a number of hardships throughout the pandemic, have managed to overcome hurdles and then transform them into new opportunities to evolve and grow into stronger and more resilient businesses.

As winner of this years’ National Supporting Business Award the SME Chamber was also nominated for the European Enterprise Promotion Awards (EEPA).

PRESS RELEASE: Green MT continues to deliver and make the environment a priority despite the challenges

Malta Chamber of SME’s Green MT is a private entity specifically set up 15 years ago to help businesses in complying with the many environmental obligations. Rather than leave it up to the Government to create state owned solutions, or through ECO taxes which would both be expensive and wasteful, the Chamber had decided to create its own scheme. Green MT has been working hard against all odds to implement the EU’s “the polluter pays principle” since the first Packaging Directive. After all these years the waste sector continues to be difficult and problematic. Under different administrations and individuals responsible for the waste sector, there never was a quick fix solution and there is none now. Green MT has throughout continued supporting the business community to meet their obligations and has been providing uninterrupted services across Local Councils got the past 15 years in spite of countless hurdles.

As private citizens we all need to do our bit. Although we have seen the public steadily taking up the challenges to separate waste, clearly, we still have a long way ahead. We must continue relentlessly to safeguard the environment for future generations. The underlying themes highlighted in the COP26 conference are the principles Malta must strive to keep in focus. It is abbunduntly clear that we are already at the point of no return. We must act now and without further delays. Each and every one of us has a role to play but without cooperation and a joint effort little will be achieved.

Green MT therefore reiterates that despite these challenges it will continue to work hand in hand with the business community, households and the various authorities. It will continue educating, encouraging and incentivising to cause change in the right direction to ascertain that only recyclables reach Wasteserv MRF Facility.

Policy makers are key coordinators to the overall strategy and as such Green MT will be meeting and cooperating  with Hon Aaron Farrugia as the responsible Minister, WasteServ and ERA in order to achieve overall better results. WasteServ’s approach to paying only for recyclables received at their facility is supported by Green MT.

The Chamber of SMEs and Green MT appeals to the general public and the business community to care and to take own responsibility and safeguard the future of the generations to come by doing their bit in separating at home and the workplace. From the waste Green MT collects, Green MT is aware that there is significant room for improvement in how individuals deal with waste and this is a main area where its efforts will be invested.

A decent Black Friday. Overall businesses record improvement over last year but sales levels fall shy of 2019.

The usual popularity of gadgets, electronics and appliances was this year once again re-confirmed

Following a long difficult stretch for many businesses due to Covid, businesses were looking forward for this years’ Black Friday with great ambition. Maltese businesses planned to overcome last year’s levels and reach as close as possible to 2019 sales figures.

Whilst the absolute majority of businesses did better than they did in 2020, some reached closer to their expectations of coming close to 2019 than others. It is clear that Malta’s economy is still suffering the effects of Covid and also other challenges coupled with this.

The usual popularity of gadgets, electronics and appliances was this year once again re-confirmed. Even though these businesses changed strategy making their offers available on a longer stretch of time, they still confirm that it was a good Black Friday period for them, with November showing that it will reach their expectations. Some leading players wished they had more stock in hand to sell.

Other items had a slower start for Black Friday but starting picking up later in the afternoon. Here the sales levels fall somewhere between 2019 and 2020 levels. Some business owners report that they are satisfied with a good performance while others expected better this year round.

It is clear that businesses need a sales cycle that is closer to normality in order to make-up for the hard months which are now behind us.

The challenges that businesses had to overcome this year were not small. The impact of international shipping did not make it easy for our businesses to be stocked to the ideal levels, this of course apart from the cost incurred. Many businesses are also suffering serious delays when importing from the UK because of Brexit and report working around the clock to get stocks cleared in time for Black Friday.

Linked to this, the heavy storm on Thursday did not make last-minute re-stocking for Black Friday possible and, of course, Thursday was in itself an important shopping day on the eve of Black Friday which only partially materialised thanks to online facilities.

Malta Chamber of SMEs President meets EU Commissioner Mariya Gabriel

Malta Chamber of SMEs President Mr Paul Abela alongside Malta’s employers representatives,  had a very fruitful meeting with EU Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth Ms. Mariya Gabriel about innovation and the barriers faced by SMEs in Malta.

This meeting was possible thanks to Mr Stefano Mallia, President of the Employers’ Group at European Economic and Social Committee.

Survey: Tackling barriers to energy audits and energy efficiency in SMEs

Your input is greatly appreciated!

The LEAP4SME project consortium has developed a survey to gain valuable insights on barriers to energy efficiency for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).The Energy and Water Agency is inviting businesses and organisations to participate in the below 15-minute survey.The survey will provide information to policy makers on the individual barriers faced by Maltese businesses to get access to energy audits and support to implement energy efficiency measures.

Click here for survey.

The SME Conference 2021 – In pictures

A successful conference and networking event

Once again the Malta Chamber of SMEs, Malta Enterprise and Business First organised the annual SME Conference! Returning back to the physical event and re-experience networking.

This year’s SME Conference was organised at The Xara Lodge and over 200 people participated during the conference which was entitled “Being one step ahead, the opportunities for SMEs” focusing mainly on sustainability and the new economy. The aim of the conference was to give SMEs a spring board that will launch them directly into the challenges and opportunities post-Covid.

The conference was addressed by 3 Ministers, Hon. Miriam Dalli, Minister for Energy, Enterprise and Sustainable Development, Hon. Silvio Schembri, Minister for Economy and Industry and Hon. Aaron Farrugia, Minister for the Environment, Climate Change & Planning.

During the conference Malta Chamber of SMEs CEO Ms Abigail Agius Mamo announced the results of a survey which focused on Business Investment Priorities carried out by the SME Chamber during a panel discussion with the participation of Malta Enterprise CEO, Mr Kurt Farrugia and Business first CEO, Ms Marika Tonna.

The survey shows that the majority of businesses are prepared to move towards a sustainable economy and digitization.

Participants later were split into 4 workshops which focused on digitalisation opportunities, environmental initiatives, the new world of work and employment and sustainable finances.

As one of the first physical standing events, the SME Chamber gave importance to networking throughout the half-day event which included lunch.

The Malta Chamber of SMEs would like to thank our supporters: MEI, Trust Payments, RSM, MITA, Measures and Support Division, Identity Malta, Wasteserv and MTA.

Below kindly find some of the best moments captures by our photographer, Albert Camilleri.