The Malta Chamber of SMEs gave life to its rebranding strategy at the beginning of 2020. Since then we started building on our new brand on the public front. We are pleased to say that later during this busy year, during September 2020, the Malta Chamber of SMEs completed its regeneration process with the launch of its brand-new website. The new website is state-of-the-art and offers enhanced user accessibility and functionality. The highlight however is the added value this website will be giving to our members.
The new website,, part-financed by the European Social Fund, aims to offer an added layer of support to all businesses, especially members, through the access of premium content in terms of resources. Businesses, especially members, will have access to basic resources, to give them better tools to work with and easier compliance.
The Malta Chamber of SMEs is a 70 year old organisation, and, similarly to the rebranding exercise, we are not wiping the past but building on it and strengthening it. The new website therefore includes past resources in the previous website that will be found through the search function.
The SME Chamber website also offers online payment options. New members will be able to apply and become members instantly and start benefitting from all benefits associated with the Membership.
The online Payment gateway is powered by our partners, which offers online and electronic payments solutions.