Information Session on how you may achieve energy and water savings? (Childcare Centres)
The Energy and Water Agency with the support of the Chamber of SMEs has in the past months conducted Energy and Water Awareness visits in a number of Childcare centres. The ultimate goal of these visits was to produce recommendations and educate the responsible persons at these enterprises in reducing energy consumption, lower related operational costs and contribute to a more environmentally sustainable facility.
To present the findings an online meeting is being held where officers of the Energy and Water Agency and Malta Enterprise will explain the ‘recommendations’ and associated schemes how their implementation can be supported
Your participation is solicited in order to enhance your operational efficiency, reduce the environmental footprint and continue to inspire of culture of sustainability.
Kindly note that only SME Chamber paid up members will be able to attend, those who are not members may join and attend the session.
Meeting link will be sent following registration confirmation.
Register: https://sme-chamber-mt.odoo.com/event/webinar-malta-chamber-of-smes-ewa-childcare-centres-33/register