Have you spotted our billboards?

A campaign on the benefits of social dialogue

“The Malta Chamber of SMEs was the only entity that contacted us during the pandemic to ask about our needs”

Following the launch of our rebranding in January and the new website in September, the Malta Chamber is now launching a new campaign on Malta’s roads.

Part of a wider campaign supported by EU Funds, the Malta Chamber of SMEs launched a billboard campaign on Monday which shall continue throughout November and December with testimonials by various members of the SME Chamber.
The first two testimonials launch are of Antoinette Doneo, Director at Doneo Co Ltd. stating that the Malta Chamber of SMEs was the only entity that contacted them during the pandemic to ask about their needs, and Tonio Camilleri, CEO of C. Camilleri & Sons Ltd, the oldest company of Camilleri Group, dating back to 1843, saying that without the backing of the SME Chamber, they would not be standing where they are today.

This campaign is an outreach effort that highlights the benefits of social dialogue and that being united with one voice benefits businesses directly.

Other testimonials will be published in the coming weeks.

Extension of temporary relief for customs duties and VAT on goods needed to combat Covid-19

The Customs Department would like to inform you that the European Commission decided to prolong, by six (6) months, up to 30th April 2021, the temporary relief for customs duties and VAT (COMMISSION DECISION (EU) 2020/491 of 3 April 2020) on the import of medical devices and protective equipment from third countries in order to help in the fight against coronavirus.

For additional clarification, kindly contact Director Compliance & Systems, Mr Alan Mamo (Tel: 25685110 or email: ).

Jobsplus issues 3rd call of the Access to Employment Aid Scheme

The A2E Scheme has been re-designed to make it simpler to benefit from Employment Aid.
The A2E Scheme is co-financed by the European Social Fund (ESF), the Maltese Government and the Employers.
This Scheme is manged by Jobsplus and falls under Malta’s Operational Programme II of the ESF – ‘Investing in human capital to create more opportunities and promote the wellbeing of society’ for the 2014-2020 Programming Period. Under this scheme the Beneficiary is being co-financed for the wages of its employees through the European Social Funds.

The Aid Scheme offers €104 (or €155 for persons with disability) weekly for 52 weeks, 104 weeks or 156 weeks (depending on the employee).

Complete applications must be submitted by the end of September 2023 and recruitment must take place by end  of October 2023. Grant will be awarded on first-come first-served basis, subject to the annual ceilings and total budget.

Complete applications, together with all supporting documentation (if any) must be submitted in full. Applications are to be submitted electronically on

Application form may be downloaded from here.

For more information click here.


New Scheme: Tourism workers can now join COVID-19 contact tracing team

A fresh scheme by the Malta Tourism Authority and Malta Enterprise will allow workers left idle due to the pandemic to join Malta’s contact tracing team.

Anyone employed with MTA-licensed businesses, such as bar workers and others affected by the country’s latest COVID-19 restrictions, are encouraged to help with contract-tracing duties as the country continues to battle the virus.

All those involved will receive the €800 wage supplement as well as an extra €5.28 per hour for their work.

All interested businesses are to notify the MTA with a list of their employees.

All interested parties can send an e-mail to not later than 4th November. Alternatively one can call 2169 2447 .


Budget 2021 – Latest Updates from Malta Enterprise

The Malta Chamber of SMEs has come to members, immediately following the Budget 2021 announcements, with a discussion with Malta Enterprise CEO, Mr Kurt Farrugia, to shed light on a number of measures mentioned in the Budget, the idea behind them and what to expect in the coming days, weeks and months.

Below we have included the main budget highlights as well as the added value information that we have up till today.


Budget announcement:  Another round of vouchers is set to be issued. The vouchers will be divided in more of an equal manner – 60 for hotels, restaurants, accommodation and 40 for retail and services.

More Information:  

The Voucher system will not only be relaunched but will be also wider in scope. Whilst, originally, only the businesses that were forced to close by order of the Health Authorities due to Covid, were able to register to take part in the voucher scheme, the next round will give greater opportunities for new businesses to participate since other sectors that were not ordered to close where in reality still closed as they were seeing no business at all. The voucher new voucher scheme should therefore be open to all businesses that have suffered severe loss of business during Covid.

The SME Chamber is currently in discussions with the government on the best time to re-launch the new set of vouchers.


Wage Supplement 

Budget announcement:  Extended till end of March 2021 and will be revamped to ensure those businesses needing the help most will be getting it.

More Information:  

The wage supplement will be taking a fairer assessment of how businesses were impacted by the pandemic. The government will therefore be moving away from the nace code system and assessing actual impact. One way being discussed is to calculate the impact of the reduction based on change in turnover year on year. It is still unsure which type of business return or otherwise will be utilised but the ultimate aim is to ensure that those businesses hit the worst by the pandemic get the best in terms of aid and others will get an amounts that is relative to their impact.

The new Wage Supplement will not add any bureaucracy to businesses and will also be worked in a way to make it easy for Malta Enterprise to evaluate. Any changes put in place in the Wage Supplement will be discussed with the Chamber of SMEs as social partner.

Apart from being extended till end of March, there will also be a possibility to integrate new employees on the wage supplement. The mechanics and eligibility of this is still being discussed.

New Malta Enterprise Innovation Scheme 

Budget announcement:  Malta Enterprise to issue a scheme targeted at productive investment. This scheme will be open to businesses employing less than 50 employees that choose to embark on innovative projects including tech investments to improve their operation in terms of efficiency and cost, assistance in finding new markets and employing qualified employees. The scheme will be open for a duration of 1 year and will finance 50% of the investment up to Eur 200,000. The aid will increase by an additional Eur 35,000 if the investment is carried out in collaboration with a research institute.  

More Information:  

In terms of how to calculate the 50 employees, the likelihood is that companies will be taken individually in terms of the calculation and not altogether as a group.

Mainly targeted at the manufacturing sector to regenerate and reinvent business functioning through innovative systems and upgrades. This includes Industry 4.0 and the Internet of Things, increase sustainability, coming up with a new product, investing in new IT systems, etc.


Budget Announcement:  Help for businesses selling online and amalgamation with distribution systems. 

More Information:  
A wider scheme in terms of targeted business audience that will continue supporting businesses to have access to the different tools necessary to successfully sell online.


Industrial Areas 

Budget Announcement:  450M for the coming 7 years for new spaces for businesses – Including spaces for SMEs and new Logistics Hub 

More Information: 
Capital expenditure in new industrial spaces to ensure we have enough industrial capacity so that industry finds the physical space they need. These are not office spaces – which are abundantly available, but state-of-the-art business incubation areas for innovative local and foreign businesses in life-sciences and the digital sphere.


Export and Foreign Markets 

Malta Enterprise CEO Kurt Farrugia also mentioned the increased importance and potential he is seeing in nearshoring and the increased focus on forming our own new ideas at local level and supporting indigenous Maltese businesses to grow. Mr Farrugia emphasised on the need to lower our country’s reliance on Chinese and South Asian imports. Instead Malta Enterprise will be supporting tapping into new markets of great potential to export which certainly includes Africa.

A Budget that extends the safety-net for Businesses, more tax incentives should follow to enable new investments

Budget 2021

The Malta Chamber of SMEs is pleased to see a number of its Budget proposals taken up and welcomes the extension of the most important Covid Support measures.

The SME Chamber welcomes the extension of the wage supplement, as proposed, till end of March. It is apparent also that a fairer system will be adopted that ensures that all enterprises requiring help will be receiving this assistance. A positive development will also be the possibility to integrate new employees on this assistance, something that was causing great practical difficulties to business owners.

Another positive is the fresh round of vouchers that is announced to be released. The Malta Chamber of SMEs appreciates the fairer distribution of the allocation of the vouchers between sectors, which is another proposal that came from the SME Chamber and was taken up. This measure will be essential to re-energise consumption with immediate effect to guarantee the best outcome for the fast approaching most important business period for many sectors.

In line with the SME Chambers’ proposals, Budget 2021 also incentivises investments to help businesses in their digital and sustainable transformations. Businesses are being directed to re-engineer their business models and invest heavily in digital tools. The SME Chamber emphasis for strong incentives in this sense given the delicate condition many enterprises are in at the moment.

Tax incentives and the lowering of VAT rates would have boosted businesses’ ability to invest. A step that many other EU countries have taken, which is absent in Malta’s 2021 Budget. On the other hand however the SME Chamber positively notes the widening of the bracket for tax exempt businesses from Eur 20,000 to Eur 30,000.

Another necessary pillar for investment is the Banks. The Malta Chamber of SMEs believes that the Banks are still not delivering in being the protagonists they should be in the current situation. The banks must pull up their sleeves and see how they can ensure business survival and be catalysts for investment. All too often business owners are reporting failures in terms of banking support for SMEs.

All in all this budget aims to instill confidence in Maltese businesses and aims to sustain Malta’s economy during these exceptional circumstances. The SME Chamber will continue to offer support to its members and work hand in hand with the government in order to ensure the safeguarding of its members livelihoods and that of their employees.

Covid-19: Masks made mandatory outdoors, bars to close at 11pm

Masks will be made mandatory outdoors and bars and clubs will be ordered to shut by 11pm in a new wave of measures intended to slow down the spread of COVID-19.

The measures impacting establishments will come into effect on Monday. Those not wearing masks in all outdoor public places will be fined from October 24.

Addressing the news conference, Prime Minister Robert Abela described this as a critical time in the country’s fight against COVID-19.

A message from the CEO: An important juncture in a difficult period

“The coming days will however be very decisive”

A very important juncture is looming. We are right on the doorstep of new actions that will be announced to control the spread of the virus and also on the most important budget, possibly in the history of Budgets, to be announced.

Times of excitement, pressures and stress. This time would have been more exciting hadn’t we been here, in this position, awaiting this important news that is potentially life changing to your individual businesses, all too frequently over the 7 last months.  

The coming days will however be very decisive and, days that we as a Chamber have been working hard to prepare for in the direction of the best outcome, for months now. 

Throughout this period we have tried our very best to assist our members and the business community in general in all ways possible.  

 The coming months are not expected to be easy but we will be there with our continued support. The day following the Budget we will already be coming to you with a webinar explaining the highlights of the Budget. We are teaming up with Malta Enterprise and having Kurt Farrugia as CEO discussing the upcoming priorities and schemes. 

 It is an activity not to be missed to gear up for the months to come. It will be an important stepping stone and the basis for the planning you will need to undertake to benefit from the schemes available as much as possible and use this time as valuably as you can. 

 On a daily basis I speak to countless business owners and your feedback and updates are invaluable to me. Apart from my enjoyment in staying in touch with you it gives me a sense of security that I am in sync with the people I represent and have been entrusted to speak for.  


 I therefore appreciate you dropping me a line every now and then with your news, both good and bad, to keep me updated with what is going on. This helps me a lot in the work I do and fulfil my duty in the best possible way. 

 You can use any communication channel the SME Chamber has available to get in touch with me as you feel comfortable. 

 I look forward to hearing from you. 

Abigail Mamo

CEO Malta Chamber of SMEs

The Impact of Covid at the Workplace – The top 10 basics to follow 

The top 10 basics to follow


The number of new cases in Malta remains on the high side when compared to lower numbers that we have seen before. It is also however true that we are all living in the closest form of normality and finding this tricky balance of keeping numbers down while life moves on. 

While the country continues to limit the effects of Covid and also the effects this brings on the economy and our society, disruption is unfortunately the order of the day.   

As those following updates from the Ministry for Health related to the virus cases know, on a daily basis, a small number of the cases reported relate to contagion at the place of work. This of course causes an even greater level of disruption and being careful and formalising protocols to follow will help reduce the disruption at the workplace. 

Each workplace needs to be analysed on its own merit but it is important that this takes place as it is a legal duty of the employer to ensure a safe working environment.  


The most basic steps to follow are: 

  1. Staff experiencing symptoms not to come to the workplace (fever, cough, sore throat, shortness of breath, runny/blocked nose, headaches, tiredness, muscle pain, loss of taste, loss of smell, vomiting, diarrhoea, together with additional symptoms being recognised including sinus pain and expectoration)

  2. Ensure a high level of cleaning and hygiene at the workplace

  3. Making masks/visors available for staff to be worn in common areas and avoiding prolonged use of common areas such as kitchens and taking it in turns 

  4. Making masks/visors available for visitors to keep on for the duration on their stay at the workplace 

  5. Making hand sanitisers available (70% alcohol based) 

  6. Clustering staff members who have to work in close proximity and avoid interaction between clusters. Communication between staff as much as possible to be done from own workspace by phone or online 

  7. Social distancing to be observed in general 

  8. Reorganisation of layouts, shifts and working time where possible 

  9. Open windows or extractors where possible to enhance circulation of air 

  10. Signage (especially for larger working environments) as a reminder and awareness raising tool 


The full set of measures one can follow at the workplace can be find through the following link: https://bit.ly/2GFmR3k 

The full set of guidelines per workplace type and activity can be accessed here: https://bit.ly/36OcBQQ  

Stay Safe!