Trust Payments merchants can now accept American Express card payments in Malta

Malta-based payments company enables merchants to accept the widely used international credit, debit and charge points via its Point of Sale terminals.  

Trust Payments Malta (trading as today announces the addition of American Express to the growing list of payment types that can be accepted on the company’s card terminals in Malta.   

Other payment types accepted by Trust Payments include the ever-present Visa and Mastercard cards as well as emerging methods like Samsung Pay and Apple Pay which are already available on the Trust Payments terminals. Merchants can accept these payment types by chip and PIN, contactless mode, or by using smartphones or wearables.   

“We have worked relentlessly over the past months to support Maltese merchants as best we can to help them quickly adapt to accepting payments which do not require handling the customers’ cash or cards to reduce risk of infection. We have added new functionality such as contactless and pay by link, where a merchant would be able to send a link to their customer through social media or email to make a touch-free payment,” commented Steve Grech, CEO, Trust Payments Malta. “Now we want merchants to be ready for when the locals are visiting restaurants and retail shops more frequently once again and tourists start visiting Malta. As well as American Express, we recently added Dynamic Currency Conversion; this is where a customer who does not have a Euro card (for example, a pound sterling or dollar card) can select what currency they wish to pay in at the point of sale. Our goal is to help ensure our merchants adapt and our economy does not miss out on any source of income.”   

John Pace, Chief Business Development Officer added: “On average, consumers carrying an American Express card spend three times more than consumers who don’t, and their average transactions on those cards are 1.7 times higher, according to data provided by American Express. We want merchants in Malta, no matter their size, to be able to optimise the experience and increase loyalty for such customers by being able to accept their preferred payment method.”  

Trust Payments introduced their Point of Sale (POS) terminals onto the market in Malta just over a year ago and recently signed a partnership with the Malta Chamber of SMEs, aiming to increase competition on the local market, expand the range of payment options being offered and ultimately lead to reduced costs for shopkeepers and merchants to accept card payments.

To find out more about accepting Amex cards or DCC via the Trust Payments Point of Sale terminal, contact .

Covid-19 vaccine: First person receives Pfizer jab in UK

A UK grandmother has become the first person in the world to be given the Pfizer Covid-19 jab as part of a mass vaccination programme.

Margaret Keenan, who turns 91 next week, said the injection she received at 06:31 GMT was the “best early birthday present”.

It was the first of 800,000 doses of the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine that will be dispensed in the coming weeks.

Up to four million more are expected by the end of the month.

Hubs in the UK are starting the rollout by vaccinating the over-80s and some health and care staff.

Senior NHS sources told the BBC “thousands of vaccinations” had taken place across the UK on Tuesday.

Malta is expected to start rolling out the first COVID-19 vaccines by the first week of 2021 after Europe’s medicines regulator imposed a December 29 deadline to grant its approval.

Source: BBC

“Support Local. Sustain our community” – The SME Chamber continues its billboard campaign

Following the first set of billboards in November, the Malta Chambers of SMEs has now launched its second set of billboards around Malta & Gozo, focusing on the importance to support local businesses.

This is part of a wider campaign supported by EU Funds, with testimonials by various members of the SME Chamber.

This campaign is an outreach effort that highlights the benefits of social dialogue and that being united with one voice benefits businesses directly.

Other testimonials will be published in the coming weeks on various mediums.

Malta Chamber of SMEs joins European SMEs call for support to realise EU goals

Mr Paul Abela, President of the Malta Chamber of SMEs participated during this General Assembly

Ursula von der Leyen, President of the European Commission addressed the SMEunited General Assembly

President von der Leyen in her keynote address highlighted that the crisis made it clear that society can count on SMEs, also in difficult times. Small and medium enterprises around Europe shifted their production towards protective equipment, disinfectants and ventilators in a very short time. Looking forward, she invited SME organisations to join forces for true recovery.

In their declaration, the SMEunited General Assembly calls on Member States and the European Parliament to approve without delay the Next Generation EU – with the Recovery and Resilience Facility – and to focus on solvency support for SMEs.

With 40% of European SMEs on the verge of insolvency, SME representatives urge EU Governments to take their responsibility. Moreover, authorities at all levels should align and cooperate with SME organisations for the design and implementation of Recovery and Resilience Plans.

“The outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic shifted the priorities to immediate crisis management and initiatives essential for the EU’s post-crisis recovery”, stated President Maggiar. “Now it is time to implement the initiatives for the recovery of Europe which can only be done with the involvement of SMEs”, he emphasised.

SMEs ask for better regulation to put the “Think Small First” principle into practice, that shall ensure their compliance with legislation in a cost efficient and easy manner. The Single Market should remain effective during the pandemic and be strengthened for the future.

To further drive digital transformation, safe and well-developed infrastructure, standards and connectivity are required. In addition, a level playing field, as well as an equal access to data must be ensured for SMEs to maintain their activity and develop new products, services and business models.

Finally, SME representatives reiterate their support for the Green Deal. They insist on a facilitating and unburdening policy to support SMEs towards a circular and carbon-neutral economy. Sustainable finance has to ensure access to funding for all SMEs. The supply of energy at affordable prices has to be guaranteed.


Malta Chamber of SMEs meets Parliamentary Secretary to discuss the latest updates about BREXIT

Deal or No Deal: Uncertainty Surrounding Brexit Continues

The Malta Chamber of SMEs and Parliamentary Secretary for European Funds Stefan Zrinzo Azzopardi on Thursday met to discuss the latest developments related to BREXIT.

During the meeting, Parliamentary Secretary for European Funds Stefan Zrinzo Azzopardi emphasised the importance for everyone to be informed on the changes BREXIT will be bringing about.

He stated that, together with this contingency plan, an information campaign was launched to inform all stakeholders on the effect of these changes. This was done in coordination with all the concerned entities and governmental departments.

During this meeting, various matters were discussed amongst which there was the importance of the training on new tariffs and systems which will be affecting all those enterprises which import or conduct commercial activities with the United Kingdom. For this purpose, training courses are being provided, whilst preparations are underway so that all employees and enterprises are informed of the changes.

The Malta Chamber of SMEs President Mr Paul Abela welcomed these initiatives and said that they are collaborating with the customs department so that importers, a substantial part of which are all SMEs, will be prepared for the new system.

All this will be accompanied with other efforts so that citizens, especially those Maltese who are residing in the UK and UK citizens who are residing in Malta, remain informed of the changes whilst ensuring to fill all the necessary forms according to the regulations put in place by Identity Malta and authorities in the United Kingdom.

The Malta Chamber of SMEs announced that a Webinar about the latest developments on Brexit will be organised for its members on Wednesday 16th December 2020. More information will be announced shortly on its social platforms.

For more information one should follow the official pages of the ‘Brexit – Be Prepared’ campaign and access the website Direct assistance is also being provided to citizens and businesses, both via the Brexit helpline 153 and via e-mail at  where individual questions are being answered specifically.

The Malta Chamber of SMEs partners with Trust Payments; Works towards improving competition related to card and electronic payments

The Malta Chamber of SMEs has today undertaken another step towards embracing competition in the market for cards and electronic payments providers by partnering up with Point of Sale (POS) and payment solutions provider Trust Payments.  The partnership aims to increase competition on the local market, expand the range of payment options being offered and ultimately lead to reduced costs for shopkeepers and merchants to accept card payments.

The drive towards online payments, reducing the use of cash and purchasing as contactless and even at a distance as possible has never been so strong. Covid has made this a basic need and consumer expectation. Some businesses have already shifted and are continuing to shift and strengthening their online presence and online and electronic payment facilities.

Cashless payments present in fact many advantages, yet businesses report an increase in cost on the charges related to card transactions in view of increasing volumes. A study conducted in collaboration with MasterCard just last year in fact found that 33% of merchants pay between 1.5% and 2% while 31% pay over 2% on each transaction. The same study also found that 29% of local merchants still do not accept card payment of which 73% of respondents that do not accept card payments, identified the cost associated with POS machines as a major reason for not accepting card payments. Malta remains one of the countries with the highest use of cash.

The increase in electronic transactions has therefore also resulted in a bigger hidden cost for businesses and consumers, which cost mitigation is a priority, now more than ever in times of economic struggle, to be tackled.

The Malta Chamber of SMEs has in the past years called for more service providers offering electronic payment services to enter the local market with the aim of increasing competition and as a result offering more cost-effective options that would encourage more businesses to offer such facilities.

The President of the Malta Chamber of SMEs Mr. Paul Abela, stated that it is high time for such value for money service in online and electronic payments to be made available on the Maltese market. It has become a priority of national interest to move towards a cashless society as much as possible and encouraging businesses in taking up such initiatives.

Trust Payments Malta CEO Mr. Steven Grech said that “We are delighted to partner with the Malta Chamber of SMEs who represent over 7,000 merchants and who are the leading voice of independent private businesses. We believe our partnership will benefit the Maltese business community as well as consumers at large.”


Further information:  

About Trust Payments Group

Trust Payments is a global unified payments group for global pay-in, pay-out and customer journey technologies. Their mission is to help businesses to optimise their sales and customer experience through facilitating speedy and seamless payments. Our single sign-on technology platform can process payments with over 50 global acquiring banks, including their own EU-licenced institution,

Their community benefits from our 20+ years of payments experience and unrivalled customer focus. Their trusted and robust technology solutions deliver 1.6 bn transactions annually for 7,000 active clients across eCommerce, mobile and Point of Sale (POS) and in 14 like-for-like settlement currencies. They also operate in the US with money transmission services and gaming vendor licences in key regulated markets. Visit us at and

Press Release: Businesses reach expectations overall for Black Friday

Black Friday was still exceptional when compared to the rest of the year and sometimes even comparable to last year’s Black Friday

This year was expected to be a tougher year with all the challenges Covid brought with it. Businesses were therefore managing their expectations, however they still worked much harder to secure the best outcome.

Even though initial reactions vary, Black Friday was still exceptional when compared to the rest of the year and sometimes even comparable to last year’s Black Friday.

Starting from the most positive the Home Electronics sector did very well. Businesses reporting levels close to or exceeding Black Friday of last year. Home related businesses also did quite well. Most of the businesses said that people are spending more time at home and therefore home investments have remained strong.

The clothing sector had less positive results however overall they are content with the results so far. Casual clothing did better in this category and most businesses say they reached 50% to 85% of Black Friday of last year. These businesses also expect business to continue picking up today as people can focus more on their purchases after work.

The Elegant and occasion wear unfortunately did not fare well at all. People appear to have little scope in buying occasion wear with the different way in which people will be experiencing the festive season this year due to the Covid restrictions.

Online shopping increased, even dramatically in some cases, this Black Friday. Apart from this, businesses also reported having on the shopfloor additional staff specifically to help manage people and ensure the health guidelines are followed.

An interesting fact is that businesses planned for a larger number of days during which to run their Black Friday offers this year and that is one way in which some businesses will manage to reach their targets compared to last year, on a longer number of days.

In fact, most Black Friday offers do not end today and keep extending over the weekend and sometimes even beyond. Through the SME Chamber’s ‘A Guide to Black Friday’, consumers will be able to see which days the offers will continue to run on and plan their shopping accordingly.

Malta Chamber of SMEs co-founder of The Foundation for Transport

The Malta Chamber of SMEs will have an active role in this foundation

The Foundation for Transport was today established to work with various stakeholders to assist the transport industry to go through the transition of reskilling and upskilling its human resources. The Malta Chamber of SMEs is one of the co-founders of this foundation together with Malta Enterprise, Transport Malta, MCAST and MEA.

The Malta Chamber of SMEs will have an active role in this foundation mainly to promote the initiatives with its members, raise topics highlighted by its members and assist in the drafting of policy.

The target market will be employees already in employment in the transport industry but also apprentices/students who will be future employees. The Foundation will target all modes of transport, including logistics and road safety, are taken into consideration.

The main objectives of the Foundation for Transport are:

  • To promote, organize, provide, develop, manage and facilitate innovative upskilling and reskilling training modules for key-players, employees and stakeholders, and the public at large, for the purpose of ameliorating the transport industry in Malta and Gozo;
  • To arrange and provide for, or join in arranging and providing various training initiatives which may take various forms such as courses, meetings, lectures, classes, seminars, training programmes, exchanges and events;
  • To organize seminars, training or other educational endeavours, to promote improvement and professionalism in the transport industry;
  • To promote the publication of periodicals and other papers of professional interest and importance with particular focus on the transport industry.
  • To promote research and study in the transport industry to tackle matters both existing and any which might be developed in the future.

The signing took place today in the presence of the President of Malta Dr. George Vella at San Anton Palace.

Thousands benefit from Black Friday offers in stores and online

This year, Black Friday is different, adapting to challenges due to Covid-19. Throughout the last few weeks, especially this week, businesses offered several offers and included additional convenience for consumers, extended Black Friday to days or weeks, extended hours,  online offers and this meant safer shopping for consumers.

This morning customers visited shops while both businesses and customers observed all Covid-19 regulations.

Earlier this week, the Malta Chamber of SMEs launched a Guide to local Black Friday Offers with over 200 businesses participating and over 400 outlets across Malta and Gozo.

The SME Chamber’s initiative this year is in line with our national priorities and in fact apart from highlighting which stores are carrying the Black Friday discounts, their locality and opening hours, this year the SME Chamber is also highlighting which stores are carrying out offers online and also providing delivery service.

It is very positive to note that an increasing number of businesses participating in the initiative but more than this that businesses have overcome what used to be a national disadvantage and are now able to provide a full service of buying online and delivering.

The SME Chamber emphasis that by supporting local we are supporting our own jobs and families.