Malta Chamber of SMEs COO participates during the European Employment and Social Rights Forum
07 March 2025
Earlier today Malta Chamber of SMEs COO Mr Andrew Aquilina participated as a panellist during...
Il-GRTU – Malta Chamber of SME’s – tirrikonoxxi l-importanza tat-Time Share bhala parti integrali mill-pakkett turistiku li toffri Malta u konsistentament tghat is-support taghha lill-organizazzjonijiet u l-investituri li joffru t-Time Share.
Il-GRTU u l-Bejgh tat-Time Share
Il-GRTU – Malta Chamber of SME’s – tirrikonoxxi l-importanza tat-Time Share bhala parti integrali mill-pakkett turistiku li toffri Malta u konsistentament tghat is-support taghha lill-organizazzjonijiet u l-investituri li joffru t-Time Share.
Il-GRTU izda persistentament topponi l-mod goff u xejn accettabbli li xi bejjiegha tat-Time Share juzaw biex ibieghu l-progetti f’dati f’idejhom. Il-maggoranza tal-OPC’s jafu xogholhom sewwa u ma jabbuzawx izda x’uhud idejqu lin-nies u jabbuzaw. Dawn qed jghamlu hsara lill-Malta u b’mod partikulari lis-sidien tal-hwienet fiz-zoni frekwentati mit-turisti.
Il-GRTU hadet passi dwar dan u insistiet bil kbir mall-Ministri koncernati biex dawn l-abbuzi jinqatghu bla ebda preferenza ma hadd. (Mehmuza ma din l-istqarrija kopja tat-talba tal-GRTU :
“Another summer and again we have another sorry state caused by many time-share vendors as many streets in tourist areas witness daily time-share vendor’s disgrace themselves through highly unacceptable behavior. I mention specifically streets in Bugibba and Qawra, but not exclusively as reports reach us also from other tourists localities.
In the areas near the Qawra/Bugibba Bus Terminus and on the Front groups of time-share vendors aggregate and literally chase and block tourists from entering retail outlets. The situation is worse in relation to certain retail outlets as these vendors are not only scaring tourists away from these commercial outlets but most daringly speak negatively and issue false statements against shop owners who cause these vendors to move from the vicinity of their shops.
GRTU is aware that the Ministry is introducing new badges and new allocations for time-share vendors. But this is not enough. Unless the Ministry’s enforcement section and Malta Tourism Authority ensure more discipline and issue regulations that prohibit vendors from grouping in numbers of more than two and preclude them from loitering in front of licenced commercial premises the irresponsible vendors will continue to act unhindered. The rules should also prohibit these people from selling from a fixed point in proximity of licenced commercial premises within a distance of 20 meters.
GRTU urges you to take immediate action without waiting for the ripple negative impact of another whole summer. GRTU is informing its members of this request and encourage them to provide GRTU with more details in preparation for a national campaign of protest should time share operators refuse to abide by more stringent and decent rules that respect other entrepreneurs whose livelihood also depends on tourism.
Il-GRTU illum ghalhekk tifrah lil Ministru tat-Turizmu li ha inizjattiva decisiva biex min qed jabbuza jitwarrab.
The Malta Chamber of SMEs represents over 7,000 members from over 90 different sectors which in their majority are either small or medium sized companies, and such issues like the one we're experiencing right now, it's important to be united. Malta Chamber of SMEs offers a number of different services tailored to its members' individual requirements' and necessities. These range from general services offered to all members to more individual & bespoke services catered for specific requirements.
A membership with Malta Chamber of SMEs will guarantee that you are constantly updated and informed with different opportunities which will directly benefit your business and help you grow. It also entails you to a number of services which in their majority are free of charge and offered exclusively to its members (in their majority all free of charge).