Philip Fenech: ‘Quality tourism’ in Malta must be defined before it can be achieved
12 March 2025
Malta is now in a position to refine its offerings and elevate its tourism sector...
Packaging and Packaging waste producers are todue note of changes to be shortly adopted to Annex 1 of the Packaging Waste Directive. The amendment of Annex 1 of Directive 94/62/EC replaces the current text set out in this Directive.
For reasons of legal certainty and harmonisation of the interpretation of the definition of ‘Packaging', it has become necessary to review and amend the list of illustrative examples.
As indicated in the revised Annex, the following items shall be addressed as a priority: CD and video cases, flower pots, tubes and cylinders around which flexible material is wound, release paper of self adhesive labels and wrapping paper.
The Directive deems Member States, including Malta to bring into force the laws, regulations and Provisions necessary to comply with these Changes by 31st December 2011, at the latest.
A copy of Annex 1 and the illustrative examples shall be sent shortly to all GRTU members and any addittional information required is to be obtained by contacting GRTU on 21 232881/3.
Addittionaly Green MT, GRTU's subsidiary, continues to urge ‘producers' of packaging to join the National Authorised Scheme operated by Green MT. Producers or importers are being advised that failure to abide to the obligations of Legal Notice 277 of 2006 will place these producers liable to administrative and other penalties very shortly.
Currently Green MT operates logistical collections of separated waste from 41 Local Councils. Green mt has reached 280 members who place packaging on the market. Last year alone 120 member producers placed 11,585 tons of Packaging waste on the market. Green MT recovered 14, 600 tons of packaging waste in 2010 and just over 17,400 tons since July 01, 2009.
Green MT is the largest Scheme in volume terms, that has now taken the responsability both to shoulder obligations of its members and also to continue to provide support to all Local Councils for the recovery of separated waste from these Local Councils.
These operations are in the hanging unless Government Authorities, including MEPA and the Approving Body (Eco Contribution Exemption) provide the necessary enforcement so that current free riders to the system join the Approved Authorised Scheme. Every day a decision is not taken is another nail in the coffin to Authorised Schemes.
Government has provided much talk about initiatives in collection of separated waste and recyclables. Today Government does not fork out a cent for these operations. Private industry, importers and traders pay for these services through contribtion to Authorised Schemes. However a substantial amount of producers have not joined Schemes, (2000 producers). The Government continues to allow such a situation because it is not receiving the final bill for the services provided.
We are counting the days and the promises. Unless Government keeps his word, we shall take the matter up with the European Commission in the strongest of ways. We will use all means possible to make sure that what private industry has started with the best technical practices at the lowest of cost in recovery and final recycling of packaging waste will continue.
GRTU has given too much of its energy to make sure this operation continues in the best interest of the business community. We will not be deterred. There will be no turning back. We will stand up to be counted.
The Malta Chamber of SMEs represents over 7,000 members from over 90 different sectors which in their majority are either small or medium sized companies, and such issues like the one we're experiencing right now, it's important to be united. Malta Chamber of SMEs offers a number of different services tailored to its members' individual requirements' and necessities. These range from general services offered to all members to more individual & bespoke services catered for specific requirements.
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