A first of its kind – The misco National Employee Engagement Survey is a study that offers invaluable insights into the sentiments of employees across various industries in Malta, providing a comprehensive overview of their workplace experiences, perceptions of corporate culture, and overall job satisfaction.
Employee engagement needs to be considered as an important pillar of success for organisations. It goes beyond mere job satisfaction, impacting productivity, innovation, and ultimately, the economic growth of the country.
When employees feel engaged, they are more likely to invest themselves fully in their work, leading to increased productivity. This dedication translates into tangible results, driving businesses forward. Moreover, engaged employees are key drivers of innovation. By fostering a culture where ideas are freely exchanged and collaboration is encouraged, organisations can tap into the creativity and problem-solving skills of their workforce. Employee engagement is not just about business success; it is also about the well-being of individuals. Engaged employees tend to experience higher levels of job satisfaction. On the other hand, disengagement can lead to burnout and stress, negatively impacting both the individual and the organisation.
Recognising the growing demand among companies for comparative data on employee engagement within the local market, misco is able to provide employers with a benchmark to assess and enhance employee engagement within their organisations. The survey covers employees’ perception of overall corporate culture, trust and team spirit, communication at work, their relationship with management, the work environment and wellness, opportunities for work-life balance, skills and abilities, learning and development. Organisations can utilise this insight to benchmark their current engagement and identify areas where they excel or need improvement.
The survey revealed several key findings. Firstly, a significant majority of respondents (85%) felt a strong connection between their work and their company’s outcomes, demonstrating a sense of purpose among employees. Additionally, an overwhelming majority (89%) understood the company’s core values, indicating alignment with its mission. However, demographic trends showed slight variations in work prioritisation based on gender and age, with males and older employees exhibiting slightly higher levels of prioritisation. The findings suggest a generally positive work environment, with employees feeling connected to the company’s mission and values.
The survey findings indicate that employees prioritise factors such as salary, working conditions, and opportunities for growth when considering employment options. However, communication within the workplace emerged as a notable area for improvement, with only 40% of employees feeling adequately informed about matters directly affecting them.
When considering growth and development opportunities within companies, there appears to be a disconnect between perceived support from employers and actual experiences. While most respondents believed their company provided adequate support for career development, fewer felt that their workplace actively promoted staff retention. Furthermore, concerns regarding job stress and workload were prevalent, particularly among employees in leadership roles and those with longer tenures. Despite these challenges, a significant proportion of respondents had not actively sought alternative employment in the past three years.
These findings highlight the importance of effective communication within organisations. Clear and transparent communication fosters trust, engagement, and a sense of belonging among employees. Additionally, it is important for employers to bridge the gap between perceived and actual support for growth and development. By aligning organisational practices with employees’ expectations, employers can enhance retention rates and create a more positive work environment.
Reflecting on the survey’s implications, it emphasises the importance of fostering an engaged workforce and creating a contributing culture. Employers are encouraged to leverage the survey data as a reference point and leverage this insight as a nationalbenchmark facilitating informed decision-making and enhancing overall job satisfaction.
The misco National Employee Engagement Survey offers valuable insights into the dynamics of the Maltese workforce. By addressing communication gaps, providing supportive work environments, and offering opportunities for growth, we can further enhance employee engagement and drive organisational success.
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*Sponsored article by Misco Malta