ĠEMMA: Self-employed? How do you manage your money management challenges?


Being self-employed definitely has its advantages – for one, you are your own boss. Yes you are also likely to face money management challenges. Here are some practical tips you may wish to consider:

  • Start saving early and get into the habit of saving consistently over time. As a self-employed there will be times where you will have irregular income. Consider the following:

– Save more during years with good income and less during leaner years.
– Avoid if you can withdrawing from your savings – particularly retirement savings – during lean years.
– If you have an extraordinary profitable year set aside a portion of income windfalls for retirement.


  • Look at the Personal Pension Savings scheme introduced by Government. You are entitled to a tax credit of 25% on contributions – to a maximum of €2,000 annual. If you invest the maximum contributions in you pension you will obtain a tax credit of €500.


  • Create a financial plan for yourself and your business that includes a Plan B. A well-developed strategy should address current and future income needs, savings, and investment in the business. It should also include scenario testing and contingency planning in case an event occurs that prevents you from being able to continue working before your planned retirement. It is also important that you are realistic about future income and expenditure needs and revisit business and retirement plans regularly.


  • After you’ve been in business for a few months or a year, you have a better idea at what your recurring expenses are. Some these payment amounts do not change. VAT will be paid on your sales, and income tax on your profits. Instead of stressing out about covering the cost plan for these expenses. Open a savings account purposely for your depositing money to cover these business expenses. Keep in mind that the 18% VAT you charge when providing a service is not yours. Do not spend it. Immediately on receiving the money take away the 18% and place them in this account. If you spend them you may find yourself in a position where you cannot pay the VAT when you come to do so.


  • Think about your future and retirement. Pay the 15% social security contribution. This contribution is not a tax. It is what you pay for having an insurance coverage – sick leave, annual government bonuses, invalidity pension, pension for your wife or partner if you pass away both before and during retirement.


  • You may think that it is best to skimp on appointing an accountant because you studied accounts and can do it yourself. ĠEMMA strongly recommends that you do not go down this road. Laws change and you will never know enough about the latest standing of the VAT or income tax laws. It is very easy to get caught out – and the interest on any financial mistakes you make are significant enough to be scary. Keep in mind, your Account is likely to be more aware of tax management opportunities and hence will help you to manage your finances more tax efficient.

For more information visit Ġemma website.

Be part of research


From time to time we receive various request from students/ stakeholders requesting to disseminate questionnaires,It would be greatly appreciated if you could spend a few minutes to fill out the following questionnaire/s.

EU-Japan EPA: Business Survey – Second Year of Implementation

The Delegation of the European Union to Japan has launched a business survey regarding the second year of the EU-Japan Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) implementation.

The objective of the survey is to learn about the impact of the agreement on business in Japan from commercial operators.

The survey can be found here.


Nutrition Labelling Survey

On behalf of the Food Safety Commission (FSC), the Technical Regulations Division within the Malta Competition & Consumer Affairs Authority (MCCAA_TRD) would like to kindly invite you to complete the following Nutrition Labelling Survey.

Click here for more information.


Sarah Scerri – University Student

Sarah is a University of Malta student currently following the Master in Creativity and Innovation course, under the Edward de Bono Institute for the Design and Development of Thinking. As part of an assignment related to Strategic Innovative Design for Enhancing Business Performance, a questionnaire aimed at decision makers in businesses was developed to carry out market research (for a business idea).

To participate in this questionnaire, kindly click here.


Agenzija Sedqa has been offering the preventive programme S.A.F.E. to employers, managers, supervisors and employees for the past 25 years reaching over 25,000 participants in different workplaces around Malta and Gozo.

The programme has been implemented in various sectors that include the Disciplined Forces, Gaming industries, Government entities, NGOs, the Banking Services, Retail, Manufacture, Hospitality and Education sectors, the Aviation and Construction industries and Employers’ Association and Unions.

Why implement the S.A.F.E. Programme?

Sedqa believes that addictions undermine healthy and productive workspaces. Sedqa’s Substance Abuse Free Employee (S.A.F.E.) Programme promotes addictions free lifestyles whilst helping workers, managers and business owners foster healthy work environments, eliminate stressors and helping with problem resolution. S.A.F.E. is an investment for the workplace and workforce because tackling effectively addiction related issues helps decrease:

  • Sick Leave
  • On the job absenteeism
  • Risks of decrease in productivity
  • Accidents on the place of work
  • Conflicts between employees
  • Staff  Turnover


What is s.a.f.e?

Raises awareness on addictions and self-care by offering training to managers, supervisors and employees on various topics that include: Alcohol and its Effects, Drugs and their Effects, Gambling, Wise use of Technology, Approaching the Employee with Addiction Difficulties,  Stress Management, Bullying at the workplace, Skills for the Parent Employee, Work-Life Balance and Healthy Living Abroad…Be Healthy, Stay Healthy!

Focuses on the introduction or review of the company’s Substance abuse and Gambling Policy.

Provides a functional referral system to Sedqa’s care services for employees who might be experiencing problems related to substance misuse and/or gambling

You can find further information and testimonials about the S.A.F.E. Programme on:


We also encourage you to contact us on 23885110 or send us an email on if you are interested in receiving further information about the S.A.F.E. Programme.

Covid: The latest business developments; Our achievements for 2021

Throughout 2021, businesses have been in an even more fragile state than they were last year with the pandemic stretching beyond what had been foreseen. In the first quarter of 2021 the Malta Chamber of SMEs continued discussions with the government to continue minimising the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on businesses.

Following several meetings, the SME Chamber managed to secure an extension on Bank moratoria and tax deferrals and wage supplement extension till end of year.

Extension of the Bank moratoria and Tax deferrals, and their long-term visibility

The Malta Chamber of SMEs has during the last months and weeks been emphasizing on how essential it is to extend the basic pillars of support of the moratoria and deferral schemes.

The SME Chamber managed to secure an additional 6 month extension for the Bank moratoria scheme, till September, and the Tax Deferrals Scheme has restarted from where it left off last year till the end of 2021.

The Malta Chamber of SMEs believes that the extension of these measures will give added comfort to businesses in the light of the lack of visibility and uncertainty ahead. The last thing businesses need at the moment is to worry how they are going to make repayments when there is no or little funds coming in.

Tourism recovery plan

The SME Chamber has been calling on greater visibility and a defined recovery plan for months and therefore welcome the tourism recovery plan starting from June 1st.

Malta needs to remain and be able to market itself as safe. Strict rules must be followed that ensure incoming tourists are not putting our country’s health care situation in danger. The SME Chamber believes that Malta now has the necessary experience and infrastructure in place to handle the gradual re-opening of the tourism season appropriately.

The Malta Chamber of SMEs thanks the Energy, Enterprise and Sustainable Development Minister Hon. Miriam Dalli and Finance Minister Hon. Clyde Caruana.

SME Chamber welcomes some visibility while criticising inexistent consultation


The Malta Chamber of SMEs welcomes visibility for some sectors, which gives businesses the ability to plan and organise themselves properly. This is an essential need in view of the current uncertainty businesses are facing and added lack of visibility is none other than unjust in an already stressful situation.

On the other hand however what was communicated on Wednesday morning is clearly a manifestation of the breakdown of Social Dialogue as to how such decisions are reached with complete disregard of Social Partners and the process of consultation.

It is evident that adequate consultation could have ironed our grey areas in what was communicated and also led to a more sensible economic plan.

Even though everyone appreciates the delicate situation at the moment and in principle we agree with the staggered re-opening, one cannot but feel a great level of worry and anguish at how businesses will continue to survive this extra stretch.

The level of necessary economic damage that businesses which are still closed are suffering lands them in the worst lag of the Covid suffering.

After a full year of hardship businesses started 2021 with big hopes, yet great fragility, and being closed during a time when business should be recovering is very hard to endure.

The SME Chamber is extremely worried and questions how businesses will be able to survive yet another stretch with the big losses they are suffering. It is evident that the basic Covid support measures, while still very necessary are far from enough to bridge the gap towards the recovery of various sectors.

Some sectors have reached a very critical level and unless helped more will not make it into the recovery stage. The SME Chamber is already in advanced discussions with a number of Ministries for the hardest hit sectors on this front.

The SME Chamber expresses solidarity with the business community who will be awaiting to open in the next weeks and those whose date of reopening is still uncertain. The Malta Chamber of SMEs also expresses solidarity with their employees who are going through a very hard time together with these businesses.

Paul Abela re-elected as Malta Chamber of SMEs President for the year 2021-2022

SME Chamber welcomes two new members amongst which a youth entrepreneur

During the first council meeting following the Annual General Meeting Mr Abela thanked the Council for their support and showing him trust in leading the organisation for another year.

Paul Abela stated that ‘The Covid-19 pandemic has given businesses a very difficult 2020. 2021 has also not started on the right foot, yet the SME Chamber is well equipped to continue supporting its members in this unprecedented challenge’. Mr Abela also stated that during this coming year he will continue working on strengthening the organization and building on over 72 years of success that the Chamber of SMEs has achieved.

The SME Chamber today also welcomed two new Council members, one of whom a youth entrepreneur to continue building on the already diverse composition of the SME Chamber’s Council.

Malta Chamber of SMEs CEO Ms Abigail Mamo welcomed the Council for the year 2021-2022 and said that Covid and the way ahead provides for a very big challenge and there are many serious situations that our organisation will have to face and help businesses overcome until the recovery actually starts. The future is not a certain one and our role, in all its functions, has to be much bigger in these times.

5 officers were elected as Vice-Presidents: Philip Fenech as Vice President Policy and Strategy; Marcel Mizzi as Vice President Finance and Administration; Sergio Camilleri as Vice President Sectors; Michael Galea as Vice President Districts and Localities, Chris Vassallo as Vice President International Relations and Patrick Cutajar who was elected for the first time as Vice President Training and Development.

Virtual Business Meeting – Tunisia

The SME Chamber is asking members to express their interest in participating in a virtual business meeting that we are organising with our counterparts in Tunisia. The date and time of the meeting will be communicated closer to date.

The aim of this virtual meeting is to explore direct business collaborations and common interests with other businesses based in the area.

Here you will also find an economic overview of the region of the center in Tunisia provided by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Centre.

Should you wish to attend this virtual business meeting kindly fill in this form to book a place or contact us on .

Company Service Providers Reform – New Act in Force

As Monday 15th March the legislation governing the updated CSP act came into force. With this new act a number of new requirements for operators have also come into force.

This follows months of consultation sessions and meetings held with authorities together with CSP committee members.

The below are the main changes that came into force.


New Classes:

Current and new CSPs will no longer be able to provide all services, by way of business as currently listed under the CSP Act.

CSPs will now be listed under one of 3 classes.

  • Class A: Will be allowed to provide by way of business: : (i) formation of companies or other legal entities; and/or (ii) provision of a registered office, a business correspondence or administrative address and other related services for a company, a partnership or any other legal entity.
  • Class B: Will be able to provide by way of business to third parties to act as or arranging for another person to act as director or secretary of a company, a partner in a partnership or in a similar position in relation to other legal entities.
  • Class C: Will be allowed to provide, by way of its business, all of the services of a company service provider specified in the definition of “company service provider” i.e. all CSP related activities.


Exemption for Warranted Professionals:

Those currently operating under the exemption clause (advocate, notary public, legal procurator or certified public accountant) can no longer operate under this clause and will have to obtain authorisation. Current operators will be given 2 months to submit an initial application (interests to obtain authorisation). Warranted professionals have till the 15th of May to submit their application.

Following application, within 6 months, the authority will inform the applicant whether a full or provisional authorisation is given. This will depend on the level of check and if any due diligence will be required to be carried out by the MFSA. Please note that during this period the applicant will still be able to operate.

Should the authority decide to provisionally authorise the applicant, the applicant will be given an additional 12 months to come in line with any relevant conditions. Once again, the applicant will be able to continue to operate subject to coming in line with the recommendations within this stipulated period.

Should a registered accounting firm, or any other warrant holder, does not apply within the two-month application window, then it cannot operate following the two months. As per legal notice coming into force today the 16th March 2021, a firm can only operate until the 15th May 2021. In this case,  it is imperative that all relationships are duly transferred before this date.


Under Threshold CSPs: 

Following a number of concerns raised from our end on issues relating to proportionality, MFSA have created two under threshold classes to cater for individuals who do not wish to obtain the full licence given the administrative burden and given that their client base is small.

MFSA are therefore offering two different under thresholds possibilities:


Under threshold Class A CSPs: Refers to individuals or civil partnerships in possession of a warrant, or equivalent, to carry out the profession of advocate, notary public, legal procurator or certified public accountant whose revenue from corporate services forms, or is forecast to form, in the upcoming year, not more than: [a] 35% of the combined total revenue in a calendar year from the provision of all professional services; or [b] EUR100,000, whichever is the higher. Provided that this category may not provide the service of office, a business correspondence or administrative address and other related services for a company, a partnership or any other legal entity.


Under threshold Class B CSPs: Refers to individuals who hold an aggregate of not more than ten (10) involvements. Provided that for the purposes of this definition: [i] the term involvements shall encompass acting as director or  company secretary of a company, a partner in a partnership or in a similar position in relation to other legal entities; [ii] involvements with entities which are licensed, recognised or otherwise authorised by the Authority shall not count as an involvement given that individuals holding directorships or company secretarial positions in companies which are so licensed, recognised or authorised by the Authority are not considered as providing directorship or company  secretarial services by way of business , for the purposes of authorisation in terms of the Act; [iii] involvements of the same person within the same group of companies shall only count as one single involvement.


Currently Authorised CSPs 

As mentioned in our previous emails, CSPs currently authorised under the MFSA are already subject to a number of onerous requirements. Currently authorised CSPs therefore do not need to re-apply. Therefore, in such cases no action is needed and MFSA will be getting in touch directly.


Exemption from the CSP ACT

The CSP act exempts a number of entities who are either regulated under other legislation and are therefore exempted for the purposes of the requirement of authorisation for company service providers in terms of article 3 of the Act and shall accordingly be exempted from complying with the provisions of the Act. These include persons authorised to act as trustees or provide fiduciary services or VFA agents. The full list can be found here:  https://legislation.mt/eli/ln/2021/105/eng


Trustees, other fiduciaries and VFA Agents providing CSP Services 

MFSA have issued a circular specifically addressed at persons authorised to act as trustees or to provide other fiduciary duties in terms of the Trusts and Trustees Act; and persons registered to act as a VFA Agents.

For this purpose, such persons referred to above are required to make use of the Company Service Providers Notification form which is downloadable from the MFSA website to submit such notification. This is a one-time notification, and no subsequent notifications will be required thereafter, unless the person ceases to carry out such an activity.

Notification should be made prior to carrying out the services of a company service provider within the meaning of the Act. However, if the persons referred to above, on the date of coming into force of the Exemption Regulations, were already carrying out such services, such persons are required to submit the notification to the MFSA on or before 16 May 2021.



MFSA will be organising two webinars addressed to all professionals and practitioners whose activity will now fall under the scope of the new regulatory environment as explained in our previous communications.

During the webinars, MFSA officials will delve into the details of the reform and will provide all the necessary information about the new authorisation process affecting all warranted professionals and other individuals who were exempt in terms of the Company Service Providers Act as issued in 2013.

These webinars will be an excellent opportunity to raise any specific queries and also discuss further the context and the necessity of this reform as well as the general benefit for the industry, the clients and the Maltese jurisdiction.

Webinar 1: Thursday 15th April at 10:00 – Register Here:  http://bit.ly/MFSAWEBINAR1

Webinar 2: Thursday 15th April at 14:00 – Register Here:  http://bit.ly/MFSAWEBINAR2

Both sessions will have the same content and will be organised to meet the industry’s flexibility requirements. A certificate of attendance will be issued to all attendees who have joined the webinar with their personal details.

SME Chamber representing the various Wedding Suppliers in discussions

The SME Chamber is also assisting members in handling client complaints

This is one of a number of sectors the SME Chamber has been in constant contact with since the start of Covid. This has been directed to help manage the consequences.

We have managed to extend the Wage Supplement till end of year, get the deferral on taxes and moratoria extended as well. We are now focusing on doing more in terms of helping this sector with their losses and also restart working.

What are we currently working on?


  • Consumer issues – Many operators are currently facing couples who are very emotionally charged and unwell at the moment with what they themselves are experiencing. The SME Chamber has proposed extending the refund scheme for couples also for cancelled weddings and increasing the financial assistance per couple. The SME Chamber is also assisting members in handling client complaints.


  • Planning the way ahead – We are in discussions with the authorities on having a recovery plan for 2021 and setting scenarios to give the sector greater visibility.


  • Extraordinary Investments and Losses – In order to help limit damages to the sector we have put forward proposals aimed at making up for the extraordinary circumstances the sector is going through.